
Kindergarden closed: high tension lines


Parents in two kindergardens that are close to high tension lines in Yokneam, clarified that they didn't intend to bring their children back after the Passower vacation, because of the high radiation in the area. The utility company objected but the mayor was convinced and found for them two alternative buildings. the parents are now relieved: "We are very satisfied that are our children will not be exposed anymore to radiation that risks their health" said Keren Malka, mother of Tal, 5 years old.

Before the holiday the mayor received the opinion of Dr. Danny Wolf, a pediatric who is an expert of the health effects from non-ionizing radiation. Wolf wrote: "the standard demands distance of 30 meters from a high tension line, but the distance from the kindergarden is only 20 meters, and the yard is near the line. So conclusively, the situation described here is in contrast to the law and standard".

Wolf explained more: "the radiation measurements do not reflect because the measurement was taken when the power consumption was the lowest, at 9 AM. The environment ministry accepts 10 miligaus as highest limit whereas there is no doubt that in the kindergarden the radiation is higher. At level above 4 mG the children are at risk to contract the worst disease of all - cancer" he determined.

Two weeks ago an article was published http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3380737,00.html The article told the story of Tal, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor two months ago. The Malka family are convinced he got it from the radiation near the kindergarden.

Malka drew the other parents' attention to the data she collected about the radiation in the place, and she talked to Dr. Wolf to hear his opinion. "He told me clearly, that Tal and his friends should not be in the kindergarden. He recommended: either the line moves or the kindergarden moves". She added: until it touches you, you are not aware of the dangers, you don't really know that high tension line can hurt your child's health.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Effects of GSM-mobile phone base stations on the lifetime of a population


When Bees Disappear, Will Man Soon Follow?

Apr 5th, 2007, 7:45 AM

Jean-Claude Gerard Koven

Last week I received an email from a friend reporting a sudden, devastating collapse in America's bee population. The message triggered an immediate unpleasant shiver through my body as I recalled the ominous quote attributed to Albert Einstein: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.

No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

Being a bit skeptical, I assumed this was just another piece of alarmist misinformation finding its way onto Internet distribution lists. A few minutes' research not only confirmed the story, but made me realize that the problem is far from local. In official circles, the condition is called either Fall-Dwindle Disease or, more commonly, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

The communication I received stated: "Honeybees are flying off in search of pollen and nectar and simply never returning to their colonies.

During the final three months of 2006, a distressing number of honeybee colonies began to diminish from the United States, and beekeepers all over the country have reported unprecedented losses. According to scientists, the domesticated honeybee population has declined by about 50 percent in the last 50 years. Reports of similar losses to the honeybee population have been documented before in beekeeping literature, but are widely believed to have occurred at this scale previously only at a regional level. With outbreaks recorded as far back as 1896, this is regarded as the first national honeybee epidemic in U.S. history."

The topics grabbing headlines these days leave little room in the news for the plight of an insect. What we fail to appreciate is that without an abundance of bees to pollinate crops, the United States could lose as much as 30 percent of its food supply. According to Zac Browning, vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation, "Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food."

There is no doubt about what is happening - or its consequences if the situation is not rectified. What remains murky is the cause. According to Walter Haefeker, director of the German Beekeepers Association, CCD has four possible causes: the varroa mite, introduced from Asia; the widespread practice of spraying wildflowers with herbicides; the practice of monoculture (a single crop covering a large area); and the controversial yet growing use of genetic engineering in agriculture.

However, it is the thinking of one of the cell phone industry's former scientific hired guns that caught my attention. When George Carlo, M.D., the celebrated author of "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age" and current chairman of the nonprofit Science and Public Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., weighs in with an opinion, we'd all be fools not to listen carefully.

On a recent conference call, Dr. Carlo laid the blame for the sudden demise (often within 72 hours) of entire bee colonies on the recent proliferation of electromagnetic waves (EMF). He cited the startling statistic that, at present, there are some 2.5 billion cell phone users around the world. While this (plus the explosive growth of cell phone towers) used to be the major concern, the problem has been significantly exacerbated by the recent introduction of satellite radio. Imagine being closeted in a confined environment filled with chain smokers; it would be impossible for you to get a breath of clean air. It is becoming equally difficult for you to avoid the now-measurable damage from EMF exposure.

Dr. Carlo commented that the constant electromagnetic background noise seems to disrupt intercellular communication within individual bees, such that many of them cannot find their way back to the hive. His conclusions are confirmed by a recent study conducted by three departments of Panjab University (India), which has found that cell phone towers - the dominant source of electromagnetic radiation in the city of Chandigarh - could well be the cause behind the mysterious disappearance of butterflies, some insects (like bees), and birds.

