
Markets, Climate And Katrina

by Joseph Stiglitz, TomPaine.com

Katrina revealed the markets' harsh limitations and the government's essential role.


Rondebosch residents spurn cellular mast plan


Cell companies will build masts anywhere


Cindy Sheehan: Wake Up!

Cindy Sheehan: It is time for all of us to stand up and be counted: to show the media, Congress, and this inept, corrupt, and criminal administration that we mean business. It is time to get off of our collective behinds to show the people who are running our country into oblivion that we will stand for it no longer.


Cindy Sheehan

Negligent Homicide

Are we to conclude that the depopulation of New Orleans went according to the Bush administration's plan? The Progressive Populist claims that the dispersal of hundreds of thousands of Democrat-leaning voters from New Orleans could turn Louisiana from a swing state to a Republican lock. And the stricken area of Mississippi has a Democratic congressman, so it might have been considered expendable as well.


Tragedy in Black and White

And who can honestly deny that race is a major reason America treats its poor more harshly than any other advanced country? To put it crudely: a middle-class European, thinking about the poor, says to himself, "There but for the grace of God go I." A middle-class American is all too likely to think, perhaps without admitting it to himself, "Why should I be taxed to support those people?"


Largest Theft in History: $1 Billion Missing in Iraq

The money missing from all ministries under the interim Iraqi government appointed by the US in June 2004 may turn out to be close to $2bn. Of a military procurement budget of $1.3bn, some $200m may have been spent on usable equipment, though this is a charitable view, say officials.


Bill Clinton Launches Withering Attack on Bush

"What Americans need to understand is that ... every single day of the year, our government goes into the market and borrows money from other countries to finance Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina, and our tax cuts," Clinton said.


Children encouraged to use cell-phones for non-essential purposes

MTN My Choice Top-Up / K Muller / 630

Ruling of the: ASA Directorate
In the matter between:
Karl Muller Appellant
MTN Service Provider (Pty) Ltd t/a MTN & Another Respondent

28 Apr 2005

Mr Muller lodged a consumer complaint against a CNA radio commercial, for an MTN product, that was flighted on Highveld Stereo on 6 January 2005.

The commercial features a little girl telling her teacher about what she did during her holidays. The girl states, inter alia, “…I did it all on my Nokia thirty two twenty, with camera, polyphonic ringstones and games that my Mom got me on MTN’s My Choice top-up…”


The complainant submitted that the commercial:

• Encourages children to use cell-phones for non-essential purposes.

• Is manipulative as it directly undermines the social fabric by encouraging children to feel that they know more than adults.

The complainant further submitted that the respondent should be forced to issue a compensatory commercial, stressing that it does not wish to be seen to be marketing to children.

In light of the complaint the following clauses of the Code were taken into account:

• Section I, Clause 1.2 – Responsibility to the consumer

• Section II, Clause 13 – Safety

• Section II, Clause 14 - Children


The First Respondent submitted, inter alia, that:

* It is not its intention to advertise to children or take advantage of them in any way.

* The advertised products can only be purchased by adults.

* The CNA creative team produced the commercial, and the First Respondent was not given an opportunity to approve the commercial prior to broadcast. The First Respondent can therefore not be held responsible for the advertisement that was produced in error by the CNA creative team.

* It instructed the responsible advertising agency to withdraw the commercial immediately when the commercial was brought to its attention.

In a further response, the Second Respondent confirmed that the advertisement will not be used again in future in its current format.


At a meeting held on 5 April 2005 the Directorate considered the relevant documentation submitted by the respective parties.

The First Respondent submitted that it instructed the responsible advertising agency to withdraw the commercial immediately when the commercial was brought to its attention. The Second Respondent confirmed that the advertisement would not be used again in future in its current format.

The Directorate accepts the above submissions as an undertaking to withdraw the commercial.

The undertaking is accepted on condition that the commercial:

* Is withdrawn in its current format with immediate effect within the deadlines stipulated by Clause 15.3 of the Procedural Guide; and

* Is not used again in future.

The complainant has submitted that the respondent should be forced to issue a compensatory commercial, stressing that it does not wish to be seen to be marketing to children.

The Directorate is of the opinion that the advertisement in question does not warrant the imposition of sanctions as it appears ex facie that the respondent did not deliberately circumvent and/or flagrantly disregard the Code. In addition, the commercial was immediately withdrawn.


HURRICANE RITA: Warnings for Florida Keys

KEY WEST, Fla. Sep 19, 2005 — Officials ordered residents evacuated from the lower Florida Keys on Monday as a strengthening Tropical Storm Rita headed toward the island chain, threatening to grow into a hurricane with a potential 8-foot storm surge.The evacuation covered 40,000 people living from below Marathon to Key West. Visitors were ordered to clear out of the entire length of the low-lying Keys, which are connected by just one highway.The weather was clear Monday morning but expected to deteriorate through the day with the approach of Rita's outermost bands of rain.

• Hurricane Warnings Posted for Florida Keys •

ResidentsHurricane warnings were posted for the Keys and Miami-Dade County, and the storm's eye was expected to pass between the islands and Cuba on Tuesday. Rita, which strengthened Sunday into a tropical storm, had sustained wind of 65 mph by late morning, up from 60 mph earlier in the day, and could be a Category 1 hurricane by the time it passes the Keys, the National Hurricane Center said.By the weekend, computer models projected that it could be in the northwest Gulf of Mexico near Texas, but people in areas ravaged by Hurricane Katrina were warned it could veer in their direction instead. Katrina crossed South Florida into the Gulf last month, killing 11 people, before it turned northward to Louisiana and Mississippi.Key West streets were quiet Monday morning as Mike Pettengill, 54, packed his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. A resident of Stuart, he hoped to beat the rain and traffic heading north and wanted to be able to find gas before stations close or run dry."We walked by a bar (Sunday) and heard there was an evacuation. We were totally shocked. I couldn't believe it. Where did it come from?" he said.Kelly Friend and two workers were boarding up her store in Key West, Audio Video in Paradise Inc., and painted a message on the plywood: "Hey bartender 1 Rita on the rocks to go!""Not that we're afraid of the hurricane, but we want to protect our investment," Friend said. "Plus it gives us an excuse to take a day off and drink."

Informant: Hopedance


Florida Keys Evacuated

KEY WEST, Fla. - Officials ordered residents evacuated from the lower Florida Keys on Monday as a strengthening Tropical Storm Rita headed toward the island chain, threatening to grow into a hurricane with a potential 8-foot storm surge.

The evacuation covered 40,000 people living from below Marathon to Key West. Visitors were ordered to clear out of the entire length of the low-lying Keys, which are connected by just one highway.

The weather was clear Monday morning but expected to deteriorate through the day with the approach of Rita's outermost bands of rain.

Hurricane warnings were posted for the Keys and Miami-Dade County, and the storm's eye was expected to pass between the islands and Cuba on Tuesday.

Rita, which strengthened Sunday into a tropical storm, had sustained wind of 65 mph by late morning, up from 60 mph earlier in the day, and could be a Category 1 hurricane by the time it passes the Keys, the National Hurricane Center said.

By the weekend, computer models projected that it could be in the northwest Gulf of Mexico near Texas, but people in areas ravaged by Hurricane Katrina were warned it could veer in their direction instead. Katrina crossed South Florida into the Gulf last month, killing 11 people, before it turned northward to Louisiana and Mississippi.

Key West streets were quiet Monday morning as Mike Pettengill, 54, packed his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. A resident of Stuart, he hoped to beat the rain and traffic heading north and wanted to be able to find gas before stations close or run dry.

"We walked by a bar (Sunday) and heard there was an evacuation. We were totally shocked. I couldn't believe it. Where did it come from?" he said.

Kelly Friend and two workers were boarding up her store in Key West, Audio Video in Paradise Inc., and painted a message on the plywood: "Hey bartender 1 Rita on the rocks to go!"

"Not that we're afraid of the hurricane, but we want to protect our investment," Friend said. "Plus it gives us an excuse to take a day off and drink."

The state was sending a National Guard cargo plane to evacuate 22 patients from Key West's hospital to Sebring, near Lake Okeechobee. Several critically ill patients already had been evacuated to hospitals in Miami.

Rita is the 17th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season. That makes this season already the fourth busiest since record-keeping began in 1851. The record is 21 tropical storms in 1933.

