
Police Chief defends Tetra

I am submitting this letter to local papers in Hampshire, following the comments made by Hampshire Police Chief Kernaghan on local TV BBC News, recently. If any bits or all of it would be useful to others with nice kind Police Chiefs like ours - feel free to use it. You see? Still doing what I can in between brain fag and the drying up of creative juices. Got a terrible feeling I've given up the weed only to get addicted to Masts! There's a horror story in there somewhere.


PS Letters need to be brief for letter pages - I've got a nice editor who tries not to cut so I get indulged a bit - but thought I'd mention it, as it's very frustrating when they take out the most important bits, or worse juggle the contents so they can lose their proper meaning. Be warned!

Letter starts: Can one believe Chief Constable Kernaghan’s view that there should be no concerns about the safety of the police communication systemTetra? There is a huge political agenda behind the decision to use it, and Police Chiefs are expected to follow the official line as handed down by government ministers. However, he will rarely be using the Tetra system himself, nor will Home Office minister Hazel Blears or anyone else in Government. So his public statement may not be as convincing as he would wish.

Thousands of Tetra masts are being rolled out (often illegally) despite the health risks. British Police have therefore become guinea pigs for the rest of the world. The Trower Report on Tetra, commissioned by the Police Federation, produced overwhelming evidence of the dangers. It has been ignored. Now hundreds of police are suffering ill health. Two young and healthy officers have tragically died and others are already suffering potentially life threatening illnesses since it was introduced. Residents forced to live in the shadow of Tetra masts, are also showing signs of illness. All this was predicted - and then suppressed. Public health, and money, are at risk for a system that is a £2.9 billion technical disaster, and hundreds of millions more of OUR money will be thrown into the pit rather than scrap it. MP’s are asking questions, and the National Audit Office and the Public Accounts Committee are launching inquiries into the system. There are many complaints from top officers and key technicians on the Tetra project. Several police forces are developing their own mobile services rather than use it. They want ‘bearer independence’, because, in addition to health concerns, Tetra is obsolete even before the roll-out has been fully implemented. Shocking? Yes. The alternatives are better and safer but higher powers with much to lose, are preventing their use.

I’m sure Chief Kernaghan does not intend to put his officers’ lives at risk – or the public’s – so I can only assume that he has not read the Trower Report, though if he hasn’t he ought to have done. The safety of his men and Hampshire residents rests in his hands. Should he be submitting to the self- interested demands of HO minister Hazel Blears, who told officers that they must use the system or take the consequences? Not surprisingly this was interpreted by many officers as little short of blackmail. Their words, not mine. It’s gratifying that a number of brave police chiefs across the country are ignoring the intimidation and putting the welfare of their officers and citizens first. A good career move? Who can say, but it is a very moral decision. I cannot apologise for criticising those who make the rules and allow others to take the brunt of their decisions. Policemen, like soldiers, risk their lives for us. It is unacceptable that those in high office should add to that risk for political expediency.

However, Chief Kernaghan is not alone in ignoring the Trower Report. The Police trust the advice given by government scientists like Dr David Coggan, of the NRPB. But how trustworthy is that advice? Roger Coghill, a highly qualified scientist whose findings support Trower’s, was forced to reject Dr Coggan as an examiner in his PhD thesis on this subject, when he discovered to his amazement, an internal memo written in advance of the scheduled oral examination, setting out reasons why he had been failed. He is not the only scientist to have his career and reputation blighted for coming out with the truth about this technology. This is happening worldwide.

Finally, Airwave the company running Tetra, frequently erects masts illegally, and refuses to dismantle them, defying local authorities. Setting aside the dangers and inefficiencies of Tetra, does the Chief Constable not feel embarrassed about supporting and defending a company that persistently acts unlawfully?

Jennifer Godschall Johnson.

From: Mobile Phone Mast Campaigners Networking

Die Qual der Wahl

USA: Die Qual der Wahl

Bereits im Vorfeld der US-Wahlen gibt es massive Probleme...


