
Your Senator's Vote Could Bust the Nuclear "Bunker Buster" Again!


This week, thanks to all your letters, emails, and phone calls, the Senate defense appropriations subcommittee cut funding for the nuclear "bunker buster" weapon. However, our work is not done. The Senate military authorization bill, which senators could vote on next week (by October 7), contains funding for the bunker buster.

Your senator is one of seven key members of Congress who could provide a crucial vote to cut funding for the nuclear bunker buster weapon. When the military authorization legislation comes to the floor of the full Senate, Sen. Ted Kennedy (MA) will offer an amendment to delete funding for the bunker buster. Please contact your senator to tell him or her to support the Kennedy amendment to the defense authorization bill.

Take Action Today

Senators Bayh (IN), Domenici (NM), Ben Nelson (NE), Bill Nelson (FL), Smith (OR), Snowe (ME), and Specter (PA) could provide the critical votes that will determine the outcome of the Kennedy amendment. They especially need to hear messages from their constituents asking them to support the Kennedy amendment on bunker busters.

Please email your senator and tell him or her to support the Kennedy amendment to the defense authorization bill. You can write to your senator from FCNL's web site:


You will need to enter your zip code to see the sample letter.

Stop New Nuclear Weapons! Find out how, http://www.fcnl.org/nuclear

Informant: David Culp

Bush Cronyism Weakens Government Agencies

The universe of federal political appointees goes beyond Cabinet secretaries and their deputies and principal assistants. Lower-level "Schedule C" and other appointed jobs pay at the civil service scale and don't need to be confirmed by the Senate. Their numbers grew 24 percent from 2000 to 2004 and are included in the Plum Book, which is formally known as "United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions."


Money Ties to DeLay Ally Raise Ethics Question for Blunt

Records on file with the Federal Election Commission show that since 2003, Blunt's political action committee has paid $94,000 in salary to the consulting firm of Jim Ellis, a longtime associate of DeLay. Ellis has been indicted in the same case as DeLay, for allegedly conspiring to illegally influence the outcome of Texas legislative elections by channeling corporate money to Republican candidates.


US Forces 'Out of Control', Says Reuters Chief

Reuters has told the US government that American forces' conduct towards journalists in Iraq is "spiraling out of control" and preventing full coverage of the war reaching the public.


Help ensure that every American vote will be counted in the 2008 election and beyond


Sorry for the short notice, but this comment WILL count. PLEASE SEND FAR AND WIDE AS SOON AS YOU HAVE SENT YOUR EMAIL. Remember to include your name and address.

We have 36 hours to help ensure that every American vote will be counted in the 2008 election and beyond. The Federal Election Assistance Commission closes the public comment period on their proposed Voluntary Voting System Guidelines at 5 p.m. this Friday, September 30, 2005.


Please send an email with the following phrase or whatever you would like to express on the proposed guidelines immediately to votingsystemguidelines@eac.gov . Many technical people are submitting detailed comments, but we learned yesterday that governments around the world are WATCHING to see what America - YOU - think.

I want Section 6.8 to require a voter-verified paper audit trail for ALL voters and voting systems. It should be mandatory. The reasons why should be obvious.

The current proposal does NOT require voter-verified paper audit trail.

(I also added the following:)

Also to be included in the proposed guidelines:

- No secret, proprietary code for any voting systems.

- No voting machine companies to be used as the "central tabulating" center during elections or in any other capacity.

- No voting machine employee or executive, no state official or state employee that is involved in election planning or execution can be associated with any particular party's political campaign. (e.g. Blackwell as Sec. of State of Ohio AND Chairman of the Republican Party in Ohio - ridiculous and obviously flagrant conflict of interest.)


Your name and address.

For fair elections, Nancy Wallace Co-founder, TrueVoteMD.org
Bobbie Brinegar Senior Political Adviser, VerifiedVoting.org

Nancy Wallace

Informant: Andrea Ball

Artenschützer fordern Wildvogel-Importverbot

Ziervögel: Artenschützer fordern Wildvogel-Importverbot (30.09.05)

Anlässlich des Welttierschutztages am 4. Oktober macht die Artenschutzorganisation Pro Wildlife auf "das tödliche Geschäft mit Wildvögeln" aufmerksam: Etwa 3,5 Millionen Vögel würden jährlich der Natur entrissen, um die Nachfrage nach Papageien, Beos, Prachtfinken und anderen "Ziervögeln" allein in der EU zu decken. Die Hälfte dieser Tiere sterbe bereits bei Fang, Lagerung und Transport in den Herkunftsländern, die restlichen 1,75 Mio. Tiere würden "in Kisten gepfercht" und "völlig legal" in die EU gebracht. Eine Studie der Artenschutzorganisation von PRO WILDLIFE zeige, wie dieser Handel immer neue Arten an den Rand der Ausrottung treibe. Mit 87 Prozent der Importe sei die EU mit Abstand weltgrößter Abnehmer von Ziervögeln aus freier Wildbahn. Weit über 200 Tier- und Naturschutzverbände forderten von der EU, "den grausamen Vogelimport endlich zu verbieten". Auch zur Bekämpfung der Vogelgrippe sei ein solcher Schritt "längst überfällig", heißt es bei Pro Wildlife.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

The solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is increasing

V wrote:

We are going to see huge climate changes into the near future. The polar ice caps are melting not because the greenhouse effect, but because the increasing solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth. We are into an enlightening process that takes place also in the physical world, which is good news for sungazers.

The following info is from

Judging from three papers in the May 6 issue of Science, the amount of incoming solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth has increased dramatically in the last two decades.

If we average the results of Pinker et al. and Wild et al., we get 3.55 W/m2 for the period 1985 to 2000. To this we add 2.06 W/m2 from 2000 to 2004 and get 5.61 W/m2. If we divide this by 0.6 W/m2 (the total change in greenhouse forcing from 1985 to 2004, we get 9.35. The added forcing from increased solar radiation reaching the earth's surface has contributed nearly 10 times as much energy as greenhouse changes!

Enhanced greenhouse gases are inconsequential compared to the tremendous increase in solar energy hitting the surface. Apparently few want to admit to this.

The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, in 1991, lowered the amount of incoming solar radiation by about 1.5 W/m2 and subsequently dropped the surface temperature about a half of a degree within two years. A clear cause and effect. The rises now purported in solar radiation are several times larger than that.

If somehow we are wrong (a rare event), then greenhouse warming is over, as the sensitivity of the earth's temperature to carbon dioxide has been grossly overestimated. Believe us, we'd like to hope the latter is correct, but we have to call things in the most logical fashion.


Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

Please find a new paper attached:


I hope it contributes to clarify the environmental and health serious problem of the mobile telephony. Thanks for your interest.

Best regards,

Alfonso Balmori.

From Mast Sanity

Mobile phone mast plan sparks alarm

RESIDENTS have vowed to fight plans to build a mobile phone mast in the heart of their Chester community.

Vodafone wants to install a 15m pole at the Fox Barracks to introduce 3G coverage in the Moston area.

Householders near the proposed development received letters from the firm outlining its plans and asking for views and comments.

The mobile phone company chose the barracks after plans for a mast in the Demage Lane area were dropped following consultation with residents.

But the new site is likely to meet with similar opposition. One resident, Hayley Noden, said she was extremely worried about the plans.

Mrs Noden, a mother-of-two and who also has a step daughter, said: “I am really concerned about this mast being put there. We do not want to be living near a mast, especially when it has not been proved that they are safe. There will be children living and playing near this mast and that really worries me. It also concerns me that it is a 3G mast and they operate at an even higher frequency. Apart from that I think it would be a bit of an eyesore. This mast is not going to be hidden.

“We are only a small community and we are all against this. We do not want this mast here.”

A spokesman for Vodafone said: “Vodafone is in the process of securing a suitable site at Fox Barracks for a new radio base station in order to introduce 3G service to the Moston area.


“The proposed mobile base station would consist of a 15m-high parallel column with three antennas and associated ancillary equipment. It is considered that at this height, the installation will be better assimilated into the street scene and therefore not have a detrimental impact upon the visual amenity of the area, However, we are inviting comments on this proposal in advance of our formal planning submission to Chester City Council.”


