
You are defending the REPUBLIC


A History Of Torture


Persecuted, in chains, in the United States




How To Defeat The Republican Right In Three Minutes


The Unfeeling President


Victims of a Lie


Bush Making U.S. Vulnerable To Nuclear Attack


Pentagon contradicts Bush on Iraq


Flick und Bush

Die Enkel und das Nazigeld...


Kein Patent auf Leben! 27.9.04

Liebe MitstreiterInnen,

die EU-Biopatent-Richtlinie (98/44/EG) ist auch jetzt noch nicht umgesetzt, doch wird dieses umgehend erwartet.

Am Mittwoch, dem 29. September 2004, wird eine Anhörung vor dem Rechtsausschuss des Bundestages stattfinden. Es geht dabei vor allem um den Umfang der Stoffpatente. Bei technischen Erfindungen ist es üblich eine Sache, die neu und erfinderisch ist, als solche, als Stoff, zu patentieren. Das Stoffpatent schützt eine Sache für jede Art der Herstellung, für ihre Vermarktung, und dies für jede ihrer Anwendung. Bei Biopatenten ist dies aber höchst umstritten. Z.B. eine Gensequenz, die mit bekannten Methoden aufgeschlüsselt wurde, für die eine einzige Funktion beschrieben ist, sollte keinesfalls mit einem umfassenden Stoffschutz geschützt werden. Denn Gensequenzen haben meist verschiedene Funktionen und innerhalb jeder Funktion mehrere Anwendungen. Alle nicht beschriebenen Funktionen und Anwendungen fallen ebenfalls unter den Schutz eines umfassenden Stoffpatentes.

Wir setzen uns gegen diese breite Auslegung der Stoffpatente auf Gensequenzen, Pflanzen und Tiere, wie sie von der pharmazeutischen Großindustrie gefordert wird, ein. Wir kämpfen auch um klare Herkunftsangaben und ethische Grenzen der Patentierung.

Termine für eine zweite/dritte Lesung im Bundestag sind noch nicht bekannt.

Angehängt ist ein Musterbrief an MdBs. Falls Sie nochmals schreiben könnten, per Post, Fax oder email, wären wir Ihnen dankbar. Bundestagsabgeordnete, die sich mit dieser Richtlinie besonders beschäftigen, sind: Die Mitglieder des Rechtsausschusses, insbesondere Andreas Schmidt (CDU) und Hermann Bachmaier (SPD) als Vorsitzender und Stellvertreter. Joachim Stünker (SPD), Dr. Wolfgang Götzer (CDU), Rainer Funke (FDP), Jerzy Montag (B90/GR) als Obmänner der jeweiligen Parteien (im Rechtsausschuss). Wichtig sind aber auch Prof. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD), Michael Müller (SPD) und Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (SPD):


Die jeweiligen email-Adressen oder Faxnummern finden Sie auch auf unserer Homepage beim gleichen/neuen Musterbrief:

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ruth Tippe

Scalar Wars


Informant: billder

Harnessing Halliburton


PubMed studies


Verbraucherministerium erlaubt immer mehr giftige Pestizide im Essen

Protest: Verbraucherministerium erlaubt immer mehr giftige Pestizide im Essen


Die gesetzlich erlaubten Höchstmengen für Pestizidrückstände in Obst, Gemüse und Getreide wurden laut Greenpeace in den letzten fünf Jahren in Deutschland von den zuständigen Ministerien massiv angehoben. Seit Einrichtung des Verbraucherministeriums 2001 habe sich diese Tendenz sogar noch verschärft: Kam es im Jahr 2000 zu 177 Anhebungen, waren es im Jahr 2003 mit 319 fast doppelt so viele. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die Studie "Pestizide am Limit", die das Greenpeace-EinkaufsNetz am Montag in Berlin vorstellt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Michael Kundi A1, Kjell Hansson Mild A2, Lennart Hardell A3, Mats-Olof Mattsson A4. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B: Volume 7, Number 5 / 2004 Pages: 351 - 384


Sianette Kwee : "I think we are slowly moving forwards"

I think we are slowly moving forwards. Here are a few signs:

>From the Children's Leukaemia conference in London:
It has been established that ELF-EMF especially from powerlines, is one of the causes of children's leukaemia. Read Anders Ahlbom's lecture on their website.

Vladimir Binhi said the non-linear dose response in case of RF is an indication for the exixtence of non-thermal effects.

