
Mother blames policy for son's Iraq injuries

"Stop-Loss is a very ugly lie," she said. "They drafted my son so he could go over there and get blown up."


From Information Clearing House

Bush can't handle the truth

In one of the most intellectually incoherent major speeches ever delivered by a minor President, George W. Bush last week blamed "some Democrats and anti-war critics" for changing their minds about the war in Iraq and now saying they were deceived.


From Information Clearing House

Influential House Democrat Wants Immediate Iraq Withdrawal

An influential House Democrat called the Iraq campaign "a flawed policy wrapped in illusion" today as he called for the immediate withdrawal of United States troops. "Our military is suffering, the future of our country is at risk."


Iraq must know that Iraq is free, free from United States occupation

It Is Time To Bring Them Home

All of Iraq must know that Iraq is free. Free from United States occupation.

By Rep. John Murtha

The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public is way ahead of us. The United States and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq, but it is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering. The future of our country is at risk. We can not continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interest of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf Region.


Leukämie und elektromagnetische Felder

Neue Studie: Beschleunigtes Krebswachstum Untersuchung facht Diskussion um Elektrosmog-Schäden an

Quellen: heise.de, New Scientist, reuters.com;

Nachricht von Jörg Wichmann

Nach einer neuen Untersuchung von italienischen Medizinern regt die Bestrahlung mit hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern Leukämie-Zellen zur Vermehrung an, berichtet das Wissenschaftsmagazin New Scientist. Demnach haben Fiorenzo Marinelli und seine Kollegen vom National Research Council in Bologna Leukämie-Zellen mit elektromagnetischen Feldern von 900 Megahertz und einem Milliwatt Leistung bestrahlt. Nach 24 Stunden waren 20 Prozent weniger Leukämie-Zellen in der Probe als in einer nicht bestrahlten Referenz-Probe. Nach 48 Stunden Bestrahlung stellten die Forscher allerdings fest, dass die Leukämie-Zellen in der bestrahlten Probe sich rapide vermehrten und aggressiv teilten.

Der Originalbericht der Fachzeitschrift New Scientist:

Ärzte Zeitung, 07. 11. 2002:

Handystrahlung aktiviert Leukämie-Zellen in vitro
Nach 48 Stunden Bestrahlung teilen sich die Zellen intensiv

BOLOGNA (mut). Handystrahlung macht Leukämie-Zellen aggressiv: Bei In-vitro-Versuchen starben durch die Strahlung zunächst vermehrt Leukämie-Zellen ab, die überlebenden Zellen vermehrten sich nachher aber umso stärker.

Forscher aus Bologna in Italien haben Leukämie-Zellen im Labor einer 900 Megahertz-Strahlung mit einer Intensität von einem Milliwatt ausgesetzt. Die 900 Megahertz-Frequenz wird in europäischen Mobilfunknetzen häufig verwendet; Handys können dabei mit einer Leistung von bis zu zwei Watt strahlen.

Die Forscher um Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli bemerkten, daß nach 24 Stunden Dauerbestrahlung mehr Leukämie-Zellen Selbstmordgene aktiviert hatten als Zellen in unbestrahlten Kulturen.

Die Folge: In den bestrahlten Kulturen starben 20 Prozent mehr Zellen als in den unbestrahlten, berichtet das Magazin "New Scientist" (2366, 2002, 9). Allerdings: Nach 48 Stunden Bestrahlung begannen sich viele der überlebenden Zellen intensiv zu teilen. Die Forscher stellten fest, daß in einem Großteil der bestrahlten Zellen drei Zellteilungsgene aktiviert worden sind.

Über welchen Mechanismus Radiostrahlung die Zellteilung beeinflußt, ist noch unklar. Unklar ist nach Angaben der Forscher auch, ob der Effekt bei mobil telefonierenden Menschen von Bedeutung ist.

Quelle: http://www.aerztezeitung.de/docs/2002/11/07/201a0403.asp?cat=/medizin/umweltmedizin

Hier noch einmal der Link zum Originalbericht:


Die Exposition von menschlichen Lymphozyten aus peripherem Blut mit elektromagnetischen Feldern in Verbindung mit Mobilfunk führt zu chromosomaler Instabilität

Effekte und Störungen durch Handytelefonate

Gehirntumore und Leukämie durch Handys und Sendeanlagen

Rätselhafte Krankheit: Epidemiologen wollen Zusammenhang zwischen Sendemasten und kindlicher Leukämie erkunden

Leukämie und elektromagnetische Felder

Tumore und Leukämie im Umfeld von Rundfunk- und TV-Sendeanlagen

Krebsskandal an spanischer Schule: Richter lässt Mobilfunksender sofort abschalten. Nach viertem Leukämiefall an einer Schule innerhalb eines Jahres entspricht spanisches Gericht dem Antrag der Eltern.

Auch in Deutschland Häufungen von Leukämie und Gehirntumor in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen

Krebs und Mobilfunk

Where have all the sparrows gone?

Gehirntumore und Leukämie durch Handys und Sendeanlagen

Dr. Warnke warnt vor Gehirntumoren und Leukämie durch Handys und Sendeanlagen.


Tumore und Leukämie im Umfeld von Rundfunk- und TV-Sendeanlagen


Effekte und Störungen durch Handytelefonate


Die Exposition von menschlichen Lymphozyten aus peripherem Blut mit elektromagnetischen Feldern in Verbindung mit Mobilfunk führt zu chromosomaler Instabilität

Abstract der Studie von Mashevich/Israel

Mashevich M., Folkman D.; u.a.
Abteilung für Humangenetik und Molekularbiologie der Universität Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Ob die Exposition von Mobilfunkstrahlung eine Gesundheitsgefährdung darstellt, steht im Brennpunkt der laufenden Debatte. Wir haben im Labor untersucht, ob die Exposition von menschlichen peripheren Lymphozyten (= m.p.L) mit einem elektromagnetischen Feld von 830 MHz zu Verlusten oder Gewinnen von Chromosomen führt. Eine größere „körperliche Änderung“ führt zu einer Instabilität des Genoms (= Gesamtheit aller Gene einer Fortpflanzungszelle) und dadurch zu Krebs.