Update From the Field 9/29/05


FEMA Management Mess

NOW goes inside the management mess at FEMA.

Charged with Murder, Connected to Abramoff

Two of three men charged with the mob-style hit of a businessman a few months after he sold a fleet of casino boats to Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff were ordered held without bond Wednesday.


Hurricanes Rain on Bush's Tax Cut Parade

David Sirota explores how the Katrina catastrophe proves that conservatives' tax cut zealotry has left America vulnerable to disaster.


Baghdad on the Bayou


Troubled Year Gets Worse for the GOP

Yesterday's indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) represented one of the most significant blows the party has suffered in a year replete with problems. Bush has been the party's public face. But in Washington, DeLay has been an iron force. With muscle and determination, DeLay ruled the inside game, and his indictment is therefore all the more significant.


Our Glorious Week of Anti-War Protests & More

From: CODEPINK <codepink@democracyinaction.org>

September 29, 2005

We have just come out of a glorious week of anti-war activities. CODEPINK activists from all over the c ountry converged on Washington DC to join over 300,000 others in a massive rally and march on Saturday, while others participated in spirited rallies in cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle.

In DC, w e started the day with a fabulous pre-rally in the morning, where we were joined by Cindy Sheehan, Joan Baez, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, actress Margot Kidder, Iraq veteran Camilo Mejia and thousands of supporters. We then moved together in a sea of pink to join the march, keeping up a joyous tone w ith our chants, our songs and our “sister spirit.” The march was so huge that you couldn’t find the beginning or the end -- just waves and waves of people united in our call to end the killing.

On Monday many CODEPINK women took our anti-war message to the halls of Congress, joining more than 800 others in the largest-ever pro-peace lobby day organized by United for Peace and Justice. We urged our representatives to take every action to stop this war, support legislation to bring the troops home, stop building permanent bases in Iraq, and forbid schools from sharing student information with military recruiters without parental permission.

Also on Monday, a CODEPINK contingent went to the gate of the White House to deliver boxes and boxes of ‘reasons to end the war’ gathered from our www.onemillionreasons.org site, as well as from organizations such as MoveOn, Progressive Democrats of America and True Majority. Following that, a group of religious leaders sat in prayer in front of the White House, and 375 of us -- including Cindy Sheehan and other military families, veterans and 36 CODEPINK women -- joined them. Protesting in front of the White House in today’s America is a crime, and because we refused to move, we were arrested for “demonstrating without a permit.” One by one, we were dragged off, handcuffed, put in a paddy wagon or a bus, and shepherded through a LONG bureaucratic process of booking and fingerprinting that went on until the wee hours of the morning. We left exhausted but elated by our act of civil disobedience and the camaraderie we felt with each other.

Our week of action also included organizing an anti-corruption squad that protested in front of the DC office of Halliburton, a peace flotilla that went out in paddle boats onto the DC Tidal Basin with the call “Make Levees Not War,” A large vigil at Walter Reed hospital in support of wounded soldiers and vets, a premiere showing of Patricia Foulkrod’s searing film Ground Truth about the shattered lives of returning Iraq vets, a beautiful event at the Green Festival with authors from our Stop the Next War Now book, and a booth at the Peace and Justice fair on the Washington Mall. On top of that, we helped Cindy Sheehan with her packed schedule of talks, interviews and congressional meetings. Whew!!!

Please check out the amazing photos and blogs on our site http://www.codepink4peace.org/gallery.phpto see the breadth and depth of our actions this week. We are now home catching our breath, reuniting with our families, planning for what is next and recharging our batteries for the work ahead. We want to send a huge thanks to all who joined us in Washington or their local rallies, to the staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make this such an amazing week, and to all of you whose generous support and encouragement keep us going.

With hope and thanks,

Alicia, Andrea, Dana, Farida, Gael, Grace, Jodie, Medea, Rae, and Tiffany

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Cindy Sheehan Holds US Leaders 'Feet to the Fire' on Iraq

SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 11:01 AM

CONTACT: Meet with the Mothers, http://meetwiththemothers.org Karen Pomer 310.463.7025 Shay Lohman 626.833.0105

Cindy Sheehan Holds US Leaders 'Feet to the Fire' on Iraq - DC

WASHINGTON - September 29 - Cindy Sheehan Meets With Top Democratic and Republican Representatives: Urges Them to Increase Their Leadership in Ending the War in Iraq Thursday's Schedule Includes House Democratic Leader Pelosi, Sen. Dole, Sen. Obama, and Sen. Durbin

Sheehan and her Supporters Pledge to Hold Both Democratic and Republican Leaders ‘Feet to the Fire’ to ‘Bring the Troops Home Now’ From a War That a Record Two-Thirds of Americans Recently Polled Say President Bush is Mishandling

WHEN: Thursday, September 29th at 5:30 PM

WHERE: NEW LOCATION DUE TO RAIN: Outside office of Sen. Barack Obama 713 Hart Senate Office Building.

WHAT: Media availability with Cindy Sheehan to discuss meetings with top Democratic and Republican representatives, her week in Washington, including Saturday's 100,000 - 300,000 person march and rally against the war, and her arrest outside the White House along with 370 others. Sheehan will be flying back to California after the media availability.

Cindy Sheehan, the grieving military mother whose August vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas focused the nation's attention on the human cost of the Iraq war, will be available for interviews on Thursday, September 29, after meetings with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Senator Barack Obama (D-ILL.), Senator Richard Durbin (D-ILL.), and Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC), regarding their leadership in bringing our troops home from Iraq immediately.

Sheehan's son Casey, of Vacaville, CA, was killed in Sadr City while serving in the Army in April 2004.

“So far this month 43 American troops and many more Iraqi civilians have been killed in Iraq. Our Representatives and Senators must take responsibility for this war, and take action to bring an end to it,” Sheehan said.

''We have gone after Democrats as strongly as Republicans leaders. We believe a strong—a good Democratic or Republican leader or candidate has to stand up and say, it‘s a war based on lies. We should never have gone there. We shouldn't be there. And let‘s lead our troops out now."

In addition to urging Congress members to bring the troops home from Iraq, she will also implore them to use U.S. tax dollars to pay for hurricane relief and reconstruction instead of war and destruction in Iraq.

"We intend to hold these Democratic or Republican leaders 'feet to the fire' until they lead the way Americans wants them to. According to recent polls a record two-thirds of Americans say the war is being mishandled by President Bush and a majority want to cut spending to the war to pay for hurricane relief,'' said Sheehan.

A recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll , reported that 59% said they considered the 2003 invasion of Iraq a mistake, 63% said they wanted to see some or all U.S. troops withdrawn from that country and 54% told pollsters they favor cutting spending on the war to pay for disaster relief.

Only 39% said the invasion of Iraq was the right thing to have done. Support for Bush's management of the war in Iraq has dropped to 32%, with 67% telling pollsters they disapproved of how Bush is prosecuting the conflict.

Since Sheehan’s vigil in Crawford ended on Aug. 31, she and other military families, Iraq war veterans, and peace activists have taken the vigil to congressional district offices throughout the country, in an effort to hold members of Congress and the President accountable for the devastation in Iraq.

In a letter she wrote to Congress in late August, she said, “President Bush sent our sons and daughters to war in Iraq. Congress gave him the authority to do so. That's why we are now turning to you, the elected officials who have the power to declare wars -- and end wars.”

So far, Sheehan has visited the offices of Senators John McCain, Richard Lugar, John Kerry, Hilary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, and Edward Kennedy, as well as Congressmen Tom Delay, Mark Kirk, Dennis Hastert, Charles Rangel, Henry Waxman, Lloyd Doggett, and others. During the meetings, she asks Congress members the simple questions she wanted to ask President Bush: What is the "noble cause " that brave Americans like Casey Sheehan have died for? How many more lives are we as a country willing to sacrifice in Iraq? How many are you personally willing to sacrifice? What are you specifically doing to bring our sons and daughters home from this needless war?

Meet with the Mothers is the new Congressional Campaign of Cindy Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace. Gold Star Families for Peace is taking the same questions that Cindy was seeking answers to from the President and now taking them to every Member of Congress and Senator for their response. They are working to hold every Member of Congress and Senator accountable along with the President.