>From the COST 281 meeting on Exposure Assessment in Paris:
- SAR is unsuitable for exposure assessment on humans - all the present models and calculations are not realistic - it would be better to use MRI on living persons - so this renders ICNIRP's and other safety limits, based on SAR, invalid. These conclusions came from representatives from industry and there was general agreement among the participants
- Several engineers presented their models and calculations on EMF/RF radiation exposure. Each was different and the engineers could not agree.
- In Germany a test was done on 6 different measuring apparatus, currently used by the telecom industry, health authorities, other authorities to measure RF exposure in the environment. It turned out that there were considerable differences between the various measurements, and impossible to say which one was correct. So whom can we trust if they say that safety limits are not exceeded?
- COST recommended to run a study to investigate people's complaints about RF radiation from mobilphones and basestations by registering their complaints with the help of questionnaires. This was exactly what I proposed when applying for the Danish government research grant, but that was turned down. Very similar to the Santini and Gomez-Peretta studies. In England there is a group of ordinary citizens that will do the same type of study.
- From the STM project on Children and Mobilphones: there should not be focuss on braincancer only, but also on whole-body exposure. This means that it is as dangerous to carry a mobilphone anywhere else on the body, headsets are not sufficient any more. But what about masts? There are still no specific studies published on Children and Mobilphones.
- EMF-NET a new EU programme under the 6th Framework. The purpose of this programme is to inform the ordinary citizen about biological and health effects and everything else about EMF and RF in a language they can understand. It should be based on scientific information and information from other sources. This program is getting much more money than COST 281, so a competitor to COST. Why should EU choose to use so much money for this now, if it is not because there are serious threats? Several people who used to be very active supporters for the theory "no proof for any danger from RF" were silent or absent. Have they seen the Writing on the Wall?
- The biological and health effects due to RF exposure are certainly not due to heat and many agreed to that. So what should we call them? Non-thermal effects is politically not correct. Maybe we may look at them in term of energy? Other proposals?
- Others also found inexplicable effects on the cell cycle, like I did.

In Denmark: the Health council has just published a message: Mobilphones are dangerous for children and children should use the them as little as possible. Why suddenly this, in spite of the fact that there are no peer-reviewed articles in "good" scientific journals. Is it because it is a politically correct message now to parents and voters?

In a recent review article Kundi, Mild, Hardell et al. analysed 9 Mobilphones and braincancerstudies. It showed that the conclusions from most of these articles that there is no connection between mobile phones and braincancer was based on incorrect statistical and methodological analysis. These are actually the articles used by the Health authorities, Cancer associations, telecom industry etc. to claim that mobilphones are harmless.

Michael Kundi A1, Kjell Hansson Mild A2, Lennart Hardell A3, Mats-Olof Mattsson A4. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B: Volume 7, Number 5 / 2004 Pages: 351 - 384

At several meetings I met people from various countries, who told me that they all knew me in their countries. They were ordinary people, people from industry, from governmental bodies etc. The ordinary people said how much they appreciated that there was a scientist that would tell the truth in spite of pressure from outside. Of course I am aware that I am not the only one. Nevertheless I am very grateful for this, because it showed that many know that there is also a RF- EMF battle going on in Denmark and I wish to thank all who have contributed to spread this message.

Sianette Kwee

Omega see also:
Childhood leukaemia risk doubles within 100 metres of high voltage

Offene WLAN-Netze ein Paradies für Hacker

Montag, den 27.09.04 09:44

Eigentlich ist das Surfen über ein drahtloses WLAN-Netz ja eine feine Sache. Keine störenden Kabel, Internet auch im Garten oder auf dem Balkon im Liegestuhl… Doch viele Internetnutzer, die sich in die eigenen vier Wände einen WLAN-Router stellen, vergessen offensichtlich noch immer, wichtige Sicherheitseinstellungen vorzunehmen.

Omega: siehe dazu auch: „WLAN Funknetz als Strahlenschleuder?“ unter:

Der "Spiegel" berichtet auf den Rostocker Wissenschaftler Clemens Cap, dass fast 25 Prozent aller Nutzer von drahtlosen Computernetzen völlig ungeschützt vor Angriffen sind. "In fünf Sekunden kann man sich mit einem einfachen Laptop in so ein Netz einwählen", warnte der Professor für Informations- und Kommunikations-dienste an der Universität Rostock. Nicht nur das Schwarzsurfen ist möglich. Auch können über die WLAN-Netze theoretisch alle Dateien eingesehen werden, die auf den an das Netzwerk angeschlossenen Rechnern gelagert werden. Wer denkt, dass Unternehmen ihre WLAN-Netze deutlich besser schützen, irrt. Cap schätzt, dass auch 15 Prozent aller drahtlosen Unternehmens-Netzwerke offen wie ein Scheunentor an das Internet angeschlossen sind.

