
DeLay Indicted in Texas Campaign Finance Probe


La Nueva Orleans

No matter what all the politicians and activists want, African Americans and impoverished white Cajuns will not be first in line to rebuild the Katrina-ravaged Gulf Coast and New Orleans. Latino immigrants, many of them undocumented, will. And when they're done, they're going to stay, making New Orleans look like Los Angeles.


Sugar Land representative Tom DeLay indicted

Sept. 28, 2005, 1:00PM

Houston Chronicle

AUSTIN — A Travis County grand jury today indicted U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Sugar Land on a single count of felony criminal conspiracy involving an exchange of money that made corporate cash available to Republican Texas House candidates in 2002.

The indictment alleges that DeLay conspired with two of his political associates, John Colyandro of Austin and Jim Ellis of Virginia, to convert $190,000 in corporate money into individual campaign contributions through a transfer of funds using the Republican National Committee.

Colyandro and Ellis last year were indicted on a money laundering charge involving the transfer. They were reindicted earlier this month to add a criminal conspiracy charge each.

In taking its action today, the grand jury reindicted Colyandro and Ellis on criminal conspiracy charges and added the charge against Delay. Criminal conspiracy is a state jail felony.

DeLay has said he believes the investigation by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, a Democrat, was politically motivated.

One of Delay's lawyers, Bill White, said prior to the indictment being returned that the facts of the case would not support an indictment against DeLay.

"It's a skunky indictment, if they have one, a dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinking to high heaven," White said.

The investigation focuses on the activities of a political action committee Delay formed in 2001 — Texans for a Republican Majority.

It was run by Colyandro with the assistance of Ellis, who is the director of Delay's Americans for a Republican Majority.

TRMPAC raised and spent almost $650,000 in corporate money to influence the 2002 Texas House races. State law restricts the use of corporate and labor union money in races for elective office.

The indictment claims Delay, Ellis and Colyandro conspired to raise $190,000 in corporate money for TRMPAC. The money was then sent to the Republican National Committee and was converted into donations from individual donors, which would have been legal under Texas law for use by a candidate.

The RNC then sent the money to seven specific Texas House candidates, the indictment alleges. Two of the Republicans listed in the indictments are from the Houston area, state Reps. Dwayne Bohac of Houston and Larry Taylor of Friendswood.

Winning control of the Texas House was critical for the election of Tom Craddick of Midland as speaker by a Republican House majority in 2002.

The state House majority also set the stage for Delay to push through a congressional. redistricting plan to draw districts that would give the GOP a majority in the state's congressional delegation after the 2004 elections.

Democrats had blocked DeLay's redistricting aspirations when they controlled the House in 2001.

Besides Colyandro and Ellis, another DeLay associate,Warren RoBold of Maryland, was indicted on election law violations last year. He raised corporate money for both TRMPAC and Americans for a Republican Majority.


Informant: John Calvert

Backing for mast protest


Mobile phone mast causes controversy

THE LOCATION of a new mobile phone mast has sparked controversy in Cromford.

Now the eight-metre high telecommunications pole could be raised at the electricity sub station off Baker's Lane, after three other possible sites were rejected.

But people who live and work nearby are worried about harmful rays which may be emitted by the masts.

Parish councillor Arnold Crosby said: "The parish council shares the concerns of the local residents.

"Nobody seems to have proved or disproved that there is danger from these masts. Until it is proved one way or another we have got to err on the side of safety."

Omega see under:

Parish chairman Mike Whitworth said: "People, for a long time, have been concerned that it isn't alright.

"We couldn't object on planning grounds but we objected on the grounds of safety.

"There always will be objections to mobile phone masts. Everyone wants a mobile phone but nobody wants a mobile phone mast near them."

Telecommunications company Orange say that mobile phone users in Cromford need the mast to improve reception.

Orange also claim that the new mast meets guidelines laid down by the Government after a report into the effects of non-ionising radiation was published last year.

Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?

Approval for the mast had been granted by Derbyshire Dales District Council at Woodseats Farm – but the landowner later withdrew consent.

The highway works along the A6 towards Cromford were also considered, but were then discounted because of insufficient space.

Cromford Rugby Ground was also mooted as a possible site – but later rejected because it was too close to the canal and the sports ground.

The application goes before a planning committee next Tuesday.