Informant: John Calvert

Cindy Sheehan

Progressives and the Imperialist Line

by Kim Petersen

Since right-wingers have successfully co-opted supposedly left-wing political parties (examples are rife: Clinton’s neoliberalism under the sponsorship of the Democratic Party in the United States; Blair and the Labour Party in Britain; Chrétien and Martin with the Liberal Party in Canada; and most glaringly, Deng Xiao Peng’s obliteration of the people’s revolution led by the Communist Party in China), it would hardly be surprising that right-wingers have masterly encroached into progressive media. Indeed right-wing sources fund many progressive media. Having said that, a serious problem of method and principle arise when decidedly progressive writers and keen observers of the American Empire adopt the analytical methodology and vocabulary of imperialist decision makers and their think tanks. In addressing such a phenomenon, I must emphasize that it seems rather odd that at a moment such as this when reactionary, criminal forces control the West and when all progressive elements of society must harness their energy to confront the enemies of civilization sitting in Washington, London, Paris, Ottawa, and Moscow, I have to take on progressive writers....


A New Perspective On the Berenson Case

by Nicholas Birns

Our perception of Lori Berenson has been clouded by a bewildering recent series of rulings and counter-findings surrounding her case. Lori Berenson has been imprisoned in Peru for almost ten years for allegedly conspiring with terrorists. (The grim anniversary of her imprisonment is upcoming in November). New challenges and complications in the Andean region and its neighbors have only exacerbated the situation. In his Second Inaugural Address, President Bush strongly endorsed liberal-humanitarian interventionism, saying: “The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” Yet the reach of this rhetorical vision of freedom is not meant to stretch to every corner of the globe. In spite of this shortcoming, we must reanimate our awareness of the Berenson case, placing it in the new context of the Bush administration’s worldwide proactive democratic aspirations. This article will illuminate why this case is so important to any reexamination of the values of American foreign policy....


Abu Ghraib: Command Responsibility

by Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com

With the worst of the photos on the way, we cannot let enlisted soldiers take the fall for a criminal chain of command.


050930 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Cracks seen in GOP front on DeLay

Some voice doubt leader will return to House position

By Rick Klein, Globe Staff | September 30, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The united front Republicans built to support ousted House majority leader Tom DeLay showed signs of crumbling yesterday, with conservatives threatening a leadership challenge and some moderate Republicans saying they don't think DeLay, facing criminal conspiracy charges in Texas, will ever come back to House leadership.


Informant: John Calvert

Full of Pictures From Katrina: The Great USA Katrina PowerPoint Presentation

This is an incredible Power Point Presentation sent in from Richard L. If anyone has a way to convert this over to another format for those who can't view Power Point please do so and repost. Very good shots.


The Great USA Katrina PowerPoint Presentation

Full of Pictures From Katrina. 3.29 MB

Right Click And Save Target As

House Votes to Cripple Endangered Species Act

Just moments ago, the U.S. House of Representatives hastily - and narrowly - approved the first major changes to the Endangered Species Act since 1988. This vote represents the most serious attack on endangered species protections I have seen in the nearly 30 years I have been working on these issues.

As the debate on this legislation moves to the Senate, Environmental Defense is calling on leaders there to proceed more cautiously. In the days and weeks ahead, we will be enlisting your support as the fight in the Senate heats up.

Today's vote in the House takes direct aim at our endangered species protections. It complicates both listing new species and implementing recovery plans for species already on the list. Unfortunately, the losers are the nation's bald eagles, ocelots, grizzly bears, ivory-billed woodpeckers and other endangered species. Learn more about the vote:


The Senate has an opportunity to act more responsibly, and we urge them to do so.

The Senate stepped between the overly-hasty House and rare plants and animals once before. In 1978, the House was roiled that the Supreme Court stopped construction of a dam in Tennessee to protect endangered fish. It passed a bevy of crippling amendments to the ESA. The Senate rejected virtually everything the House had done and the Endangered Species Act survived.

Because the Senate stood strong, whooping crane numbers have increased ten-fold, California condors soar in the Grand Canyon, wolves roam in Yellowstone and black-footed ferrets are once again found in the Great Plains. The ESA has also helped restore our national symbol, the American bald eagle, from a few hundred pairs to over 8,000 pairs in the continental United States.

If successes such as these are to continue, the Senate must again reject the overreaching of the House.

In the weeks and months ahead as the fight to protect endangered species moves to the Senate, we need your help to win the battle there, so please stand by.

Thank you for your commitment to protect America's natural heritage.


Michael Bean
Chairman of the Wildlife Program Environmental Defense

Company run by Frist's brother made $630m deal two days before he announced he would be leader

Today, a RAW STORY investigation has turned up more intrigue surrounding Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's affiliation with his family's booming for-profit hospital chain, HCA.


The D.A. And Tom DeLay

Ronnie Earle is the local district attorney in Austin, Texas. What he cares about most is rooting out public corruption. Over the years, he’s indicted more than a dozen politicians, including a U.S. senator, the state’s attorney general, and a sitting Texas Supreme Court justice.


From Information Clearing House

Brownie's Comic Opera

It was like watching Suzanne Sommers play Lady Macbeth; poor Brownie was in way over his head. The ex-FEMA chief stuck close to his Karl Rove script and didn't give an inch to the blustery congressmen.


The predators of New Orleans

The Army Corps in New Orleans is now led by the official who formerly oversaw contracts in Iraq. The Lower Ninth Ward may never exist again, but already the barroom and strip-joint owners in the French Quarter are relishing the fat days ahead, as the Halliburton workers, Blackwater mercenaries, and Bechtel engineers leave their federal paychecks behind on Bourbon Street.


Left to Die in a New Orleans Prison

Thousands of prisoners were abandoned for days when Katrina hit New Orleans; more than 500 are still missing.


The Meaning of the IAEA Iran Vote

Is the U.S. willing to use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear adversary that is an NPT signatory, thus risking universal condemnation? Several statements and documents from the Defense Department suggest that it is indeed fully prepared to do so.


Blair's selfish vanity risks poisoning Labour's future

On Iraq Blair is not simply discredited: his personal pride has become a fundamental obstacle to any rational discussion about what now needs to happen. It has been obvious for some time that the presence of British and American troops is causing more problems than it solves.


From Information Clearing House

'Frog-Marching' Bush to the Hague

If the leaders of a less powerful nation had invaded a country under false pretenses – touching off a war that left tens of thousands of civilians dead – there surely would be demands for war crimes prosecutions before the International Criminal Court at the Hague. But not for Bush and his War Cabinet.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan: Why I Was Smiling

I had a huge grin on my face when I was getting arrested. I have received a lot of flak for smiling. Apparently I am not supposed to smile, but I had some really good reasons for doing so.


Cindy Sheehan

Manipulating the Public Mind

by Charles Sullivan

No one is more effectively enslaved by the power brokers in government than those who wear the chains of servitude but think they are free. Unfortunately, the average American has no conception of how effectively their perceptions are shaped and manipulated by the media propaganda they unwittingly feed into their unsuspecting minds.


The U.S. Has Plans to Invade Iran Before Bush's Term Ends

by Walter C. Uhler

We simply cannot permit the Bush "war party" to run roughshod over America's democracy once again.


Species Act Co-Author Searches for Republican to Topple Pombo

Pete McCloskey, the Republican former congressman who co-authored the Endangered Species Act in 1973, says he will run against ESA nemesis Richard Pombo if no other Republican challenger can be found. "The Republican values that I grew up with, Pombo is not espousing," said McCloskey.


The More Things Change

Craig Morris, a New Orleans native living in Germany, gives his impressions from abroad of Katrina, global warming and the US response.


Blood on Their Hands

Bob Herbert: Make no mistake: government officials have blood on their hands. Men, women and children - some of them handicapped, some of them elderly or already desperately ill - were condemned to horrible suffering and, in many cases, agonizing deaths. Human beings were left to drown in their flooded homes, in hospitals, in nursing homes and in the street. The American people deserve to know why.


Environmentalists Decry House Passage of Endangered Species 'Reform'


Feds Unable to Search Own Anti-Terrorism Database


House Energy Bill Is Biggest Clean Air Act Weakening in History


Media Coverage Disappearing in the Iraq War 'Endgame'


And My Tunes Were Played on the Harp Unstrung


Bush's Presidency Is Exposed, Crumbling


America Speaks: Will the Democratic Party Listen?