Die menschlichen peripheren Lymphozyten wurden mit einer unterschiedlichen spezifischen Absorptionsrate (SAR) von 1,1 - 8,8 W/kg über einen Zeitraum von 72 Stunden in einer Expositionseinrichtung bestrahlt. Diese ist aus 2 Plattenresonatoren aufgebaut, die eine Temperatur zwischen 34,5 und 37,5 Grad Celsius haben. Die durchschnittliche SAR und ihre Verteilung in den Kolben mit den Gewebekulturen wurde durch Verknüpfung der Messungen und der numerischen Analyse mittels eines Simulationscode-Bauteils festgelegt.

Ein linearer Anstieg im Chromosom Nr. 17 - eine Aneuploidy - wurde als Funktion des SAR-Wertes beobachtet. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass diese Strahlung einen gentoxischen Effekt hat. Die SAR-abhängigene Aneuploidy (= numerische Chromosomenaberration) wurde begleitet von einer abnormalen Art der Replikation der Region um Chromosom Nr. 17, bestehend aus einer Trennung (wiederholte DNS-Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Zentromer). Es ist naheliegend, dass Änderungen in der Neubildung durch die Gentoxizität der SAR bedingt ist.

Kontrollexperimente (d.h. Experimente ohne Strahlung) wurden in einem Temperaturbereich von 34,5 bis 38,5 Grad Celsius ausgeführt, sie zeigten, dass eine erhöhte Temperatur weder mit einer genetischen noch epigenetischen Veränderung einhergeht, während mit RF-Strahlung erhöhte Werte an Aneuploidy und eine geänderte Replikation der zentromeren DNS-Ansammlungen beobachtet wurde.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, dass die gentoxischen Effekte von elektromagnetischer Strahlung auf nichtthermische Weise hervor gerufen werden. Überdies, die Tatschache, dass Aneuploidy als ein bekanntes Phänomen für einen Anstieg des Krebsrisikos zu betrachten ist, sollte dies bei zukünftigen Bewertungen von Grenzwerten Berücksichtigung erfahren.

Biomagnetics 24: 82-90, 2003


Übersetzung u. Nachricht v. Dr. Claus Scheingraber

Pfatterer BI warnt vor Strahlenschäden für Kinder

Meldung vom 15.11.2005, 16:21 Uhr

Elternbeirat macht sich Sorgen um Kindergarten und Schule / Bürgermeister Heuschneider verspricht Messungen

PFATTER (km). Müdigkeit, Konzentrationsmangel, Zappelphilipp-Syndrom. Dass diese gesundheitlichen Probleme von Kindern und Erwachsenen durch Strahlung von Handy und Mobilfunkantennen herrühren können, erläuterte Dr. Claus Scheingraber aus München, Vorsitzender des Arbeitskreises Elektrobiologie, am Montag im Gierstorfer-Saal.

Der Elternbeirat des Kindergartens hatte zum Vortrag über Mobilfunk und Auswirkungen auf den Menschen geladen, die prompt eine Bürgerinitiative gründeten. „Die Situation in Pfatter ist erschreckend - die Mobilfunkantennen befinden sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Kindergarten und Schule“, sagte eingangs Ursula Schnagl. In seinem Vortrag bedauerte Dr. Scheingraber, der Zahnmediziner und Biologe ist, dass sich die Wissenschaft den wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Mobilfunkindustrie unterordne. Es würden nur Studien veröffentlicht, die die angebliche Harmlosigkeit des Mobilfunks bestätigten. Dabei gebe es unumstößliche Beweise — sogar in Studien von Betreiberseite — , dass diese Strahlung negative Auswirkungen vor allem auf Kinder und ältere Menschen habe. Ohne Rücksicht auf sensible Einrichtungen, wie Kindergarten und Schule, würden die Mobilfunkbetreiber ihre Masten oft mitten in Wohngebieten platzieren. Die Gemeinde habe darauf keinerlei Einflussmöglichkeit, bestätigte auch Bürgermeister Josef Heuschneider. „Hier zeigen sich große Versäumnisse der Politik auf Kosten der Gesundheit vor allem unserer Kinder“, klagte Dr. Scheingraber. Denn die Spätfolgen von permanenter Bestrahlung, wie z.B. in Pfatter in Kindergarten und Schule, könnten dramatisch sein. Die so genannte Naila-Studie deute darauf hin, dass das Krebsrisiko in der Nähe von Mobilfunkantennen steigt. „Wir müssen alles versuchen, die Antennen von unserem Kindergarten und unserer Schule wegzubringen“, sagte Uschi Schnagl. Um der Brisanz des Themas Ausdruck zu verleihen, wurde die Bürgerinitiative „Pfatterer gegen Mobilfunkantennen neben Kindergarten und Schule“ gegründet. Bürgermeister Heuschneider versprach, Messungen der Strahlungsbelastung in den beiden Einrichtungen durchführen zu lassen. Unterschriftenliste liegt im Rathaus aus.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

On War, Senate Flexes Muscle

Democrats called Tuesday's resolution a symbolic vote of "no confidence" in Mr. Bush.


Iraqi Guards Seen as Death Squads

Among the varied armed security men on Baghdad's streets these days, you can't miss the police commandos.... The commandos are part of the Iraqi security forces that the Bush administration says will gradually replace American troops in this war. But the commandos are being blamed for a wave of kidnappings and executions around Baghdad since the spring.