Demand Just Resolution to Abu Ghraib


Lotsen und Doppelhüllentanker sollen Ostsee vor Öllecks schützen

Meeresschutz: Lotsen und Doppelhüllentanker sollen Ostsee vor Öllecks schützen (28.10.04)

Lange vor Inkrafttreten der ab 2010 geltenden gesetzlichen Vorgaben verbessert BP die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Öltransport in der Ostsee erheblich: Schon seit dem Frühjahr 2004 setzt BP dort Lotsen ein. Diese gewährleisten, dass in den engen Fahrwassern der Ostsee das Risiko eines Tankerunfalles minimiert wird. Damit kommt Das Unternehmen Forderungen nach, die Umweltorganisationen wie Greenpeace schon seit Jahren erheben. Außerdem werden in der BP eigenen Flotte weltweit ab Anfang 2005 nur noch Tanker mit Doppelhüllen eingesetzt. Im Falle einer Beschädigung der äußeren Hülle verhindert die innere ein Auslaufen des transportierten Produktes.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


26. BImSchV - Schmutz und Schummel


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander H. Volger: Mobilfunk und seine Technikfolgen u.a.

BImSchV und Mobilfunk


Urge the RNC to Halt Plans to Challenge Voters


Source: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=87cw6a44.4l8gm9n6.yfdi5a44.tiniiyn6.80374&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tompaine.com%2Faction%2F%23002489

Einfluss von Konzernen begrenzen

Pressemitteilung vom 25. Oktober 2004

Über 50 Organisationen aus ganz Europa:

Offener Brief an EU-Kommission: "Einfluss von Konzernen begrenzen"

In einem Offenen Brief an José Manuel Barroso fordern mehr als 50 Organisationen aus ganz Europa, den "exzessiven Einfluss industrieller Lobbygruppen auf die EU-Politik einzuschränken". Die Unterzeichner schlagen vor, alle Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der an den Gesetzgebungsverfahren der EU beteiligten Personen offen zu legen. Für EU-Kommissare, die in die Industrie wechseln wollen, solle eine Sperrfrist gelten. Lobbyorganisationen und PR-Firmen müssen nach US-Vorbild verpflichtet werden, regelmäßig Berichte über ihre Tätigkeit, ihr Budget und ihre Klienten zu veröffentlichen und in öffentlich zugänglichen Datenbanken zugänglich zu machen.

Die Kritiker monieren darüber hinaus die zunehmend industrie-freundliche Ausrichtung der EU-Kommission, wie sie sich unter anderem in dem Ansinnen zeigt, Verbraucherschutz- und Umweltgesetze künftig auf ihre Wirtschaftsverträglichkeit zu prüfen. Schließlich fordern die Organisationen, den priviligierten Zugang von Lobbyorganisationen wie European Roundtable, European Services Forum oder Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue zur EU-Kommission zu unterbinden.

Philipp Mimkes von der Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren, die zu den Unterzeichnern gehört: "Immer öfter setzen sich Partikularinteressen einzelner Industriezweige gegenüber dem Allgemeinwohl durch - dies ist mit demokratischen Prinzipien nicht zu vereinbaren. So wurde auf Druck der deutschen Chemie-Industrie die ursprünglich ambitionierte Reform der EU-Chemikaliengesetzgebung vollkommen verwässert. Die Vorschläge von Umwelt- und Verbraucherschützern hingegen wurden bei der Überarbeitung des Gesetzespakets fast völlig ignoriert."

Allein in Brüssel arbeiten 15.000 Lobbyisten, die zum größten Teil auf der Lohnliste von Unternehmen und Lobbyverbänden stehen. Häufig treten sie als "Experten" oder "Verbraucherschützer" auf, ohne ihre Kontakte zu PR-Firmen, Konzernen oder wirtschaftlichen Interessensgruppen offen zu legen. Verbesserungen der Sozial-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz-Gesetzgebung werden hierdurch regelmäßig geschwächt oder blockiert.

Aktuell steht der Fall des Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF), das sich vehement gegen eine Regulierung gefährlicher Flammschutzmittel einsetzt, in der Kritik. Erst Recherchen von Umweltgruppen deckten auf, dass sich hinter dem BSEF eine von der Chemie-Industrie finanzierte PR-Firma verbirgt.