The "American Street" Speaks: Will the Democratic Party Listen?

America Speaks: Will the Democratic Party Listen?

Even Democrats who are not veterans of Iraq need to find the courage to speak out on the war if they are effectively to challenge the Republicans. Simply waiting around for things to get worse in Baghdad is a dangerous strategy, not so much because the situation is likely to improve any time soon but because the American people want real leadership on this issue and they know they are not getting it from Bush.


Torture and the "Controversial" Arc of Injustice


Fears Over Climate as Arctic Ice Melts at Record Level


Turkish Women Blast U.S. Envoy on Iraq War


Feingold's anti-war appeal


Informant: Kev Hall

We don't want a mast round here

30 September 2005 11:49

Families have reacted angrily to plans to put up a lamppost-style mobile phone mast near their homes.

Mobile phone firm Orange has submitted proposals to put a 37ft mast at the junction of Aylsham Road and Boundary Road in Norwich.

The plans have caused concern among families living nearby, because the health implications of such masts are still unclear.

Sales rep Michelle Adams, 32, of Bolingbrooke Road, who has a seven-year-old son Christopher, said: “I wish the rules meant they could not put masts close to places where lots of people live.

“I know they need these masts, but it's a shame they have to try to put them close to places where children live. No one knows whether these things are safe or not.”

Orange said it would put the mast on a pavement at the side of the busy junction if it got approval from city council planners. A similar scheme is also planned for Chartwell Road.

Self-employed builder Mark Welsh, 40, of Appleyard Cresent, who has two children, Alice, seven, and Reece, 13, said: “I use my mobile all the time, so I understand these masts have to go up.

“But surely it should be possible to put them in places away from where lots of people live.

“It's not something I have really thought about before, but I am sure quite a few people will be worried about this.”

The Evening News has campaigned for families to be given greater rights to object to the positioning of mobile phone masts on health grounds.

At present, planning laws do not permit any mast application to be turned down over fears it could cause medical complaints.

Norwich North MP Ian Gibson, a long-time supporter of our campaign, says the Government is on the verge of adapting the planning rules to make it tougher for mobile phone firms to put up masts.

A spokeswoman for Orange said: “We have consulted the parish council and ward councillors over this and there have not been any objections.

“As far as health and safety is concerned, we have to adhere to strict government guidelines; and health issues cannot be considered in relation to planning requirements.”

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

She said the mast, and accompanying cabinet, would be contained in a lamppost-style structure at the roadside. The proposals will go before City Hall planners soon.


Fury over new phone mast plan

TWO years ago, Joseph Geldert fought plans to put up a mobile phone mast outside his back door.

He tried everything to stop Hutchison 3G putting up a mast, including raising a petiton from neighbours worried about a possible risk to their children's health.

But their pleas fell on deaf ears, and the 73-year-old has since had to put up with a 40ft mast behind his house.

Now the pensioner has been left stunned after being told a second phone company wants to put up a mast – just yards away from the first.

Joseph, of Burford Gardens, Tunstall, said the O2 application was "ridiculous".

The firm has picked the rear of his house as a perfect site for their new mast, just 20 yards from the 3G mast.

An O2 spokesman said: "We searched the area thoroughly and this site had the least impact on the local community.

"We try to blend the masts in with the streetscapes as much as possible to mininmize the effect on the area and the local community."

Joseph said: "It's ridiculous. From their point of view I'm sure it's on high ground, but it's not screened away from view at all.

"They didn't even consider a site a 100 yards away that is screened from sight."

As well as the visual intrusion the mast will cause, Joseph is also worried about possible health implications for his neighbours.
The new mast will stand next the old mast at the same height of 40ft, but the phone company has moved to quell health fears.
The O2 spokesman added: "A vast amount of research into mobile phone technology has been done in the last four years and to date nothing has come up with a link.

As far as we are concerned, there is no risk to people's health."

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and

30 September 2005


Cindy Sheehan, Our Imploding President


Interview: Cindy Sheehan, Our Imploding President

As Sheehan approaches, she's mobbed. She hugs some of her greeters, poses for photos with others, listens briefly while people tell her they came all the way from California or Colorado just to see her, and accepts the literal T-shirt off the back of a man, possibly a vet, with a bandana around his forehead, who wants to give her "the shirt off my back." She is brief and utterly patient. She offers a word to everyone and anyone.


Cindy Sheehan

Cuban Terror Case Erodes US Credibility

Critics Say

Mast plan fails

FAMILIES who opposed an application for a mobile phone mast have heaved a sigh of relief after the council refused planning permission.

Public notices displayed to provide residents with information about the proposed development on Queen’s Drive, Ossett, failed to say it was a telecommunications mast and showed an incorrect council telephone number leaving residents unaware of the situation.

The deadline for objections was extended to last Friday due to the mistake and concerned homeowners collected hundreds of signatures against the proposal.

But the council this week said the T Mobile application to erect a mast had been refused

Linda Neville, 33, of Queen’s Drive, gathered 195 signatures against the proposal. She said: “I'm totally relieved. I honestly thought we were doomed and it would go up.

“I’m so pleased for my little girl because I was really worried about how it would effect her health. She’s only 22-months-old and that is one of the reasons I organised a petition.

“The government released a white paper deterring the use of mobile phones by children and though it didn’t include phone masts there’s got to be some significance for children living near them. I didn’t think this was a suitable area for a phone mast to be. It’s a highly-populated residential area.

“It was worth collecting all those signatures. I would advise people who live near proposed masts to fight them because you can win.

“I’m going to be able to sleep soundly at night now knowing my daughter will grow up healthy.”

Wakefield Council planning officer Sarah Bird said: “Prior approval for the siting and appearance has not been granted.

“Because the initial notice didn’t include the word telecommunication we issued new notices and extended the consultation period as soon as this was brought to our attention.”

The proposed mast would have be attached to a lamppost on the pavement outside the Two Brewer’s pub.

Campaigners said equipment for the mast, which would have been placed in a box on the pavement, would have restricted mobility for people using the walkway.

Anti-mast campaigner Maureen Thorpe, of Towngate, also collected 180 signatures objecting to the proposal.

She said: “The deadline was extended because they missed ‘telecommunications’ out of the description on the public notice.

“Most people had no idea there was an application for a phone mast. I think there was insufficient information.”

30 September 2005


Residents' horror at mast approval

Bridgnorth Journal 30.09.05

A controversial mobile phone mast will be built in the centre of Bridgnorth after being passed “through the back door” at an appeal hearing, it is claimed.

Plans to install the mast on top of the New Road telephone exchange were refused by councillors in February.

But they have now been passed at a planning appeal — much to the surprise of residents and councillors.

People living around the telephone exchange made their views against the mast clear, but an appeal on August 24 went against Bridgnorth Town Council and the district council’s decisions and granted permission.

The application is by telecommunication company “3” to install a flagpole, housing three antennae, on the telephone exchange to boost signals for mobile phone users.

Town and district councillor, Brian Jones, said he was very disappointed with the outcome of the appeal.

“It is almost literally through the back door,” he said. “I certainly wasn’t aware of it until I read the planning minutes and I don’t think people are aware of it. “I don’t think they will be very happy about it. I know it was campaigned against quite vigorously.

“We got views from local residents and virtually 100 per cent said they were against it.

“The whole population of Bridgnorth is pretty much against it so I am dismayed to see it has gone through on appeal.”

Councillor Jones said both the town and district council planning committees voted unanimously to refuse the proposal, saying it would spoil the historic skyline of Bridgnorth.

And he said despite being a member of the district planning committee, he had no idea the appeal was taking place.

“I shall be asking the question at the next meeting why we were not informed,” he added.

East Castle Street resident Kinda Ireland said she was very angry at the way the decision had been made.

“Why the inspector even bothered to come and have a look is a mystery. The government has its own agenda of agreeing to these masts and what local councillors and residents think doesn’t make any difference.”

Another resident, Doreen Watkiss, said she felt sorry for her neighbours in the street who had children as there were still worries about whether the masts contributed to leukaemia.

