
English Docs concerning Cell Phones and Cell Phone Masts


Im Visier der Kamerahandys: Smart Mobs - Happy Slapping

Während die einen von den "Smart Mobs" träumen, erfinden andere Gangs mit der Technik neue Spiele der Gewalt wie "Happy Slapping".


Cellphone health lawsuit to go ahead

The legal firm, Finkelstein, Thompson & Loughran has said that a federal judge in Maryland ruled this week that a class action complaint challenging the cell phone industry's failure to disclose safety issues relating to certain phones sold to consumers in Washington, D.C. and Maryland should be remanded to the D.C. Superior Court in which it was originally filed. The Honorable Catherine C. Blake of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland granted the plaintiff's motion for remand, thereby authorizing the case to proceed in state court.

The complaint, which was originally filed in September, 2002, charges cell phone manufacturers Audiovox, Motorola, Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Kyocera and Samsung with selling cell phones to consumers without disclosing pertinent safety information.

The allegations in the complaint concentrate on defendants' "decision whether or not to communicate to the consumer information regarding the important safety debate raging within the industry, (many details of which are known only to industry insiders)."

The complaint also challenges defendants' failure to disclose the true meaning of their "Specific Absorption Rate" levels for their cell phones.

The complaint alleges that such misrepresentations and omissions violate state consumer fraud laws and that the proper disclosures "would allow consumers to decide for themselves" whether the safety debate warrants a consumer's modification of their cell phone usage and/or model choice.

The complaint is brought on behalf of a class of all persons who purchased a wireless handheld telephone in Maryland or the District of Columbia, between January 1, 1989 and the present, that was manufactured by one of the defendants.


USA: Prozess um Mobiltelefone und Gesundheit geht weiter

Auf der Internetseite von “Cellular News” ist eine Presseerklärung veröffentlicht, in der die Anwaltskanzlei Finkelstein, Thompson & Loughran mitteilt, dass ein Bundesrichter in Maryland diese Woche entschieden habe, dass eine Gemeinschaftsklage an den D.C. Superior Court zurückverwiesen werden soll, wo sie ursprünglich auch eingereicht wurde. Die Kläger werfen der Mobilfunkindustrie vor, sie habe keine Informationen zu Sicherheitsaspekten bestimmter Telefongeräte bekannt gegeben, die an Verbraucher in Washington, D.C., und in Maryland verkauft wurden.

Richterin Catherine C. Blake vom Bezirksgericht in Maryland bewilligte den Antrag der Kläger, die Angelegenheit in die untere Instanz zurückzuverweisen, wodurch der Prozess zum „State Court“ zugelassen wird. Der Vorwurf der Kläger besagt, dass falsche Darstellungen und Auslassungen dieser Art das staatliche Verbraucherrecht verletzten.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 17.06.2005

Astronomen warnen vor Handygebrauch im Flugzeug

Laut New Scientist warnen Astronomen vor der Erlaubnis, Handys auch in Verkehrsflugzeugen zu nutzen. Sie befürchten, dass die schwachen Funksignale aus dem All, die sie mit Radioteleskopen einfangen, durch die Abstrahlungen der Mobiltelefone überdeckt werden könnten. Derzeit ist der Gebrauch von mobilen Telefonen noch aufgrund der Angst vor Interferenzen mit der Flugzeugelektronik verboten. Eine Verwendung von Handys in Passagierflugzeugen muss in den USA von der Bundesbehörde Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) genehmigt werden. Derzeit läuft eine Machbarkeitsstudie, die alle etwaigen Gefahren der mobilen Telefonie auf die technischen Einrichtungen in Verkehrsflugzeugen untersucht. Der Schlussbericht soll im Januar 2006 vorgelegt werden. Auch die für Telekommunikation und Frequenzzuteilungen zuständige Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prüft seit vergangenem Dezember, den Handygebrauch an Bord zu gestatten.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 17.06.2005


Bitte schalten Sie Ihr Handy jetzt wieder an!

Conyers Nail It to the White House Door


Informant: Friends

Young Florida Soldier Killed in Iraq War Was 'One of the Good Kids'

The article below describes the funeral of Specialist Louis Edward Niedermeier, who was killed in combat in Ramadi, west of Baghdad, when his unit came under fire. Niedermeier was hit by a sniper's bullet and killed. Although the funeral was a few short blocks from the White House, the President again failed to attend this or any of the other funerals for the 1,720 U.S. service members killed in the Iraq War.


Oil, CO2, Environment, Climate, War

This year there are real, physical issues for the humans on Planet Earth. We hear hints of them when our mainstream media can tear itself away from runaway brides and the gong-show in Rome, where old men in red dresses and lacy rochets fiddle around with edicts about sex and sin while AIDS smolders, populations explode, and fossil fuels burn steadily worldwide.


Mobilfunkpetition Bischofshofen


Phone masts shock for county

More than 300 mobile phone masts are dotted across the county's towns and villages, a Shropshire Star investigation reveals today.

Full coverage in tonight's paper

They can be found at schools, hospitals, farms and businesses all over Shropshire - and the number of masts is rising every month.

Using the new Freedom of Information Act, we asked every council in the area where mobile phone masts are situated.

After trawling through planning registers and hundreds of maps, the Shropshire Star can now give readers a detailed view of the network of masts operating around the county.

Mast protesters seek bats' probe

BBC News website 19th June 05

Objectors to a proposed mobile phone mast have joined conservationists to investigate whether the plans threaten a colony of bats.

