
Unsittlicher, ökonomisch falscher Kapitalismus

Aus dem Vortrag von Heiner Geißler in einer Hauptversammlung

...ist es mir eine besondere Freude, Ihnen jetzt das Statement von Dr. Geißler zur Kenntnis bringen zu dürfen. Und ich schreibe diesen Beitrag nachdrücklich allen ins Stammbuch, die vorhin bei Vorstand und Befürwortern der Abspaltung so zustimmungsfreudig applaudiert haben:

"Unter Berufung auf angebliche Gesetze des Marktes reden die ökonomischen und wissenschaftlichen Eliten einer anarchischen Wirtschaftsordnung, die über Leichen geht, das Wort.

100 Millionen von Arbeitslosigkeit bedrohte Menschen in Europa und den USA und 3 Milliarden Arme, die zusammen ein geringeres Einkommen haben als die 400 reichsten Familien der Erde, klagen an: die Adepten einer Shareholder-Value-Ökonomie, die keine Werte kennt jenseits von Angebot und Nachfrage, Spekulanten begünstigt und langfristige Investoren behindert. ... Die Arbeiter in den Industriestaaten und ihre Gewerkschaften, die angesichts der Massenarbeitslosigkeit mit dem Rücken an der Wand stehen, fühlen sich anonymen Mächten ausgeliefert, die von Menschen beherrscht werden, deren Gier nach Geld ihre Hirne zerfrisst.

Die Menschen leben und arbeiten in einer globalisierten Ökonomie, die eine Welt der Anarchie ist - ohne Regeln, ohne Gesetze, ohne soziale Übereinkünfte, eine Welt, in der Unternehmen, Großbanken und der ganze "private Sektor" unreguliert agieren können.

Wo bleibt der Aufschrei gegen ein Wirtschaftssystem, in dem große Konzerne gesunde kleinere Firmen mit Inventar und Menschen aufkaufen, als wären es Sklavenschiffe aus dem 18.Jahrhundert, sie dann zum Zwecke der Marktbereinigung oder zur Steigerung der Kapitalrendite und des Börsenwertes dichtmachen und damit die wirtschaftliche Existenz von Tausenden mitsamt ihren Familien vernichten? Den Menschen zeigt sich die hässliche Fratze eines unsittlichen und auch ökonomisch falschen Kapitalismus, wenn der Börsenwert und die Managergehälter - an den Aktienkurs gekoppelt - umso höher steigen, je mehr Menschen wegrationalisiert werden..."

Soweit das Statement des ehemaligen CDU-Generalsekretärs Dr. Heiner Geißler.

http://f24.parsimony.net/forum56725/messages/30818.htm Volltext

Nachricht von Gerd Zesar

"Die globalisierte Ökonomie ist eine Welt der Anarchie - ohne Regeln"

Seehofer will mit aller Kraft gegen neoliberale Strömungen kämpfen

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses


The Generals Speak


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Big Brother steckt im Handy

Neue Technologie analysiert das Verhalten von Mobiltelefon-Besitzern...


Momentum builds for an Oil Free Coast in BC


Signs of the Times


Pause im Konsumrausch : Kauf-Nix-Tag 2004

Verbrauchermacht: Pause im Konsumrausch - 27.11. wird der Kauf-Nix-Tag 2004 (26.11.04)

Am Samstag wird zum dreizehnten Mal der internationale Kauf-Nix-Tag gefeiert. Der Kauf-Nix-Tag, englisch Buy-Nothing-Day, ist ein weltweiter Aktionstag für bewussten Konsum und ein Protest gegen umweltschädliche und unmenschliche Herstellungsbedingungen. In Deutschland unterstützen der Verein Narra e.V. und die Konsumnetz-AG des globalisierungskritischen Netzwerks Attac den Kauf-Nix-Tag. "Wir wollen auf die Widersprüche der Konsumgesellschaft aufmerksam machen, in der die Armut zunimmt und gleichzeitig 17 Milliarden Dollar für Tiernahrung ausgegeben werden", sagte Oliver Voss von Narra.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Neues deutsches Gentechnikgesetz richtungsweisend für Europa