“It is also going to be very visible from the approach to the town. Bridgnorth is an old place, and we do not want these obstacles on the skyline.”

Campaigner Joe Anson said local people were not happy about the application. “I suppose they will be sprouting up all over the town like mushrooms now,” he said.

Les Jones of Jones Electrical in East Castle Street said he wasn’t convinced by claims that the mast would be safe.

“In our line of work you get to know about radiation, and you get a lot of warm radiation just from a mobile phone. I think the damage from a mast like this could be quite serious.”

When the application was made, Verity Stanford, spokesman for 3, said the mast would be operated well below the indicated emission guidelines.

Omega read: "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

Hooray for Catastrophes


Indirect 9/11 death toll keeps climbing


Informant: Lew Rockwell

An Almost Unimaginable Life


Cindy Sheehan

A Compromise for the Libertarian Hawks


Afghan Absurdities


Interphone researchers misled the media - Cell phone cancer link misreported

There is going to be an Israeli TV investigation show in the national news today, about the misleading way in which the British Interphone results were reported to the public. Reports all over the world quoted Reuters, and said that it was safe to use the phone for 10 years with no tumors, but the media didn't report the 80% increase after 10 years. Of course if tumors develop after 10 years it is evidence for damage that is done during the first 10 years, so something does happen during the first 10 years so that's very misleading to say that 10 years are "safe". This time it's not the media's fault. The researchers themselves didn't report accurately on their own findings to the media! The media also reported "no cancer risk" whereas the study was on benign tumors, it was a good PR for the companies. See here the english version of Haaretz newspaper on that.


Cell phone cancer link misreported

By Tamara Traubman

The world's approximately 1 billion cellular telephone users received good news at the end of August: new research showed the devices did not increase the chance of cancer, even among those who used them for a decade or more. But the research included another part not reported in the press that experts have called "a warning light."

Among those who used cell phones for more than 10 years, the risk of developing acoustic neuroma, a nervous system tumor, was almost twice that of people who did not use them.

The good news was reported by hundreds of media outlets worldwide, including Haaretz. Cellular carriers could not have hoped for better PR: "Cell phones don't cause cancer!"

However, the press all relied on a press release penned by the researchers that did not include the worrisome findings.

Channel 2 reporter Chico Menashe uncovered the story, which will be reported today. Menashe, who reported the complete findings, said he began to look into the matter when Channel 2 newsroom staff began to wonder why his report differed from those published worldwide.

The findings do not unequivocally determine that cell phones are dangerous to health. According to the researchers, the study did not include enough subjects, and suffers from methodological weaknesses.

Scientists in four Scandinavian countries and the United Kingdom conducted the research. It is part of a larger World Health Organization study involving scientists in 15 countries, including Israel. Some researchers began releasing the results of the studies in their own countries, including Professor Anthony Swerdlow's study published in the British Journal of Cancer. The scientific journal reported the entire findings; however, a press release only mentioned the "good news." The first to report the study was Reuters, a central news source for thousands of newspapers and television and radio stations. About 300 media outlets around the world picked up the story.

Dr. Sigal Sadetzki, who heads the Israeli team participating in the WHO study, says: "A 10-year study is insufficient to determine if cell phones increase the chances of cancer. Even the results of smoking are not evident in such a time period. To examine the effect of cell phones, 20 or even 40 years must be examined," she says.

"The results aren't strong enough for me to accept as a scientist," she explains. "On the other hand, they are a red warning light."

Swerdlow responded to a Haaretz email inquiry, explaining that the findings that suggest a connection between cellular use and morbidity were omitted from the press release in order to use language clear to the general public. "Press releases are inevitably compressed and simplified," Swerdlow writes. "The article gave full details of the research, and the press release included a link to the full results."

Sadetzki refrains from criticizing Swerdlow, but believes the entire findings should have appeared in the press release, with the requisite explanations and reservations. "A scientist can say `don't take these results as carved in stone,' but must publish complete findings. There's a difference between publishing partial findings and the interpretation of findings."

A comment by Reuters was unavailable by press time.

© Copyright 2005 Haaretz. All rights reserved

Informant: Iris Atzmon.


Soviet studies concluded decades ago - that any exposure to EMF has consequences that become irreversible AFTER 7 YEARS OF EXPOSURE.

ITS NOT THE RESEARCHER THAT MISINFORM - ITS THE MEDIA AND THE INDUSTRY THAT PUT SUCH SPIN ON RESEARCH RESULTS mostly not even mentioning them in the first place read what was on-line since 1995 - and the old EMF-L archives I posted those finding then and warned about the long term fall out but even in that forum this FACTfrom research was belittled by Roy Beavers then simple because it was from the "old enemy" and could not be right.

Omega see the EMF-L archives under: http://www.wave-guide.org/archives/emf-l/

The future will show how much "irreversible" damage has been done finally some take notice - maybe too late already.

Hate to say - told you so - that long ago.




Yes that's true, but in this SINGLE time, the reason for the bias was an email written by the researchers themselves. The media reported exactly the words of that email, and the email itself did not report on the accurate findings.

So - note that I refer to a specific case.

Iris Atzmon.

BOTSWANA: Verhaftete Buschmänner gewinnen “Alternativen Nobelpreis”

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Meyer michael_meyer@aon.at
Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf,
Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

BOTSWANA: Verhaftete Buschmänner gewinnen “Alternativen Nobelpreis”.


Fünf Tage nachdem ihre Anführer verhaftet und geschlagen worden sind gab es heute eine dramatische Wendung zugunsten der Buschmänner der Kalahari, als sie erfuhren, dass der diesjährige „Alternative Nobelpreis“ an sie geht.

“First people of the Kalahari (FPK), die Basisorganisation der Gana und Gwi Buschmänner von Botswana, die für deren Recht auf Rückkehr in ihr angestammtes Heimatgebiet kämpft, gewann heute Schwedens “Right Livelihood Award”, der als “Alternativer Nobelpreis” bekannt ist.

Der Preis ging für den "resoluten Widerstand gegen die Vertreibung vom Land ihrer Vorfahren und für ihr Festhalten an dem Recht, ihren traditionellen Lebensstil beizubehalten" an die Buschmänner.

Vor fünf Tagen waren die Führungspersonen der FPK unter 28 Buschmännern, die von Polizeikräften verhaftet und davor mit Tränengas und Gummigeschossen angegriffen worden waren. Die Buschmänner hatten versucht Nahrungsmittel und Wasser zu ihren Verwandten im Inneren des Zentral Kalahari Wildreservats zu bringen, aus dem die meisten Buschmänner vertrieben worden sind. Die Buschmann Anführer wurden brutal geschlagen, nachdem man sie mit Handschellen gefesselt hatte.

FPK hat bereits einen langen Kampf hinter sich, um den Gana und Gwi Buschmännern ein friedliches Leben in dem Reservat, welches deren Heimatgebiet umschließt, zu ermöglichen. Die reichen Diamantenvorkommen des Reservats sind von vielen Seiten her als Grund für die Vertreibung der Buschmänner durch die Regierung angeführt worden. Das Unternehmen De Beers, das alle Diamantenminen in Botswana betreibt, sieht sich nun einem weltweiten Boykott gegenüber.

Weitere Informationen zum “Alternativen Nobelpreis” finden Sie unter:


Mehr Informationen zu den Buschmännern erhalten Sie von Miriam Ross per Telefon unter +44 20 7687 8731 oder per E-Mail: mr@survival-international.org

Stichpunkte für Redakteure:

Vorherige Preisträger sind unter anderem auch der kenianische Umweltschützer Wangari Maathai (der darauf folgend den Nobelpreis erhielt), sowie der Nigerianer Ken Saro-Wiwa.

Der FPK's Anführer Roy Sesana ist der erste in Botswana geborene Preisträger.

'Wir stammen von diesem Land ab und wir werden für dieses Land sterben.' Mama Yosepha Alomang, Amungme, Papua, 2004.

Weltweit kämpfen Stammesvölker darum, auf ihrem Land leben zu dürfen.

Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite http://www.survival-international.de und lesen Sie ihre Geschichten.

Wir helfen Stammesvölkern ihr Leben zu verteidigen, ihr Land zu schützen und ihre Zukunft selbst zu bestimmen.