WEP-Standard auch nicht sicher

Oft sei es die Bequemlichkeit der Computerbesitzer, die sie angreifbar mache. "Viele kaufen das Gerät im Laden, stecken es zu Hause in die Steckdose und probieren ein bisschen rum, bis es läuft." Mit der Absicherung beschäftigten sich viele dann nicht mehr. Für die Absicherung der Netze gibt es mehrere Programme.

Der gängigste Sicherheitsstandard WEP (wire equivalent privacy) schütze allerdings nicht lückenlos. "Die Idee ist, dass es die gleiche Sicherheit bietet wie ein Kupferkabel. Aber da haben die Ingenieure leider ein bisschen geschlampt." Mit einem Programm aus dem Internet könne sich ein erfahrener Computernutzer innerhalb von sieben bis neun Stunden Zugang zu den Daten verschaffen.

Hayo Lücke


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Handy-Überwachung per GPS

27. September 2004 14:31

von Dörte Neitzel

Ein neues Gesetz verpflichtet amerikanische Mobilfunkanbieter, den Aufenthaltsort eines Kunden nennen zu können, der die Notrufnummer 911 von seinem Handy angewählt hat.

Aus diesem Grund statten die amerikanischen Mobilfunkanbieter immer mehr Handys mit GPS-Chips (Global Positioning System) aus. Das berichtet die Website Datenschutz.de.

Die so ausgerüsteten Handys bieten aber auch andere Möglichkeiten: So bietet etwa der US-Provider Nextel einen Mobile Locator Service an. Arbeitgeber können mittels dieser Software den Aufenthaltsort ihrer Mitarbeiter bestimmen und sich per Alarmton warnen lassen, wenn bestimmte Grenzen verlassen werden.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Ängste, Bedenken und Sorgen der Bevölkerung ernst nehmen

Gitta Connemann kritisiert die Mobilfunk-Betreiber

Omega: so sehr die Initiative der CDU zu begrüßen ist, eigentlich ist es ein trauriger Witz, dass immer noch die Frage gestellt wird und erforscht werden soll, ob Menschen durch Mobilfunk geschädigt werden. Das ist doch schon längst hinreichend dokumentiert. Man kann sich vorstellen, was dies wieder einen Zeitgewinn für die Mobilfunkbetreiber beim ungestörten Aufbau ihre Netze bedeutet, wenn immer wieder diese Frage offen gehalten wird und durch den trägen politischen Entscheidungsprozeß gezogen wird – bis zum „Nimmerleinstag“, ohne Rücksicht darauf, welche Schäden der gepulste Mobilfunk in der Zwischenzeit bei Mensch, Tier und Natur anrichtet. Schon gar nicht kann man die von allen Politikern immer wieder gewählten Ausdruck hören „Man nehme die Sorgen, Bedenken und Ängste der Menschen“ ernst. Diese Redewendung ist so abgedroschen wie überflüssig. Sie suggeriert ein tatsächliches Interesse der Politiker an der Sache, die aber nicht in Taten umgesetzt wird, sondern hohl und überflüssig ist. Wenn man die Sorgen und Ängste der Bevölkerung wirklich ernst nähme, gäbe es keinen gepulsten Mobilfunk mehr. Der Begriff „Ängste und Sorgen“ suggeriert zudem, dass es nicht um tatsächlich schon eingetretene gesundheitlichen Schäden bei Mensch, Tier und Natur geht, sondern dass die Gefahr eher hypothetisch und psychosomatisch sei. Dies ist eine Verhöhnung der Mobilfunkopfer!


Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt zum Staatsminister für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen, Dr. Werner Schnappauf : „Sie schreiben zwar immer wieder, „dass die Bayerische Staatsregierung die Zweifel und Ängste zum Thema Mobilfunk überaus ernst nimmt“, aber Ihre konkreten Reaktionen sehen anders aus : Sie antworten einfach nicht mehr und lassen die Bürger mit ihren Sorgen allein, was sollen die Bürger von einer Wissenschaft halten, die sagt, sie findet keine ursächlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Mobilfunkstrahlung und Gesundheitsstörungen, wenn viele Menschen am eigenen Leib spüren, dass ihre Beschwerden deutlich zurückgehen, wenn sie sich aus der massiven Strahlenbelastung entfernen? Muss sich die Realität dem wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand anpassen oder sollte die Wissenschaft nicht eher demütig sagen, sie weiß hier momentan nicht weiter, anstatt kategorisch zu behaupten, es gäbe „im Ergebnis keine wissenschaftlich belastbaren Hinweise dafür, dass die Strahlung von Mobilfunksendern in der Umgebung außerhalb des Sicherheitsabstandes zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen führt“? Und was sollen die Bürger von einer Politik halten, die das Vorsorgeprinzip so interpretiert, dass Forschung ausreicht, obwohl Feuer unterm Dach und dringender Handlungsbedarf gegeben ist? Wenn in der Geschichte der Menschheit die Verantwortlichen sich ebenso unverantwortlich verhalten hätten mit dem Hinweis, man wisse nicht die Ursache für Pest, Cholera, Typhus oder andere tödliche Epidemien, wäre die Menschheit vielleicht ausgestorben, früher wurde auf Verdacht gehandelt, um Schlimmeres zu verhüten - heute gibt es offensichtlich keine Verantwortlichen mehr“.


