

97 Spa Crescent, Little Hulton, Gtr Manchester, M38 9TU
TEL: 0871 750 3992 : FAX: 0161-278 3344
EMAIL: info@planningsanity.co.uk
WEB: www.planningsanity.co.uk


Planning Sanity are demanding in light of the Court of Appeals decision on Friday in the Harrogate Phone Mast Health case that Ministers redraft planning policy to reflect the Ministers own arguments in the Court of Appeal, and the view of a substantial number of communities who have consistently raised concerns over the potential ill health of children attending schools close to phone masts, and other sensitive locations such as residential property.

Director of Planning Sanity Chris Maile said “Communities can sit back and be forever walked on or they can fight back. The easy remedy is to put pressure in this election year on our politicians to take the action needed to protect our children. A report due to be published any day will show that the emission from High Voltage Cables (which are very similar to that of phone mast emissions) HAS caused a doubling of leukaemia in young children, the report known as the Draper report which the Government has deliberately sat on for 3 years looked at over 37,000 cases of childhood cancer. Will this Government now do the right thing to protect the public from the effects of EMF emission or continue to sit on their backsides. If it is the latter then let the public rise up and say clear and loud we will no longer accept a fence sitting, backside sitting approach from our politicians on this topic”.


Any person who owns or occupies premises (or land) and as a result sees their property value drop (research suggests an average 25%), or has other adverse effects on their lands usage (perhaps effect on their quality of life) can seek compensation from the Phone Operator for what is termed 'injurous affection'. Planning Sanity is urging thousands of communities across the UK to use their rights under Code 16 of the Electronic Communication Code to seek compensation.

Chris said “It is time for communities affected adversely by phone mast installations to fight back and give the Phone Operators who are quite prepared in the name of profit to put children's life's at risk a bloody nose that they will never recover from. If sufficient numbers of people exercise their rights then potentially operators could be facing claims amounting to £billions. The Ombudsman (although compensation under this scheme is NOT awarded by the Ombudsman) awarded 4 Swindon families a total of £117,500 due to the effects of a mast. It does not take a genius to calculate the potential cost to the operators from a wholesale payout of compensation”.


EDITORS NOTE: Contact Chris Maile 0161 278 3355

A simple change to the wording of the Governments advise contained in paragraph 30 of Planning Policy Guidance Note 8 (PPG8) would effective reverse the decision of the Court of Appeal, this could be undertaken relatively quickly without even the need to refer it to Parliament. The problem lies in the phase 'it is the Government's firm view that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards'. By simply removing that passage, and sending an advise slip to local planning authorities the problem now being faced would be resolved. It would then be up to each individual local planning authority to look at the question of health on a case by case basis.

The Secretary of State in his Skeleton Argument in the Harrogate case conceded that children were in a special category of persons at greatest risk (para 22 of his Skeleton Argument):- “The Inspector's approach was perfectly consistent with this, enabling him to conclude that on the material that the First Respondent (T-Mobile) had put before him: “.....the appeal proposed in its present form provides insufficient reassurance that there would be no material harm to the living conditions (in terms of health concerns) specifically of the group identified by the Steward Report as potentially vulnerable: that is of young children, in this case both Woodfield Community Primary School and St Roberts Catholic Primary School”.”

Having conceded that children are at risk the Secretary of State could use his powers under Section 132 of the Communication Act 2003 order OFCOM to suspend or restrict the service of Electronic Communications in order 'to protect the public from any threat to public safety or public health'. The simple question is how can he not use those powers now that he has conceded the risk. It should be noted hat OFCOM also have powers to protect the health of children and the vulnerable (S3(4) of that Act).

Planning Sanity has published a briefing paper on the procedure for seeking compensation under Code16 of the Electronic Communication Code this can be downloaded from: http://www.planningsanity.co.uk/forums/masts/compX.html

Compensation is claimed through the Lands Tribunal and payable by the Phone Operators. Claims could be made several years after a mast has gone up using the same basic process as that of seeking compensation when homes are affected by major public projects under compulsory purchase powers. Claims (in theory) could be paid out not only on loss of the value of property, but also the lose of the enjoyment (or usage) of that property, and might affect not only residential property but also businesses that are adversely affected. Claims can be made in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Planning Sanity helpline 0871 750 3992 11am to 8pm Mon to Fri.