Six to 15 inches of rain was possible in the Keys, with 3 to 5 inches possible across southern Florida. A storm surge rising 6 to 8 feet above normal tide levels was predicted for the Keys.

"Right now the biggest concern is the Keys," said Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

Gov. Jeb Bush declared a state of emergency.

Many schools were closed in the Bahamas on Monday as Rita's rain and wind moved through the islands.

Rita passed the Bahamas' southern islands during the night, but residents said the storm's outer bands didn't appear severe.

"Last night wasn't very bad at all," said Samuel Miller, the commissioner of the southern island of Mayaguana.

Cuba activated its civil defense program and placed six northern provinces on cyclone alert.

At 11 a.m. EDT, Rita was centered about 195 miles southeast of Nassau, Bahamas, and about 430 miles east-southeast of Key West. It was moving to the west-northwest at about 12 mph, according to the hurricane center.

Four hurricanes struck Florida last year, killing dozens of people and causing $19 billion in insured losses. Hurricane Dennis brushed by the Keys in July before slamming the Florida Panhandle.

Farther out in the Atlantic, Hurricane Philippe formed late Sunday well east of the Lesser Antilles. At 5 a.m., Philippe had maximum sustained wind near 75 mph, and was centered about 385 miles east of the Leeward Islands. It was moving to the north near 7 mph.

The hurricane season started June 1 and ends Nov. 30.

Informant: Dani Djinn

Satellitenbilder: Umweltschäden des Hurrikans Katrina bilanziert


Was der Hurrikan Katrina an Umweltschäden hinterlassen hat, konnte bisher niemand genau sagen. Nun hat die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace erstmals Satellitenbilder von SkyTruth veröffentlicht und eine erste Bilanz gezogen. Die Bilder zeigen nach Angaben der Organisation kilometerlange Ölteppiche, die von havarierten Ölplattformen im Golf von Mexiko ausgehen sollen. Öltanklager seien leck geschlagen und überflutet, durch den Sturm beschädigte Raffinerien verschmutzen offenbar den Mississippi und New Orleans.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Changing role for the military?


Informant: Kev Hall

Combien de Français sont obligés de dormir dans une cage de Faraday?


45 000 sites de Stations de bases de Téléphonie Mobile en France environ 150 000 Antennes Relais.

Infos next-up organisation




No to Releases of Transgenic Plants with Antimicrobial Peptides


050919 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


American Meltdown - Get Ready For Next Un-Natural Disaster

Here is an excellent article telling most of the absolute truth about the contrived Katrina 'disaster' and its causes. This is a must read and while you are reading put two and two together by recalling the Waco, Murrah Building and Twin Towers murders by our government and understand that Katrina is just the latest of their contrived 'disasters' to afflict their hated constituency: We the People. And as Alan Stang says when ending his Internet radio show on http://www.rbnlive.com/listen.html (1200 to 1400 Eastern Mon thru Fri, "Arm Yourselves" and do not forget food for your babies.


Lynn Landes: American Meltdown Monday, 5 September 2005, 12:50 pm Opinion: http://www.ecotalk.org - Lynn Landes American Meltdown - Get Ready For Next Un-Natural Disaster

By Lynn Landes ( http://wwwwww.EcoTalk.org )

America is in a meltdown. And the world is watching. We are a nation of haves and have-nots governed by lunatics and liars. I don't know if Bush and his neocon friends are completely incompetent, criminally insane, or just really, really evil. Whatever the case, I'm afraid that another un-natural disaster, worse than Katrina or 9/11, is just around the corner.

According to published reports, the Bush Administration has developed plans to nuke Iran back to the Stone Age, an act which could take a large part of the region with it. Many observers believe that Bush wants to invoke Marshall Law here as well. Rumor has it that Bush will use a 'staged' nuclear attack on the U.S. as pretext for his pillage. It will be an inside job, but blamed on Iran. State-sponsored terrorism against a nation's own citizens is a familiar ruse. Most people won't have a clue, thanks to our criminally-complicit corporate news media.

To succeed with such as plan, Bush would need to hold the American public under tighter control than ever before. To that end, much has been done. America is already a corporately-controlled nation. During elections, domestic and foreign corporations electronically process over 80% of all voters' ballots with no meaningful oversight or transparency possible. Corporations own most of the news media and telecommunications. A private Internet (Global Information Grid, or GIG) is currently under construction for use by the military and government only. So, the public Internet could be shut down easily. Meanwhile, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has reduced bandwidth for ham (shortwave) radio operators, further restricting low-cost public communications.

Enforcement of the Patriot Act will end civil liberties as we know them. There are reports that South American paramilitary units have been recruited to operate in the U.S. in order to cull dissidents from the general public. They may already be here. Peace activists in Miami suspect that private security personnel from South or Central America have been used by the Miami police during demonstrations there.

Our military is seriously understaffed and underfunded, while private security forces get billions in no-bid contracts. Military installations in America are closing, as private companies build secret prisons and bases around the world.

All these moves are clearly designed to leave Americans completely defenseless against their own government. The rest of the world is also at risk. With Congress in a coma, our military officers and enlisted personnel might consider their options. It looks like we're all are being set-up for a take-down of epic proportions. They've done it before. The free-market fanatics at the helm of this nation have a decades-long track record of death and destruction around the world. We are a nation ruled by thugs. They start wars on helpless countries, outsource American jobs and resources, and pollute the planet for profit. They are relentless.

Today, the "Game Theory of World Domination" is in full play by the Bush Administration. Chaos and confusion is their stock in trade. Shock and awe are their weapons of choice. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

What's important at this point is not their actions, but ours. More and more Americans understand that the common people need to take charge. People from New York and New Orleans know the score. We cannot trust this government. We must be as prepared as possible for any eventuality.

America is imploding. A new world will emerge. Things will change. At the very least, we should never again allow wealth and power to concentrate in the hands of the privileged few. Only respect for the common good will improve our chances for survival on this planet. Until then, may the victims of our cowardice and stupidity forgive us.


Informant: Ronda Zeoli

Stop Terminator Seeds


Katrina's Wakeup Call to We the People

Ernie McCray: You know, we can be so beautiful, at times, like right now. Just look at us, human beings of all colors and sexualities and creeds and beliefs and affiliations reaching out to the many battered souls who survived Katrina's devastating visit.


For Bush Disasters Mean Troops on US Soil

President Bush's push to give the military a bigger role in responding to major disasters like Hurricane Katrina could lead to a loosening of legal limits on the use of federal troops on US soil.


Bush Helps Disaster Profiteers

President Bush is taking advantage of the Katrina tragedy to get rid of workers' protections in favor of higher profits for politically connected corporations.


Rice a No Show at UN Dinner on Women's Rights

Diplomacy's most powerful woman, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has turned down a dinner date with other female foreign ministers to discuss women's rights, citing a busy schedule.


Widespread Hunger Strike at Guantanamo

A hunger strike at the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has unsettled senior commanders there and produced the most serious challenge yet to the military's effort to manage the detention of hundreds of terrorism suspects, lawyers and officials say.


Democrats Question Gonzalez on Attempt to Blame Eco Groups for Flood

An email message which suggested the Bush Justice Department was looking to blame environmentalists for a break in the New Orleans levee and the ensuing flood has sparked vehement responses among the Democratic caucus in Congress.


I Care About the Black Folks

Frank Rich: Once Toto parts the curtain, the Wizard of Oz can never be the wizard again. He is forever Professor Marvel, blowhard and snake-oil salesman. Hurricane Katrina, which is likely to endure in the American psyche as long as L. Frank Baum's mythic tornado, has similarly unmasked George W. Bush.


Roberts, Too Much of a Mystery

New York Times: The unknowns about Mr. Roberts's views remain troubling, especially since he is being nominated not merely to the Supreme Court, but to be chief justice. That position is too important to entrust to an enigma, which is what Mr. Roberts remains.


Dirty dealings by Hutchison


More on Hutchison 3G dirty dealings

And still more on Hutchinson’s dirty dealings

Couple face £400,000 legal bill after losing phone mast battle

Former leader says Australia a US colony

Latham opposed the Iraq war and in February 2003 described U.S. President Bush as the most incompetent and dangerous in living memory.


From Information Clearing House

Pillaging, looting - these guys are pros


From Information Clearing House

FEMA: A Legacy Of Waste

The handling of aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina is only the latest in a series of missteps and fraud that has plagued this tax-funded government agency. The Sun-Sentinel took a look at 20 recent disasters and found mismanagement and misallocation abound.