Verleumdungstaktik der Politik

Den von oft hochkarätigen und gut dotierten Wissenschaftlern bei offiziellen Anlässen verbreiteten Desinformationen begegne ich immer wieder mal mit einem Brief nach etwa dem folgenden Muster:

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor Hagenauer,
es verwundert mich sehr, dass unter Ihrer Mitwirkung zum Thema Mobilfunk von der Bay. Akademie der Wissenschaften das Resümee gezogen wird, es gäbe unterhalb der thermischen Grenzen keine Gesundheitsstörungen. Als Allgemeinarzt habe ich mehrfach Patienten erlebt, die eindeutig durch Mobilfunk krank geworden sind und ihre Beschwerden nach einer entsprechenden Sanierung verloren haben.

Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Sie als Fachmann solche nicht gerade seltenen Beobachtungen nicht kennen. Warum ignorieren Sie sie? Muss ich hier wieder einmal davon ausgehen, dass Geld schwerer wiegt als die wissenschaftliche Wahrheit und als die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung. Wie lange werden Sie diese Verleumdungskampagne bezüglich der Gesundheitsschäden durch Mobilfunk noch durchhalten können?

Für Tausende von Bürgerinitiativen und all die leidenden Betroffenen sind Sie jetzt schon unglaubwürdig, und für Ihre forschenden Kollegen, die die Situation durchschauen, ohnehin schon lange.

Ich muss schon fragen, für wie dumm hält man uns Bürger eigentlich, wenn gebetsmühlenartig diese immer offensichtlicher werdenden Gesundheitsschäden von einer inzwischen sehr wohl bekannten Gruppierung von Personen immer wieder geleugnet werden, dann aber doch Vorsichtsregeln gegeben werden.

Wenn eines Tages all dies ans Tageslicht kommt und die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, können Sie nicht sagen, sie hätten nichts gewusst und sich aus der Affäre ziehen.

Aus diesen meinen etwas emotionalen Ausführungen sollte Ihnen klar werden, wie ernst die Lage ist. Stellen Sie sich als Wissenschaftler klar auf die Seite der Wahrheit und flüchten sich nicht in unerfüllbare Beweis-Szenarien der Schäden durch Mobilfunk und in die Länge gezogene Studien.

Der Großversuch an vielen Hundert Millionen Menschen und auch Tieren und Pflanzen weltweit läuft seit wenigstens 10 Jahren. Es ist genügend Beobachtungsmaterial vorhanden, man braucht es nur zur Kenntnis zu nehmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Dietrich Grün

In der Regel erfolgt auf solche Briefe natürlich keine Antwort, das ist auch nicht meine Absicht. Aber die betreffenden Personen wissen dann, dass man sehr wohl weiß, was hier gespielt wird, und was sie selbst eigentlich auch wissen müssten. Mit solch einem Wissen im Hintergrund lügt es sich nicht mehr so leicht, und dazu noch, wenn einem klar gemacht wird, dass man mehr und mehr an Glaubwürdigkeit verliert und eigentlich auf verlorenem Posten kämpft, denn die Wahrheit lässt sich nicht allezeit unterdrücken.

Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/5393

Omega siehe auch „Niedersachsen: Grenzwerte werden deutlich unterschritten - Keine Gefahr für Anwohner durch Mobilfunk?“ unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/768857/


Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Omega-News Collection 27. September 2004

Hidden RFID Tags

UltraSonics-America's Secret Police

Kirtland laser beam aims for use in Iraq

Restrictions on Taser Gun Use

Dioxin Carcinogens causes cancer

New evidence from the Royal Society links Depleted Uranium (DU) to lung cancer after repeated denials by NATO

Dawn of Genocide of Lewis and Clark

Update of what is going on with the Akha

Beware of The Toxicity of Soy Products

Victoria's Got a Secret

Protect Mauna Kea

Groups Fight US Plan to Kill Prairie Dogs

Wyoming Elk Deaths

For good or ill, Bush clears path for energy development

On the Environment, the US Is the Rogue Nation

Chicago Becomes Oceania

Baghdad Burning

War is peace

The Face of Iraqi Democracy

Expert told PM of error on weapons

Everything they say about their war is a lie

Troop Documents Conflict with Bush Claims

Too Much about Memos, Too Little about War

‘Staying the Course’ Isn’t an Option

The Massacres Continue as “Democracy - Building”

High Cost of War by State

MoD accused of dragging feet over uranium test for Gulf war veterans

Iraq GIs allowed to avoid trials

Republicans Admit Mailing Campaign Literature Saying Liberals Will Ban the Bible

The War on Terror makes the world safe for barbarism

Navy Charges 3 More SEALs in Iraq Abuse

The Cost of Killing

U.S. Forces Admit One Mistake After Another

10,000 people in U.S. work in forced labor

Bush: A Study in Failure

Winning US presidency may prove a poisoned chalice

The Problem With the Presidency

Crude dudes

Bush’s False Sense of Security


Ashcroft Tells Libraries to Destroy Citizen-Friendly Publications

The Orwellian US

Can the Constitution Be Saved?

The Military and the Market

Tony Blair Is Acting Like Julius Caesar

Unraveling the UN Oil for Food Scandal

Update of what is going on with the Akha


Web site updated, now there are many more pics available in the photo gallery, displayed on the homepage.

The work continues to be full time, now here in the US.

I had to spend a lot of time upgrading computer equipment to make it possible to get better use of photographs and make better printed material to publicize the plight of the Akha.

I just finished an Akha pamphlet for distribution in the US and elsewhere, which clearly states the situation the Akha face. If you are interested to help print and distribute these in your area we can discuss this and I can provide you with a pdf version.

I don't know if you have noticed, but since my return I have not seen one single article in any US media regarding the hill tribe in Thailand let alone the Akha. If there are any articles they are on the mess that the Hmong have been left in by the US in Laos.

I am making presentations in the US regarding the Akha situation and soon will be duplicating a large number of the Akha pamphlets to distribute as I travel to different regions.

I encourage you to continue to protest to the Thai government, and Thai embassies and consulates regarding the treatment of the Akha.

I have just gotten word that there has been an accident at Hooh Yoh Akha village. Several years ago, the Thai army and forestry tried to relocated Hooh Mah Akha. We successfully blocked that relocation. The housing that was substandard, constructed by Rotary Taiwan, on a steep mountain side, was not used. Slowly the Thai army moved other Akha, Lisu, and Lahu into these houses. On monday the hillside behind one house gave way, and killed a woman and her baby, crushing them in the house. Her husband escaped. We believe it was an Akha family, but are waiting for more information. As you know, the Queen's Royal project has seized all the land of the Hooh Yoh villages, some 8500 Rai.

One tragedy after another is imposed on these people by the Thai government.

Please take time to complain to your government.

Speaking of government, the US Consul, in particular the vice consul, John Aloia of Chiangmai, refuses to process the legally filed paperwork for my children in Thailand. Knowing that I am not in the country, he returned a bank check, stating that I must pay for services in CASH.

In the areas of the Akha Campaign, I am still looking for volunteers who can work in the US or Europe to help publicize the situation the Akha face. Please contact me if you are willing to help out.

I have noticed that once I was out of the country, people just stopped thinking much about the Akha, as if this was some sort of hobby for me, as if maybe I didn't have a return ticket home, and now that I was back in the US I would get a big sofa, a soft life, and stick my face in front of the boob tube.

Well, not hardly.

And the work and opportunities to publicize the situation the Akha are in just got larger.


Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

The Akha Pamphlet is up on line now in pdf format. You can download it at

Protect Mauna Kea


High Cost of War by State


What really happened on that fateful Day


Informant: civl ecco

Pre-9/11 World Trade Center Power-Down


Informant: Our bill of rights

Demise of Iraqi Units Symbolic of U.S. Errors

U.S. Forces Admit One Mistake After Another

911- Catalogue of Scalar Events


Crude dudes


Informant: Duane Roberts



Are you a citizen of the United States?