By Tim Cunningham.

28 September 2005


Tom DeLay Might Be Indicted Today




09:00 - 28 September 2005

A Scottish Executive planning official cleared a tricky hurdle yesterday as he visited the proposed site for a controversial mobile phone mast.

Malcolm Smith arrived at the Cullen telephone exchange to find the boundary gate firmly locked.

He had arranged access to the site with BT, but when no one turned up Mr Smith - watched by a crowd of over 100 local people opposed to the phone mast plan - took it upon himself to scale the 5ft perimeter fence. He spent several minutes inspecting the site before once again demonstrating his agility by climbing out the same way he had got in.

After dusting himself off, Mr Smith, appointed by Scottish ministers to make a decision on Vodafone's application to erect the 50ft mast, spent some time chatting with some of the placard-waving protesters.

But he made it clear to them that he could not become involved in a debate on the merits or otherwise of the application, and that the purpose of his visit was primarily to see the proposed site for himself and to familiarise himself with the surroundings.

The mast proposal has generated massive opposition in Cullen, where objectors claim the potential health risk and visual impact far outweigh any advantages for mobile phone coverage. The planning application was rejected by Moray councillors earlier this year following 24 objections and a petition with more than 250 names. But Vodafone appealed against the refusal and Mr Smith was appointed to determine the appeal.

He said yesterday he hoped to be in a position to issue a decision in late October or early November. He added: "Obviously there is a strength of local feeling and that has been clear from the representations that have been received and from the turnout today."

Anti-mast campaigner, Bernard Watts, said the turnout underlined how strongly Cullen residents felt about the proposal. "We don't want the thing here, it's as simple as that," he said.

"This appeal by Vodafone goes against local democracy. Seventeen of our councillors said no when the application came up earlier this year and that should have been that.

"We have nothing against mobile phones or technology. What we are against is sticking a mast right in the middle of where people live."

Mother-to-be Vivienne Addison, who lives less than 100 yards from the telephone exchange, said objectors had been told that health fears over microwave emissions from the mast were not a material planning consideration. "I don't think that's right - it should be a major consideration," said Mrs Addison, who is due to give birth to her first child within the next few days. "While there is uncertainty about the health risks that mobile phone masts pose, they should not be allowed in residential areas."

Fürther Ärztetagung: Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Am 22. Oktober 2005 von 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr in Fürth Germany

Veranstaltungsort: Aula des „Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasiums“, Königstraße 105 (Innenstadt von Fürth)

Veranstalter und Initiatoren: • Ärztlicher Qualitäts-Zirkel der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer "Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin – Diagnostik, Therapie, Umwelt" • Bürgermeisteramt der Stadt Fürth • Ökologischer Ärztebund e.V. • Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. • AnBUS e.V.

Mobilfunk ist ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen und fasziniert vor allem die Jugend. Gleichzeitig mehren sich aber auch die Fragen zu den gesundheitlichen Folgen der alltäglichen elektromagnetischen Strahlung. Informationen zu den gesundheitlichen Risiken sind widersprüchlich und unzureichend. Die Verantwortlichkeit für eine notwendige gesundheitliche Vorsorge wird zwischen Staat, Kommunen, Betreibern, Wissenschaft und Bürgern hin und her geschoben. Einzig die Versicherungsbranche fand einen klaren Weg: Sie lehnt die Regulierung für Folgeschäden durch Mobilfunk ab. Immer mehr Ärzte werden allerdings in ihrer täglichen Praxis mit einem neuen, bisher unbekannten Krankheitsbild mit charakteristischem S ymptomenkomplex konfrontiert. Die Erfahrung, dass diese Symptome meist in zeitlichem und räumlichem Zusammenhang mit der Exposition durch elektromagnetische Strahlung auftreten, führte zur Gründung des ärztlichen Qualitäts-Zirkels der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer "Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin – Diagnostik, Therapie,

Umwelt". Wie wirkt das elektromagnetische Umfeld auf die menschliche Gesundheit? Wie stark ist der Einfluss durch den Gebrauch von Handys und schnurlosen Telefonen auf das Wohlbefinden? Was ist zu tun, solange die Auswirkungen nicht absehbar, die Risiken unkalkulierbar sind? Ziel der eintägigen Fortbildungsveranstaltung ist es, umfassende Hintergrundinformationen zum Themengebiet des Mobilfunks zu geben, so dass der Mediziner diesen neuen Symptomenkomplex in seine Arbeit mit einbeziehen kann. Ein wichtiger Punkt sind dabei für die ärztliche Praxis die diagnostischen Möglichkeiten.