The Big Lie Technique

Robert Scheer writes that the false al Qaeda-Hussein link was the linchpin to Bush's argument that he could not delay the invasion until after the United Nations weapons inspectors completed their investigation in a matter of months. Perhaps he feared not that those weapons would fall into the wrong hands, but that they would not be found at all.


More Problems at Gitmo

A hunger strike has left at least one Gitmo detainee in danger of dying. Pentagon officials are struggling to control both the protest and the possible global outcry over any death.


Democrats Have Proof Pre-War Intel Was Manipulated

Senate Democrats have dug up additional explosive evidence over the past week that they say will help prove the Bush administration deliberately manipulated pre-war Iraq intelligence that was used to convince Congress and the public to support a pre-emptive strike against the Middle East country in March of 2003.


Trees disguised

We have had a query from a lawyer wanting to make a training video of the issues involved in mast planning. She wants a physical example of a mast disguised as a tree!! Preferably in London.

Does anyone know of one?

Are there any other examples of disguised masts and locations, such as on lampposts?

I have only ever seen the conventional masts.


Sarah P


Sarah P.

"My" mast was disguised as a "FAT FLAGPOLE" with a rag on top. I include a photo and a drawing.


The mast is stationed on the roof of "The Little Sauce Factory" pub 55 London Road, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR5 2DJ, in a hill, at a lower level than surrounding houses.

There is also a mast on one of Worcester´s golf course dolled up as a Fir-tree.

I have just received a photo from France of masts dolled up as trees. If you want a photo of the French "trees" let me know and I will mail it.


E-mail: a.ingvarsdottir@btconnect.com

Dirty Libby

by Richard Bradley, TomPaine.com

Why Republican hypocrisy on moral issues matters.

Driving America Off Oil

by David Friedman, TomPaine.com

We need more than biofuels to break our addiction.

What We Know Now

by Paul Waldman, TomPaine.com

How many of the Dems eyeing the 2008 nomination will follow John Edwards' example on Iraq?


Phone mast victory


Caron Brooks (left) and supporters at their phone masts protest PROTEST groups against mobile masts in Muswell Hill received a massive boost when Haringey Council pledged to pressure the Government over the worries faced by residents.

The council is one of a small clutch in the country to take the plight of neighbourhoods plagued by mobile phone masts, to Westminster.

The issue was raised at a meeting of the full council on Monday night as a delegation of Muswell Hill residents protested on the steps of Haringey Civic Centre in Wood Green.

The demonstrators were opposing masts being erected close to their homes.

Campaigner Caron Brooks, who lives near Barrington Court, Colney Hatch Lane - which has a number of antennae on its roof - said: "It has never happened before. We have never managed to get anything like this."

Councillor Wayne Hoban (Liberal Democrat), of Alexandra Ward, urged the council to reject plans for mobile phone masts on the "precautionary principle" of possible health risks linked to the equipment.

This element of Councillor Hoban's motion was rejected in the council chamber, but his calls for pressure being put on the Government received cross-party support.

Ms Brooks added: "We would have liked to see the precautionary principle included - we want all masts and antennae removed from residential areas."

Mother-of-two, Hannah Berryman, who lives in Grand Avenue. Muswell Hill, close to a Vodafone mast, said: "We do not want our kids to have to be the guinea pigs. Children cannot decide whether they are near a mast in their school."

Her three-year-old was at Church Crescent pre-school, Muswell Hill, which had a mast sited nearby.

Councillor Hoban said after the meeting that he was "very disappointed" with the amendment because "the jury is still out regarding health concerns". But he welcomed the council's decision to set up a scrutiny review committee on mobile phone masts.

Councillor Gideon Bull (Labour, White Hart Lane), who is chairing the scrutiny review said: "I agree with all the concerns he [Councillor Hoban] has raised."

He added: "We need to be given more power to turn down mobile phone applications when they threaten our residents."

Councillor Harry Lister (Labour), executive member for enterprise and regeneration, said: "What we need to do together is to concentrate on the third part of this motion: to be part of a campaign that the government will take notice of and to do that in a way that will build up pressure not just from this authority but from every authority in London."

Councillors across the chamber agreed that the issue should not be turned into a "political football".



Phone mast victory

By Kate Southern
this is Local London

Residents are celebrating last week's unanimous decision by councillors to reject an application to erect a phone mast in Grange Park.

A demonstration this month by 250 residents, supported by Enfield Southgate MP David Burrowes, opposed proposals by phone company Orange to site the mast in Cranleigh Gardens.

Following a recommendation by Enfield Council's planning officer to approve the application, the Grange Park residents took their fight to the planning committee meeting last Tuesday.

A restrained protest was held outside the Civic Centre before around 70 people observed councillors debate the proposal.

Authorities are not obliged under Government guidelines to take health concerns into consideration as long as emissions from proposed masts meet international guidelines.

Residents enjoyed strong support in the Civic Centre with Cllr Terry Neville, Cllr Pamela Adams and Cllr Martin Prescott objecting to the mast on environmental grounds.

Orange declined to send a representative to the meeting leaving the floor free for Grange Park resident Anthony Fogg to speak for five minutes on the protestors' behalf.

Councillors voted unanimously to reject the application.

A council spokeswoman said: "The reason for turning down this application is that the siting of the proposed mast would not only add to the existing street furniture clutter, but would also be detrimental to the visual look of the locality."

David Law, chairman of Grange Park Mast Action 05, said: "We are absolutely delighted with the result. The fact there was a unanimous vote in our favour is a clear vindication of the justness of our cause.

"We are aware that the case could go to appeal, but with such a resounding victory, the spirit and will of the community is now stronger than ever."

Bush's Secret Breakdown: what the White House is hiding from America



Thursday, November 17, 2005 Bush's breakdown

Michael Carmichael

In recent months, Planetary has received a lengthy and continuous stream of alarming reports concerning the mental health of President George Walker Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America.