Walmart & the Prison Industry


Washington's New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change

by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

Informant: Noam Anderson


City officials converted a disused bus depot on the Hudson River's Pier 57 into what detainees nicknamed "Little Guantánamo" for its outdoor setting and maze of pens divided by chain-link fencing. Numerous arrest victims reported being denied food and water or access to an attorney or a phone. ("Sorry, I can't do that," police said.) Children, some who happened to be walking down the street when the cops arrested everyone present, were locked up for several days. Police refused to tell their frantic parents where they were. Adding to the misery was a resinous layer of gasoline and toxic cleansers coating the floor. "Everybody was laying in filth," said Cincotta. "Nobody was sleeping. A lot of people were screaming in agony." The Times reports that "scores" of RNC detainees contracted mysterious rashes and lesions. Prisoners were shuttled between Pier 57 and the city's central holding jail in similarly dismal conditions. Wendy Stefanelli, a 35-year-old TV hair stylist, spent several hours locked in a hot bus--the weather was humid with temperature in the high 80s--with a man whose colostomy bag had burst. "He was throwing up all over the back of the bus," she said. "The entire bus begged the officers present to please get medical attention to this man. They completely ignored us."

"My experience wasn't nearly as bad as other folks'," says Jon Goldberg, 26, of Brooklyn. "There were people roughed up who were not resisting arrest. I saw one person with bruising on his head; he said a cop had kneeled on his head. A lot of people had their cameras destroyed. One had his photos deleted except for one, a new image of a police officer's boots and his hand protruding toward the lens--showing 'the finger.'"


Aftermath News
Top Stories - September 26th, 2004

RFID’s dark side

But it also has a dark side, according to scientist Daniel Munyan, who summed it up in a single observation. The devices that read RFID tags are called readers, as you would expect, but originally they had a more ominous name: “Interrogators,” later changed for PR reasons. The problem with RFID tags was that they broadcast all their information indiscriminately to whichever reading device communicated with them, Munyan pointed out. Thus there was a serious issue of privacy and security for people and organisations that owned that information. RFID tag data was vulnerable to espionage. Customers in a shop using RFID inventory tags on goods should seek to know if the tags were being used only for theft control, he advised, or to track customers on their way through the shop. Retailers might do this to surreptitiously build up a database of customer’ shopping habits for marketing purposes – an intrusion into privacy that could help profits, but also risked offending those same customers. He cited three factors that would shape the technology’s future: “Legislation, lawsuits and boycotts.” He said the latter two would be instituted by people who felt their privacy had been invaded by inappropriate use of RFID tagging data, which would bring about laws to curb misuses. For a better understanding of the privacy issues involved, Munyan suggested seeing the 1998 film Enemy of The State, in which a lawyer played by Will Smith is tracked via satellite by the film’s villains through devices embedded in his clothing.

The film made its points by exaggeration, Munyan noted, but it has been shown by activists against this kind of intrusive electronic tracking. One problem in fighting RFID’s abuse by "bad people" was that, as Munyan put it, “terrorists and criminals are not FCC-compliant.” (The FCC or Federal Communications Commission is the US Government agency which regulates radio communications and thus RFID). For instance, they might use RFID readers capable of communicating with tags from a greater distance than that permitted by national regulations allowed, for purposes of espionage or snooping.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - September 26th, 2004

New evidence from the Royal Society links Depleted Uranium (DU) to lung cancer after repeated denials by NATO


New evidence from the Royal Society links Depleted Uranium (DU) to lung cancer after repeated denials by NATO.

After the discovery of cases of cancer in numerous soldiers and civilians who had been involved in areas in which DU weapons had been deployed by NATO aircraft (Persian Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo), NATO has always refuted allegations that there is any connection. The London Royal Society reveals new evidence.

The Royal Society-s team of experts states that it is not scientifically proved that DU is inoffensive to the health and advises all soldiers who fought in the Gulf and Balkans Wars to give blood and urine samples for testing.

The Royal Society's report pointed out that although in general very low levels, if any, of DU were found in the majority of tests performed, it was also true that a reduced number of soldiers or civilians who had been in or near a tank during or immediately after an attack with such weapons faced an increased risk of developing lung cancer.

Professor Brian Spratt, of Imperial College, London, was one of the members who drew up the report. He stated that the survivors of a bombing raid in which DU weapons had been used, or those who went to help them, could have been exposed to high levels of radioactivity, which could duplicate the probability of developing cancer.

This type of exposure is called "Level 1 exposure". Statistical studies have shown that per 1,000 people exposed to maximum Level 1 exposure, 123 would be expected to die from various forms of cancer.

It is lamentable that NATO should continue to deny the existence of any link between DU and illnesses such as Gulf War Syndrome and Balkans Syndrome. The fact is that there is a direct link between DU and cancer and Pravda.Ru was one of the first newspapers to make this claim.

That soldiers should be exposed to extra dangers on the battlefield is to be regretted, that civilian areas should be subjected to toxic materials is criminal and constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity according to the Geneva Convention.