Die Tagung wendet sich aber nicht nur an Angehörige medizinischer Berufe, sondern auch an Gemeindevertreter, Pädagogen und Personen, die sich mit den gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen des Mobilfunks beschäftigen. Wir bedanken uns für die finanzielle Unterstützung der Fortbildungsveranstaltung durch • das Bürgermeisteramt der Stadt Fürth • den Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. • die Bürgerinitiative Mobilfunksmog Franken • und Gigahertz Solutions in Langenzenn, dem innovativen Hersteller von baubiologischer Messtechnik und Abschirmprodukten für gesundes Wohnen.

Fürther Ärztetagung: Mobilfunk und Gesundheit am 22. Oktober 2005 von 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr in Fürth

Referate: • Begrüßung durch Dr. Thomas Jung, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Fürth • Motivation zur Tagung: Vertreter von der „Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell“ • Christine Kind, Dresden: Unser „Leben“ im Hauptstrahl einer Mobilfunksendeanlage • Dr. Horst Eger, Naila: Erkrankungen unter dem Einfluss hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder: Symptomatik, Diagnostik, Fallbeispiele, Gruppeneffekte, Wirkungsmechanismen • Eva Weber, München: Eine Mobilfunkantenne gefährdet unsere Gesundheit • Maria Ritter, stud. med., Spaichingen: Der Geldrolleneffekt, Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen im Rahmen von „Jugend forscht“ • Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld, Salzburg, "Epidemiologische Untersuchungen bei Mobilfunkbasisstationen" • Dr. Ing. Martin H. Virnich, Ingenieurbüro für Baubiologie und Umweltmesstechnik, Mönchengladbach,: So funktioniert Mobilfunk- - Funktionsweise von GSM und UMTS - Ausbreitungsverhalten von Mobilfunkstrahlung • Uwe Münzenberg, AnBUS e. V, Fürth: Elektromagnetische Immissionen im Alltag – Mit welchen Belastungen ist zu rechnen? • Dr. Horst Eger: Ärztliches Vorgehen bei Verdacht auf das Mikrowellensyndrom • Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen für Erhebungen im Zusammenhang „Mobilfunk und Gesundheit“

Referenten • Dr. med. Horst Eger, niedergelassener Arzt und Initiator der Naila-Studie, Mitglied im Ärztlichen Qualitäts-Zirkel der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer "Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin – Diagnostik, Therapie, Umwelt" • Christine Kind, Dresden. Die Familie Kind lebte mit ihren vier Kindern bis vor kurzem in ihrem Haus, ca. 40 Meter von einer Mobilfunk-Antenne entfernt. Die gesundheitlichen Probleme aller Familienmitglieder konnten nur durch einen Umzug behoben werden. • Uwe Münzenberg, AnBUS e.V. Fürth, Baubiologe, Vorstand im Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen – VDB e.V. • Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld, Umweltmediziner beim Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Landessanitätsdirektion, Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Referent für Umweltmedizin der Österreichischen Ärztekammer • Maria Ritter, Studentin der Medizin an der Universität Stuttgart, Preisträgerin bei „Jugend forscht“ im März 2005 Maria Ritter untersuchte zusammen mit ihrem Klassenkameraden Wasgan Lester Wolski zwei Jahre lang den Geldrolleneffekt. • Dr.-Ing. Martin Virnich, Ingenieurbüro für Baubiologie und Messtechnik, Baubiologe, Qualitätssicherungsausschuss Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen – VDB e.V. • Eva Weber war über 30 Jahre lang Assistentin bei der Flugsicherung an den Flughäfen Riem und Erding. Antennen und Funkanwendungen waren für sie also kein negativ belastetes Thema. Nach der Inbetriebnahme einer Mobilfunkstation in der Nähe ihres Hauses begannen für sie – zunächst unerklärlich – große und vielfältige gesundheitliche Probleme.

Moderation: •Helga Krause, Mobilfunkbeauftragte des Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V., Mitglied im Landes- Arbeitskreis Energie und Klima des Bund Naturschutz.