From Information Clearing House

What would our president say if he were compelled to tell the truth?


Higher-than-expected death toll seen in clustered New Orleans corpses

Tentative optimism that New Orleans’ death toll from Katrina might be far lower than first projected has given way to somber reality over the past 36 hours as search and rescue squad turn up bodies by the dozen in the hardest hit areas of the city.


From Information Clearing House

Giving Democracy a Bad Name

The United States has supposedly created new “democracies” in Afghanistan and Iraq, but these endeavors give democracy a bad name.


From Information Clearing House

Iran Readying for Conflict With US

Incredible though it may sound there are signs that Tehran may be preparing for a military confrontation with the United States, and has convinced itself that it could win.


Alliances shifting in post-Iraq world

Countries that Bush considers partners - China, Russia and India - were banding together to stymie a U.S. and European effort to bring sanctions against Iran for its suspected nuclear weapons program


From Information Clearing House

Putin resists Bush on Iran

President Bush yesterday won no support from Russian President Vladimir Putin in his bid to bring Iran before the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions and acknowledged that he has not yet forged an international consensus on how to deal with Tehran's alleged nuclear program.


From Information Clearing House

Pentagon: Muslim Society Does Not Seek To Be Liberated By U.S.

"There is no yearning-to-be-liberated-by-the-U.S. groundswell among Muslim societies -- except to be liberated perhaps from what they see as apostate tyrannies that the U.S. so determinedly promotes and defends," the Pentagon board said in a report.


Blair tells Murdoch: 'gloating' BBC is 'full of hatred for America'

"If it's an accurate record, Mr Murdoch has provided a fascinating glimpse of his private relationship with Mr Blair," he said. "It may not come as a great surprise that the Prime Minister aims to please Murdoch but it comes as a bit of a shock he goes this far."


What Tony said to Rupert - and why it speaks volumes:

The PM's extraordinary attack on the BBC has reopened old wounds and raised questions about his special relationships.


Blair gave Murdoch 'veto' over EU, says PM's ex-aide:

Tony Blair promised Rupert Murdoch that he would be consulted on any change to Britain's policy towards Europe, according to a diary kept by a former Downing Street press officer.


From Information Clearing House

Blair 'relished sending troops in'

"Despite all the necessary stuff about taking action 'with a heavy heart' I think he feels it is part of his coming of age as a leader."


From Information Clearing House

This is a mess of our own making

Tim Collins told his troops this was a war of liberation, not conquest. Now he says that he was naive to believe it.


From Information Clearing House

Shootings put security contractors under scrutiny in Iraq

Foreign workers firing on civilians, US officials say

From Information Clearing House

My Son was Waiting for a Taxi, So He was Killed

“I went. I saw [my son] lying there, shot in his chest, his stomach, his legs, his hands…” he explained to us as the tears came, breaking his proud appearance and revealing a grieving father.


We have long ago lost our moral compass, so how can we lecture the Islamic world?

by Robert Fisk

It is true that most Christians, Jews and Muslims draw on the tolerant, moderate aspects of their tradition. We prefer not to accept the fact that the religions of the children of Abraham are inherently flawed in respect of intolerance, discrimination, violence and hatred.


A Moral Compass For Life's Journey

Plans for review of phone masts

The article below suggests progress - of sorts - toward the recognition of a health problem.

Best, Imelda, Cork


Plans for review of phone masts

Martin Wall

The Government is to consider plans for a new committee to examine the safety implications of electromagnetic fields generated by sources such as mobile-phone masts and power lines.

Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey is to bring proposals to Cabinet this week for the establishment of a new inter-departmental group that will look at the effects on health of electromagnetic fields.

The move follows a report by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Marine and Natural Resources in June which recommended stronger links between Government departments in this area and the establishment of a new independent board to review, from an Irish perspective, all published data.

The current official position of the Department of Health is that "the consensus of scientific literature to date regarding possible adverse health effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields from facilities such as power lines, mobile phones and their base stations is that there is no evidence of a causal relationship between such exposure and ill health".

However, in his preface to the report last June, the chairman of the Oireachtas committee, Noel O'Flynn, said that there were people who suffered ill effects from using mobile phone handsets or because they lived beside a mast.

He said the members of the Oireachtas committee had "ample experience of meeting with and talking to those who were suffering".

Mr O'Flynn said last night he welcomed the Minister's plans to bring proposals to Cabinet.

He said he believed the committee's report had been received very favourably by the department. He was happy the committee had brought "added value" to the process.

Mr O'Flynn said from presentations made to the committee over recent months there appeared to be no co-ordination between the various Government departments - health, communications and environment - that have responsibilities in this area.

He said the committee also believed it was important the country should not have to rely on an international assessment of scientific literature in this area, and there should be an independent board that would carry out this task from an Irish perspective.

The committee, in its report in June, also called for the establishment of a standing advisory committee to scrutinise and agree standards for the mobile telephony industry.

© The Irish Times

Katrina and Environmental Justice

Three weeks have passed since Katrina ravaged New Orleans, Biloxi and the Gulf Coast of the United States, and thousands of displaced individuals are without permanent shelter, employment, income and, unfortunately, members of their families. As a nation, we must ensure that the immediate needs of the victims of this storm and its aftermath are met effectively and expeditiously as possible. But at Redefining Progress, a research and advocacy organization working at the intersection of the environment, the economy, equity and sustainability, we are as concerned with the present as we are with the future.

We are concerned that the lessons we can extract from the disaster of Hurricane Katrina will go unlearned. Redefining Progress urges that as the city of New Orleans, the region and the United States move from discussions of rescue to those of reconstruction, we keep key themes in mind:

* Katrina's immediate and long-term impacts demonstrate our nation's vulnerability to both climate change and the toxic industries which contribute to it. With climate change, these devastating events are likely to become more frequent and even more disastrous.

* Poor populations and communities of color are disproportionately affected by climate change and its effects--and the wake of Katrina has borne out that reality. We must act on climate change now--for the benefit of these communities and for the benefit of our future.

* Residents must lead in the process of the reconstruction of their city. They must harness ownership of all facets of rebuilding--including process, politics and property--to guarantee that the reconstruction reflects and protects their interests.

Read the complete Redefining Progress statement on Katrina, her impact and our response:


Hurricane Katrina's effects have been devastating, disproportionate and destructive. And justice demands that we tend to the needs of the least and the left out immediately.

But justice also demands that we address the systemic environmental, economic and social issues that may make disasters like Katrina more frequent, more dangerous and more devastating. Redefining Progress plans to be at the forefront of that work, on behalf of people, nature and the economy.

To aid victims of Hurricane Katrina, visit the Southern Partners Fund who has set up a Justice Fund for Katrina Relief and Renewal.


Redefining Progress, through its support of the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative and the Climate Justice Corps, is well-equipped to help Gulf Coast residents organize around, advocate for and educate their fellow residents, local and state governments and non-profit organizations on effecting positive solutions to the complex issues of rebuilding a safer, healthier and more secure Gulf Coast.

To help support this crucial work, visit Redefining Progress's website:


We are mobilizing for action: on Saturday, Sept. 17, two emerging leaders of the environmental movement who have gone through RP's Climate Justice Corps program will join executive director Michel Gelobter to announce the expansion of the program at the Clinton Global Initiative gathering in New York City. Nia Robinson, 2003 CJC member with Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice in Detroit, Michigan and Brittany Cochran, 2004 CJC member with the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice in New Orleans, Louisiana will share their experience and present the vision of the program to an audience of world leaders, including Tony Blair of Britain, President Jacques Chirac of France, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, President Victor Yushchenko of Ukraine and the United Nations' Secretary General Kofi Annan. More about this program can be found at the EJCC's website. http://ejcc.org/

From EF! Media Center

Sea Shepherd E-News

September 16, 2005

Dear Friend of Sea Shepherd,

I am currently in the midst of my
http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050812_1.html Speaking Tour in Canada. I have just left Calgary, headed for Winnipeg tomorrow, Michigan on Sunday, and Toronto on Monday. The response so far has been great - the attendance has been wonderful, I have done many press interviews, and have garnered much support. Many who attended have been inspired to get involved and are meeting with their local ministers of parliament to voice their objection to the annual seal slaughter.

At the end of next week, I will be heading to South Africa to attend the http://www.seashepherd.org/events.html Hermanus Whale Festival then returning to the Galapagos.