Gentechnik: Neues deutsches Gentechnikgesetz richtungsweisend für Europa (26.11.04)

Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) hat Rot-Grün für den heute im Bundestag verabschiedeten Teil des Gentechnikgesetzes gelobt. Gegen massive Widerstände aus Industrie, Opposition und Teilen der SPD sei es gelungen, im Gesetz das Verursacherprinzip zu verankern. So müssten bei Verunreinigungen von gentechnikfreien Feldern diejenigen haften, die gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen anbauten. Außerdem seien die Gentech-Nutzer künftig verantwortlich, Maßnahmen gegen die Verunreinigung gentechfreier Produkte zu ergreifen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Gentechnik: Gen-Mais mit 20 Meter Abstand kein Problem mehr? (25.11.04)

Ob Gen-Mais neben herkömmlichen Maissorten angebaut werden kann, ohne den herkömmlichen Mais gentechnisch zu verunreinigen, bejaht das Land Sachen-Anhalt. Seit Mai 2004 wurden auf insgesamt 28 geheim gehaltenen Feldern in sieben Bundesländern Genmais angebaut. Die wissenschaftliche Auswertung ergab, dass der Schwellenwert bei Mais von 0,9 Prozent bei bisher sechs untersuchten Feldern nicht überschritten wurde, wenn eine Pufferzone von 20 Metern um den Gen-Mais eingehalten würde.

Während Hermann Onko Aikens, Staatssekretär des Umweltministeriums Sachsen-Anhalts mit den Worten "Wir brauchen Mut zur Veränderung." für die Gentechnik warb, kritisiert der Umweltverband greenpeace die Blauäugigkeit des Anbaus. "Es ist längst bekannt, das in den USA und in Kanada die Trennung von genmanipulierten und gentechnikfreien Pflanzen auf dem Acker, bei der Ernte und bei der Verarbeitung nicht funktioniert, " so Christoph Then von dem Verein.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Voter Fraud Update


Report on US human Rights Violations, Voting Fraud


What you didn't know about the dollar & Iraq


Informant: Andy Thames

Feeding the World or the Corporations?


The burden of the wounded


Informant: Andrea Ball

Fundamental Flaws Put Our Voting System at Risk


Asia Faces Living Nightmare From Climate Change


Human/Animal Hybrids Reported


Informant: WantToKnow.info

No child left unmedicated

Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is under way, and pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs. Like most liberal big-spending ideas, this one was slipped into the law under cover of soft semantics. Its genesis was the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health created by President George W. Bush in 2002. The commission recommends "routine and comprehensive" testing and mental health screening for every child in the United States, including preschoolers. The president has instructed 25 federal agencies to develop a plan to implement the commission's recommendations. The commission proposes using electronic medical records for mental health interrogation of both children and adults for mental illnesses in school and during routine physical exams. The commission also recommends integrating electronic health records and personal health information systems. It recommends "linkage" of these mental examinations with "state-of-the-art treatments" using "specific medications for specific conditions." That means prescribing more expensive patented antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Illinois became the first state to jump on board. By near-unanimous votes in 2003, the General Assembly passed the $10 million Illinois Children's Mental Health Act creating a Children's Mental Health Partnership, which is expected to become a model for other states.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 25th, 2004

"Smart Dust" May Soon Be Watching You

Big Brother on every building, door and window ledge. It's a project first dreamed up by the military to get information from the battlefield. They call it "Smart Dust" and it may soon make it possible to keep track of anything, anywhere, including you. They are the world's smallest wireless sensors. And at about the size of a wristwatch, the contain a battery powered microphone, an accelerometer, as well as temperature and humidity sensors, according to Sam Godwin, Vice President of Crossbow. Scatter them 250 feet apart and they will form their own wireless network similar to a spider's web. A Smart Dust coated world may still be a few years away. But it's possible f or an invention that could save us from pipeline accidents and keep our children safe, to also put Big Brother on every building, door and window ledge.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 25th, 2004

'Arrest Without Evidence' Planned By Government

The Government is planning a change in the law to allow police to arrest suspects without evidence, it was claimed today. The Law Society said it believed the new powers would be included in the Bill which will create the new British FBI. It warned that the cumulative effect of the Government's clampdown on crime and terrorism would be a step towards a police state. Janet Paraskeva, the Law Society's chief executive, said: "The Government is in serious danger of overstating the threat to public order and national security and bringing in draconian new laws, which will take away centuries of hard won rights. "If the Bill to establish the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) includes the power to arrest someone without evidence, then solicitors could not support it.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 25th, 2004



Informant: CHEROKEE

Adult Cancer in Sweden

A study published by the British Medical Association in November (Tondel 2004) shows an unexpected increase in adult cancers in Sweden after Chernobyl.