Tagungsbeitrag: 40 €; bei Anmeldung bis zum 14.10.05: 25 €,

Und sonst... • Fortbildungspunkte für Ärzte sind bei der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer beantragt. Die Anzahl der anrechenbaren Stunden beträgt 6 • Während der Tagung wird Verpflegung vom Bauernladen Knorr angeboten • Verkehrsanbindung: Von der U-Bahn-Haltestelle Rathaus (eine Haltestelle vom Hauptbahnhof Fürth entfernt – U1 Richtung Klinikum) ist die Schule in zwei Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar. Das Parkhaus des City-Centers befindet sich genau gegenüber der Schule.

Anmeldung Die Anmeldung kann erfolgen • per E-Mail an krause.helga@web.de, • im Internet auf der Webseite von Helga Krause http://www.helga-krause.de unter Mobilfunk • per Fax (0911/787 45 25) an die Bund Naturschutz Geschäftsstelle Fürth • oder durch Einsendung des Anmeldeformulars an Helga Krause, 90765 Fürth, Wiesenstr. 6 Tagungskosten Die Tagungskosten betragen 40 € , bei Anmeldung bis zum 14.10.05: 25 €, Den Tagungsbeitrag bitte auf das Konto des Bund Naturschutz 380 017 103 bei der Sparkasse Fürth, BLZ 762 500 00, Stichwort: Ärzte-Tagung, überweisen.

Teilnahmebedingungen Für die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist eine vorherige Anmeldung erforderlich. Diese gilt als verbindlich nach Zusendung der Anmeldebestätigung. Bei dieser Fortbildungstagung handelt es sich um eine Veranstaltung wissenschaftlicher Art im Sinne des § 4 Nr. 22a UStG. Die Tagungsgebühren enthalten daher keine Umsatzsteuer. Wird die Tagung vom Veranstalter storniert oder verschoben, werden bereits gezahlte Beiträge vollständig zurückerstattet. Schadenersatz wird nicht geleistet. Die Tagungsinhalte können sich aus aktuellen Anlässen verändern. Bei Fragen zur Tagung: Tel. 0911/790 68 06 (Helga Krause, Moderatorin) Veranstaltungsort Der Veranstaltungsort ist die Aula des Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasiums in der Königstraße 105, (in der Innenstadt von Fürth)

Verkehrsanbindung U-Bahn: Mit der U-Bahn zur Haltestelle Rathaus (eine Haltestelle vom Hauptbahnhof Fürth (Kurzstrecke) oder zwölf Haltestellen (2 Zonen) vom Hauptbahnhof Nürnberg entfernt – U1 Richtung Klinikum). Das Heinrich- Schliemann-Gymnasium ist von dort zu Fuß schnell erreichbar: die Königstraße (4-5-spurig) auf der linken Seite in Richtung Nürnberg (SO) gehen, Entfernung: 200 Meter.

PKW Das Parkhaus des City-Centers befindet sich genau gegenüber der Schule. Die Anfahrt finden Sie unter:

Anmeldung Fax: 0911 / 787 45 25, Post: Helga Krause, Wiesenstr. 6, 90765 Fürth



Straße: _____________________________________________________________

PLZ/Ort: _____________________________________________________________

Tel.: _____________________________________________________________

Fax: _____________________________________________________________



Hiermit melde ich mich verbindlich zur Ärzte-Tagung am 22. Oktober 2005 in Fürth an. Die Teilnahmebedingungen habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und akzeptiert.

Datum, Unterschrift:


Nachricht von Agnes Ingvarsdottir / Christine Kind

Freiwillige für wissenschaftliche Studie gesucht

Freiwillige werden für eine wissenschaftliche Studie in der Nähe einer Mobilfunkbasisation in Dresden, Deutschland gesucht. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Information.


Die Studie wird von anerkannten Wissenschaftlern begleitet.

Es werden 4 Freiwillige, Männer zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren und mit guter Gesundheit für einen kostenlosen Aufenthalt in einer mobilfunkexponierten Ferienwohnung für ca. 14 Tage, gesucht.