More than 150 residents of Hoghton, Lancashire , plan to oppose the 15m (49ft) mast proposed by T-Mobile.

Residents say a meeting with the firm did not allay their concerns about siting the mast on farmland near a school and homes.

A firm said health concerns over mobile phone masts were groundless.

'Health risks'

Resident Mr Chris Nelson said locals would be contacting the Bat Conservation Trust to investigate what effect the mast could have on the bats.

Mr Nelson said residents had concerns about the health risks from the masts.

"The government recommends that local authorities do not take health effects into consideration, however, many local authorities are rejecting these recommendations including Kent County Council, which refuses to endorse consents on any council land, due to their concerns over health," he added.

T-Mobile met residents in a local school before lodging a planning application with South Ribble Council.


Californians fear 'Big One' after four quakes


Russia, China join against US 'star wars'

Russia and China have joined forces in a major U.N. forum to oppose U.S. plans to develop new space weapons. And the move could herald a far more wide-ranging strategic cooperation between the two nations.


The Folly Of Space Weapons:

Although an international treaty bans nuclear weapons in space, there should be little doubt that the proponents of space weaponization mean to include nuclear weapons in what is to them just another environment.


From Information Clearing House

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hit back at a U.S. Republican report

A confidential ICRC memorandum which appeared in the New York Times last November accused the U.S. military of tactics 'tantamount to torture' on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay – an accusation rejected by the Pentagon.


Pentagon Concerned About Legality of Interrogation Techniques:

The interrogation techniques used at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in 2002 triggered concerns among senior Pentagon officials that they could face criminal prosecution under U.S. anti-torture laws.


From Information Clearing House


Racism, Lynching, Slavery – Pillars of the American Dream

The US this year, will spend $450 billion on ways to potentially kill every man, woman and child on the planet, that is half of the world’s arms expenditure by one nation, doesn’t that sound like a war mongering nation.


The Friedman Solution: Reinstate the draft

Despite the growing unease over the botched occupation, the support for establishing a long-term presence in the region is unwavering.


War taking toll on health of Iraqi kids

According to Jean Ziegler, the U.N. Human Rights Commission's special expert on the right to food, the rate of malnutrition among Iraqi children has almost doubled since Saddam Hussein's ouster in April 2003.


Blair planned Iraq war from start

For the secret documents — seen by The Sunday Times — reveal that on that Tuesday in 2002: Blair was right from the outset committed to supporting US plans for “regime change” in Iraq.


“F*** Saddam,” Bush said. “We’re taking him out.” March 2002

Using the unsavory Saddam Hussein as a foil, Bush was unleashing hell on the Iraqis.


British documents portray determined U.S. march to war

Highly classified documents leaked in Britain appear to provide new evidence that President Bush and his national security team decided to invade Iraq much earlier than they have acknowledged and marched to war without dwelling on the potential perils.


From Information Clearing House


An Insider's Troubling Account of the U.S. Role in Iraq

Mr. Diamond contends that the postwar troubles in Iraq - a bloody and unrelenting insurgency, the creation of a new breeding ground for terrorists and metastasizing ethnic and religious tensions - are the result of "gross negligence" on the part of a Bush administration that rushed to war.


Memos suggest Blair's government exaggerated intelligence about Saddam's alleged WMDs

by Associated Press

A July 21 briefing paper given to British officials preparing for a July 23 meeting with Blair says: "Time will be required to prepare public opinion in the UK that it is necessary to take military action against Saddam Hussein.''


New Secret British Government Memos Show Blair Hand Wringing Over Bush's Iraq war plans

by THOMAS WAGNER Associated Press Writer

"U.S. scrambling to establish a link between Iraq and al-Qaida is so far frankly unconvincing,'' Ricketts says in the memo. "For Iraq, `regime change' does not stack up. It sounds like a grudge between Bush and Saddam.''


Reclaiming Our Democracy, Our Country, and Our Soul


Informant: Carol Wolman


Disinformation and Mass Deception


The Memo: This evidence is so compelling





Please Be Aware Of the Illuminati Agenda Before You Lose Faith In Your Country!


Informant: Neo Mulder

Trinkwasser in Gefahr?

Die intensive Landwirtschaft spült Jahr für Jahr tausende Tonnen Pestizide ins Grundwasser. Zahlreiche Substanzen aus der Chemieindustrie und Rückstände von Arzneimitteln finden sich im globalen Wasserkreislauf wieder. Die hormonellen Wirkungen der giftigen Stoffe rücken erst jetzt in den Blickpunkt der Forschung.


Armut durch Klopapier und "Tempo"

Das Unternehmen Procter & Gamble mache Millionengewinne mit Klopapier und Tempo-Taschentüchern und treibe damit gleichzeitig Tausende von Menschen in Landlosigkeit und Armut in Brasilien: Das klagt zumindest Robin Wood auf großen Bannern an, die in Berlin sowie in acht weiteren Städten in Deutschland aufgehängt wurden.


We Are All Complicit - But What Can We Do About It?

by Robert Fisk

What can we do? What can we do when an American president dispatches "suspects" to third countries where they will be stripped, wired up, electrocuted, ripped open and tortured until they wish they had never been born?



Groups Unite Against Military Recruiters


Informant: Diana Davies

Memos Show British Concern Over Iraq Plans


Informant: Diana Davies





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Juni 2005

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