A preliminary examination shows:-

1) The 849 extra cancers registered in 9 post-accident years 1988 and 1996 (a 30% increase in incidence) are at least 125 times the incidence predicted by ICRP on the basis of Caesium doses. This minimum figure is on the conservative assumption that the effect is transient and that there will be no excess after 1996. This is very unlikely. If the effect is representative of the distribution of risks throughout life, and in this case the increase is more than 600 times greater than expected. If, as the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority is now saying (BBC 2004), “Most cancer cases don’t develop until 20, 30 or 50 years later” (compare with the lifetime follow-up of Hiroshima survivors, which shows a consistent upward trend) the excess will worsen and the implied error in ICRP’s modelling will be greater than 600. We can see 600 as the central estimate. (We will shortly add a page to www.llrc.org to show the calculation of these figures. Note that SRPA has previously estimated that in 50 years around 300 people in Sweden would be affected by the Chernobyl fallout [BBC 2004])

2) The dose response trend calculated by Tondel on the basis of the various level of Caesium deposition is biphasic, not linear. In other words it does not conform with the ICRP dogma that dose and effect are always strictly proportional or "linear". The Tondel study does not show twice as much dose causing twice as much cancer. Many observations show non-linear relationships like this - see, for example, the summaries of papers from the Chernobyl affected territories on http://www.llrc.org/chernobyl.htm.

3) The 30% increase conforms with predictions made by Chris Busby in "Wings of Death" (Busby 1996) on the basis of cancer data in Wales and England following weapons test fallout.

Further comment:
The doses given by Tondel et al. are calculated from Caesium fallout. This may mean nothing since Caesium is a gamma emitter which means that its energy deposition (in the form of ionisations) is spatially well distributed in tissue. It is, moreover, soluble and does not form particles. Its health effects are therefore likely to conform with the external irradiation models.

However, it is well known that north Sweden received a large amount of fallout in the form of Uranium fuel particles. With diameters of less than a few millionths of a metre such particles are highly mobile in the environment and they can be inhaled or swallowed. Once embedded in body tissue they deliver their energy so locally that the few cells immediately next to them are irradiated at very high energies while the rest of the body gets no dose at all. This makes nonsense of the concept of "average dose" – another establishment dogma.

Childhood leukaemia after Chernobyl – more evidence falsifying Cerrie.

Infant leukaemia increases after Chernobyl, according to the Cerrie Majority Report, did not feed through into incidence beyond the first year of life. We have now obtained data from the whole of Wales and Scotland which shows that this is wrong. Plotting incidence in children up to the age of 9 shows that the cohort born in 1986 – 88 has roughly 50% greater risk of leukaemia compared to the pre-accident period. We are preparing a paper for publication.


BBC News on-line 21st Nov ‘04 see Chernobyl ‘caused Sweden cancers’

Busby 1996 "Wings of Death: Nuclear Pollution and Human Health" Green Audit, Aberystwyth 1995 ISBN: 1-897761-03-1

Martin Tondel, Peter Hjalmarsson, Lennart Hardell, Göran Carlsson and Olav Axelson Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2004;58:1011-1016 "Increase of regional total cancer incidence in north Sweden due to the Chernobyl accident?" Abstract at http://jech.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/58/12/1011

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043

Arbeitnehmer ziehen den Kürzeren

Löhne steigen langsamer als die Gewinne der Unternehmen / DGB-Institut kritisiert Steuerpolitik

"Die Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland wird immer schiefer - nicht zuletzt durch staatliche Politik. Folgen sind steigende Armut und stagnierender Konsum. Zu dem Ergebnis kommt das DGB-Institut WSI…."