For this reason, those responsible for the deployment of DU weapons in areas where civilians were likely to go in the Persian Gulf and in the Balkans should be tried in their own court, in The Hague, for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.


Informant: Noam Anderson

Troop Documents Conflict with Bush Claims

The Bush Administration was caught red-handed in a lie by the press. Documents released by the U.S. Department of Defense claim only 8,100 Iraqi soldiers are fully trained by the U.S. occupation and are thus ready to fight and kill fellow Iraqis on behalf of the U.S. However, Bush lied to the world when said the number was nearly 100,000 fully trained Iraqis. The Bush Administration told an outrageous lie to justify the pre-emptive unilateral war and the continuing bloody occupation of Iraq.


UltraSonics-America's Secret Police

Classified US Government Technology

The United States government now has surveillance technology than can electronically see and hear through walls. Agents of the US government can move into a neighboring house and conduct complete surveillance of you in your home completely without your knowledge.

The agents will never have to enter your home and place bugs because all surveillance is done electronically through the walls of your home. All your movements and conversations in your own home can be videotaped and analyzed without your knowledge. This technology in effect gives agents of the US government X-ray vision and they can use it to see right into your bedroom.

This US government has also incorporated this technology into targeting scopes that can identify and target a person through walls. This targeting scope combined with a high powered rifle can assassinate a person through walls.

This technology was developed to protect the national security of the United States but has been illegally turned against US citizens by agents of the US government. Agents of the US government are covertly working with local law enforcement to conduct illegal surveillance of innocent US civilians. Citizens have no defense against this technology. You may never know you're under surveillance and even if you were made aware, there is nothing you can do about it. No electronic detection equipment is available to detect the surveillance technology. If you're targeted, you're on your own because no one can help you. For more information, please visit the website listed below.



Informant: ultra21753

Victoria's Got a Secret


Kirtland laser beam aims for use in Iraq


Informant: Global Network

Dawn of Genocide of Lewis and Clark

Natives to protest Lewis and Clark at Pierre this weekend
Indians Protest the Reenactment of the Lewis and Clark Journey

Freedom Thinking Native Nations Protest the "Dawn of Genocide of Lewis and Clark"

While a stone-faced Thomas Jefferson looks on from atop Mt. Rushmore, modern-day Lewis and Clark wannabes and a few descendants are commemorating Jefferson's initial plan of cultural genocide, by trekking up the Missouri River through Indian territories.

A large contingency of American Indian resistors are planning to again confront and denounce the on-going celebrations of the Lewis and Clark Commemorative Expedition this weekend at Ft. Pierre, SD.

An initial confrontation took place on September 18th at Chamberlain, SD, where the Expedition had docked for weekend festivities. Resistors made known their stand that the re-enactors should turn their boats around and leave Lakota country, while emphasizing the enormous emotional impact this reenactment is having on many native people.

In a written statement released Monday, September 20th, the Expedition crew stated that they will proceed upriver.

The group of sovereign resistors included tribal headsmen, grandmothers, students and young children with a common theme..."Why commemorate genocide?"

The group scoffed at historians statements concerning the "minimal or negligible impact" that Lewis and Clark had on Indians. The resistors believe that under the guidance of their commander, Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark's maiden voyage forged the gateway to the dawn of genocide for Indian nations.

While the Expedition contends that it has support from tribal leadership along the route, the resistors believe that, just as the original crew had done, this organization merely dangled some shiny coins before the elected leaders to get them on board for this money-making adventure.

The genocide of the native nations continues, the Indian spirit of many natives has been killed by the genocide of America toward indigenous people as demonstrated by the colonized thinking leading tribal organizations, governments and people to welcome and celebrate with Lewis and Clark Commemoration.

The resistors are encouraging all native peoples to decolonize their viewpoints on this issue and join them in their pursuit to stop this reenactment.

A caravan of Lakota people will arrive in Ft. Pierre, SD the weekend of September 25-26, 2004 to again protest the "Dawn of Genocide" that the Lewis and Clark Expedition represents to freedom-thinking native nations.