ZU DEN UNTERZEICHNERN GEHÖREN: Attac Frankreich, Attac Spanien, BUND, Greenpeace Europe, Friends of the Earth England, Corporate Europe Observatory

Den Offenen Brief im Original finden Sie unter: http://www.corporateeurope.org/barroso.html

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Tel: 0211-333 911
Fax 040 – 3603 741835

Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, ehem. MdB, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (U 2003)
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld

Stolen Election? This Time Around, Let's Be Prepared


Storm Clouds Gathering Over the Legitimacy of This Election


The Citizens Rule Book

MUST READ for every American:

TV Linked to Attention Deficit


Informant: civl ecco

The Feds are spying on and harassing political activists


Recording Your Mind


October 27, 2004


Bush abwählen: Alle Nichtamerikaner können jetzt mitstimmen

- bei GlobalVote2004 (28.10.2004)

Nicht nur reden, zuschauen und hinterher schimpfen: eine Internetseite macht es möglich, dass die Welt mitredet (und ein Zeichen setzt), welchen Präsidenten wir besser finden. Am besten jetzt gleich mitmischen ...


Does John Ashcroft understand the Constitution?

by Jacob G. Hornberger

Future of Freedom Foundation


Learning that the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld the rights of habeas corpus, right to counsel, and due process of law in the Yaser Hamdi, Jose Padilla, and Shafiq Rasul cases, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft commented, 'The Supreme Court accorded to terrorists, in a variety of cases this week, a number of additional rights.' Ashcroft's lament raises an important question: Does the attorney general of the United States understand the nature and meaning of the Constitution?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush war on Iraq "excited Arab world"

Cronkite: Bush war on Iraq "excited Arab world"

San Francisco Chronicle


Veteran newsman Walter Cronkite said Americans aren't any safer because of the U.S.-led war on Iraq. 'The problem, quite clearly, is we have excited the Arab world, the Muslim world, to take up arms against us,' he said Saturday, adding that this excitement far exceeds the anger that existed among terrorist groups prior to the war. Cronkite made the comments after receiving an award from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation during the group's gala at Fess Parker's Doubletree Resort. He said the Nov. 2 presidential election will be one of the most important since perhaps the Civil War because it comes on the heels of a drastic change in U.S. foreign policy and a ballooning national debt. The war on Iraq marked the first time the United States has conducted a pre-emptive invasion and occupation of another country, he noted. Asked what it will take to achieve peace, he said, 'It certainly has to include, as a major factor, diplomacy.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Iraq War Has Made Us Neither Safer Nor Freer


Votergate - Presidential Election Special Edition


911 Truth Statement


Informant: Planttrees

The Coming Scalar Terrorism


Vote on Tuesday, November 2


Write More About Skull And Bones


Informant: Friends

Federal Judge Rules Experimental Anthrax Vaccine is Illegal

Attorneys representing veterans and soldiers for the past six years were victorious in Federal Court today. Gulf War veterans teamed up with Iraq War and Afghanistan War service members and fought to have the experimental and harmful anthrax vaccine program halted. In a blunt and forceful ruling, the court said, "the involuntary anthrax vaccination program, as applied to all persons, is rendered illegal absent informed consent or a Presidential waiver." This means soldiers have the right to refuse the experimental drug that scientific research has found causes long-term adverse side-effects unless the President orders the soldiers to take the experimental and unproven drug.


BUND: eplus Mobilfunk Glashütten

BUND: eplus Mobilfunk Glashütten

Pressemitteilung 28.10.2004

BUND kritisiert Informationspolitik in Glashütten:

Mobilfunksender von e-plus soll am 31.12 in Betrieb gehen

Der BUND Ortsverband Königstein-Glashütten ist verwundert über die Informationspolitik der Glashüttener Stadtverwaltung: sowohl Umwelt- als auch Bauzuständige hätten am heutigen Tage dementiert, dass eine 50 Meter hohe Mobilfunkanlage am zweiten Rundweg des Glaskopfes oberhalb des Parkplatzes Mallmannstein im Naturpark Hochtaunus errichtet werden soll. Gleichzeitig erhielt der BUND von e-plus bereitwillig die Auskunft, dass der Mobilfunksender am 31.12.2004 in Betrieb geht.