Artikel von Roland Bunzenthal in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 25.11.2004


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 19, Eintrag 18

Über die langfristig irreparablen Folgen des deutschen Sozialdumpings

Über Gesundheit spricht niemand mehr

Der Arbeitszeitforscher Eckart Hildebrandt über die langfristig
irreparablen Folgen des deutschen Sozialdumpings. Interview von
Andreas Kahler in Freitag vom 12.11.2004


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 19, Eintrag 18

Falluja: The 21st Century Guernica

A November 14 Reuters reporter wrote that residents told him that "U.S. bombardments hit a clinic inside the Sunni Muslim city, killing doctors, nurses and patients." The U.S. military denied the reports. Such stories did not make headlines. Civilian casualties in aggressive U.S. wars don’t sell media space.



Bombing The Sick And Dying


While the North American news media have focused on the military triumph of US Marines in Falluja, little attention has been paid to reports that US armed forces killed scores of patients in an attack on a Falluja health center and have deprived civilians of medical care, food and water.



This is our Guernica

Ruined, cordoned Falluja is emerging as the decade's monument to brutality

Jonathan Steele and Dahr Jamail

Refugees told one of us that civilians carrying white flags were gunned down by American soldiers. Corpses were tied to US tanks and paraded around like trophies.


Brutal Reality of War: Dead-Check in Falluja

Bring Them Home Before They Kill Again - The Horrors of Fallujah

Iraq: Urgent action needed to prevent war crimes

A Time To Break the Democrats’ Silence on Falluja and the Escalation of the War in Iraq

PDA Statement on Iraq

Read more under:

Ohio Update: More voting questions raised

Several new voting concerns surfaced yesterday as lawyers combed totals from the Nov. 2 presidential election. An Akron man filed a complaint with the Summit County Board of Elections saying he "witnessed election judges telling potential voters that they could cast a provisional ballot at any table or precinct and if they did so, it would be counted."


Army National Guard Fails Short of Recruiting Goal by 30 Percent

The U.S. military again failed to meet recruiting goals. To make up for the serious shortage, the U.S. began a "back door" draft: Soldiers can't leave the military, even after their enlistment contracts end. U.S. deaths in Iraq reached 109 for November, and 1,230 since the war began. An additional 9,000 are wounded, and 15,000 more are injured or ill, many of them from the National Guard or Reserve. Young men and women are voting with their feet against the Iraq War by not enlisting or re-enlisting, and this means a full-scale draft looms on the horizon.



Who would be daft enough to stick a guinea pig in a microwave oven and expect it to pay for the privilege? No one, you would have thought, but think again!

What is the technology used for the new communication system, called Airwave Tetra, rolled out for the 51 police forces across the UK? Microwave transmission!

Is this system tried and tested on humans? No! The police forces and also, indirectly, the general public are the guinea pigs for the next 15 years, but only the police forces get a health survey of sorts…but not directly for health issues, which I understand are discouraged.

Who is to pay for this? The government? No! MM02 Airwave? No! Who then?

We, the general public, of course, through the police quota of the council tax.

As I understand it, we will be paying for it for fifteen years and the cost is predicted to go up from original figures quoted.

Already police forces are declaring they have not got enough money to provide for the present services and the tetra roll-out is not yet complete! Can we afford to pay for this tetra system and, more importantly, should we be subjected to it, since it is untested and untried on humans?

In view of all this, do we really need a tetra mast in any local area this Xmas?

If you think not, take a look at the http://www.mastsanity.org website or write to your MP.

Sandi Lawrence

From: Mast Network

Von wo unser Papier kommt : "Melde Totalschaden!"

Hintergrund: Von wo unser Papier kommt: "Melde Totalschaden!"

Papier aus Indonesien liegt auch in deutschen Verkaufsregalen.
Dafür wird der Wald zerstört. Besonders schlimm hat es Sumatra
getroffen - ein Beschreibung von der Front.