According to reports now swirling through the political community in Washington, President George Bush is suffering through a painful nervous breakdown that was triggered by an acute and recurring outbreak of alcoholism that struck him at the time of Hurricane Katrina.

Informed sources close to the Bush White House attest that the stricken president has become alienated from members of his own nuclear family. Reportedly, the President's relationship with his father has always been difficult, but now communications between Bush, Jr. and Bush, Sr. have come to a standstill. In published accounts, White House sources have confirmed that the afflicted President is no longer capable of speaking to the former President. Stilted and superficial communications between the father and his ailing son are now only possible on formal occasions.

The story published in America this week reports that in order to contain the truth about the President's illness, only a slender and increasingly fragile lifeline to his family has been maintained through his wife, Laura Lane Welch Bush, and his mother, Barbara Walker Bush. Apparently, the President is no longer capable of communicating on a daily basis with his headstrong and carefree daughters, Jenna and Barbara, both of whom have had their own problems with alcohol. The only other people granted access to the sick president are Condoleezza Rice and her deputy, Karen Hughes.

According to these reports, Rice may be functioning as the president at this time of crisis by making decisions on national security and foreign policy as well as the domestic agenda.

Rumors of the president's shattered psyche have been circulating in Washington's psychiatric community for months. More recently, the beltway's tightly knit political intelligentsia have been made aware of the darkening shadow now engulfing the unwell President. From Washington's legal community, Planetary has learned that there is now increasingly serious concern about the President's competence to hold his office.

Whether the White House's covert campaign to shore up the public image of the unpopular President during this dark period will contain the scandal or not remains to be seen.

Against strenuous efforts by the White House to keep the president's breakdown above top secret, the information has finally hit print in the Globe, a popular tabloid that has placed the story on the cover of the current edition dated 21st November. The Globe headline is: "Bush's Secret Breakdown (After Booze Binge): What the White House is hiding from America." According to reports published on the Democratic Underground, this edition of Globe is selling like hotcakes.


The President's Secret Breakdown

Washington Crisis - Failed and Dangerous Regime Clings to Power Report: Bush rarely speaks to father, ‘family is split’

TUE - 15 Nov - Bush Frying: Washington is all abuzz, just under the surface, with one story after another about an abandoned, isolated, betrayed, bunkering President. Add to this stories of drinking, raging, shouting... On sale at the check-out counter at Washington foodstores is The Globe with this unusual Bush's Secret Breakdown cover-story to the left. Other insider-websights have been carrying similar features from 'anonymous' sources for some time now. On Sunday the magazine associated with Washington's conservative Washington Times newspaper went with a lead story from which the following is quoted, the picture below used on the front page of the paper a few days before:

"President Bush feels betrayed by several of his most senior aides and advisors and has severely restricted access to the Oval Office, INSIGHT magazine claims in a new report. The president’s reclusiveness in the face of relentless public scrutiny of the U.S.-led war in Iraq and White House leaks regarding CIA operative Valerie Plame has become so extreme that Mr. Bush has also reduced contact with his father, former President George H.W. Bush, administration sources said on the condition of anonymity. “The atmosphere in the Oval Office has become unbearable,” a source said. “Even the family is split.” Sources close to the White House say that Mr. Bush has become isolated and feels betrayed by key officials in the wake of plunging domestic support, the continued insurgency in Iraq and the CIA-leak investigation that has resulted in the indictment and resignation of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s former chief of staff. The sources said Mr. Bush maintains daily contact with only four people: first lady Laura Bush, his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes. The sources also say that Mr. Bush has stopped talking with his father, except on family occasions."


posted by Michael Carmichael @ 9:53 AM

Informant: NHNE



Informant: NHNE

Shake and bake

by Dave Lindorff


What kind of country is this? Not only does America use grotesque chemical weapons in its 'War of Liberation' -- in this case white phosphorus bombs that are as nasty as anything Saddam Hussein could have dreamt up, with the ability to eat their way into a body and liquefy flesh -- but our shameless leaders, when caught in the act, try to lie their way out of their own atrocious behavior. ... Countless civilians -- including women and children -- were cruelly burned to death (whether incidentally or in a deliberate attempt to terrorize scarcely matters) in the most agonizing of ways. Enemy fighters were killed through the use of weapons that have been outlawed by the civilized world -- a world that America can not claim to be a part of. American troops even have a term for the barbaric technique -- 'Shake and Bake'--clear evidence that this was no one-off affair...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Shake and Bake

The New York Times editorial today states that Americans are safer in a world in which certain forms of conduct are regarded as too inhumane even for war. That is why torture should be banned in American prisons. And it is why the United States should stop using white phosphorus.


Interesting times

Common Dreams
by Joyce Marcel


The right-wingers may deserve what they get, but the fearful truth is that we are facing three more years with an incompetent and increasingly frantic Bush at the helm. He's already bankrupted the treasury and gotten us into an ugly war, making so many enemies for America that our children's children's children will still be threatened by them. Now he's in China, trying to start up another Cold War...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Need to know

The American Prospect
by Greg Sargent


Does anybody remember Gerald Lechliter? In the home stretch of the 2004 presidential campaign, Lechliter, a retired army colonel from Delaware with a bit of spare time on his hands, wrote a 32-page analysis of George W. Bush's military records that showed that Bush had shirked his duty. Lechliter sent it to The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof, who wrote a column, 'Missing in Action,' that called Lechliter's missive 'the most meticulous examination I've seen of Mr. Bush's records.' Lechliter helped revive the story, and his analysis was subsequently cited in publications all over the country. Well, it turns out that Lechliter has done it again. And this time, he has trained his sights on the outing of Valerie Plame. Lechliter -- who claims 25 years experience in the intelligence field -- has penned a detailed analysis of the Plame affair, and Patrick Fitzgerald's duty as special counsel, that he has sent to Fitzgerald. He also sent a copy to the Prospect. Lechliter -- operating on his own time again -- did a close reading of the regulations governing both the proper treatment of classified information and the authority delegated to Fitzgerald. And what he came up with is worth a look -- after all, the credibility he earned when he broke ground on the story of Bush's records last year has earned him the right to another hearing...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Did Hillary lie America into war?

