
Orwellian RFID tracking video: Press banned from conference


August 9, 2006


Crisis PR Firm Disavows Incriminating Video on Eve of Major Conference

On the eve of a major RFID apparel and footwear conference, privacy activists are asking questions about an Orwellian industry video presentation depicting the use of Radio Frequency Identification at an American Eagle Outfitters store. The animated video, created by technology integrator CompEx Inc., depicts how a retailer could embed the controversial technology into clothing and credit cards to secretly identify and track consumers--even deliver targeted marketing messages.

"American Eagle Outfitters has assured us that it is not using RFID in its stores or operations, and we applaud them for that. But consumers need to know that this technology exists and what it could mean for them. We have documentation showing that other companies are looking closely at these types of invasive applications," said Liz McIntyre and Katherine Albrecht, co-authors of "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."

The video shows a consumer walking into an American Eagle Outfitters store, being remotely identified through the American Eagle Outfitters credit card in his pocket, and purchasing items with RFID tags hidden in the store's branded clothing. The graphic footage concludes with a full-facial biometric scan conducted through a pinhole camera at checkout.

The animated flash clip is posted on the authors' website at: http://www.spychips.com/RFIDclothingstoredemo.html

Although the footage was created in 2002, its disclosure yesterday had an immediate impact on senior management at American Eagle Outfitters. McIntyre says that within minutes of sending the video clip to an executive at American Eagle, she received a call from Ed Nebb, senior director of investor relations and crisis communications at Berns Communications Group. He issued the following statement:

"American Eagle currently does not use any RFID systems, either in supply chain management, consumer credit card or loyalty programs, or anywhere else within our operations. We highly value and respect our customers' privacy. The fact that a vendor may have offered a system demonstration should not be interpreted as an intention on our part to adopt such a system in the future."

CompEx Inc. President Aram Kovach, who developed the video, told McIntyre that American Eagle Outfitters had requested the RFID demonstration. "They asked us to come out," he said, explaining that the executives later traveled to Kovach's office in Ohio to see a working prototype.

The RFID tracking capability depicted in the video is feasible. "It worked," Kovach said. "All of these things can be done." But he noted that the cost of the tags was a big barrier to adoption.

McIntyre and Albrecht worry that companies deterred by cost issues may be reviving such plans now that the price of tags has dropped below the $.08-cent range.

They point to the RFID Apparel and Footwear Conference to be held at New York's Fashion Institute of Technology next week as a reason for concern. The event, co-sponsored by RFID Journal and the American Apparel and Footwear Association, promises "to show you how RFID can uniquely benefit the apparel and footwear industry." However, unlike past RFID events, where members of the press were welcomed, the promotional literature for the conference states:

"The entire conference is off limits to the press, so you can be sure you'll get candid insider insight that you can't hear anywhere else."

"It's clear that implementing RFID in apparel and footwear is being discussed behind closed doors," said Albrecht. "Our concern is that the companies working to integrate RFID into clothing operations are keeping their plans from the public. A case in point is Levi Strauss, which is selling clothes with RFID hang tags attached, but refusing to disclose the test location."

The pair is asking the conference sponsors to explain the need for secrecy at their event. "What is it they're discussing that they don't want the press to know?" Albrecht asks. "The press restriction is obviously not designed to keep proprietary information from industry competitors, since any apparel or footwear company can attend the event at a discounted rate. Clearly, excluding the press is an attempt to prevent the public from learning about the industry's plans to use RFID tracking devices in clothing."

Albrecht and McIntyre have posted a promotional email for the conference that specifies the press restriction at:


Liz McIntyre and Katherine Albrecht are the authors of "Spychips: How Major Corporations Plan to Track your Every Move with RFID." The book draws on patent documents, corporate source materials, conference proceedings, and firsthand interviews to paint a convincing -- and frightening -- picture of the consumer privacy threat posed by RFID.

Despite its hundreds of footnotes and academic-level accuracy, the book remains lively and readable according to critics, who have called it a "techno-thriller" and "a masterpiece of technocriticism."