Informant: Don Maisch

Tetra from Cumbria


by David Williams

November 16, 2004


Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott fears US President George Bush's re-election will lead to Armageddon and she isn't sure if mankind would survive another four years.

"This is the most serious election that has ever occurred in the history of the human race, without a scrag of doubt," she told smh.com.

"I don't know if we'll survive the next four years ... I don't think the Americans have, on the whole, the faintest idea -- and I have to say also I don't think most Australians do either. But it's not just the threat from nuclear war. It's the threat of what's happening to the environment, the global warming which is occurring rapidly now, to ozone depletion, to species extinction, to deforestation -- it's the whole thing."

Speaking from her son Will's Boston home, the Australian paediatrician, who runs the Nuclear Policy Research Institute in Washington, has just spent a frantic two-and-a-half months criss-crossing America to deliver her anti-nuclear and anti-Bush message. She discovered the country was more divided than at any time since she first stepped onto American soil in 1966.

Early on election day she was convinced Democratic challenger John Kerry would win but reality soon set in.

"This is what I've been afraid of and I actually can't believe it's happening," she said. "The voter turnout was so high, which should have supported Kerry.

"I don't think I've ever felt so personally, politically devastated in my life and that includes when [former president Ronald] Reagan won a second term of office -- which was pretty devastating for me as I was so heavily involved in the anti-nuclear movement in those days.

"But this is worse, these people are much worse than the Reagan people."

Dr Caldicott rose to fame in the American peace movement during the '70s and '80s, her vehement antinuclear stance earning her many enemies, some of whom saw her as an apologist for the Soviet Union. She has long warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons, America's "first strike" policy and missile defence.

In her 2002 book The New Nuclear Danger, she detailed links between the Government and weapons makers and Mr Bush's will to militarise space.

Mr Bush's win meant "endless war and I think it could mean nuclear war", she said.

"In January 1995 we got to within 10 seconds of nuclear war when [former Russian president Boris] Yeltsin and the Russians made a mistake and thought they were under attack. The Americans still have a first-strike policy to win a nuclear war against Russia. The weapons are still in place both in America and Russia. Virtually nobody knows that in this country and that a mistake or a terrorist takeover of the command system -- on either side -- or errors being made could lead to the end of life on earth."

In a website interview two years ago, Dr Caldicott was asked why Mr Bush remained so popular. She replied she didn't believe it -- that the polls were inaccurate [although that was before the invasion of Iraq].

Now she has to face the reality that more than half of Americans want Mr Bush back, despite [or because of] his policies. She puts it down to brilliance on the part of his campaign team, in particular Karl Rove, and the ignorance of much of the population.

"They [the Bush administration] have been able to con the American people with their extremely brilliant propaganda and brainwashing, with the help of the media ... they consistently lie. On the whole the American people don't really understand the dynamics of the right at all. They don't know that Bush et al want to go into Iran next and that they want to dominate the world militarily and that they want to put weapons in space.

"I don't think they [the American public] understand. It is a mandate for Bush to do absolutely anything he wants. I know people don't like me using this word but they're fascists."

Not firing all her ammunition at Mr Bush, she saved some for Australian Prime Minister John Howard. She said Australia was now the "51st state of the US".

"I've always been so proud of my country, now I'm not just ashamed by what's happening and embarrassed ... but I really fear for the future of Australia and the previous wonderful quality of life that we've always had."

Informant: NHNE

Recount in Ohio a Sure Thing


George W. Bush's Crusade and American Fundamentalism

Empires as Ages of Religious Ignorance:

From Information Clearing House

Last gasp of U.S. hegemony

This is the beginning of the end of U.S. hegemony.

From Information Clearing House

Journalist predicts war in Iraq will plunge U.S. economy into downturn

President Bush's willingness "to take a lot more body bags" from the Iraqi war will plunge the United States economy into a tailspin as European nations further distance themselves from the war with boycotts of American markets, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist predicted on Friday.