Human Events
by Terence P. Jeffrey


It was a powerful argument for war made by a politician with long years of experience in the White House. '[I]ntelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program,' said this national leader. '[I]f left unchecked,' the politician argued, 'Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capability to wage biological and chemical warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, affects American security. This much is undisputed,” declared this Democrat as she voted to authorize the war in Iraq. The question now is: Why did Sen. Hillary Clinton get it so wrong?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's betrayal of history

by Sidney Blumenthal


Bush's adoption of the Ludendorff strategy of blaming weak politicians for military failure and exalting 'will' sets him at odds with liberal democracy. His understanding of history also clashes with the conservative tradition that acknowledges human fallibility and respects the past. Bush's presidency is an effort to defy history, not only in America, writing on the world as a blank slate...[subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush's Betrayal of History

Sidney Blumenthal writes that the turn in public opinion against Bush has been slowly considered and is therefore also firm. Now a majority believes his administration manipulated pre-war intelligence to lead the country into the Iraq war, and nearly two-thirds disapprove of how he has handled the war. His political capital appears spent with more than three years left in his term.


Cindy Sheehan Pleads Not Guilty

Five US Marines were killed in fighting with al-Qaida-led insurgents near the Syrian border, and an Army soldier died of wounds suffered in Baghdad. At least 2,077 US service members have now been killed since the beginning of the Iraq war in March of 2003. And in Washington, war protester Cindy Sheehan and several others pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to charges of demonstrating without a permit outside the White House.


Cindy Sheehan

Hagel Defends Criticisms of Iraq Policy

Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) strongly criticized yesterday the White House's new line of attack against critics of its Iraq policy, saying that "the Bush administration must understand that each American has a right to question our policies in Iraq and should not be demonized for disagreeing with them."


Row over CIA Camps Heats Up in Europe

Just when the United States thought the transatlantic row over possible Central Intelligence Agency terrorist detention camps in Europe had blown over, the European Parliament followed the Council of Europe's decision to launch an investigation into the allegations by holding a rowdy debate on the issue Monday.


Reid Raises Early Concerns about Alito Nomination

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid delivered a statement today on the floor of the United States Senate raising early concerns about the Alito nomination.


Dems' complicity in prewar lies


New Orleans: Sklavenarbeiter räumen auf

(salon.com) In der ehemaligen Sklaven-Metropole New Orleans wird auch im 21. Jahrhundert diese dunkle Tradition weiter gepflegt: für das Aufräumen nach dem Hurrican wurden mexikanische Arbeiter importiert, die ohne Bezahlung die Schmutzarbeiten durchzuführen hatten. Das Geld - eine halbe Milliarde US-Dollar, die die Bushregierung hierfür angewiesen hatte - blieb beim Halliburton-Konzern Halliburton hatte seinem Ex-Chef Cheney noch lange nach seinem Amtsantritt als Vizepräsident Vergütungen überwiesen und diesen Auftrag wie andere milliardenschwere Regierungsaufträge wie gewohnt ohne Ausschreibung erhalten.


Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Make them pay

The question is how long will the people accept mendacity and moral decay and call it truth? Will the perpetrators of these crimes against nature and humanity be held accountable? Will they be forced to bear the fruits of their own labors?


Confessions of a Repentant Republican

This essay explores many of the issues that led me personally to the recognition that the policies I was supporting in Iraq were not consistent with the justifications made for the invasion in the spring of 2003, that implicit in our post-invasion actions was the goal of permanent occupation, which would ensure endless war and the resultant degradation of our liberty, our security, and our moral authority.


From Information Clearing House

Americans Are Running Out Of Patience With Their "War President"


From Information Clearing House

Administration's disinformation campaign was entirely successful

The debate over who was most responsible for convincing the nation that there was a link between Saddam and 9/11 will probably continue for years but an important piece of the puzzle can be found by zeroing in on a woman by the name of Laurie Mylroie, that most people have probably never heard.


Marines Quiet About Brutal New Weapon

It proved highly effective in the battle for Fallujah.

From Information Clearing House

Senators send Bush message, seek strategy for exit from Iraq

The resolution, which passed with broad bipartisan support, 79-19, calls for 2006 to be "a period of significant transition to full Iraqi sovereignty," which would create conditions for "the phased redeployment of United States forces from Iraq."


From Information Clearing House

We Do Torture

Failures require more spin than normal, but where does the president get off daring to speak for “we”? 60% of Americans no longer believe he’s honest, let alone justified in wasting American lives in Iraq.


Mogadishu on the Tigris: the Reality of Bush's Iraq

This story has the potential of becoming a "Katrina" moment: a revelatory episode that exposes long-suppressed truths about the reality of Bush's "leadership" and its agonizing consequences.


From Information Clearing House

Doing Unto Others as They Did Unto Us

The SERE model's embrace by the Pentagon's civilian leaders is further evidence that abuse tantamount to torture was national policy, not merely the product of rogue freelancers.


Doing Unto Others as They Did Unto Us

The SERE model's embrace by the Pentagon's civilian leaders is further evidence that abuse tantamount to torture was national policy, not merely the product of rogue freelancers.


Evidence Mounts That Bush Wants New Wars: Do the People of the United States Care Enough to Stop Him?

By Bill Christison
Former CIA analyst

The people and the politicians of this country should rise from their apathy and shout, "No." The time is past for useless analysis and discussion. We Americans, accounting for no more than five percent of the human inhabitants of this globe, should decide here and now whether we are going to be moral or immoral in our future relationships with the rest of the world.