Currently, the Farley Mowat and crew are in the Galapagos where the crew is assisting the park rangers in patrolling the Marine Reserve. There, we will renew our agreement with the Galapagos National park to allow the park to use our patrol boat Sirenian for conservation enforcement work.

On our way to the Galapagos, we stopped at
http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050825_2.html Malpelo, Columbia, where we delivered supplies to the park rangers. We will be returning to Malpelo to enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Parks of Colombia to enforce conservation regulations against poaching in the Malpelo Island Marine Reserve.

In early October, the Farley Mowat will be departing Galapagos for Melbourne, Australia - our next stop in reaching the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, where we will defend and protect endangered whales from the Japanese whaling fleet.

I am pleased to announce that we have added a new section to our website entitled: http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales.html Defending Whales. There you will find information on Sea Shepherd's upcoming campaign to Antarctica, our history protecting whales, issues facing whales around the world, and how you can take action to help protect these gentle giants.

For those of you in the Pacific Northwest, you probably know that the http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales_attend_makah_hearings.html Makah plan a return to whale killing. In October of 2005, there will be three public hearings held by the United States Federal Government required in federal environmental law to prepare an environmental impact statement. We encourage all who can to attend these hearings and voice your opposition. If you are interested in attending with a group of Sea Shepherd members, please email Connie at mailto:connie@seashepherd.org

On October 8th, Sea Shepherd will be participating with dozens of other organizations in the
http://www.seashepherd.org/taiji/taiji_worldwide_protest.html Japan Dolphin Day in protest of the slaughter of over 20,000 dolphins to take place in Japan. There are demonstrations scheduled at Japanese consulates and embassies around the world around the world. If you are interested in organizing a demonstration in your city at a Japanese embassy or consulate, please contact us at volunteer@seashepherd.org

I also want to let you know about another place where seals are in danger - this time in South Africa. Long-time friend of Sea Shepherd, Francois Hugo, has been working as Seal Alert - South Africa to stop the senseless slaughter of the beautiful Cape fur seals. He is trying to gather a petition to the government and also to raise USD$18,000 to purchase a 24' long by 15' wide catamaran. It will be used as a floating platform that can house rehabilitation equipment, freezer, liquidizer, etc. It will allow Francois to stay abroad for 24-7, and is big enough to accommodate 50 to 100 seals needing rehab. You can read about his campaigns on our http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050819_1.html Seal Alert Page, view slide shows of the Cape Fur seals, learn how to sign the petition, and support his work with a financial donation.

As you can see, we have many battles to wage. Your participation is crucial for the defenseless marine animals we work to protect and I thank you for your continued support.

Captain Paul Watson

Support Sea Shepherd


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Sea Shepherd and the Whales

Whale Campaign Home Page

http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales_SSCS_history.html SSCS History Saving Whales

The Intelligent Whale

Whaling Around the World

What You Can Do

Seal Campaign

Seal Campaign Home Page

Boycott Canadian Seafood - *You have the power to end the seal hunt!*

News Releases

Two Good Reasons to Read OUTSIDE Magazine This Month

Sea No Walrus, Hear No Walrus, Do Not Speak of the Walrus

Bogus Hunt, Bogus Poll, and Bogus Politicians

Sea Shepherd Board Member Elizabeth May Receives the Order of Canada

Twelve Reasons to Oppose the Plans by the Makah Whales to Murder Whales

Shark Killers Get No Favors from Sea Shepherd


Captain Paul Watson's Canadian Speaking Tour

Sea Shepherd Unveils Dead Lobster T-shirt Design - *Order your T-Shirt Today!*

Sea Shepherd Unveils it's Seal of Approval Campaign

Commentary and Editorials

Report on the Sierra Summit

Vancouver Chefs Stand Up to Defend the Fish

World Wildlife Fund Validates Sea Shepherd Efforts

Watson Vs. Moore in the San Francisco Examiner and the Denver Post

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the U.S. Founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd's mission is to defend, conserve, and protect marine wildlife and their habitats.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Sea Shepherd! Working together we will succeed.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society PO Box 2616 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA Phone: (360) 370-5650 Fax: (360) 370-5651
Website: http://www.seashepherd.org/
Email: info@seashepherd.org

From EF! Media Center

Save NEPA: Public's right to know threatened

Center for Biological Diversity

Public's right to know threatened - save NEPA


The House Resources Committee has formed a NEPA Task Force which will soon make recommendations expected to substantially diminish public and scientific review of federal projects. Write your House and Senate representatives and ask them to fight to maintain, fully fund, and eliminate exceptions to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Reasons to protect NEPA and points you may wish to include in your comments:

1. NEPA ensures that the BEST SCIENCE will be used to design federal projects and minimize damage to public health and public resources

2. NEPA ensures that the public - taxpayers, the owners of public lands and resources - fully participate in decisionmaking about how OUR TAX DOLLARS are spent

3. NEPA ensures that federal agencies consider ALTERNATIVES in order to design projects that minimize risk

4. By minimizing risk and catching bad projects before they are implemented, NEPA AVOIDS UNNECESSARY DAMAGE TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT - as well as costly lawsuits and controversy

5. NEPA is integral to our democracy - it costs money and it takes time, but so do most worthwhile endeavors, including democracy itself.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Your Congressperson
Your Senators
Below is the sample letter:
Subject: Protect democracy, Protect NEPA
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I strongly oppose any changes to or weakening of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

I use public lands for wildlife watching, research, education, and enjoyment. I frequently participate in the NEPA process.

Many depend on the environment for our livelihood. Wildlife-related recreation (plant and wildlife watching, photography, etc.) generates more than $100 billion in annual economic activity in the U.S. and supports countless jobs and businesses. Healthy ecosystems are essential to strong economies

I rely on NEPA to give land and resource managers the information and analyses they need to avoid unnecessary damage to native plants and their habitats. I also rely on NEPA to allow me - as a taxpayer, voter, and member of the public - to keep track of how our tax dollars and public lands are used. NEPA's environmental analysis, public disclosure, and public review requirements help ensure that federal agencies do not engage in activities that threaten our environment, jobs, industries, economies or public health.

The National Environmental Policy Act is not only central to our ability to conserve plants and their habitats; it is also the law which brings the public and democracy into environmental policy and management.

NEPA requires that the best science will be used to design federal projects and minimize damage to public health and public resources. NEPA requires that federal agencies consider alternatives in order to minimize risks.

I understand that some find NEPA's mandates cumbersome, but high quality land and resource management is a cumbersome process, as is democracy itself. NEPA protects the public from careless or dangerous federal actions. If NEPA is weakened, federal bureaucrats will have ever greater and more arbitrary power to determine how our taxes are used and how our resources and public health are protected.

Finally, chronic and severe underfunding and understaffing of the agencies that implement NEPA, not the provisions o f the law itself, are the greatest barrier to timely and complete NEPA analyses. Underfunding and understaffing also contribute to the inadequacy of many NEPA analyses which leads to unnecessary controversy and even litigation. Instead of weakening the law, Congress should increase funding for implementation of the law so that it can function expeditiously and effectively.

Please maintain a strong NEPA. Thank you for your attention to these concerns.


(your name)

Take Action! Instructions: Click here to take action on this issue

Tell-A-Friend: Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. Tell-a-Friend!

What's At Stake: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, another of our bedrock environmental laws, is under attack this Congressional session. NEPA is not only central to our ability to conserve plants and their habitats, IT IS ALSO THE LAW WHICH BRINGS THE PUBLIC AND DEMOCRACY INTO ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT. NEPA requires that the federal government provide the public with the opportunity to review the impacts of federal projects - such as highway construction, dam construction, pesticide and herbicide use, logging, grazing, or any other federal project which may affect the environment or public health - on OR off public lands. Under NEPA, agencies are required to prepare environmental analyses, such as environmental impact statements, that use the best science to analyze and disclose possible impacts of federal projects. If a project analysis finds significant environmental impacts, alternatives that minimize or eliminate damage must be developed and also submitted for public review. The Bush Administration and Congress have already limited or eliminated NEPA analysis and review requirements for numerous projects and activities including: . Several types of logging on National Forests, even in roadless areas . Airport expansion . Highway construction . Livestock grazing management plans that can be locked in place without public or scientific review for decades RESOURCES COMMITTEE NEPA TASK FORCE: Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA), a longtime opponent to NEPA and other environmental laws, has formed a "NEPA Task Force" to develop "reforms" to the law. The Task Force has held hearings, and plans to issue a report and recommendations in the fall. NEPA supporters from the environmental and scientific community have been systematically excluded from the hearings (see abbreviated news story below). The Resources Committee NEPA Task Force is online . News Article on limits on testimony to Resources Committee NEPA Task Force: August 10, 2005 HOUSE NEPA TASK FORCE SHUTTING OUT ENVIRONMENTALISTS A House Task Force formed in April to gather citizen input for possible changes in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)-- the cornerstone of America's environmental protection framework-- has been shutting out access for pro-environment witnesses.