From Information Clearing House

The Enlightenment of Resistance

Who is the real enemy?

A Confederacy Of Dunces

Datenschützer gegen geplante Speicherung aller Kommunikationsdaten

EU-Pläne: Datenschützer gegen geplante Speicherung aller Kommunikationsdaten (15.11.04)

Die von Sicherheitspolitikern angestrebte Speicherung aller Daten über die Nutzung von Telekommunikations- und Internetdiensten trifft auf massive Kritik der europäischen Datenschützer. Die in der "Artikel-29-Gruppe" zusammengeschlossenen Datenschutz-Beauftragten forderten den EU-Ministerrat auf, den Entwurf eines Rahmenbeschlusses über die Vorratsspeicherung von Daten über die Nutzung von öffentlichen elektronischen Kommunikationsdiensten und -netzen abzulehnen. Gegenwärtig berät eine Arbeitsgruppe des EU-Ministerrates über diesen Vorschlag. Danach könnten alle Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Internetdiensten zur pauschalen Speicherung sämtlicher Daten über die Nutzung dieser Dienste für einen Zeitraum von mindestens einem Jahr verpflichtet werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Bush, God, and Moral Values


'Let's Kick Ass ... the American Way'


Goodbye, Dollar and Empire


Informant: braddueringer

Dollar's Decline Is Reverberating


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Noon turns to night as cloud blacks out sun


Informant: di

US planning To Recruit One In 24 Americans As Citizen Spies

by Ritt Goldstein

July 15 2002

The Bush Administration aims to recruit millions of United States citizens as domestic informants in a program likely to alarm civil liberties groups.

The Terrorism Information and Prevention System, or TIPS, means the US will have a higher percentage of citizen informants than the former East Germany through the infamous Stasi secret police. The program would use a minimum of 4 per cent of Americans to report "suspicious activity".

Civil liberties groups have already warned that, with the passage earlier this year of the Patriot Act, there is potential for abusive, large-scale investigations of US citizens.

As with the Patriot Act, TIPS is being pursued as part of the so-called war against terrorism. It is a Department of Justice project.

Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.

A pilot program, described on the government Web site http://www.citizencorps.gov, is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage. Assuming the program is initiated in the 10 largest US cities, that will be 1 million informants for a total population of almost 24 million, or one in 24 people.

Historically, informant systems have been the tools of non-democratic states. According to a 1992 report by Harvard University's Project on Justice, the accuracy of informant reports is problematic, with some informants having embellished the truth, and others suspected of having fabricated their reports.

Present Justice Department procedures mean that informant reports will enter databases for future reference and/or action. The information will then be broadly available within the department, related agencies and local police forces. The targeted individual will remain unaware of the existence of the report and of its contents.

The Patriot Act already provides for a person's home to be searched without that person being informed that a search was ever performed, or of any surveillance devices that were implanted.

At state and local levels the TIPS program will be co-ordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which

was given sweeping new powers, including internment, as part of the Reagan Administration's national security initiatives. Many key figures of the Reagan era are part of the Bush Administration.

The creation of a US "shadow government", operating in secret, was another Reagan national security initiative.

Informant: CHEROKEE

What is gray goo-nanotechnology, is it the end of humanity?

Why should we worry about the fate of the human race?

What is nanotechnology?

What is gray goo?

Why is nanotechnology and more specifically gray goo such a threat?

Learn More if interested

Informant: Biophilos

[Non-text portions of this message h

Lynn students take part in child ID project

Students at the Shoemaker Elementary School last week kicked off the largest child identification project in history, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). As part of the event, a Shoemaker student was named the 200,000th child to undergo identification as part of the CHIP Program. The Grand Lodge of Masons helped provide ID kits for 400 kids and their families last Friday. The Masons will conduct a school CHIP event every four to five weeks, offering the service to all 14,000 students in the Lynn Public Schools. The undertaking will take three years and is fully funded by the Masons.