After Katrina: The Bad Times Continue to Roll

Workers and residents of the Gulf Coast face contamination of the water and land with toxic chemicals, dangerous molds that may already be causing disease, workers without proper safety equipment who often don't get paid for the work they've done, and corporations involved in the cleanup who want Congress to free them of any liability for damage that they may cause.


The Diabetes Explosion

Being a couch potato may be as deadly as smoking a cigarette. It is National Diabetes Awareness Month and the latest statistics should turn awareness into alarm. In the United States, diabetes is the sixth leading official cause of death. Diabetes may soon pass smoking as a preventable killer.



Montana Resumes Controversial Buffalo Hunt

Bison hunting, once commonplace in the West until the species was nearly wiped out, resumed amid controversy in Montana on Tuesday after a 15-year ban. The hunt will allow up to 50 of the Plains bison to be killed in the three-month season that opens November 15.


Clinton Calls Iraq 'Big Mistake'

Former President Clinton told Arab students on Wednesday that the United States made a "big mistake" when it invaded Iraq, further stoking the partisan debate back home over the war.


Macro-station de Téléphonie Mobile en Zone Urbaine

DOSSIER: Macro-station de Téléphonie Mobile en Zone Urbaine: Suite à sa convocation à la Gendarmerie Nationale, déclaration du Vice-président de L'Association Sauvons Léon (ASL) à Monsieur Hervé Mariton, Député Maire de Crest


White House Hijacks PATRIOT Reform

Calls to Congress Needed TODAY: White House Hijacks Patriot Reform

Eager for a public success, the Bush Administration has strong-armed lawmakers into re-drafting a final Patriot Act bill that actually makes the original law even worse. The new proposals reverse months of bipartisan negotiations and ignore the growing calls for reform from across the political spectrum.

A final vote is expected in the House and Senate THIS WEEK, so we need you to call your Members of Congress as soon as you can. Take action now and and tell them to vote NO on the Patriot Act reauthorization bill.


Your call to Congress is urgently needed. Americans of every political stripe want Patriot Act reform and we need to let Congress know that people across the country are watching this vote.

Click here to take Action Now at http://action.aclu.org/call

Or, click here to read more.

Then, visit http://action.aclu.org/callcard to tell a friend!

Thank you for standing up for freedom.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
American Civil Liberties Union

November 17, 2005

Today Is the Day to Get More Involved

All that is standing between a terrible Patriot Act bill and its imminent passage are the demands of ordinary freedom-loving Americans.

Whether or not you normally get involved in politics by writing and calling your elected officials, now is the time to get involved and to ask your friends to call as well.

We will need a record number of calls from across the country to turn the tide, and we are counting not only on you, but on your family, co-workers and friends to keep Congress' phone lines ringing nonstop for the rest of the week.

To get others involved, point them to:


Paste the above web address into your email signature, add it to your instant messanger profiles, and get the word out through email lists and message boards. With your help, freedom has a chance.

Click here to tell your friends to call Congress NOW!

Help the Defense of Civil Liberties!

Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland prophezeit der Regierung einen heißen Winter

„Das Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland hält die Ergebnisse der Koalition für eine Mogelpackung, die weder geeignet sind, nachhaltig die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln noch die zunehmende Verarmung und den weiteren Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen zu stoppen. Insbesondere werde man der angekündigten „Rasterfahndung“ und der geplanten Gesetzesänderungen zur Verpflichtung von Telefonauskünften massiven Widerstand entgegensetzen. Das Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland ruft schon jetzt alle Betroffenen dazu auf, bei den entsprechenden Behörden auf Löschung der Telefonnummern und Emailadressen zu bestehen und zukünftig entsprechende Angaben zu verweigern. Ein entsprechender Antrag ist auf den Internetseiten der Initiative zu finden und entspricht den Vorgaben des Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragten…“

Die Pressemitteilung vom 12.11.2005

Leistungen zur Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende (SGB II) Antrag auf Löschung meiner bereits erhobenen, aber nicht erforderlichen Daten (§ 84 Abs. 2 SGB X)(Word-Datei)


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Überflüssige bei Minister Clement in Bonn

„Heute [16.11.2005] um 5 Uhr in der Frühe wurde es laut vor dem Haus von Wolfgang Clement am Baumgarten 9 in Bonn. Zwanzig ungebetene AußendienstmitstreiterInnen der Überflüssigen überprüften dessen private Wohnverhältnisse und hinterließen im Garten und auf dem Dach zahlreiche Weckalarme…“ Artikel von Weckdienst auf Indymedia vom 16.11.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Neues von den Schmarotzern: "Agenturschluss" besucht 1-Euro-Jobber bei "Zug um Zug"

Unangemeldeten Besuch von der bundesweit agierenden Kampagne "Agenturschluss" bekommen immer wieder mal Einrichtungen, die moderne Zwangsarbeit unterstützen. Diesmal war in der Kölner Florastraße 55-57 die Firma "Zug um Zug e.V" dran, die sich dort neben dem „Netzwerk Soziale Dienste und ökologische Bildungsarbeit" eingenistet hat.Der Name hört sich erst mal gut an. Beschäftigt werden dort 69 Menschen in einer Holz- und Textilwerkstatt als so genannte 1-Euro-Jobber, denen man bessere Zeiten in Aussicht stellt. In diese Jobs wurden die meisten nach eigener Auskunft gegenüber den BesucherInnen von "Agenturschluss" von der Kölner Arbeitsagentur gezwungen, unter Androhung der Kürzung des Arbeitslosengeldes II um 30 Prozent. Dann würden am Tag zum Leben 2,96 Euro bleiben. Das schafft keiner von ihnen. Zu viel zum Sterben. In der Regel bleiben sie Ausgegrenzte im Deutschland des Jahres 2005 nach Christus, und wahrscheinlich auch noch danach. Grund genug für "Agenturschluss", vergangene Woche dort nach dem Rechten zu schauen. Artikel von Hans-Dieter Hey in NRhZ-Online (Neue Rheinische Zeitung) vom 17. November 2005