Created by Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA) a dedicated opponent of environmental regulations, the task force is chaired by Rep. Cathy McMorris (R-WA). "We don't need to have 10 people say nothing needs to be improved," said McMorris, at a recent hearing in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. "We want to hear from the people who have problems with NEPA."

[1] At a hearing in Texas last month, seven of the nine invitees represented industry, and only two were environmentalists.

[2] NEPA is designed to protect natural resources and support public participation in government. The law requires federal officials to make a careful assessment of potential environmental damage for a proposed project, and offer alternatives when necessary. Frustrated that her group was denied the opportunity to discuss NEPA at the Texas hearing, Phyllis Dunham, of the Southern Plains Sierra Club, told BushGreenwatch, "We requested a chance to speak at the hearing, but they did not offer us an invitation." Environmentalists charge that selective invitations aren't the only way the task force has prevented environmental interests from entering the review process, pointing out that inadequate notification of the hearings' times, locations, and invited witnesses have also filtered out environmental concerns.

The Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity, the only two environmental groups invited to the hearing, were faxed invitations only days before it was to take place. The task force required the groups to identify a representative and submit their oral and written comments within 24 hours. According to the Club's website, "Both organizations had to decline given the impossible 1-day deadline, and obligations to the pre-existing Fossil Creek community event." Not even Rep. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), the ranking democratic member of the task force could attend the Texas hearing, citing that he was only given two weeks notice. "The task force needs to be better at publicizing where they will be and including all the people who have a stake in this issue," says Udall. "These so-called public hearings are a well kept secret. They are announced at the last minute, witness panels are not revealed until a couple of days beforehand and are usually dominated by industry representatives, and there is no effort to reach out to the public to get them involved," said the Sierra Club's Dunham.

Campaign Expiration Date: October 1, 2005

From EF! Media Center

Bill Poised to Eliminate Key Provisions of the Endangered Species Act

#127 WILD NORTHWEST, September 15, 2005 A Message from Conservation Northwest =====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Bill Poised to Eliminate Key Provisions of the Endangered Species Act
Your call to Congress could help turn the tide

The Endangered Species Act is America's safety net that protects wildlife, fish, and plants on the brink of extinction. This cornerstone of US environmental protection law has protected hundreds of animals including the bald eagle, grizzly bear, gray wolf, peregrine falcon, and countless others from almost certain extinction.

House Resources Committee Richard Pombo, who has made it his legislative priority to dismantle the Endangered Species Act, has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, September 20, for a bill that would eliminate key protections in the Endangered Species Act. He is calling for a full committee vote on Thursday, September 22. Please take a moment to call your Member of Congress! The Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Ask them to oppose this and any bill that would weaken the Endangered Species Act and endanger our national heritage . Rep. Pombo is out of step with the American people, 86 percent of whom support the Endangered Species Act.

In particular if you live in Representative Cathy McMorris' district in and around Spokane, please make this call. Rep. McMorris serves on the House Resources Committee and so has a very large say in natural resource issues.

Background: It is especially important that members of the House Resources Committee hear from their constituents. Find the names of committee members at
http://resourcescommittee.house.gov/fullcommittee/members.htm .

Go to http://www.conservationnw.org/wildlife/PomboBill_Sept05.html for more on Rep. Pombo's draft bill. Find your Representative at http://www.vote-smart.org . For more on the ESA, please visit http://www.saveesa.org . Thank you, as ever, for keeping the Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Publications Coordinator
Conservation Northwest
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201 Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

From EF! Media Center




The Bolton Precedent

TAKE ACTION NOW at http://www.nocrony.com

The first thing we need to understand is that we the people have the unilateral POWER, right now by ourselves, to stop John Roberts. All that is required is the WILL for us to do it. He CAN be stopped.

The second thing we need to understand is that Roberts represents game, set and match for the dismantling of EVERY progressive court we hold so dear. He MUST be stopped.

Roberts' proponents say that the president warned us he would put forward a judge in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. We all know their extreme biases. And yet in his hearing Roberts has repeatedly denied that he has any policy values of his own, just he has denied that he was a member of the Federalist society
(where he had a leadership role). Therefore, he is not only a reactionary ideologue, he is a LYING reactionary ideologue, a walking Trojan Horse of right wing policy initiatives. And that makes him all the worse.

HOW WE'RE GOING TO DO IT (a practical plan)

Let's get right to the HOW. There are 44 Democratic senators and one independent. Let us assume we will get no Republican votes against. It is pointless to appeal to their constituency, who are in fact in the minority if the truth be known. All we have to do mobilize our OWN constituency. If we just do that we can have a filibuster and we WIN.

Mobilize means for us, ALL of us, to get serious about getting people to talk to their members of Congress. That is how the other side has always done it. This is what we must do:


All progressive blogs must FEATURE a prominent Stop Roberts action center. If you have a web page of any kind, the absolute bare minimum is to have in the top fold of your main index page (if not on every page of your site) the toll-free Capitol telephone number
(877-762-8762), plus an exhortation to call your senators specifically to oppose Roberts, and not in teeny-tiny type, but in large bold type that nobody could miss.

If you want to do more, we have a dedicated action page at http://www.nocrony.com that you can link to. It will send a personal message directly to both of your senators, and at the same time you can automatically send a Letter to the Editor of your nearest daily newspaper all with just one click. You can copy the "Tell our senators NO" button at the top of this page to put on your site and you'll have the toll-free phone number right here too. If you have another action page somewhere you like post a PROMINENT featured link to that instead, but for heaven's sake DO something.

If you have a mailing list of any kind of your own opt-ins, do a mailing emphasizing the importance of this action and provide the toll-free number AND link to http://www.nocrony.com. Direct email is one of the most effective tools for generating messages to Congress.


All progressive radio personalities must dedicate part of EVERY show to giving out the toll-free Senate phone number
(877-762-8762) and to rally your listeners to take action on this. Don't just assume people know it already or can find it on their own. PROMOTE it. Talk is not enough, not even close. We must convert advocacy into ACTION. In the same way that a single run of an ad on your radio station will not have sufficient impact standing alone, you must make this a recurrent theme of your show and keep REPEATING it, at least for the next week or so.

At the same time you can give out the URL of the main action page, http://www.nocrony.com, or any other easy to say and remember web address you like, to get people to email or phone or fax their members of Congress. In addition all the other things above that apply to other web sites apply to you as well. Feature the Senate toll-free phone number and action links and do it prominently on your main page, your blogs, and ideally on ALL your pages at least in one of your side columns.

And as a listener of your favorite progressive radio show, call in. Encourage them to get on the case to give out the toll-free number, and to give out web links and post them on their sites. Talk about this on the air when they put you on.

We must communicate to our members of Congress in every way that this is a deal breaker for us. This particular nominee is a threat to absolutely anything else Congress might try to do in the future, as he UN-legislates from the bench. Any democrat who votes for this nominee or even for cloture must never hold public office in any capacity again and they must be made to understand this by our emails, our faxes, our phone calls, and our letters to the editor. We stopped Bolton (at least in the Senate) and we can and will stop this nominee as well. To any remaining doubting Thomas's we say this to you, "Defeatism is the treason of our own minds."



Some people thought that the compromise on the filibuster would doom any opposition to offensive nominees, and indeed, some very offensive ones were allowed to pass to obtain that compromise. And yet, just three days later the Senate sustained a filibuster of John Bolton (which continued to hold), on the grounds that the administration was refusing to disclose documents relevant to the consideration of the nominee. That is exactly the situation here. They have totally frustrated any meaningful opportunity to cross-examine this nominee by stonewalling access to any of his memos from the last 20 years, materials that previous administrations have always disclosed as to other Supreme Court nominees.