Wenn Sie mehr über diese Feldstudie erfahren möchten, mailen Sie bitte Ihre Fragen an: study@mast-victims.org

Demotion of a Prosecutor Is Investigated

Representative George Miller, a California Democrat who has long focused on issues involving American territories in the Pacific, said "What this starts to suggest is that Abramoff's ability to corrupt the system was far more pervasive, certainly than we knew at the time."


Katrina Takes a Toll on Truth, News Accuracy

Journalists and officials who have reviewed the Katrina disaster blamed the inaccurate reporting in large measure on the breakdown of telephone service, which prevented dissemination of accurate reports to those most in need of the information.


Iraq War Winners: Al-Qaeda, Iran and Military Contractors

Paul Craig Roberts: George W. Bush will go down in history as the president who fiddled while America lost its superpower status. Time is running out for Republicans and Democrats to escape from the distraction of a pointless war and to focus on the real threats that endanger the United States of America.


Iraq's Draft Constitution Is Said to Deepen Divide

Iraq's proposed constitution - and the process used to draft it - have deepened the divide among Iraq's factions and will likely trigger civil war unless changes are negotiated quickly to accommodate the concerns of Sunni Muslims, warned a new report by the International Crisis Group.


Science and Politics: A Dangerous Mix

Gregory M. Lamb: The Republican War on Science lives up to its incendiary title. The book will undoubtedly raise hackles among conservatives and spawn sharp-tongued counterattacks. But the real test of its efficacy may be whether or not it persuades independents and moderate Republicans that without a new approach toward science America is headed for what the author calls "economic, ecological, and social calamity."


Waxman and Pelosi Introduce Anti-Cronyism Bill

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi introduced the Anti-Cronyism and Public Safety Act, which would prohibit the President from appointing unqualified individuals to critical public safety positions in the government. "President Bush has handed out some of the country's most difficult and important jobs - leadership positions in public safety and emergency response - to politically well-connected individuals with no experience or qualifications," Rep. Waxman said.


Ethical Aspects of Risk


Brown is continuing to work at the Federal Emergency Management Agency at full pay

Former FEMA Director Says He Should Have Asked Aid Sooner:

Brown is continuing to work at the Federal Emergency Management Agency at full pay, with his Sept. 12 resignation not taking effect for two more weeks.


From Information Clearing House

Rep. Cynthia McKinney: Reaping the Harvest

A cruel wind blows across America. Starting in Texas and Montana, and sweeping across America's heartland, it's settled here in Washington, DC. And despite our presence today, it continues to buffet and batter the American people.


More Dissent, More Censorship

Dahr Jamail: “I’ve never experienced political pressure like this, not even in Russia when I was being critical of Gorbachev, nor in Yugoslavia when I was being extremely critical of Milosevic,” he added.


Cindy Sheehan Arrested At White House


From Information Clearing House


Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan Among 370 Arrested

Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, walked Monday to the northwestern gate of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue and asked to meet with Bush.


From Information Clearing House

Cindy Sheehan

A Way Out of Iraq

In a recent visit to the region, I was told over and over that the United States will never leave Iraq and will surely create permanent military bases there. I hope and pray that they are wrong.


Iraq Sunnis Urge Charter Block, Mull Civil Disobedience

Up to 200 Iraqi Sunni politicians and scholars have pressed for voting down the draft constitution in the October referendum and threatened to declare civil disobedience if the US-led onslaughts on Sunni towns continue.


From Information Clearing House

The Silent Coup

by John Atcheson

The grease that lubricates this new model of government is greed; the fuel that feeds it is money. Lots of it. And overwhelmingly, the hard-line, right-wing conservative branch of the Republican Party are both its architect, and its beneficiary.


Americans like to think that terrorists attack them because they are rich, free, and number one: Not true

If it's freedom and success 'They' hate, why aren't 'They' attacking Norway?

By Luciana Bohne



eebeeb2004 wrote:

In his 1995 book, FINAL WARNING--ECONOMIC COLLAPSE AND THE COMING WORLD GOVERNMENT, Canadian author Grant R. Jeffrey wrote: "Some writers have questioned how America could relinquish her sovereignty and join the coming world government in light of the constitutional safeguards that were created by the founding fathers. However, since World War II, the U.S. Congress has passed a number of laws giving the president awesome executive powers to enable him to solely control the government and military forces in the event of nuclear war or some other national emergency. In the event of nuclear war it is obvious that the president needs legal authority to direct and control the resources of the nation to protect its citizens. However, these executive orders are a loaded gun that a future president could use to legally establish a dictatorship to facilitate America joining a world government.