Children and their families participating in CHIP receive directly - with no other copies made - an identification kit comprised of fingerprints, a toothprint impression and a DNA cheek swab sample, all conducted by licensed professionals, along with an in-depth and detailed videotape of a question and answer session with their child.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 15th, 2004

State proposal could force fluoridation

Even after 60 years of use in the U.S, the Food and Drug Administration still considers fluoride an “unapproved new drug,” and the Environmental Protection Agency considers it “a contaminant.”

A joint committee of the Arkansas General Assembly is considering a proposal which would mandate fluoridation of all public water systems in the state. A hearing on Interim Study Proposal 2003-157 was held in September by the Joint Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor. Currently, the option of water fluoridation is left to localities. Eureka Springs has rejected the idea of adding fluoride to the city’s water supply at least twice in recent years, once by a vote in a 1989 special election, and again in 2001 after city council polled water customers with the question on their water bills. Other cities in the state, including Ft. Smith, Hot Springs and Texarkana have also rejected fluoridation, though some city directors in Hot Springs have raised the issue again in recent months. Fluoridation is also banned in most of Europe, China, Japan and India. In 2002, Belgium took fluoride supplements off the market because they purportedly are poisonous and pose a great risk to physical and psychological health. Even after 60 years of use in the U.S, the Food and Drug Administration still considers fluoride an “unapproved new drug,” and the Environmental Protection Agency considers it “a contaminant.” Opponents note that the fluoride compounds commonly added to water are toxic waste products of industry, and that industry had a hand in the fluoridation movement as a way to dispose of the waste and make a profit.

While it is estimated that 60 percent of Americans drink fluoridated water, critics point to mounting evidence that fluoride in drinking water does little, if anything, to prevent tooth decay, but instead threatens public health. Studies link fluoride to brittle bones, kidney problems, cancer, cardio-vascular disease and brain disorders such as hyperactivity, autism and Alzheimer’s.

The American Dental Association, which is lobbying the legislature to mandate fluoridation, considers such studies to be “ junk science.” From its fluoridation handbook: “From time to time, opponents of fluoridation have questioned its safety and effectiveness. None of these charges has ever been substantiated by generally accepted science. It is important to review information about fluoridation with a critical eye.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 15th, 2004

An emerging mental health crisis among returning Iraq War veterans

"We're gearing ourselves up now and preparing ourselves to meet whatever the need is, but clearly this is something that could not be planned for," said Dr. Alfonso Batres, a psychologist who heads the VA's national office of readjustment counseling services. Last year [2003], 1,100 troops who had fought in Iraq or Afghanistan came to VA clinics seeking help for symptoms of depression or post-traumatic stress; this year [2004], the number grew tenfold [to more than 10,000]. In all, 23% of Iraq veterans treated at VA facilities have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. "And this is first-year data," Batres said. "Our experience is that over time that will increase."


Redoubling our efforts to abolish torture


We've weathered a lot of human rights storms together over the past year, many of them the result of U.S. policy in the "war on terror." And there undoubtedly will be more storms to come.

But don't despair. As bad as the outlook for human rights may seem right now, Amnesty is not about to back down from our demands that this country honor its obligations to human rights under U.S. and international law.

Please join Amnesty with your strongest support, to ensure we have the resources to go full-steam ahead in demanding that President Bush immediately...

-- Proclaim his complete and unalterable opposition to torture.

-- Halt the use of techniques on prisoners in U.S. custody that amount to torture or other degrading treatment, including allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to "render" detainees captured in the war on terror to undisclosed locations for "interrogation."

-- Call for the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate all allegations of torture by U.S. personnel in regard to detainees.

-- Appoint a Special Counsel to prosecute everyone responsible for torture, including those at the highest level of command who allowed torture to occur either by creating the climate conducive to torture, failing to act or by turning a blind eye to it.

-- Modify his destructive, unilateralist policies and begin to regain the trust of our allies and to re-establish America's moral leadership on human rights in the world.

I realize this agenda is a daunting one, but it as critical today as it was on November 1. And Amnesty is more determined than ever to see it fulfilled.


Believe me, I'm not being naïve in taking on this fight. With a President who claims he would not change one aspect of the way he has waged his "war on terror," and who also seems truly to believe that his unilateralism will keep us safe, I'm fully aware of what we're up against.