Johanna Havemann (tel: +49-(0)7071-287063

Survival International Deutschland
Postfach 35 06 61
10215 Berlin
Tel: +49-(0)30-29 00 23 72
Fax: +49-(0)30-29 04 39 00


mit freundlichen Grüßen übermittle ich diese Medieninformation.

Bitte nehmen Sie diese Gelegenheit wahr und informieren sich hier aus erster Hand über die ungeheurliche und menschenrechtswidrige Situation der Buschmänner der Kalahari und helfen Sie mit deren Lebensraum zu erhalten, der ausschließlich aus kaltem, nüchternen Profitdenken westlicher Investoren und lokaler Handlanger massiv bedroht wird. Den Lebensraum zu erhalten ist die einzige Möglichkeit den schleichenden Genozid der Stämme noch zu stoppen.

Michael Meyer michael_meyer@aon.at
Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4 Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

----- Original Message ----- From: Survival Deutschland info@survival-international.de
To: press releases Deutschland ; press releases Österreich ; press releases Schweiz
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:15 AM



Roy Sesana, Träger des Alternativen Nobelpreises 2005, wird am 11. Dezember im Ethnologischen Museum Berlin-Dahlem auftreten.

Der botswanische Menschenrechtsaktivist Roy Sesana, dem mit seiner Organisation OFirst People of the Kalahari¹ (FPK) der ORight Livelihood Award¹ 2005 verliehen wurde, wird Anfang Dezember Berlin besuchen. Er wird am Sonntag den 11. Dezember um 18:30 im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Gesprächsrunde auf dem ³Markt der Kontinente² im Ethnologischen Museum Berlin auftreten.

Am Montag, 12. Dezember 05 von 10:00 ­ 18:00 Uhr sind Roy Sesana (FPK), Jumanda Gakelebone (FPK) und Stephen Corry (Survival International) telefonisch im Berliner Büro von Survival International erreichbar. T 030 29 00 23 72 F 030 29 04 39 00

Die Veranstaltung findet zwei Tage nach der offiziellen Preisverleihung im schwedischen Parlament in Stockholm statt und wird der erste öffentliche Auftritt des etwa 56-jährigen aus der Zentralkalahari in Deutschland sein. Er wird u.a. begleitet von seinem langjährigen Mitstreiter Jumanda Gakelebone und Stephen Corry, Generaldirektor von Survival International aus London.

Die Gana und Gwi OBuschmänner¹ wurden 1997 und 2002 von der botswanischen Regierung von ihrem angestammten Land, dem Zentral Kalahari Wildreservat, vertrieben. Die meisten von ihnen leben heute in tristen Zwangsansiedlungslagern fernab ihrer Heimat und geraten zunehmend in den Sog von Perspektivlosigkeit, Langeweile, Alkoholismus, Prostitution und AIDS. Dies versucht die botswanische Regierung der Weltöffentlichkeit als "Entwicklungsmaßnahme" zu verkaufen.

Roy Sesana und die von ihm gegründete Organisation "First People of the Kalahari" (FPK) kämpfen seit Jahren für eine Rückkehr ihrer Leute in ihre Heimat. Dafür werden sie von den Behörden drangsaliert und mitunter massiv bedroht. Roys Bruder starb im Jahr 2000 an den Folgen tagelanger brutaler Misshandlung durch die Polizei. Im September 2005 versuchte ein Konvoi von "Buschmännern" Wasser und Nahrung zu ihren hungernden Verwandten in das von der Polizei abgeschirmte Reservat zu bringen. Dabei wurden Roy Sesana, Jumanda Gakelebone und alle weiteren Führungsmitglieder der FPK verhaftet, verprügelt und vier Tage ins Gefängnis gesteckt. Ihnen allen droht nun in ihrer Heimat ein Prozess und Haftstrafen wegen "unerlaubter Versammlung".

Im Anschluss an die moderierte Gesprächsrunde, zu der Journalisten herzlichst eingeladen sind, stehen Roy Sesana und Jumanda Gakelebone explizit der Presse zur Verfügung.

Am darauf folgenden Montag, den 12. Dezember, werden sie außerdem von 10:00 ­ 18:00 Uhr telefonisch im Büro von Survival International unter 030 29 00 23 72 für Ihre Fragen zur Verfügung stehen. Weitere Termine für Interviews in der Zeit zwischen dem 12. und 16. Dezember können arrangiert werden.

Sonntag,11. Dezember 2005

18:30 Uhr Öffentliche Gesprächsrunde mit Roy Sesana (FPK), Jumanda Gakelebone (FPK) und Stephen Corry (Survival International) mit anschließender Interviewmöglichkeit für Journalisten.

"Markt der Kontinente" Museen Dahlem ­ Kunst und Kulturen der Welt Lansstraße 8 14195 Berlin

Am Montag, 12. Dezember 05 von 10:00 ­ 18:00 Uhr sind Roy Sesana (FPK), Jumanda Gakelebone (FPK) und Stephen Corry (Survival International) telefonisch im Berliner Büro von Survival International erreichbar. T 030 29 00 23 72 F 030 29 04 39 00

Weitere Termine für Interviews in der Zeit zwischen dem 12. und 16. Dezember können arrangiert werden unter: T 030 29 00 23 72 F 030 29 04 39 00 M info@survival-international.de

Wir helfen Stammesvölkern ihr Leben zu verteidigen, ihr Land zu schützen und ihre Zukunft selbst zu bestimmen.

Survival International Deutschland Postfach 35 06 61
10215 Berlin
Tel: +49/30/29002372 Fax: +49/30/29043900

Protesters call on Human Rights Act to stop mast

30 September 2005
Katie Davies

RESIDENTS in a West Hampstead housing complex are threatening to use the Human Rights Act to prevent Vodaphone putting a phone mast on their roof.

The freeholder of Weech Hall, Geoffrey Gay, has agreed to let the phone company put up the mast - if it gets permission from Camden Council.

But residents and people who work near the block in Fortune Green Road are concerned that the mast would be a health risk.

Resident Camilla Hallett said: "The plans show there would be four masts directly over the heads of people when they are sleeping.

"I've read numerous health studies which show how dangerous they are."

Ms Hallett, who has lived in the block for three years, has spent £30,000 renovating the flat in the hope of selling it in order to move to Australia. However, she is worried that the mast would affect the value of the property.

"We are trying to get a solicitor to fight out the case under the Human Rights Act," she said.

"It should be taken into account in London, we are all just sitting ducks for these companies."

Jonathan Wiseman only moved into the block on Saturday but claims that no mention was made of the phone mast.

He said: "It would have made me think twice about buying or it certainly would have made me think about how much I was paying."

Headteacher of nearby Fortune Green Playcentre, Sarah Kochanovsky, said: "A lot of parents are worried about the risks. I live in Hampstead and I know people opposed one and got it stopped. I don't know if it will work here."

But Vodaphone, which has not yet submitted a planning application for the site, said: "It is a site that is required to provide coverage for the area.

"Glass reflective plastic will be placed over the antennas so the base station will look like a chimney pot from the ground.

"Vodaphone deals with the complaints of residents seriously and is currently involved in extensive consultation with local residents at this site."

Freeholder Geoffrey Gay told the Ham&High: "There is no evidence that mobile phone masts reduce the value of houses. As we own a flat in Weech Hall we are in the same position as all of the other occupiers."

Omega there is evidence that mobile phone masts reduce the value of houses. See "Affects on Residential Property Value as a Consequence of Telecom Instalations" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1019472/ and
"Masts and your property: it’s time to be heard" under:


Affects on Residential Property Value as a Consequence of Telecom Instalations


RF-Induced DNA Breaks Reported in China


RF-Induced DNA Breaks Reported in China


September 29, 2005

RF-Induced DNA Breaks Reported in China

Research scientists in China have found that relatively low-level RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks, according to a briefing paper prepared for the cell phone industry obtained by Microwave News.

At the 4th International Seminar on EMFs and Biological Effects, held in Kunming China, September 12-16, Zhengping Xu of the Zhejiang University School of Medicine reported that cells exposed to a pulsed 1800 MHz RF radiation at an SAR of 3 W/Kg for 24 hours showed a statistically significant increase in DNA damage. The Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF), an industry lobbying group based in Brussels, circulated the news in a September 22 Research Briefing.