Two days prior to its release in 2005, "Spychips" flew the top of the Amazon bestseller charts, hitting number one as a "Mover & Shaker," making its way to the top-ten Nonfiction bestseller list, and spending weeks as a Current Events bestseller. In a nod to the book's focus on freedom, Spychips was awarded the prestigious Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty and named "the year's best book on liberty."

CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering Opposing supermarket loyalty cards and other retail surveillance schemes since 1999

http://www.spychips.com/ http://www.nocards.org/

You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who may find it of interest.

Informant: Scott Munson

Mobilfunkstrahlen: weiterer Prozesse um Mobilfunk-Sender

In Straßburg beschäftigt sich das Landgericht mit einer Klage einer 42-jährigen Elsässerin, die hypersensibel auf elektromagnetische Wellen reagiert und ihre Wohnungsbaugesellschaft wegen eines Sendemastes auf dem Dach ihrer Sozialwohnung verklagt.

Nach Angaben der Klägerin leidet sie extrem unter Ohrensausen, Kribbeln in den Händen sowie Füßen und Vibrationen im Gesicht, die sich anfühlen würden, wie kleine Stromschläge. "Ich will, dass man einen Freiraum um mich schafft, damit ich normal leben und diesen Kampf beenden kann", sagte die Klägerin bei Gericht. Ihre Anwältin Bénédicte Lagrandé erklärte, die Frau leide seit April 2003 unter der inzwischen von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als Krankheit anerkannten Hypersensibilität gegen elektromagnetische Wellen.

Die Wohnungsgesellschaft wies die Vorwürfe zurück und beantragte die Abweisung der Klage. Die zuständige Anwältin zeigte sich überrascht von der Klage und meinte, der Klägerin wären mehrfach andere Wohnungen angeboten worden, die sie jedoch alle abgelehnt hätte.

Das Urteil soll am 29. September verkündet werden.

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EC opens public consultation on the protection of minors using mobile phones

Child safety and mobile phone services

The enclosed information from Dr Gerd Oberfeld is important, please participate.

Eileen O'Connor Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust http://www.radiationresearch.org

-----Original Message-----

From: Oberfeld Gerd
Sent: 26 July 2006 13:11
To: Eileen O'Connor
Subject: Child safety and mobile phone services - Deadline to send contributions: 16/10/2006

For your information and participation!


Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld
Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung
Landessanitätsdirektion Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
Postanschrift: Postfach 527, 5010 Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH Adresse: Sebastian-Stief-Gasse 2
Tel. ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 2969
Fax ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 3056 mailto:gerd.oberfeld@salzburg.gv.at


EC opens public consultation on the protection of minors using mobile phones

Message sent by the Research Radiation Trust (UK):

The following information is from Dr Gerd Oberfeld is important, please participate.

Brussels, 25 July 2006

Commission opens public consultation on the protection of minors using mobile phones http://europa.eu.int/information_society/activities/sip/public_consultation/

The European Commission today launched a public consultation on the potential risks for children of using mobile phones. Input is invited from any stakeholder, including child safety, parent and consumer organisations, mobile network operators, content providers, handset and network manufacturers, and regulators. The consultation will run until 16 October 2006.

“Mobile phones are part of our daily lives, not only for adults but also for teenagers and increasingly for younger children. Mobile communication is a great opportunity for the development of Europe’s economies and societies. However, at the same time, the protection of minors needs to be guaranteed”, said Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media. “In my view, protection of minors in mobile communications is the responsibility of all actors: industry, child safety associations and public bodies. The more efficient self-regulation can become, the less the need for State intervention.”

The new consultation launched by the Commission today addresses issues linked to content and behaviour, such as access to harmful or illegal content, bullying (e.g. distribution of abusive or compromising messages and photos amongst children), grooming (e.g. strangers “making friends” with children with a view to meeting them), risks to the privacy of children, and the risk of unexpectedly high expense.

In the last few years, the use of mobile phones by children and young people has increased dramatically, as have the capabilities of mobile phones. According to a Eurobarometer survey of May 2006, 70% of European youngsters aged 12-13 years and 23% of children aged 8-9 years own a mobile phone. Handsets can now be used for video messaging, entertainment services (downloading games, music, and videos), access to the internet and location-based services.