But I ask you to remember that much of Amnesty's work transcends U.S. politics and election results. Our recent mission to Sudan is a prime example of our ability to work with the U.S. government no matter how it is constituted. In other instances, our work reflects the global nature of our movement to protect human rights across the world.

So the bottom line is this: The election results make Amnesty's mission and presence more important than ever in this country and in the world. Our commitment to justice is, and will continue to be, a very potent and extremely important countervailing force to power used wrongly or destructively by the U.S. government or any other.

As a key Amnesty supporter, I think you understand intuitively that at times of greatest stress, human rights advocacy can be at its most effective.


William F. Schulz

P.S. I believe we share a common commitment to a world in which the basic rights of every human being are respected and protected, and this has made Amnesty International the recognized guardian of human rights throughout the globe.

Outline for Proposed Development of Methods to Pinpoint Counties and Voting Precincts that Appear Most Likely to Have Vote Counting Errors


Informant: Marsha V. Hammond

The perfect Election Day crime

by Steven Rosenfeld

Tom Paine


Americans are learning there are many ways to tilt and take elections. That's the only clear conclusion since John Kerry's concession speech. We now know there are as many ways to manipulate the vote as there are types of voting machines and different communities that can be targeted by those who want to intimidate voters and suppress turnout. But the big unanswered question of Nov. 2, 2004, is which tactic, technical breakdown or error lost the most votes...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cluster of Symptoms around an Orange Mast

There is a cluster of symptoms around an Orange mast in our village - three stroke/heart attack cases; 11 cases of chronic insomnia and headaches; 8 cases of tinnitus, vertgo and nausea; five cases of severe nose bleeds; 2 cases of raised white blood-cell count (see evidence of this symptom in American Embassy 1960s to 70s after bombardment with electromagnetic radio frequency emissions); 7 cases of sore bloodshot eyes; severe thirst with ulcerated mouths and throats etc. etc.. They live between 14 and thirty metres from the mast, the antennae being level with bedroom windows and age range from four months to 80 yrs old.

I have some symptoms (four hundred metres from mast). Mine are minor -aching joints and sore eyes with occasional disturbed sleep (e.g. waking at 4.00a.m and unable to go back to sleep). What makes me think that emissions may cause this is that in teh year the mast was activated, I had 'cured' my sore eyes by finding out in the spring of 2001 that I was suffering from severe dehydration. I was drinking very little water, and when I drank more my eyes got better. In the autumn of that year, my eyes got very bad and I was constantly using eye drops and that I was very thirsty all teh time. I cound not understand this and was very disappointed to be back at square one. Over the last 3 years I found out :-

a. The mast was activated in autumn 2001.

b.The symptoms caused by emissions.

I represent the victims in Kensworth, and am concerned that many more residents may be affected without realising (the two cases of raised white blood cell are opposite each other and 100 metres from the mast and teh son of one case has nosebleeds, the daughter sore eyes and teh case insomnia too. I am aware that emissions are capricious (found 2.0V/m readings on one pillow on a double bed and 0V/m on the other pillow!) which would explain why of two people in the same house one gets certain symptoms and the other none. I am extremel;y sensitive to teh emissions and feel very ill in some of teh homes affected - nausea; headache and exhaustion and pressure in my ears.

Gillian Lyden

The Orange mast in Kensworth is 14 metres from the nearest homes, and those people are very poorly. One man has been unable to use any of his bedrooms since activation of the mast in Sept. 2001. Another man had two strokes, 1 when the mast was first activated and another when it was reactivated after being off for the whole of April 2002 - he is now disabled. We have 2 cases of raised white bloodcell count 100 metres away, 8 cases of severe nosebleeds - one chronic, though a little improved with use of protective material. Of course all the usual -chronic insomnia and headaches, nausea and vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss; sore, ulcerated mouths and throats; sore irritated eyes etc etc. It is very depressing. Gill Lyden.