Xu's Bioelectromagnetics Laboratory now joins a growing number of other labs that have found RF-induced DNA breaks. The effect was first reported more than a decade ago by Henry Lai and N.P. Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle (see MWN, N/D94). From the outset, Lai and Singh's work has been repeatedly assailed by the cell phone industry and their consultants - most recently by Sheila Johnston and Vijayalaxmi, two members of the board of directors of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (see March 29 entry below. They claimed to have refuted the Lai-Singh findings.

Last year, the European Union-sponsored REFLEX Project announced that 1800 MHz radiation could lead to DNA breaks. Those results were published this summer in Mutation Research.

The MMF also noted that C.K. Chou of Motorola (a member of the MMF) complained at the meeting that it is difficult to publish "negative" results in China. (WHO 's Mike Repacholi made a similar charge at the last Chinese EMF seminar held in Guilin in 2003, according to the MMF.) Xu disputed this, the MMF added.

panayis zambellis luton

Swede charges his primeminister and the Government for the crime of rolling out 3G without concerns for the peoples health


I have just received a letter from one of my contacts in Sweden, who tells of a Swedish man, Mr. Donald Forsberg who has charged the Swedish prime minister and the Swedish government to the police authority in Stockholm for being guilty of rolling out the 3G network without concern for the health of the Swedish people, against better knowledge.

It has already hit the press in Sweden.

Best regards.


Permanent occupation

In These Times
by US Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)


No one disputes that the military bases are of a physically permanent character. The only question is whether Iraq will be under permanent U.S. military occupation. If you are inclined to believe the president, we will be in Iraq, in his words 'as long as necessary, and not a day longer.' Members of the Bush administration, including the president, have been at pains to dispel any notion that they have plans for a permanent military presence in Iraq. On April 13, 2004, President Bush said, 'As a proud and independent people, Iraqis do not support an indefinite occupation and neither does America.' On February 17, 2005, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, testifying before the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, said, 'We have no intention, at the present time, of putting permanent bases in Iraq.' The circumstances on the ground, however, tell another story...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"The Hammer" gets nailed

The Nation
by Ari Berman


The Republican Party's once copious political capital is quickly eroding. As we go to press, House majority leader Tom DeLay has just been indicted by a Texas grand jury on one count of criminal conspiracy in a fast-moving money-laundering case. 'I have notified the speaker that I will temporarily step aside from my position as majority leader,' DeLay said in a statement following the stunning final day of the grand jury's term. The Republican Party's go-to guy, famously nicknamed 'The Hammer,' finally got whacked. ... DeLay's modus operandi -- the ruthless accumulation of money and favors to benefit corporate interests and far-right Republicans -- may ultimately secure his demise. In essence, he got caught for doing business as usual...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Shared sacrifice?

The American Prospect
by Robert B. Reich


Who will end up paying for Katrina and Rita? Don't expect an answer from the White House. The president hasn't called for any national sacrifice other than asking Americans to drive less. Yet Katrina and Rita are likely to demand widespread sacrifice nonetheless. Normally, hurricane destruction improves the nation's economy because of all the rebuilding that has to be done. Conveniently, the national income accounts don't subtract what's been destroyed. They only register what's being built. This time may be different. The $200 billion tab for rebuilding will stimulate the economy in the short run, but we don't have a clue how we're going to pay for it. Worse yet, consumers hit by high energy prices are likely to slash their spending. That means a slower economy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Replacing O'Connor will get ugly

Sierra Times
by Vincent Fiore


Now that the John Roberts nomination is a virtual lock, Senate Democrats can get down to the real business at hand. That 'real' business I speak of would be the destruction of nearly anyone President Bush nominates to fill the vacancy left upon the Supreme Court by departing Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. But is it Senate Democrats that conservatives around the country should be overtly worried about? ... Unless Bush happens to nominate someone who is thoroughly palatable to Senate Democrat heavyweights like Charles Schumer and Ted Kennedy, the word of the day in Washington seems to be 'warning.' It should then come as no surprise that when the Senate takes to the floor this week in regard to John Roberts' pending vote, what will, in fact, be the topic of discussion is the president's next nominee to the Supreme Court...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

American Rights: Gift or given?

by Marty Lich


I was brought up to believe in my Constitutional rights as an American citizen. I was taught that to change things, one must be willing to speak up, to be educated in said matters, and finally to believe in a democratic republic United States government founded upon 'For the People, By the People.' Our country was founded on Rule of the Law. Our president even says so in his September 14, 2005, Address to the Nation. Our country was based on the Constitutional visions of our forefathers who fought for our freedom, who fought for our rights, and who fought believing in 'So help me God' and 'In God We Trust.' Where did it go wrong? Pointing fingers, passing the buck, making excuses, and pardoning oneself from the laws that govern this country...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kennedy's doubts on Roberts may prove right

Boston Globe
by Thomas Oliphant


Where the Supreme Court is concerned, Senator Edward Kennedy is different. Where most of us saw reassurance in John Roberts's confirmation hearing as chief justice, Kennedy saw spin. Where most of us saw the absence of a solid, evidentiary peg on which to hang a no vote, Kennedy saw the absence of a basis for a yes vote that is too important to be cast on traditional grounds of qualification and temperament. Where most of us saw a detail-dominated mind resembling a grounded conservative like Anthony Kennedy, Kennedy saw disturbing similarities to a revolutionary who masked his views 14 years ago: Clarence Thomas. The only suspense left is whether Roberts will exceed 70 yes votes, because the question has split Democrats (a compliment more to Roberts's skill as a witness than to President Bush's vision in nominating him)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Getting arrested with Cindy Sheehan

by Gary Handshumacher


On Monday, 9/26, Cindy Sheehan and I were arrested together; along with more than 350 other good citizens. We had committed the crime of going to the White House to deliver a list of the names of those who have been murdered in Iraq in the latest version of US Government empire building. I hadn't planned to be arrested, not for fear, I have had the experience on a few occasions before, but more for convenience, not wishing to miss my early Tuesday AM flight. But, as I marched with friends to the White House, my thoughts changed. The logic of, 'If not now, then when? ... If not I, then who?" took over...


Cindy Sheehan

Restoring freedom at home


Heartland Institute
by Joseph Bast


Governments in the U.S. take approximately 40 percent of the country’s total income in taxes. In other words, nearly half of all the income generated each year is sent to governments to spend. How free are you when governments take half of your income? Serfs in the 16th and 17th centuries typically owed their feudal lords only a quarter of their crops and livestock, and often much less. Our forefathers fought a war for independence over tax levels that were far lower than those we now pay without complaint...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Republican religious conservatives

from Reason to Freedom
by Sandra Price


I have some serious questions for the new Republican Religious Conservatives. Is your movement to change the laws within the federal government really based on legislating your moral values or is it merely a power tool for control? What was taught to us in Sunday school was to form a personal relationship with Jesus to improve our ability to be better, more moral individuals. When did this desire turn to wanting control over other people's actions and eventually wanting the government to set the rules?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


by John Dickerson


With Tom DeLay's indictment, conventional wisdom has coalesced around the notion that the Republican Party is deeply damaged. This is, no doubt, a gloomy moment to be a member of the GOP. As one veteran Republican strategist outside Washington asked me, 'Is this what it feels like to be in free-fall?' Perhaps. The plunge may continue -- but a parachute may open. ... Just because people are dissatisfied with Republicans doesn't mean that they're rushing into the warm arms of Democratic candidates. Yes, Democrats are seeing visions of 1994, but Newt Gingrich did more than just tear the face off of Democrats in leadership, he nurtured a farm team and presented a set of ideas that dovetailed with his political instinct for the jugular. Democrats have no Contract with America and have to find a Gingrich or some central figure to pitch their message...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's blank check

