
Bill Poised to Eliminate Key Provisions of the Endangered Species Act

#127 WILD NORTHWEST, September 15, 2005 A Message from Conservation Northwest =====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Bill Poised to Eliminate Key Provisions of the Endangered Species Act
Your call to Congress could help turn the tide

The Endangered Species Act is America's safety net that protects wildlife, fish, and plants on the brink of extinction. This cornerstone of US environmental protection law has protected hundreds of animals including the bald eagle, grizzly bear, gray wolf, peregrine falcon, and countless others from almost certain extinction.

House Resources Committee Richard Pombo, who has made it his legislative priority to dismantle the Endangered Species Act, has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday, September 20, for a bill that would eliminate key protections in the Endangered Species Act. He is calling for a full committee vote on Thursday, September 22. Please take a moment to call your Member of Congress! The Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Ask them to oppose this and any bill that would weaken the Endangered Species Act and endanger our national heritage . Rep. Pombo is out of step with the American people, 86 percent of whom support the Endangered Species Act.

In particular if you live in Representative Cathy McMorris' district in and around Spokane, please make this call. Rep. McMorris serves on the House Resources Committee and so has a very large say in natural resource issues.

Background: It is especially important that members of the House Resources Committee hear from their constituents. Find the names of committee members at
http://resourcescommittee.house.gov/fullcommittee/members.htm .

Go to http://www.conservationnw.org/wildlife/PomboBill_Sept05.html for more on Rep. Pombo's draft bill. Find your Representative at http://www.vote-smart.org . For more on the ESA, please visit http://www.saveesa.org . Thank you, as ever, for keeping the Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Publications Coordinator
Conservation Northwest
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201 Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

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