Volksbegehren: 'Aus Liebe zum Wald'

Volksbegehren: 'Aus Liebe zum Wald' braucht jede Stimme (25.11.2004)

Bis zum 29.11. (Montag) können (und sollten) sich in Bayern gemeldete BürgerInnen zugunsten der einheimischen Wälder gegen die geplante Forstreform eintragen. Pro REGENWALD gibt Argumentationshilfe ...


Immigrant Right To Vote


Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election


Informant: Heidi Chesney

Jackson plans rally with ministers to call for election investigation


Informant: Heidi Chesney

Radiation : Anatomy of a Cover-up

Following publication of the Minority and Majority reports of CERRIE (UK Government Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters) the Low Level Radiation Campaign has begun to explain the shortcomings of the Majority report. We start with its ridiculous account of a four way split over leukaemia diagnosed in babies born during the two years after Chernobyl. A statistically significant increase was widely reported. Some members thought it didn't happen at all, some thought it did happen but could be interpreted to show that no more babies got leukaemia than they would expect on the basis of the radiation doses, some thought it was worse than that, but the Majority Report doesn't say how much worse nor why. And we said it's between 150 and 800 times worse than expected, demonstrating that conventional risk estimates are wrong. Confused? – you should be. Go to http://www.llrc.org and Click on "Anatomy of a Cover-up" to see how a Committee can tell lies in the defence of a powerful vested interest. Don't expect logic or science – it's all about power.

Later today:- Adult cancer in Sweden after Chernobyl (this one is nothing to do with CERRIE – it's just topical).

A recent paper (cited below) reveals that cancer in north Sweden increased by 30% over 9 years after Chernobyl. Later today (Friday 26th November) we will send an email circular with a preliminary analysis. This early rise in cancer shows that conventional modelling underestimates risk by at least a factor of 125.

(Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2004;58:1011-1016 "Increase of regional total cancer incidence in north Sweden due to the Chernobyl accident?" Tondel et al.)

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043

Canadians getting ready to "welcome" Bush


Refuse to Surrender Your Freedom


Thugs, Racketeers Counting America's Votes


Informant: civl ecco

Election Day Terror Drills


A Native Brother, Greywolf, Needs Your Help

Please pass this to Everyone you know
Pass it to All Yahoo-MSN and AOL groups
Including Pow Wows.com.

Many of us know or have read the help that this American Indian Man tries to do for All Native Americans and has helped many through his American-Indian-Injustice group. Although he hasn't talked about his own problems. He himself needs the help of others.

In March of 2003 Thomas Atkins (Greywolf) a U.S.Army Veteren of the Chickahominy and Mattaponi Tribes injured his left back and shoulder moving a 200-600lb wall with a manual crane on his job with Winchester Homes Inc. located in Baltimore and Bethesda Maryland. Winchester Homes is a subsidiary of Weyerhaeuser Lumber Corporation of Seattle Washington (one of the largest lumber companies in the world) and the insurer of Winchester Homes Employees.

After the company doctors gave him some Tylenol and a heat compress, Thomas was still in pain and was told to go back to work under light duty for a few days. He even told his supervisors he was still in pain, only to be told that if he took too many sick days he could be terminated. So rather then cause his family any monetary hardship he continued to work through the pain with the help of 4 Ibuprofen tablets every 6 hours.

Then in November of 2003, Thomas hurt the same left side of his back and shoulder again and his neck while stacking the smaller walls he was building. Again his employer took him to the company doctors. Thomas was given some stronger pain medication with 6 therapy sessions and returned back to work on light duty for a few days. He informed his supervisors again that he was still in pain. He was again told that if he took too many sick days he could be terminated. But Thomas worked through the pain to support his family. In fact, it was common knowledge amongst Thomas' co-workers, that if you needed any Ibuprofen for pain to just go see him cause he always had the Motrin.