Der BUND frage nun, ob dieser Sender im Außenbereich mit einer Höhe von 50m nicht genehmigungspflichtig sei, und der Gemeinde Glashütten sehr wohl Unterlagen zu dem geplanten Bauvorhaben vorliegen müssten. Nach Ansicht des BUND hätten Umweltverbände und Naturschutzbeirat eingebunden werden müssen. Es sei sehr verwunderlich, dass den Bürgern Informationen hierüber vorenthalten würden. Der BUND fordere von der Gemeinde Glashütten den Bürgern alle aktuellen und geplanten Mobilfunkstandorte transparent offen zu legen. Zudem stelle sich die Frage, wie hoch der Naturverbrauch für die Errichtung des überdimensionierten Masten sein werde. Es sei möglich, dass der geplante Mast den Gipfel des Glaskopfes (686m) überragen werde - neben der zusätzlichen Verstrahlung der Bürger im beliebten Naherholungsgebiet werde hier der Landschaftsschutz mit Füßen getreten.

Der BUND kämpfe nun sowohl in Glashütten als auch in Königstein gegen die flächendeckende Aufstellung von Mobilfunkmasten. Die Praxis, jedem Mobilfunkbetreiber die Errichtung eines eigenen Masten zu erlauben, erreiche langsam die Grenze des Zumutbaren. Die Zahlungen von e-plus an die Gemeinde Glashütten könnten den Schaden, der hier entstehe, nicht aufwiegen.

Die Auswirkungen der Strahlung auf die Menschen seien Gegenstand intensiver Forschungsbemühungen. Solange nicht ausgeschlossen werden könne, dass für die Menschen eine gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigung zu befürchten sei, sollte nach den Empfehlungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) das Vorsorgeprinzip greifen. Das hieße für Königstein und Glashütten die Mobilfunkstandorte zu minimieren und die Bürger über Standorte und Auswirkungen der Strahlung aufzuklären.

Fragen beantwortet:

Dr. Claudia Weiand Tel: 06174-969309
e-mail: bund.koenigstein-glashuetten@bund.net

Bring ID to the Polls




From Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 18, Issue 22

Pollution causing havoc in New Delhi


From: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 18, Issue 22

Faith Abuse: When God Becomes A Campaign Ploy


FDA Letter Raises Questions about VeriChip Safety


"Purged!" ACLU's Voting Rights Report


Vote in U.S. inflames Europeans


Informant: Virtualtruth

Bush Evokes FDR and JFK in Transparent Attempt to Swing Democrat Votes


Call to Presidential Candidates to Commit to Ending Torture


Plans Against War and Repression

As Elections Near, Plans Against War and Repression

Why, Despite Everything, John Kerry Must Win


Visualize Winning


Informant: Laurel



Informant: DitziSis

1,400 whales could die this year

Over 20,000 whales have been killed since commercial whaling was banned by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 1986. Why? Because a loophole allows any nation to issue itself a permit to kill any number of whales "for the purposes of scientific research." After they have finished their “research” they are allowed to sell the whale meat in supermarkets.

Thank you for receiving Animals and Environment Alerts from Care2 and for caring about the future of the whale population. Please take action today to stop the use of “scientific” whaling. http://www.care2.com/go/z/18283

Commercial whaling during the last century decimated almost allof the world's whale populations - between 1925 and 1975, it is estimated that more than 1.5 million whales were killed in those 50 years alone.

Despite being largely protected from hunting during the last 30 years, whales have not yet recovered from the commercial hunting of the last two centuries. Whales have slow birth rates, which means they are slow to rebound from human exploitation. Think about this: there are only 300 right whales remaining. Even small-scale whaling could cause this magnificent species to go extinct. Every effort must be made to protect whales from extinction. Please take action today. http://www.care2.com/go/z/18283

Japan engages in "scientific" whaling even though only 11% of Japanese adults support the killings. Now, Iceland has announced a three-year "scientific" whaling program that failed to meet the approval of the IWC's Scientific Committee because it failed to demonstrate any plausible use for this type of research. Help prevent the senseless killing of more whales. http://www.care2.com/go/z/18283

Your action today is an important step to protecting the fragile whale population.

Thank you for caring,

Lisa Sock
Care2 & ThePetitionSite

Signs of Voter Fraud: Stage Set for Lawsuits


Conflicted Evangelicals Could Cost Bush Votes


Demand For New 9-11 Investigation


Ashcroft’s Dances with Death


Informant: Laurel

A Constitution of Convenience


A Rational Choice For November 2nd


Bush's Imprudent Foreign Policy


World Safety


Florida Computers Snatch Thousands of Votes from Kerry



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Oktober 2004

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