The senators on the other side and the nominee in particular have repeatedly complained about being asked about 20 year old documents. Well, guess what, because of the bad faith refusal of the administration to cooperate that's all we have to work from. Mr. Roberts the lawyer would never even consider trying a case without access to ALL the documents and evidence he had a RIGHT to review. And just like Bolton, this nominee must be rejected until and unless all relevant documents are produced.


The primary argument we have heard from the other side is that he's the president's choice and that should be enough. They are saying in essence, "Ha, ha, we won the last election, too bad." And yet now, just 10 months later, Mr. Bush is the most UNPOPULAR second term president in history. His bad judgment in crisis after crisis has brought shame and destruction to our country and cost thousands if not tens of thousands of innocent American lives. There are now too many dead bodies for even them to hide, though they've tried that in New Orleans too. Bush's nominee Bolton, who he stubbornly rammed through over the objections of the good judgment of the Senate, has done nothing but create chaos and disruption at the UN already, to the dismay of even our closest ally, Great Britain. His selection of partisan cronies for FEMA management positions crippled that agency's ability to protect us. We no LONGER trust the choices of Mr. Bush.

If there were to be an election today, with his popularity in free fall, there is no doubt Bush would be soundly defeated. And by calling on people to contact their members of Congress, what we are doing is calling for a NATIONAL REFERENDUM, by email, by fax, by phone call and by letter to the editor, not only on this nominee, but on the Bush presidency. If the other side wants to rest their argument on whether this president has any mandate, then let us demonstrate just how little support Bush actually retains. Roberts will wreck the Supreme Court just as Bush has wrecked every other aspect of our lives, and we must speak out now to stop the looming catastrophe.

Indeed, even the last election would certainly have gone the other way had it not been for widespread vote fraud and suppression, COMBINED with the corrupt collaboration of the corporate mainstream media in suppressing or ignoring any stories negative to Bush's election prospects, and exaggerating the importance of any stories smearing his opponents. Just yesterday there was a story on the AP wire service with the headline "Roberts DODGES questions about abortion," and yet within hours the word "dodge" had disappeared from the Yahoo site and was REPLACED with a spin job using the word "rebuff" and the word "abortion" was gone too. This is scary, SCARY stuff. There's a Greek chorus out there of big media voices trying to sell the public on this nominee like it's a foregone conclusion, but still they have NOT heard from we the people yet. Be ye not conned, this is not over no matter what the talking heads say.


Who are they trying to kid? We ALL know exactly how Roberts is going to rule. He's going to vote AGAINST us, we the people, and in favor of every corporate special interest, in favor of absolute power for the chief executive, every single time and without exception. They know it, we know it, and Roberts himself knows it. That's why all the most extreme reactionaries in the country are so hot for this guy. And the shame of it is that this nominee will not even admit he has an opinion on PAST cases upon which we have come to trust on and rely. Even worse, for all his theoretical legal platitudes about stare decisis he has been breathtaking in leaving the door open that under him it would be open season on revisiting just about every progressive court decision of the last
100 years, if only a case were to come before him.

The Republican senators on the judiciary committee have repeatedly encouraged the nominee to NOT answer questions on the merits, to be evasive and call it integrity. Roberts has testified at length and said absolutely nothing of substance, like the enormously slick lawyer he is. But one interesting thing he did say is that as a lawyer he could take EITHER side of a case and make a reasonable argument. And you better believe that in ruling against us time after time, he will always find a CLEVER way to make extremism sound reasonable, and that is precisely why he is so dangerous. He said it is not the job of a lawyer to have a position on the issues, but ultimately it IS the job of a judge. The law is not just a mechanical exercise in applying precedents to the facts. All judges have values that they bring to every case, which they at last must fall back on. And in not disclosing the agenda that his entire career strongly suggests that he has, he does NOT deserve and cannot be trusted with the job of a Supreme Court judge, let alone chief justice.

The American people now understand that they were sold a dishonest bill of goods in the last election and are having big time buyer's remorse. As recently as a year ago Mr. Bush seemed to many like a wise and capable leader, but now many more realize the depth of his perverse bad judgment. The only reason why he has not ALREADY been called out for impeachment for his many crimes and catastrophes is because the Republican party cares more about their own power than the good of the American people. He has wrecked our economy, our budget, our military, and in the exercise of his criminal negligence now an entire major U.S. city. But still he will be removed eventually. It is not so easy to remove an equally destructive Supreme Court chief justice.

And superficially Mr. Roberts may seem like a nice, reasonable guy. That is the biggest lie of all. His hearing responses bear an uncanny resemblance to a press conference with Scott McClellan, only infinitely more smooth. He might as well have said over and over, "Again, we're not going to get into playing the agenda game." In fact, for all we know he is WORSE than the flaming reactionary that peeks through some of his early memos, he's just gotten a lot better at concealing it. A person who claims to stand for nothing is the very DEFINITION of someone with an agenda. If he would just be honest with the American people, we might consider him on that basis. His failure to evidence any such candor makes his rejection mandatory.


Nobody expected Roberts to beat himself. We all expected a masterful exercise in dodging any questions about what he really stood for. The reactionary elements who are pushing this guy were not going to repeat the Bork mistake, who spoke freely and was quite forthcoming about his positions on the issues, and who left a wide paper trail of statements, writings and speeches. Instead they have spent decades grooming a stealth candidate, with little visible record, and are trying to hustle him into the top slot of the Supreme Court before anybody else can get a handle on what they are really voting for.

Never before has a judge been pushed upward with such rash haste. The idea that a president with plummeting popularity should have carte blanche to appoint any closet reactionary he likes is absurd. We don't want a pig in a poke for chief justice. Give us a nominee for the Supreme Court with a track record. Give us a nominee with enough opinions out there so that we know who it is that is actually going to control every aspect of all of our lives for the rest of all of our lives. Tell your senators that if Roberts gets the job IT WILL SURELY COST THEM THEIR OWN. They will get the message and we will win.

We stopped Bolton and everyone thought it was a miracle. It was not. We generated 30,000 emails opposing Bolton, each to two senators. And we're going to stop Roberts, all we have to do is believe. It is said that evil can only prevail when good people do nothing.

TAKE ACTION NOW at http://www.nocrony.com

Forward this email to everyone you know, and encourage its posting on blogs and websites.

Originally posted by The Pen to change-links.

Evil at the Top: Decent Folk inside the Bush Regime Speak out


Bush's New Orleans Rebuilding Scam


The Colonial Logic of Bush's Response to New Orleans


Bring the Ruckus! http://www.agitatorindex.org Updated regularly

Informant: Michael Novick

Bring Them Home Now Tour


Informant: Charles Jenks

From ufpj-news

The feds confront the anti-war movement

by James Petras


On September 19 the first federal conspiracy trial of civilian war resisters to the US invasion of Iraq will take place in Binghamton, New York, a declining and decaying city in upstate New York, 3 hours northwest of New York City. This is the second trial of the 'St Patrick Four' ... they were acquitted a year earlier by a jury in Ithaca, New York by a 9 to 3 vote in which the presiding Judge David Peeble conceded that the four had represented themselves 'probably better than some of the attorneys that practice in this court.' The trial of the St. Pat Four has national significance because it raises several fundamental issues regarding constitutional freedoms and the Bush-Gonzalez ongoing campaign to silence and intimidate dissent and public expressions of opposition to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sea change

Tom Paine
by Nick Penniman


Remember how, when President Bush opened up our public lands to logging, he called it 'Healthy Forests?' And remember how, when he gutted the Clean Air Act, he called it 'Clear Skies?' The plan he rolled out last night to rebuild the Gulf Coast should have been called the 'New Great Society.' As MSNBC's Joe Scarborough remarked during one post-speech spin session, aspects of the $300 billion plan would put Lyndon Johnson to shame. At least, that's how it appeared on TV. The reality is, of course, very different from the rhetoric... [editor's note: This is another cry for "more public funding," in the face of the very real failure of FEMA and the Bushites to even ACT, or release what was already collected for the purpose; as usual, it misses the point entirely in its cry for tax hikes to subsidize more incompetence! - SAT]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Engines of arbitrary government, or feds gone wild

Sierra Times
by Robert F. Hawes Jr.