Some have suggested that an 'emergency' could be created in the future as an excuse to enact emergency legislation that Congress would never pass in normal times. The range of dictatorial powers available to a president during a declared national emergency are equal to or greater than the legal powers held by Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin during their dictatorships. The legislation allows a president to suspend the Constitution and exercise these powers whenever he alone determines that the nation faces a 'national emergency.' The term 'national emergency' is not defined by the laws in question. It is left solely to the president to determine when a 'national emergency' exists and to exercise these draconian dictatorial powers."

"The following are just a few of the national security laws that a president could exercise during a 'national emergency' without any further reference to Congress:


[10995] Seizure of all print and electronic communications media in the United States.

[10997] Seizure of all electric power, fuels, and minerals, public and private.

[10998] Seizure of food supplies and resources, public and private, including farms and equipment.

[10999] Seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks or any other vehicles, including control over highways, harbors, and waterways.

[11000] Seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision; it allows the government to split up families if they believe it is necessary.

[11001] Seizure of all health, education, and welfare facilities - public and private.

[11002] Registration by the Postmaster General of all men, women, and children for government service.

[11003] Seizure of all airports and aircraft.

[11004] Seizure of all housing and finance authorities; authority to establish forced relocation, designated areas that must be abandoned as 'unsafe.' Establishment of new locations for population groups; building of new housing on public land.

[11005] Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways, and storage warehouses, public and private.

[11051] Authorize the Office of Emergency Planning to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or financial crisis."

"Please note that these draconian dictatorial powers can be legally invoked by the president alone whenever he feels there is a 'time of increased international tension or financial crisis.'....THE WASHINGTON REPORT recently pointed out that Operation Dragnet can be implemented under the McCarran Act - Title II. Under this legislation the president can legally suspend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights with a single phone call and impose martial law. A number of reliable sources have reported that U.S. government agencies have accumulated the names of over one million American citizens in a high-speed Univac computer in Washington as possible targets for arrest during a future time of 'national emergency.' Some sources suggest these lists contain names of prominent Christians and other patriots who have publicly expessed concerns about the move toward the New World Order. Federal agencies could quickly arrest those named on these lists and hold them in detention camps. Numerous sources confirm that such detention camps exist in several states. These camps may be connected to President Reagan's 'Rex 84' national security program which created eleven federal detention centers in Florida, Virginia, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Arizona and California."


Frist Knew Contents of Blind Trust

Blind trusts are designed to keep an arm's-length distance between federal officials and their investments, to avoid conflicts of interest. But documents show that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist knew quite a bit about his accounts.


Bush May Find It Hard to Resist Katrina Commission

The White House and Republicans may find it difficult to resist mounting pressure for an independent commission to examine government failures in the response to Hurricane Katrina, experts said on Tuesday.


US to Cut Critical Bird Habitat on West Coast

The US Fish and Wildlife Service on Monday announced that West Coast beach-front critical habitat for the threatened western snowy plover will be cut back by nearly 40 percent, continuing a Bush administration policy of reducing habitat protections for threatened and endangered species to reduce economic losses.


Sell off national parks to help balance the national budget

Rep. Pombo's Yard Sale

The Sacramento Bee: Here's a bizarre thought: If we don't drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, we have to sell off national parks to help balance the national budget. That grotesque notion has slithered full-grown from the dim recesses of Representative Richard Pombo's brain.


Anna Burger to Head Breakaway Labor Group

A tough-minded organizer and political strategist, Anna Burger was handpicked by the leaders of insurgent unions who earlier this year took flight from the AFL-CIO and hope to create a new labor empire capable of reversing the political and bargaining setbacks workers have suffered in recent decades.