From Mast Network

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations



Bayer verzichtet in Indien auf Gen-Pflanzen

Presseerklärung vom 15.11.2004

Bayer verzichtet in Indien auf Gen-Pflanzen

Bayer gibt die Forschung an genmanipulierten Pflanzen in Indien auf. Das teilte das Leverkusener Unternehmen dem Greenpeace Büro in Indien vergangene Woche in einem Schreiben mit. Danach "will Bayer Crop Science in den nächsten Jahren seinen Schwerpunkt auf die normale Pflanzenzüchtung verlegen". Alle bisherigen Projekte wurden gestoppt. Zu den Pflanzenarten, an denen Bayer in Indien geforscht hat, gehören Kohl, Raps, Blumenkohl, Tomaten und Senf. Bereits im März 2004 gab der Konzern seinen Rückzug in England bekannt, im Juni wurde der Versuch aufgegeben, Gen-Raps in Australien zu verkaufen.

"Bayer sollte auch in Europa klare Zeichen setzen und jetzt seine Zulassungsanträge zu Gen-Reis, Gen-Raps und Gen-Mais zurückziehen", fordert Christoph Then, Gentechnikexperte von Greenpeace Deutschland. "Weder wollen die Verbraucher Gen-Food essen, noch lassen sich diese Pflanzen in Europa anbauen, ohne die gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft durch Pollenflug massiv zu belasten. So fliegt der Pollen beim Gen-Raps mehr als 20 Kilometer weit." Ein Bayer-Sprecher bestätigte am Freitag den Ausstieg und sagte, man wolle sich auf bestimmte Teilbereiche konzentrieren und beobachte die konstante Verbraucherablehnung in Europa mit Sorge. An einen generellen Rückzug werde hier allerdings nicht gedacht.

"Wir brauchen keine Gen-Pflanzen in Indien", sagt Divya Raghunandan, Gentechnikexpertin von Greenpeace Indien. "Global gesehen haben sich die Versprechungen der Gen-Industrie nicht erfüllt, ob es sich nun um höhere Erträge oder um eine Verringerung der Spritzmittel handelt. Bayer hat die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt und sich aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen aus dem Geschäft mit den Gen-Pflanzen zurückgezogen. Der Konzern weiß genau, dass die Verbraucher in Indien das Gen-Gemüse nicht akzeptieren werden."

Das nach Bevölkerung zweitgrößte Land der Welt, in dem 80 Prozent der Menschen ihr Auskommen in der Landwirtschaft finden, bietet einen gewaltigen Markt für Agrochemie und Saatgutunternehmen. Der Rückzug von Bayer aus dem Geschäft mit Gen-Pflanzen dürfte auch ein alarmierendes Zeichen für andere Konzerne sein. Mit seiner Entscheidung, sich aus dem Geschäft mit Gen-Pflanzen zumindest in Teilbereichen zurückzuziehen, steht Bayer nicht alleine. Auch die Firma Monsanto, die weltweit das meiste Saatgut für Gen-Pflanzen verkauft, hat in diesem Jahr die Forschung an Gen-Weizen gestoppt, ebenso die Forschung an Gen-Raps in Australien. (Quelle: Greenpeace)

weitere Infos: Protest gegen Gen-Reis in Indien, Blockade Bayer India

weitergeleitet durch: Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren e.V.
Tel: 0211-333 911
Fax 040 – 3603 741835

Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, ehem. MdB, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (U 2003)
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld

Bonfire of the Constitution


But how do you make an artificial emergency look natural? The answer to that question generally lies in top-secret technologies—ones the public would not likely suspect even exist, and all the better if they could masquerade as Mother Nature.

Enter, stage left, H.A.A.R.P., the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. (For a review of the multi-faceted subject of HAARP, readers can refer back to last month’s edition of The SPECTRUM for an excellent summary that was titled Who Needs A Microwave Oven! Or, HAARP’s Covert Agendas: The Big Picture, by John A. Quinn.)

For some very good reasons, the question begging to be asked at this point is: “Might HAARP somehow be associated with the cause of the relentless rash of fires, especially in the Idaho and Montana regions?”

To begin to answer that question, consider the following for starters. Here’s what one “contact” had to report: “We met some folks who live on this piece of property east of Sandpoint, Idaho that is adjacent to some REALLY weird fed activity. The stuff going in this particular area is all HAARP-related and the place is crawling with feds.