One of the most interesting, but curiously obscure, incidents in American history took place on May 25, 1861. It was on that day, at approximately 2:00 in the morning, that a Maryland man by the name of John Merryman was awakened by federal soldiers, taken from his home and imprisoned at Fort McHenry on the basis that he was involved with a group of armed, pro-secession advocates. Despite the nature of the accusation against him, no warrant was ever issued for Merryman. ... The arrest was carried out solely by military authorities for reasons having to do with 'public safety.' ... Enter the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and the Pentagon. True to the Lincoln paradigm, our federal government reacted by immediately undertaking a series of fiat actions that have significantly undermined our constitutionally protected liberties, all in the name of security...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Storm warning

Boston Globe
by Robert Kuttner


One thing we learned from Hurricane Katrina is that America still has a lot of poor people, who are disproportionately black, and mostly invisible to the affluent and to the media. Behind the glitzy stage set of the quaint New Orleans tourist economy was a grindingly poor city. Most poor people work for a living, just like most middle class people do. They are the people who the Rev. Jesse Jackson famously said 'take the early bus,' and take care of other people's young children and aging parents, sometimes at cost to their own families. In this decade, the working poor have not done well. The Labor Department reports that wages of nonmanagement workers have lagged behind inflation, and low-income workers in particular...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blank check for tyranny

Moscow Times
by Chris Floyd


Four years ago, the United States was hit by a terrorist attack. Three days later, the U.S. Congress signed away the people's freedom, writing a blank check for tyranny to a ludicrous little man installed in office after the most dubious election in American history. Last week, the poisonous after-effects of this abject surrender took yet another sinister turn, as Bush factotums in the courts once again upheld the Leader's arbitrary power over the life and liberty of his subjects...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Friday morning (power) line

by Brian Williams


I am duty-bound to report the talk of the New Orleans warehouse district last night: there was rejoicing (well, there would have been without the curfew, but the few people I saw on the streets were excited) when the power came back on for blocks on end. Kevin Tibbles was positively jubilant on the live update edition of Nightly News that we fed to the West Coast. The mini-mart, long ago cleaned out by looters, was nonetheless bathed in light, including the empty, roped-off gas pumps. The motorcade route through the district was partially lit no more than 30 minutes before POTUS drove through. And yet last night, no more than an hour after the President departed, the lights went out. The entire area was plunged into total darkness again, to audible groans. It's enough to make some of the folks here who witnessed it ... jump to certain conclusions. ... It is impossible to over-emphasize the extent to which this area is under government occupation, and portions of it under government-enforced lockdown...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The same old played out schemes


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Covering the tracks of the anthrax attacks

by Justin Raimondo


Just as the Bush administration was looking for an excuse -- any excuse -- to take out after Iraq, the anthrax horror reared its head and silenced any remaining opposition to the war plans of this administration, at least momentarily. It all seems like such a terribly convenient coincidence. In retrospect, it was as much a part of the vortex of fearmongering that sucked us into war as tales of Iraqi WMD palmed off by Ahmed Chalabi's 'heroes in error' and the extravagant effusions of Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice. No, I am not suggesting that the U.S. government or the Bush administration carried out these attacks: yet whoever did surely had in mind making it easier for the War Party to unleash mass death and destruction in the Middle East, a veritable wave of hate that would carry us to Baghdad and beyond...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The coming conservative collapse

by Vox Day


President Bush's recent speech on his administration's planned long-term response to Hurricane Katrina marked an interesting point in the continued devolution of American conservatism. Whereas his first five years had previously been a strange combination of strategic Wilsonian foreign policy and tactical Keynesian domestic policy, the president managed to make it abundantly clear that in domestic terms, his presidential guiding light is Lyndon Baines Johnson, not Ronald Wilson Reagan. Real conservatives now understand they have been betrayed -- badly -- by this fraudulent man. Compassionate conservatism, as it turns out, is simply another name for Great Society liberalism, and not even the Texas swagger is original. Genuinely conservative Republicans are dismayed by the president's unveiling of his core liberalism and rightly fear for the future of a party which has likely seen its high-water mark already...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Catastrophe in Big Easy demonstrates failure of big government

Cato Institute
by David Boaz


You've got to hand it to the advocates of big government. They're never embarrassed by the failures of government. On the contrary, the state's every malfunction is declared a reason to give government more money and more power. Take Hurricane Katrina, a colossal failure of government at every level -- federal, state, and local. Thirteen days after the hurricane, the Sunday Washington Post blared, 'The Steady Buildup to a City's Chaos/Confusion Reigned at Every Level of Government.' And what's the response of the big-government crowd? 'The era of small government is over'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wealth of Nations - The court of last resort

The Libertarian Enterprise
by L. Neil Smith


[T]he simple truth is that the market acquired its present distorted shape precisely because of regulation. Using government as a tool, the big companies fixed it so it's extremely hard to start a company, and so that long-term survival is much more difficult than it would likely be in a free economy. ... It took me about half of my adult life (so far) to realize, and admit to myself, that Ayn Rand was dead wrong about corporations and the system everybody calls 'capitalism' which is, in fact, the very mercantilism that Adam Smith denounced in Wealth of Nations.


I kept wondering why American business didn't recognize us as their intellectual saviors and shower us with grants and campaign donations. For the most part, corporations are evil, and -- here's the important part -- every bit as threatening to individual life, liberty, and property as the government, of which they are, in fact, a malign tentacle...


First Amendment triumph at Brooklyn College

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)


In a swift and crucial victory for freedom of speech and academic freedom, Brooklyn College has affirmed that prominent professor KC Johnson will not be subjected to an unconstitutional inquisition into his views. The college surrendered mere days after the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) came to Johnson's public defense...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Working class exodus feared in New Orleans

Boston Globe


The affluent areas of this city are humming with activity as reconstruction efforts pick up tempo, but many of the black working-class and poor neighborhoods remain deluged in noxious flood water or coated in its putrid residue and populated mostly by dragonflies and National Guardsmen. Even as the nation unites to rebuild this stricken region, New Orleans's longstanding race and class divides appear to persist. The haves are beginning to pick up the pieces of their former lives, while many have-nots may be forced to simply pick up and leave. Recovery is well underway in the French Quarter and in the tony Garden District and Uptown, which largely were spared when the levees broke because they sit on But their lower-lying and often poorer counterparts may remain unsafe and may be uninhabitable for a year or longer, with entire neighborhoods slated for the wrecking ball, said state and federal officials. And with each passing week, former residents of these communities, evacuated around the country, are more likely to start life anew elsewhere, said federal officials and urban affairs specialists...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Lack of cohesion bedevils recovery

Washington Post


Three weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck, red tape and poor planning have left thousands of evacuees without basic services, according to local and state officials, public policy experts and survivors themselves. Hundreds of thousands of people from New Orleans and Gulf Coast communities have fled, sometimes to neighboring states and beyond, moving in with friends and family or into shelters, public housing and hotels funded by the Red Cross. With little guidance from federal and state governments -- and no single person or entity in charge of the overall operation -- cities and counties have been left on their own to find survivors homes, schools, jobs and health care. A patchwork of policies has resulted, causing relief agencies to sometimes work at cross-purposes...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Set up a Congressional Codex Briefing - Tell Congress to Protect DSHEA - Join the EPA Scientists to Ban Fluoride - Say "NO!" to GMOs

We are here to make a better world. No amount of rationalization or blaming can preempt the moment of choice each of us brings to our situation here on this planet. – Abbie Hoffman Have Mouse, Will Influence ! We've got a lot of mouse-work to do!

In the rule book of email communication, there is a "never-break" rule: Do NOT address more than one topic in a single email. Well, if you know me at all you know that I'm likely to break rules if I think as I go. This email is no exception.

There are a bunch of items which are all important, all need your attention and all need your action. So instead of sending you separate emails I thought it would be most efficient to list the items that need action now and ask you to take action on each of them and then pass this email along to the people in your circle of influence.

In order to make it easy for people on your email list to use the action information in this email, I have not only provided an active link but the URL itself in case the link does not stay active when you send it.

Although each of these action items may seem unrelated, they are all joined by the single, central theme of Health Freedom. Each of them represents a significant threat or opportunity to strengthen our position and position our strength at the same time.

In the weird algebra of Congress, a single email, fax or phone call is equal to the opinion of 13,000 voting constituents!

Your voice counts -- 13,000 times! Action Item #1: Congress Needs a Congressional Briefing

You may remember that there was a Codex Briefing scheduled for Congress this week. That briefing seems to have been the casualty of internal events, NOT Big Pharma playing games with our event. That is good news. It means that getting another Congressional Codex Briefing to come about and actually take place is easier than I feared it might be.