Conservation Call Should Apply To Automotive And Oil Industries


It's Better to Cry Wolf Now Than to Wait Until the Oil Has Run Out


National Guard Sent to Protect Oil, Not People


Dems Must Do What's Right, Not What's Safe


Calls Mount for Prisoner Abuse Commission


Ihre Meinung zählt


Mobilfunkkritiker in der Krise: Strategiepapier will Neuorientierung einleiten

Während die Mobilfunkbranche drauf und dran ist, den deutschen Mobilfunkmarkt an die Sättigungsgrenze zu treiben, hängen bei den Mobilfunkkritikern die Fahnen eher schlaff herunter: Von der Erfolglosigkeit des Protests ausgebrannt wirft eine Bürgerinitiative nach der anderen klammheimlich das Handtuch. Soll die Szene nicht bloß ein gigantischer Durchlauferhitzer bleiben, muss etwas passieren. Am besten sogar koordiniert. Aber was? Ein Strategiepapier, an dem alle Kritiker von ihren PCs aus mitarbeiten können, will den Weg zu neuen wirkungsvolleren Handlungsmustern zeigen. Der erste Entwurf des Papiers liegt vor, er darf zerpflückt und angereichert werden. Jetzt sind guten Ideen und konstruktive Kritik gefragt. Hoffen Sie nicht darauf, dass andere das erledigen. Machen auch Sie mit und nutzen Sie die Kommentar-Funktion, die wir für den Beitrag Kritik an den Mobilfunkkritikern eingerichtet haben, um spontanen Diskussionsbeiträgen zu den teils provokanten Thesen eine Plattform zu geben. (27.09.05-ll).

hier gehts weiter:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk

Heidrun Schall

Japan Dolphin Day: A Moment of Truth


9- X class solar flares at solar minimum

The sun is doing it again. On September 7th there was an X-17 solar flare followed by eight more x-class flares. It's remarkable because the sun is nearly at solar minimum.

I'm starting to relate these huge solar eruptions with emotional experiences. I believe we are not independent of these flares are a response and a mirror to human consciousness and emotional activity and in turn the response has an effect on humanity.



Hurricane: Cover-up, Corruption Revealed in Major Media Articles


Informant: friends2b

Arrested at the Pentagon

by Mike Ferner


In a pre-dawn civil disobedience action Monday morning, 41 War Resisters League members and others sat down and were arrested at a pedestrian entrance to the Pentagon, slowing foot traffic at that location and prompting officials to close the U.S. military headquarters' sole stop on Washington's Metroline for a period. ... One critical observation of the morning's activity was the nearly complete lack of news media coverage. Pentagon officials have banned any photographs of the facility since the attack on September 11, 2001, but no print or radio reporters were there to observe, either...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Bush Administration has nowhere to go but down

Common Dreams
by David Michael Green


You would not want to be George W. Bush right now. Not that you ever would anyhow, but especially not now. Indeed, there are indications that not even George W. Bush wants to be George W. Bush right now. That second term in office, the one that just a year or two ago seemed so precious that he was willing to launch a war just to obtain it, now feels like a life sentence. Plans for four years spending political capital now look a lot more like endless months of capital punishment. The Bush Administration has nowhere to go but down, and that is precisely where it is headed. ... With almost his entire second term still in front of him, Bush is poised to set new records for presidential unpopularity. That scraping noise you hear? It's the sound of sheepish voters creeping out to the garage late at night, furtively removing 'Bush-Cheney 2004' bumperstickers from the back of their SUVs when no one is looking...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan's big week in Washington

Village Voice
by Sarah Ferguson


While right-wing critics like Rush Limbaugh like to suggest she's being bankrolled by Move On, Michael Moore, and other elements of the 'limousine left,' Sheehan's crusade is still very much a grassroots affair. When she and the rest of the Bring Them Home Now tour hit Washington this week to challenge Bush to meet with them and put the heat on Congress for funding the war, they crashed on couches and slept on bunkbeds at an international youth hostel. That kind of dogged authenticity is the root of Sheehan's power...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Just as expected, Bush wants more power

Sierra Times
by Larry A. Jones


"It should come as no surprise that on the heels of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Bush is asking for more dictatorial power. Just as 9-11 provided the supposed justification of the gutting of our Constitutional rights through the 'Patriot' and other related Acts, now Bush wants to be allowed to send in the military to respond to 'national disasters' without anyone's authority but his own. This notion is so wrong for so many reasons ... Ignoring for the moment that this will mean that while our National Guard is deployed overseas, the military will be 'assisting' us here at home ... it also means that upon the slighest pretext, the Commander-in-Chief could declare an emergency, direct the invasion of any state by the military and -- if Katrina is any example, confiscate all weapons...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Empowering the poor