Cato Institute
by Stephen Slivinski


Sounding like Yogi Berra, President Bush gave the best description of his administration's overall fiscal philosophy last week. When asked on September 16 how much his grand program to rebuild the Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina will cost, he answered, 'It's going to cost whatever it's going to cost.' And, boy, will it ever. The current estimate of the amount of taxpayer money needed to pay for Bush's grand scheme range from $150 billion to $200 billion. And that's on top of a $612 billion increase in the overall federal budget since he took office in 2001. Adding the $62 billion already appropriated for Katrina relief puts him in the same big-spending league as Lyndon Johnson. The massive cost is just one of the distressing things about Bush's plan. What's also disconcerting is how it broadens the scope of the federal government's response to natural disasters. By doing so he's setting an expensive precedent...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New Orleans probes police role in looting



The police department said Thursday it is investigating a dozen officers in connection with looting during the lawlessness that engulfed the city after Hurricane Katrina. News reports in the aftermath of the storm put officers at the scene of some of the heaviest looting, at the Wal-Mart in the Lower Garden District. Some witnesses, including a Times-Picayune reporter, said police were taking items from shelves...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US insists on keeping control of Web

USA Today


A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer. 'We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet,' said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. 'Some countries want that. We think that's unacceptable.'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Judge: Abu Ghraib images "must appear"

BBC News [UK]


A judge in New York has ruled that pictures of Iraqi inmates abused by US troops should be released. The judge made the order after a request by the American Civil Liberties Union for access to unseen images. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein rejected government arguments that this could fuel anti-US feelings. Pictures of Iraqi inmates being abused at Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad last year have caused an outcry around the world. Several US soldiers have been jailed. The ruling represents a huge potential embarrassment for the US administration, says the BBC's Jeremy Cooke in New York. The government has 20 days to consider an appeal. In a first reaction, the head of US Central Command, General John Abizaid, said publication of more pictures could distort reality...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Traunreut: Mobilfunkverträge nicht verlängern

Traunreut. 17 Jahre lang den Strahlen von Mobilfunksendeanlagen ausgesetzt zu sein, ist nach Ansicht der Piracher Bürger genug. Sie protestierten deshalb bei der Stadt Traunreut gegen eine Vertragsverlängerung der Sendeanlagen auf dem Piracher Wasserturm. Etwa 40 Piracher und Umweltvertreter wandten sich am Dienstagabend an Bürgermeister Franz Parzinger, die bestehenden Verträge nicht mehr zu verlängern und beide Anlagen zum Jahre 2010 zu kündigen.

Mit Kind und Kegel waren die Piracher im Traunreuter Rathaus erschienen, um sich ihre Sorgen und Nöte von der Seele zu reden. In einem Schreiben, das der Sprecher der Piracher Bürger, Reinhold Schopf, an Bürgermeister Parzinger übergab, wird darum gebeten, die bestehenden Verträge nicht mehr zu verlängern. Die Bürger befürchten, "dass ihre Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von der Stadt Traunreut hinter die Mieteinnahmen aus dem Betrieb der Sendeanlagen gestellt wird."

Ihrer Ansicht nach, könne auf beide Anlagen verzichtet werden, da sich zirka 800 Meter nördlich des Ortes eine weitere Sendeanlage befinde. Mit Nachdruck betonen sie, keineswegs einen Alternativstandort zu unterstützen. "Wir möchten nicht verantwortlich sein, dass andere diejenigen Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen erleiden, wie diese bei uns jetzt vorhanden sind."

Die Sendeanlagen, gegen die die Piracher von Vorneherein massiven Protest eingelegt haben, der bislang aber nie gefruchtet hat, sind seit 1993 auf dem Piracher Wasserturm installiert. Besitzer des Turms ist die Stadt Traunreut, er steht aber auf Trostberger Gemeindegebiet. Die Verträge hierfür laufen zwar erst 2010 aus, die Piracher Bürger wollen aber erfahren haben, dass die Betreiber vor einigen Monaten in der Stadt Traunreut bezüglich einer Vertragsverlängerung angefragt haben, was Bürgermeister Parzinger in dem Gespräch im Rathaus auch bestätigte.

Deshalb wandten sie sich an beide Kommunen, mit der Bitte, den Sendestandort nicht über das Jahr 2010 hinaus zu betreiben. Die Stadt Trostberg, vertreten durch Bürgermeister Ignaz Sperger, hat sich per Stadtratsbeschluss, über den Traunreut auch informiert wurde, gegen eine Vertragsverlängerung ausgesprochen. Diese Zusage hat die Bürger zunächst veranlasst, die Proteste einzustellen. Man dachte: "Zähne zusammenbeißen und bis 2010 durchhalten."

Immerhin sei man bis dahin 17 Jahre lang den schädlichen Strahlen ausgesetzt, mit dessen Auswirkungen viele zu kämpfen hätten. Die gesundheitlichen Vorfälle, die sich im Dorf seit der Installation der Antennen ereigneten, würden auch aktuelle Studien immer wieder bestätigen, so die besorgten Bürger. Nachdem sich Traunreut bisher nicht zu einer Aufgabe des Sendestandortes geäußert hat, bat man um das Gespräch mit Bürgermeister Parzinger.

Das einstündige Gespräch im Traunreuter Sitzungssaal verlief zwar mitunter emotional aber sehr sachlich. Eine zufriedenstellende Antwort konnten die Piracher jedoch nicht mit nach Hause nehmen. Die Vertragsverlängerung liegt nämlich ausschließlich in den Händen des Werkausschusses.

Wie Parzinger erklärte, hätten die acht Werkausschussmitglieder in nichtöffentlicher Sitzung darüber zu entscheiden, ob die Verträge verlängert werden oder nicht. Die Verträge laufen zwar erst 2010 aus, doch noch im Herbst wolle sich der Werkausschuss mit dieser Thematik befassen, so Parzinger. Er versicherte, die Einwände der Piracher dem Ausschuss mitzuteilen, inklusive dem Schreiben.

Er riet den Bürgern, zunächst das Gespräch mit den Betreibern zu suchen, was denn grundsätzlich geplant sei. Hier gelte es zu bedenken, welche Alternativen stellen diese in Aussicht. Die Alternative eines eigenen Mastens in Pirach wäre wohl die Schlechteste.

Dass derartige Verträge hinter verschlossenen Türen behandelt werden, ist für die Piracher nicht nachvollziehbar. Auch die Tatsache, dass acht Personen über 80 Köpfe hinweg über deren Gesundheit bestimmen, rief Unmut hervor. Es sei deprimierend und unfair, die Verantwortung auf acht Personen abzuschieben. "Hat denn keiner ein Gewissen hier in Traunreut?"

Dem allgemeinen Wunsch, eine Ausnahme zu machen und die Betroffenen mit an der Sitzung teilhaben zu lassen, wollte Traunreuts Bürgermeister Franz Parzinger aus Sicht der Gemeindeordnung nicht mittragen. Es bestehe aber die Möglichkeit, über die Homepage der Stadt Traunreut, in der die Mitglieder namentlich aufgeführt sind, Kontakt zu den Werkausschussmitgliedern aufzunehmen. Außerdem sitze Stadtrat Martin Czepan (Grüne), der bei dem Gespräch mit dabei war und vorschlug, den Sprecher der Piracher in der nichtöffentlichen Sitzung zu Wort kommen zu lassen, als Vertreter im Werkausschuss.

Der Sprecher stützte sich auch auf die Aussage des ehemaligen Traunreuter Bürgermeisters Eduard Wiesmann, dem das Vorhaben seinerzeit offenbar schon Kopfzerbrechen bereitet haben soll, woran sich auch Stadtrat Paul Obermeier (ABU) noch erinnern kann. Demnach soll Wiesmann versprochen haben, die Verträge nach Ablauf nicht mehr zu verlängern. Dieses "Versprechen" will sein Amtsnachfolger ebenfalls dem Werkausschuss vortragen.

Schopf stützte sich auf einen Gemeinderatsbeschluss der Gemeinde Seeon-Seebruck, die in Sachen Antennen seiner Ansicht nach ein positives Zeichen gesetzt habe und mit gutem Beispiel vorangehe. Der Gemeinderat der Chiemseegemeinde hat beschlossen, keine gemeindlichen Gebäude für Mobilfunkantennen zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Würde sich die Stadt Traunreut auch dazu durchringen, würde sie zwar ein Zeichen setzen, das grundsätzliche Problem, dass unter dem Einfluss hochfrequentierter elektromagnetischer Felder gesundheitliche Schäden auftreten können, könne damit aber nicht gelöst werden. ga



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