We need to turn the pressure way up on Congress to tell them that they need to hold a Briefing on something they have never heard of! Your letters need to make it clear that we want them to get their information from us since we represent the voice of health and health freedom, not corporate interest.

I am pleased that it was not corporate shenanegans that cost us the opportunity to inform Congress about Codex. But we still need the opportunity and only we can create it.

I urge you to click here to email the members of your Congressional Delegation, http://tinyurl.com/c5jmw , and strongly urge them to set up a Congressional Codex Briefing. You can call the Congressional Switchboard (1-202-225-3121) and tell each of you Congressmen and women to hold a Codex Briefing. Congress is our main defense against dangerous and deadly Codex regulations becoming our laws here in the US. Yet Congress knows nothing about Codex.

Action Item #2: Tell Congress to Protect DSHEA

Congress is considering 5 bills
http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/bills, which would overturn or gut the access we have to nutrients, supplements and herbs with no upper limits on their use. That access is assured by DSHEA, the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act, passed by unanimous Congressional consent.

The politics here is remarkably simple: Winning is a numbers game. The number of vocal, voting, active people balances the number of corporate dollars. We don't have (and would not spend that way) the dollars that Big Pharma and its big friends have. But we have the votes that every Congressman needs to get through the next primary and the next general election as well.

If we do not raise our collective voices to a roar, the Bigs will win.

Action Item #3s: Join the EPA Scientists to Ban Fluoride

Thousands of concerned scientists from eleven unions of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) are petitioning Congress to remove fluoride from our drinking water even before the scheduled results of an EPA-requested review of the safety of their own fluoridation standards for drinking water that are due to be released in 2006.

A Brief History: American’s municipal drinking water has been fluoridated since the 1940's when the EPA mandated fluoridation of drinking water to decrease dental cavities. The form of fluoride used is hydrofluorosilicate, an unprocessed industrial waste byproduct of aluminum manufacturing. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has never approved the ingestion of fluoride.

Fluoridation is ineffective in reducing dental caries but Harvard-based research, hidden from the public and the EPA for years, reveals that fluoridation of water is proved to cause osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer, particularly in young boys.

Fluoride is one of the most toxic compounds in nature. It is the active ingredient in several pesticides and rodenticides. Fluoride’s many adverse health effects include:

Enhancement of lead toxicity, even when water and environmental lead levels are low

* Discoloration of teeth

* Damage to bones called skeletal fluorosis, a weakening of bones similar to osteoporosis, causing chronic bone pain and compression fractures

* Worsening of the impact of iodine deficiency, further contributing to serious health problems, notably hypothyroidism

* Contribution to amyloid deposits (associated with Alzheimer’s disease) in brains

* Association with higher rates of violent crime, substance abuse, and learning disabilities

Please Sign the Fluoride E-Petition


Still with me? There are a few more action steps before your mouse keels over with fatigue.

Action Item #4: Join the Eat Safe, Eat Smart Buy-Cott and Say "NO!" to GMOs

1. Contact your favorite companies by email. As the people who make (or market) your favorite foods, supplements, herbs, oils, etc., if the products they provide are free of Genetically Modified Organisms.

2. When the reply comes back, forward it to me.

3. If there are no GMOs in your supplements, foods, etc., we will mount that information on the site.

4. If there are GMOs, we will let people know that, too.

5. If you are involved with a company which sells foods and/or nutrients, contact them and ask for a return email answering yor question

We will post all information recieved so that we have an information exchange we can all learn from.

Action Item #5: Take Tessa on a Date (She is Still Alive, After All!)

Tessa, the heroine of John Le Carre's The Constant Gardener has become a rallying point for spreading the truth and for opposition to the pharmaceutical industry, its greed and corruption. Critically acclaimed, The Constant Gardener it is a must see movie for everyon in the country and beyond. In conjunction with the National Colation of Organized Women, http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/constant-gardner.htm , the Natural Solutions Foundation.
http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org , is offering free movie tickets for people willing to hand out leaflets at a showing of The Constant Gardner.

This movie is so important that we believe every single person in America should see it. You won't be the same person afterwards.

Action Item #6: Create a Health Freedom Meetup Electronically

Experience Meetup, http://healthfreedom.meetup.org, first hand. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s a really great political organization tool. Become an organizer and, pick a time, place and date and post it on the Meetup.com site. Then people can find you and come to the meetup. Why? So they form their own Health Freedom Meetup to explore and act on important items and good ideas. Without surrendering your privacy, people can find your Meetup and, throught he bulletin boards, you can create a community-based action unit.

Start a meetup. Go to http://healthfreedom.meetup.com . This site lets you tell others in your area that you are interested in health freedom and lets them find you. You pick a time, a location (a coffee shop or cafe is a typical place) and then you list yourself as the organizer. People will contact you and then, voila, there’s a meetup when and where you create one.

The Natural Solutions Foundation will provide you with Talking Points, Action Steps, Organizational Tools, etc. Just let me know you have organized a meetup by writing to me at info@healthfreedomusa.org. What a terrific way to hook up with others who feel the same way you do!

Don't delay: Meetup.com is one of the most powerful tools available to us. Help us use it.

Action Item # 7: Give Generously: Support the Natural Solutions Foundation

Your financial support is our total income. We have no corporate affilliations whatsoever and depend upon you to give geneously so that we can continue our work for you and your health. Join the Health Freedom 400, http://www.HealthFreedomUSA.org/donate . If only 400 people each gave just $25 we would reach our goal of $10,000 is jig time. We are past the half way point! We have raised more than $5000 because of your generosity. Please support our work. That’s simple and easy, too. Won’t you give generously and help support the fight to keep our natural health options alive? Every penny goes directly into fighting the way. That's my promise to you.

Thanks for exercising your mouse power!

Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical
Director Natural Solutions Foundation rima.laibow@healthfreedomusa.org

Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl: Klare Absage an rechte Politik


Dec 1 Nationwide Strike Against Poverty, Racism and War


Download the pdf of the December 1 call/flyer

Click HERE to add your name as an endorser of the call or volunteer to organize a local activity for the NATIONAL STRIKE AGAINST POVERTY RACISM AND WAR:


WE MUST TURN OUR OUTRAGE OVER KATRINA INTO A MOVEMENT On the 50TH Anniversary of Dec.1,1955 - the day in Montgomery Alabama that Rosa Parks sparked the modern Civil Rights Movement A CALL FOR A NATIONWIDE STRIKE AGAINST POVERTY, RACISM AND WAR No School - No Shopping - No Work local protests and teach-ins through December 2 and 3 Mass March on Wall Street, NYC SHUT THE WAR DOWN The People of New Orleans and the Gulf Must Control the Rebuilding, not Bush's Rich Friends! Solidarity with Katrina Survivors - We demand an Independent Investigation A JOB AT A LIVING WAGE is a human right Healthcare, Housing and Education, not war and occupation BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW!

The Outrage in New Orleans is a clarion call to the Antiwar and grassroots movement: The time has arrived to take our struggle to a higher level. Let us work together and organize a nationwide strike against Poverty, Racism and War on Dec. 1, 2005, the 50th anniversary of the day that Rosa Parks helped launch the modern civil rights movement.No School - No Shopping - No Work --local protests and teachins through December 2 and 3 -- A Mass March on Wall Street, NYC. It is time for the people to demonstrate that they can stop business as usual coast-to-coast when justice requires it. The war and occupation of Iraq, coupled with the Katrina Outrage, have demonstrated to the world the urgent necessity shut for fundamental change, and a movement that is big enough and determined enough to achieve the goal. Katrina has exposed the ugly truths about class and race, poverty, war and militarism. Our demand to end the war in Iraq and to bring the the troops home now must be backed up by the kind of mass tactics that signal we mean business. Fifty years ago, Black people in Montgomery, Al. were forced by law to sit in the back of public buses, and give their seats to any white person who demanded it. When Rosa Parks, a garment worker and civil rights activist, refused to give up her seat to a white man, she sparked the Montgomery bus boycott against segregation on public buses, one of the most successful and truly mass boycotts in history. The Montgomery bus boycott also introduced to the world a young reverend named Martin Luther King Jr., who became the boycott’s principal public leader.

Dec. 1 Nationwide strike against poverty, racism and war— Initiating organizations: Troops Out Now Coalition, Million Worker March Movement, Teamsters National Black Caucus, Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice.



For more information:

Troops Out Now Coalition
39 W 14th St Suite 206 New York, NY 10011


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September 2005

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