Andrew Weil, M.D., author of "Spontaneous Healing and 8 Weeks to Optimum Health," fully agrees: "Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible."

In some countries, up to 10 percent of the population suffers from a serious EMF-induced condition that Dr. Carlo and others call membrane sensitivity syndrome. In a recent address to the Health, Social Services and Housing Sub-Panel in the United Kingdom, Carlo explained:

"Originally, this type of condition was the result of high chemical exposures; we used to call it chemical sensitivity. Now we have identified the same type of condition in patients who are exposed to various types of electromagnetic radiation. It is a medical problem.

People who have membrane sensitivity syndrome have internal bleeding.

They can be in a room where somebody puts on a cell phone, and they will end up having an immediate reaction; they will go home and they will bleed and in their stool they will have blood. This condition is very debilitating. It prevents these people from being able to work; they cannot earn a living, they have difficult relationships with their children, their spouses give up on them. .. It is a very, very serious medical problem."

The bees are the modern-day counterpart of the canaries that miners used to carry with them as they descended into the mine shafts. If the birds died, it was an early warning of a buildup of toxic gases in the mine.

When canaries die or bees disappear, we are being cautioned that we too are in immediate danger. It is time to listen to the message nature is telling us. Denial - the favorite ploy of those whose profits are being threatened - is no longer an option. As Arthur Schopenhauer said, "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

I shudder to think of what will become of humankind if we linger too long in stage two: "no more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."

----- End forwarded message -----

Millions of Bees Die - Are Electromagnetic Signals To Blame? http://eeng.net/CS/blogs/smileycoyote/archive/2007/04/08/322.aspx

Informant: smileycoyote


Ecological Apocalypse: Why Are All The Bees Dying?


Keepers fear mystery bee illness

I also wrote to the London bee keeper man as follows,

Dear John Chappel

Statement from Ingrid

There is a huge body of research on bees from Germany that has never been considered in the UK.

This research shows that bees carry magnesomes in their underbelly and are thus highly sensitive to magnetic fields. They communicate and navigate via electromagnetic frequencies.

The German researchers consider bees to be bio indicators for the biological effects of radiation. They are the canaries in the coal mine.

The current environment with microwave radiation levels billions of times higher than the natural background levels is like putting a fish in a poisoned pond.

The bees try to escape the radiation and get lost and exhausted.

Ingrid Dickenson
Director hese-UK

Dr Warnke is one of the leading researchers in Germany in this area. He is convinced of the harmfullness of the phone masts to bees and has been saying so for years.

Please feel free to contact us if you want any information.

We are currently translating a Swiss research paper summarising the effects on bees.

Yours etc

Re are mobiles killing our bees?

Andrea has spoken to Dr Warnke. He is convinced of the radiation being the cause.

See one of his early papers:

Effects of electric charges on honey bees
Dr Warnke
Bee World vol 57 no 2 1976 http://www.hese-project.org/hese-uk/en/papers/warnke_bee_world_76.pdf

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Cell Phones May Be Wiping Out Bees, say Scientists


Plan to check mobile tower hazards

By Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD, April 2: The government on Monday decided to relocate and redesign more than 300 of the 10,000 telecommunication towers atop buildings in residential areas where they are considered to be a health hazard.

This was announced at a press conference held here in which the Ministry of Information Technology issued a policy to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for establishing guidelines for mitigating environmental and health-related effects of cellular-based station antennae and to address public concerns about radiation hazards of the infrastructure.

Minister IT Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari announced issuance of the policy.

He said that a detailed study had been conducted by the IT Ministry to look into the seriousness of the matter, and added that radiation hazards from the base stations were thoroughly analyzed in the light of the recommendations of ANSI/IEEE and the International Council for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

The report was also circulated to the Ministries of Health and Environment, PTA and industry stakeholders for their comments.

The study had concluded that a bulk of medical research material was available on health-related effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted from antennae on telecommunication towers. Yet no conclusive evidence of hazards to human health had been established for possible exposure levels from the cellular towers, he stated.

Nonetheless, the minister did not rule out the possibility of negative impacts to human health of installing telecommunication towers in residential areas which could lead to serious diseases like cancer or leukemia.

Director Wireless MoIT Mudassar Hussain said: "Only if a human being comes directly in front of an antenna-radiating surface (not the tower) within eight meters (25 feet) can there be a possibility of exposure to radiation levels detrimental to human health."

He said: "Random research indicates probability of some negative effects on humans in front of the antenna."

© DAWN Group of Newspapers, 2007


IT ministry unveils policy to check mobile tower hazards

Informant: Mark G.



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