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Koalition will Rasterfahndung gegen Hartz-Missbrauch

„Union und SPD nehmen bei ihren Sparplänen auch die Arbeitslosen ins Visier: Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit soll einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge künftig mit einer elektronischen Rasterfahndung den Missbrauch beim neuen Arbeitslosengeld II bekämpfen. Gleichzeitig wollen die Koalitionäre offenbar die Goldreserven antasten, um einen milliardenschweren Zukunftsfonds zu finanzieren…“ Artikel im Handelsblatt vom 11. November 2005


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Gegen die Hartz-Gesetze, für eine beschäftigungsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik

„Die mit den Hartz-Gesetzen beschlossenen beschäftigungspolitischen Maßnahmen sind in ihrer Grundausrichtung falsch, weil sie auf eine Disziplinierung der Arbeitslosen statt auf eine Ausweitung des Angebots an Arbeitsplätzen zielen…“ Beschluss der DGB Regionsdelegiertenkonferenz Bay. Untermain vom
22.10.2005 (pdf)


Neues bei Ver.di: Klare Ablehnung der 1-Euro-Jobs

Resolution der Personalrätekonferenz des verdi Bundesfachbereichs Gemeinden - Oktober 2005: Die Personalrätekonferenz lehnt die Einführung von „Arbeitsgelegenheiten mit Mehraufwandsentschädigungen (1-Euro-Jobs)“ ab. Ein kurzer Bericht von Werner Lutz von der Personalrätekonferenz im Oktober 2005 in Magdeburg sowie die dort verabschiedete Resolution.


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Hartz IV: Die gefühlte Kostenexplosion

Entgegen der allgemeinen Einschätzung ist Hartz IV nicht sehr viel teurer als die alten Hilfssysteme. Das zeigen neue Vergleiche mit den Ausgaben für Arbeitslosenhilfe und Sozialhilfe des Jahres 2004. Artikel von Jonas Viering in der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 27.10.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Ein-Euro-Jobs kein Einstieg in feste Arbeitsverhältnisse

Soziologe: Ein-Euro-Jobs kein Einstieg in feste Arbeitsverhältnisse

Für den Soziologen Martin Bongarts bewegt sich die Chance, durch Ein-Euro-Jobs wieder in feste Arbeitsverhältnisse zu gelangen, im Promillebereich. Arbeitslose würden sogar mit großem Interesse nach Ein-Euro-Jobs nachfragen, da sie darin eine Art letzte Hoffnung sähen, doch nach kurzer Zeit würde sich Frustration einstellen, meinte Bongarts, der eine Initiative für Erwerbslose in Marburg leitet. Interview von Hans-Jochim Wiese mit Martin Bongarts im Deutschlandfunk vom 07.11.2005


1-Euro-Jobs in der Jugendhilfe

Mit der Einführung des ALGII und den damit verbundenen Gesetzesänderungen zum 1.1.2005 ist bei der ARGE ein neuer Kundenkreis verstärkt ins Visier geraten. Alle unter 25 jährigen Menschen werden nun von „U25-Teams“ betreut. Auch die ARGE in Hamburg hat in jedem Bezirk U25-Teams eingerichtet. Artikel von Olaf Sobczak zuerst erschienen in der Printausgabe von „Forum - für Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Ausgabe 3/2005. (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2005

Statement of Habeas Counsel Denouncing Midnight Raid on Constitution


Company Knew, Covered Up Pollution of Americans' Blood for 18 Years


Cheney Sidesteps Travel Disclosure Rules


Bush’s Unpopularity Is Good News for the World


Thrill of the Kill: The Other Tragedy in Iraq


Calling For Truth and Dignity in the Nation's Conduct


New Orleans' Racial Divide: An Unnatural Disaster


America, The Naive: Listen to the President's Soothing Words, and Ignore Those Who Disturb Your Rest


Crisis Scenarios for Deflecting Attention from the President's Woes


Spaniard Calls C.I.A. Plane Case 'Very Serious'


Woodward Was Told of Plame More Than Two Years Ago




Informant: Milo

Fallujah and Impeachment



Pentagon tries to cover lies about white phosphorus in Fallujah

Wed., Nov 16, 2005

A US government website had previously insisted that phosphorus shells were merely “fired into the air to illuminate enemy positions at night, not at enemy fighters”. The Pentagon now admits that phosphorus was indeed “used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants” — although not against civilians. In London Robert Tuttle, the US Ambassador, who on Tuesday rebutted reports that American forces used phosphorus as a weapon, told The Times: “We did the best we could with the information we had, but we regret that it was not totally accurate.”


"The military estimates that 2,000 people in Fallujah were killed, but claims that most of them were fighters. Relief personnel and locals, however, believe the vast majority of the dead were civilians." (Jamail, 'An Eyewitness Account of Fallujah,' December 16, 2004,


“I saw cluster bombs everywhere, and so many bodies that were burned, dead with no bullets in them. So they definitely used fire weapons, especially in Julan district. I watched American snipers shoot civilians so many times. I saw an American sniper in a minaret of a mosque shooting everyone that moved.” )


Informant: John Calvert

G.A.O. CONFIRMS vote fraud nationwide


Cheney Is on the Way Out


Power, Priviledge, and Justice: The Chandra Levy Case



Dick Cheney is being mentioned in the Chandra Levy investigation



The view of America


Oliver North was in charge of the rex 84 program


Informant: Zorro

George Washington Is Dead: The Tyranny of the Living


Dawn Hansen: Persecuting a Mother Against the Draft


John Edwards: Better Late Than Never?


Boy George: Who’s Your Daddy?