Boston Globe
by David T. Ellwood


It took a terrible hurricane, but the poor in America, who have languished largely unmentioned by politicians of both parties, are visible once again. ... The obvious lesson that some people are already grasping is that evacuation and rescue plans need to take account of the enormous variety of people and the sharply limited resources of many. There is far less room for error when people are living on the margin. ... But the overriding lesson about poverty is much deeper. Many of the poor in New Orleans were left on rooftops for the same reason they were isolated in ghetto neighborhoods on the days before the storm: There was no realistic way out. The painful truth is that through policy choices, racism, class antagonisms, and neglect, we have concentrated the poor into dangerous areas with limited jobs, poor schools, no real employment networks, too few role models, and too few routes to the mainstream...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Avoiding conflict for fun and profit

by Arianna Huffington


For over a decade, Bill Frist has steadfastly rejected all suggestions that his ownership of up to $25 million worth of stock in HCA -- the nation's largest for-profit hospital chain, founded by his father -- created a conflict of interest for a Senator deeply involved in shaping health care policy. Then, this past June, Frist suddenly changed course and, in what he claims was an effort to avoid any conflict of interest, decided to sell off the stock. Nine days before the share price hit an all time high. And just one month before a company warning of weakening earnings sent the stock price tumbling. As the Church Lady would say: 'How convenient!'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why it's OK to price gouge

The Free Liberal
by Paul Jacob


Public officials walk a tightrope about this. On the one hand, they say, 'Yes, we know why prices are rising.' But then they warn against 'taking advantage' of the situation to raise prices 'too high.' But what counts as too high? If ten dollars a gallon isn't competitive, what happens when a station tries to charge that? People go to the station down the block charging three dollars a gallon. For most people, 'Too high' just means 'a price I REALLY don't like.' But prices reflect realities. And the reality is we've been dealt a horrible disaster...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Lessons that will never be learned

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Charles Stone, Jr.


American government at all levels has become so huge and complex that it has evolved into a series of hierarchical fiefdoms solely devoted to their own growth and self-preservation. The Federal bureaucracies are the worst because they are the least accountable and most removed from the people they are supposed to serve. Notice I said 'supposed to serve.' In the real world, if a bureaucracy actually provides a good service, it is by accident. The service just happened to fall into the narrow confines of the rule book and so could be provided without risk or excessive expense. The only real function of a bureaucracy at any level is to survive, to gather assets (manpower, treasure, influence, etc.) and to gain political power for its leaders. The idea that a bureaucracy will spontaneously do good is ludicrous...)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Judge authorizes force to seize FEMA supplies

Houston Chronicle


County Judge Carl Griffith said today he has become so frustrated with the federal relief effort that he has instructed all local officials to use police force if they have to to take supplies from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 'If you have enough policemen to take it from them, take it,' Griffith said. His frustration comes as squabbling continues among federal, state and local over what some characterize as a woeful lack of communication...


Top Secret Pentagon Operation "Granite Shadow" revealed


Being Disabled and Poor in New Orleans

by Marta Russell
ZNet Daily Commentaries
September 25, 2005

If you are disabled and rich or somewhat well-off and lived in New Orleans you probably got out of the city before the levees broke and flooded some 60% of the parishes. If you are rich and use a wheelchair you probably had a van with a ramp or car of your own with gas money to get you to safety. If you are blind you likely had a driver with a car to take you to the high lands. If you are deaf, use a cane, walker, crutches, service animal, or have mental health needs and you have money, you also got yourself out perhaps with the help of family. But if you are disabled and poor in New Orleans you likely had none of these options. A 911 caller told the operator "I am handicapped and have an 8 month old baby. We are lying on the bed…. the water is coming up fast. We need help." But no help came. No help came because there was no planned evacuation for poor disabled residents. Being disabled and poor meant one's chances for survival were less than one's nondisabled counterparts. While many of the least fortunate were waiting and hoping for the absent cavalry to arrive on those rooftops at least one quadriplegic could not be pulled up on the roof to semi-safety. He drowned instead. There were others. We know that in New Orleans 23.2 percent of residents were disabled persons out of a city of about 484,000 people. There were 102,122 disabled people 5 years of age and older who lived in New Orleans at the time of the flood. [...] Read the rest at: http://tinyurl.com/bcrr9

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