The growth in mobile use clearly helps people link-up in an Information Society. But it also gives rise to concerns about the safety of children. The consultation aims to gather factual information and views from different stakeholders on the types of risks faced by children in their use of mobile content services, the technical and regulatory solutions that exist and the scope for further action, in particular at European level.

The consultation launched today is part of a process which started in June 2005, when a plenary session of the Safer Internet Forum attracted 200 representatives from the industry and child welfare organisations. The Commission would like such a European level debate to lead to the kind of self-regulation which is already developing in some Member States. It is therefore supporting several related initiatives of mobile operators, NGOs and other stakeholders.

The Safer Internet Forum is part of the Commission’s Safer Internet Programme, which has been running since 1999, and aims to equip parents and teachers with the knowledge and tools they need to ensure internet safety. The current 4-year programme (2005-08) has a budget of €45 million to combat illegal and harmful internet content. It also covers other media, such as videos, and explicitly addresses the fight against racism, and e-mail “spam”.

More information on: http://ec.europa.eu/saferinternet

Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=548

Stadt Attendorn trotzt O2-Plänen

Attendorn. (dro) Die "große Koalition" in Sachen Mobilfunkkonzept hält. Alle Ratsfraktionen waren sich gestern einig, es auf ein mögliches Verwaltungsverfahren mit dem Mobilfunkbetreiber O2 ankommen zu lassen.

Wie von der WR berichtet, will O2 u.a. auf dem Hochhaus Stettiner Straße im Schwalbenohl zusätzliche Sendeanlagen errichten, was mit dem Attendorner Mobilfunkkonzept nicht in Einklang zu bringen ist und auch auf massiven Protest der Anlieger stößt. Mittlerweile werden im Schwalbenohl Unterschriften gegen die Pläne gesammelt.

"Wir vertreten die Interessen der Bürger und keine wirtschaftlichen Interessen", stellte sich der neue CDU-Fraktionsvorsitzende Bruno Droste auf die Seite der Anwohner. Jürgen Meise (SPD) appellierte an den Hausbesitzer, mögliche "Gefahren von der Bevölkerung abzuwehren", auch wenn dies finanzielle Einbußen bedeute. Meise nahm alle "Haus- und Immobilieneigentümer" in die Pflicht, sich "um die Sorgen und Ängste der Bevölkerung" Gedanken zu machen.

Wolfgang Hilleke von der Stadtverwaltung bekräftigte erneut, dass der Mobilfunkanbieter O2 "seine Standorte durchsetzen" wolle, trotz aller Angebote. Wie ein mögliches Verwaltungsverfahren ausgeht, konnte Hilleke natürlich nicht voraussagen.

Allerdings sieht der Experte die Linie der Stadt durch eine Stellungnahme des Städte- und Gemeindebundes bestärkt, das vorgestern im Rathaus per Fax eintraf. Darin wird angezweifelt, dass ein UMTS-Netz zum gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Grundversorgungsauftrag gehört. "Das ist wie ein Erdbeben", ist Wolfgang Hilleke überzeugt, dass sich viele andere Kommunen auf diese Rechtsauffassung "stürzen werden".

Einstimmig bestätigte der Rat den Beschlussvorschlag der Verwaltung. Demnach wird O2 "aufgefordert, sämtliche Aktivitäten auf der Grundlage der bisherigen Netzplanung für Attendorn einzustellen."

Westfälische Rundschau vom 7. September 2006


Weitere Informationen zum fehlenden Grundversorgungsauftrag und zur Stellungnahme des Städte- und Gemeindebundes NRW finden sich unter http://www.attendorn.de in der Rubrik "Heute - Mobilfunk".

Wolfgang Hilleke
Telefonnummer 02722/64236
E-Mail: W_Hilleke at Rathaus.Attendorn.de

Omega siehe auch unter:
Copyright Gemeinde Attendorn

Das zitierte Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofs (VGH) vom 18.3.03 Aktz.: 15 N 98.2262 finden Sie unter: http://tinyurl.com/edner


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