Then came the final blow. In February of 2004, Thomas was again injured. This time while nailing some cross-braces, he hit his thumb. This is something that carpenters do every once in awhile. It's the nature of swinging a hammer everyday as a profession. Thomas lost his thumb nail, chipped off the tip of his bone and required stitches. Only a few days after this incident, still with stitches and seeing the company doctors almost everyday to change his dressing. Thomas was called into the bosses office and terminated for supposedly being un-safe. Even though he had been a first aide First Responder for the company and a member of the Safety Committe. This from an employer that Thomas worked for three years, a year of which in severe pain. This after being told by his supervisor on a regular basis to turn down his pow wow music, while others were allowed to play their heavy metal and rap. This from a company who's supervisors allowed Thomas to be verbally assaulted by employees who were friendly with the bosses and when Thomas took up for himself. He was told, "Your Indian; You shouldn't let them get you angry, that's not the way of your people".

A company who has had several accidents over the last four years in which many were terminated almost immediately or right after they were cleared by the company doctors. If you were a worker hired through a Temp Agency you were never brought back if you received even the slightest injury. Now Winchester Homes Inc. of Baltimore Maryland and Weyerhaeuser Corporation have kept this case delayed at Maryland Workers Compensation for 10 months and is attempting to say that Thomas Atkins' injuries were pre-existing. Even though Thomas has never hurt his back, shoulder or neck before. This is a severe injustice to a Native Brother who was only trying to take care of his family by working for what he thought was a reputable company and is still in constant pain.

Thomas goes to bed at 10pm just about every night. He wakes up at around 2 or 3 am because the constant aches & pains wake him up. He has good days when the Ibuprofen actually works & they are few and far between. But they are over-shadowed by the bad days when sitting for an hour is too long or standing for 5 minutes is too much.

This can not stand. I am going to advise everyone I know to never buy a Weyehaeuser Product, buy a Winchester Home or give either company their business in any form. I ask everyone contact these companies and boycott them until they learn the proper way to treat their hard working employees. Especially their Native employees who have endured enough already and give Thomas Atkins the Compensation He so Truely Deserves. I implure you all to write to these people. Letting them know this is not right the way this man is being treated.

Thomas was a dedicated and loyal employee of Winchester Homes and Weyerhaeuser. Now he's a man about to lose everything he's worked for because they don't want to do the right thing.

Helen Runningwater
A Choctaw Wife & Mother

I have sent this letter to the following places. Please do what I have done. This man needs your help.

Winchester Homes & Weyerhaeuser Company Officers:
steven.rogel@weyerhaeuser.com richard.hanson@weyerhaeuser.com
ernesta.ballard@weyerhaeuser.com lee.alford@weyerhaeuser.com
edward.rogel@weyerhaeuser.com larry.burrows@whihomes.com
larry.freiert@whihomes.com tom.bourke@whihomes.com
andy.warren@whihomes.com corporate@wri-online.com

Government Officials: governor@state.md.us carme_amedori@house.state.md.us
curt_anderson@house.state.md.us john_astle@senate.state.md.us
kumar_barne@house.state.md.us michael_busch@house.state.md.us jon_cardin@house.state.md.us john_wood@house.state.md.us david_brinkly@house.state.md.us brian_frosh@senate.state.md.us verna_jones@senate.state.md.us ida_ruben@senate.state.md.us paul_stull@house.state.md.us
governor@state.wa.us sreed@secstate.wa.gov

Media Sources: mike.adams@baltsun.com trif.alatzas@baltsun.com kevin.cowherd@baltsun.com eileen.canzian@baltsun.com abramowitz@washpost.com barkinr@washpost.com
benningv@washpost.com blumenfeld@washpost.com
brennerr@washpost.com btimes@btimes.com pmilton@patuxent.com skelly@patuxent.com dmiller@patuxent.com jimlee@lcniofmd.com carriem@lcniofmd.com wjzme@comcast.net berry@wmar.com newsroom@wmar.com weinstein@wmar.com esullivan@citypaper.com editor@baltimoreguide.com newsroom@baltimoreguide.com eericson@citypaper.com aditkoff@citypaper.com info@ap.org
letters@nypost.com lwilliams@tri-cityherald.com krobertson@tri-cityherald.com
mfancher@seattletimes.com dboardman@seattletimes.com redhead@drtel.net
dbundy@ndonline.com national@latimes.com nationalnews@herald.com grayp@wjz.com bending@wjz.com sam@okit.com editor@indiancountry.com sobonews@baltimoreguide.com


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November 2004

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