Anna Webb

Family weapon of mast destruction

In case any of you are trying to advise land and property owners let them know about this story. Birmingham council not cannot demolish a block of flats because of masts that have been put on the. The operators would be without a signal and are stopping demolision!

Check out the following link:

Mast Network

Family weapon of mast destruction

Nov 12 2004

By Neil Elkes, Evening Mail

Families were today bracing themselves for a battle with mobile phone companies over new plans to erect masts.

02 has applied to Birmingham City Council to replace a large mast on a tower block, with three smaller ones.

Orange, which has previously removed a mast from the derelict 13-storey Lake-house Court, on Fosseway estate, New Oscott, has also submitted plans for three "micro masts" next to the Place 2B pub, in Antrobus Road, at Beggars Bush junction and on a verge in Witton Lodge Road.

The plans have sparked outrage from residents who oppose both applications.

Retired Graham Millington, who has helped raise an 800-name petition against the mast nearest his Antrobus Road home, said: "We do have health concerns.

"But we are also worried about adding to traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and street lights with a 10-metre mast as it is a a very cluttered area already."

The council has been trying to demolish the eyesore tower block - dubbed Birmingham's tallest mobile phone mast platform - for more than a year.

But legal agreements and leases between the council, 02 and Orange means the council would be landed with huge costs if it went ahead with the demolition because it would leave both firms without mobile phone coverage in the area.

An Orange spokesman said: "The larger mast would have a range of up to a mile, the micro masts are a lot less powerful and can only reach about 330 yards in all directions. That is why three are needed to replace the big one we took down."

The stalemate between the council and the two mobile phone giants has held up not only the tower's demolition, but also the regeneration of the estate.

Housing officers are currently looking to re-home the remaining handful of families left in the estate's 11 maisonette blocks.

A housing spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that three planning applications have been submitted in the area and are currently going through the planning process."

How the Vote was lost


123 allegations of voter fraud from around the nation


Informant: ranger116


by Reginald Fields

The Plain Dealer

Sunday, November 14, 2004


COLUMBUS - Tales of waiting more than five hours to vote, voter intimidation, under-trained polling-station workers and too few or broken voting machines largely in urban or heavily minority areas were retold Saturday at a public hearing organized by voter-rights groups.

For three hours, burdened voters, one after another, offered sworn testimony about Election Day voter suppression and irregularities that they believe are threatening democracy.

The hearing, sponsored by the Election Protection Coalition
http://www.electionprotection2004.com/ , was to collect testimony of voting troubles that might be used to seek legislative changes to Ohio's election process.

The organizers chose Ohio because it was a swing state in the presidential election as well as the site of numerous claims of election fraud and voter disenfranchisement.

"I think a lot of us had a sense that something had deeply went wrong on Nov. 2 and it had to do with the election process and procedures in place that were unacceptable," said Amy Kaplan, one of the hearing's coordinators.

Kaplan said the hearing gave everyday citizens a chance to have their concerns placed into public record.

Both a written and video report on the hearing will be provided to anyone who wants a copy, especially state lawmakers who are considering mandating Election Day changes, Kaplan said.

Many of the voters who testified were clearly Democrats who wonder if their losing presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry, was able to draw all the votes that were intended for him.

"I call on Sen. Kerry to un-concede until there is a full count of the votes," said Werner Lange of Trumbull County, who claimed that polling places in his Northeast Ohio neighborhood had half the number of voting machines that were needed.

"This caused a bottleneck at polling stations, and many people left without voting," he said.

Others said they were testifying not on political grounds but out of concern for a suspicious election system that should be above reproach.

Harvey Wasserman of Bexley said he tried to vote absentee with the same home address he has used for 18 years but was told he couldn't because his absentee application had the wrong address.

"But the notice telling me I had the wrong address arrived at the right address," he said. "I wonder, how many of these absentee ballots were rejected for no good reason?

"My concern is not out of the outcome of the election," Wasserman said, "but that this could go on and an election could be stolen. And we simply can't have that in a democracy."

Informant: NHNE


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