The Disgrace of the Bible-Belt Republicans: on the morality of their war president


A New Federal War on Dissent?


Protection advice over phone mast

By Neil Elkes
Birmingham mail
Nov 16 2005

FAMILIES battling plans for a mobile phone mast next to a city park are to be told how to shield themselves from its emissions.

More than 1,000 families living near the proposed site of a Vodafone mast, in Eachelhurst Road , Erdington, have been invited to a meeting next week.

Campaigners who believe that radiation from masts can trigger a range of health problems including cancers will outline ways homeowners can protect their families.

Although they claim a link between masts and ill health, the telecom industry and official Government backed investigations say there is no evidence of this.

Omega this is not true. See under:

The meeting, to be chaired by Labour Party campaigner Dr Rob Pocock, is at St Mary's Church Hall, Tyburn Road, at 7pm next Wednesday.

The Eachelhurst Mast Action Group will also call on people to support their opposition to the mast being site next to the picturesque Pype Hayes Park .

Group spokeswoman Maria Duffy said they had raised several issues with the council planning department and hope for a reply before the meeting.

She said: "We are enquiring about the legality or otherwise of placement of mobile phone masts on the highway in breach of the, then, citywide moratorium of masts on council owned land."

She added that residents will also be told how to get legal letters to put Vodafone and the council on notice that they will be held liable for any future health problems attributed to the mast.

"We will also talk about how residents can obtain the materials necessary to protect their homes and their families."

The meeting follows talks between Vodafone and the action group at which the company said that they had found no available alternative site to fill a gap in the network.

The council's planning committee is expected to consider the mast application in the next few weeks.

Orange won't squash us

Wirral Globe 16.11.05

MOBILE giant Orange has bluntly refused to remove one of its masts from inside a church tower - sparking a furious war of words with protestors.

Local residents and councillors are adamant that the firm failed to properly consult over their plan to site the controversial mast inside the tower of Manor Church Centre in Manor Road , Wallasey.

More than 70 residents attended a public debate at Wallasey Town Hall three weeks ago to protest about the mast.

They are particularly angry because a playgroup is held within the church centre and a school is nearby.

But Orange - which is paying the church £6,000 a year - is refusing to budge.

In a letter to Liscard Labour councillor Christine Jones, Orange council relations officer Tom Powell said: "As you are aware, Orange has entered into a binding legal agreement with the Church to site equipment within its tower.

"Unfortunately, this is a long-term agreement which cannot be terminated at this late stage. I am sorry that this is not the outcome that you or the local residents would have liked but there is nothing more that I can do in this instance."

Mr Powell said he was aware that "some of the local residents" were unhappy about the consultation exercise but added that the situation "would have easily been avoided if the local ward councillors at the time had responded to our consultation letters".

Cllr Jones responded with a strongly worded letter insisting that the councillors at the time - in February, 2003 - all say they were not consulted about the mast.

And she warned that she and her councillor colleagues along with local residents would not back down until the mast was removed.

She wrote: "What moral right have you to force the people of this locality to live within the beam of your transmitter if they know the risks and do not want it?"

And she added: "You have rented the church tower. But you do not own the space in which my constituents live.

"This is not going to be one of the meek protests to which you may be accustomed. I know my constituents well enough to understand that they will not stop protesting until they can be sanguine that their living space, and their children's living space, is cleared of the perceived hazard they believe you are inflicting on them.

"Is Orange so haughty a corporation that it can close its eyes to the misery it is inflicting on this parish?

"You have what you describe as a 'binding legal agreement' with the church. It is only 'binding' if you refuse to release the church from it."

Cllr Jones told the Globe: "Residents view Orange to have virtually declared war on their locality.

"This fight is far from over, and if Orange think that this is the end of it they have another think coming."

November 25: Buy Nothing Day


BUY NOTHING DAY November 25 is fast approaching and we're ramping up our activities. Plan your own consumer fast with some help from the Action pyramid. Check out the ideas, make them your own, and contribute to the biggest BND yet. Then, visit the "In the news" section to track the buzz BND is generating.


WALMART TAKEDOWN Walmart's dirty deeds are in the spotlight like never before and it's time to make them pay. Check out the Walmart Takedown section to get tips on organizing a Whirl-Mart, jamming their shopping carts, or getting a group of jammers together to watch "WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price." http://www.adbusters.org

The Buy Nothing Day Team.

Informant: Hopedance

THE LATEST FROM THE FRONT: http://www.adbusters.org

This is it people. Are you ready for one of the biggest celebrations in Buy Nothing Day history?

If you're reading this message you're not alone. 85,000 people from 60 countries have signed up online and the BND website has been white hot - with more than 20,000 visitors a day. http://www.adbusters.org/bnd

For millions BND is a chance to take the plunge and find out what it feels like to go consumerism cold turkey. Jammers take the message even further. In the US, the Wal-Mart takedown has become a huge focus, with 24-hour marathon screenings of The High Cost of Low Price and pranks planned from Wisconsin to Alaska. Elsewhere, the Codepink Women of Pittsburg will be handing out big pink price tags and students from Grassroots Activism will dish up wholesome free samples of nothing.

In Toronto, the circus is coming to town, with Kapitalist Klowns, street parties and Santa zombie walks. In Ireland, Galway jammers will unleash street theatre, a film fest, art installations, and a barter fair. In Berlin, shopping police will hand out "fines". Japanese jammers in Nagano are planning a BND student workshop, and in the UK, the Radical Cheerleaders and the Nexus Chainstore Massacre have their sights set on London's shopping Mecca, Oxford Street. Check all this out at the BND hub: http://www.adbusters.org

So, we know what you're not doing on BND - but what will you do? Send your pics, film clips, stories, highlights and personal epiphanies to Brian for a Best of BND spot online and in the magazine.

Brian Highley
BND Coordinator


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November 2005

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