Informant: Raulmax

Special Military Draft Alert


Informant: Tim White

For good or ill, Bush clears path for energy development


Informant: Will Affleck-Asch

Bush’s False Sense of Security


Informant: Halojumper



On the Environment, the US Is the Rogue Nation


My Congressman Stands for Money, Not for Me


List of richest Americans


The Cost of Killing

According to Jean Stimmell, "The war in Iraq, like Vietnam, is a counterinsurgency conflict becoming more controversial and unpopular over time. And in Iraq — even more than Vietnam — most combat soldiers have shot at people and many have killed. Quoting one soldier ... 'There’s just too much killing. They shoot, we return fire, and they’re all dead.' The inescapable conclusion is that we can soon expect yet another generation of traumatized soldiers to return home, their hopes and dreams for the future demolished." Our Nation should recognize the need for readjustment assistance for returning war veterans. VCS lists two resources at the end of the article below if you know a veteran who may benefit from readjustment counseling.


Are U.S. Soldiers Victims of Experimental Anthax Vaccine? Ex-Commander says troops were used as guinea pigs

According to investigative journalist Elizabeth Leland, North Carolina troops say the military's experimental anthrax vaccine program is unsafe. She writes, "Two days after a military nurse injected Lavester Brown with the anthrax vaccine at Pope Air Force Base near Fayetteville, his heart failed."



Ex-Commander says troops were used as guinea pigs

Navy Charges 3 More SEALs in Iraq Abuse

The Navy said Friday it has filed assault and other criminal charges against three more of its elite SEAL commandos in connection with probes of prisoner abuse in Iraq. The three, whose names were not released, are in addition to four SEALs charged Sept. 2 with assault and other alleged offenses in connection with the death of a prisoner last November.

At the time of the reported abuse, all seven were members of a Sea-Air-Land, or SEAL, unit known as SEAL Team-7, a counterterrorist group that sometimes operated in Iraq with CIA officers. It is based at Coronado, Calif., and reports to the Naval Special Warfare Command in San Diego.


Ashcroft Tells Libraries to Destroy Citizen-Friendly Publications

Last week, the American Library Association learned that the Department of Justice asked the Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents to instruct depository libraries to destroy five publications the Department has deemed not "appropriate for external use." The Department of Justice has called for these five these public documents, two of which are texts of federal statutes, to be removed from depository libraries and destroyed, making their content available only to those with access to a law office or law library. The topics addressed in the named documents include information on how citizens can retrieve items that may have been confiscated by the government during an investigation.

The documents to be removed and destroyed include: Civil and Criminal Forfeiture Procedure; Select Criminal Forfeiture Forms; Select Federal Asset Forfeiture Statutes; Asset forfeiture and money laundering resource directory; and Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA).


Aftermath News
Top Stories - September 27th, 2004

Beware of The Toxicity of Soy Products


Informant: Skinny

Mount St. Helens Notice of Volcanic Unrest

September 26, 2004 3:00 P.M., PDT

U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington - University of Washington Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Seattle, Washington

Seismic activity at Mount St. Helens has changed significantly during the past 24 hours and the changes make us believe that there is an increased likelihood of a hazardous event, which warrants release of this Notice of Volcanic Unrest. The swarm of very small, shallow earthquakes (less than Magnitude 1) that began on the morning of 23 September peaked about mid-day on 24 September and slowly declined through yesterday morning. However, since then the character of the swarm has changed to include more than ten larger earthquakes (Magnitude 2-2.8), the most in a 24-hr period since the eruption of October 1986. In addition, some of the earthquakes are of a type that suggests the involvement of pressurized fluids (water and steam) or perhaps magma. The events are still occurring at shallow depths (less than one mile) below the lava dome that formed in the crater.


Informant: V



First Long Valley Caldera; Now Mount St. Helens…09-27-04

by Mitch Battros - ECTV

From hurricanes to volcanoes, now no one can argue earth changes are on the increase. So what is the cause?

The latest and most credible research to date, tells us solar influence is the major cause, and more importantly, it is all about “cycles”. The Earth has seen warming trends and cooling trends since its birth. In fact, the Earth has seen more severe swings prior to man's first steps on our planet, and several times since.

See this article published by BBC telling of the latest scientific studies of ice core samples which clearly indicates today’s weather and climate phenomena has been witnessed many times before, and at much worse levels.

Article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3631764.stm

Over the past two weeks, ECTV has been reporting on Long Valley Caldera “swarm”. Now, Mount St. Helens has experienced the same. In fact, seismologist and volcanologist are predicting a explosion “soon”.

Due to last weeks devastation caused by hurricane ‘Jeanne’ and now two intense ‘swarms’ of quakes related to volcanic activity, I will focus on guest to help explain what today’s breaking news events say about today’s times.

Tuesday September 28th, I will have Jim Berkland – Geologist, as my guest.

St. Helens Activity May Signal Explosion

Associated Press

SEATTLE -- Seismologists believe there's an increased likelihood of a hazardous event at Mount St. Helens due to recent changes in the mountain's seismic activity, and on Sunday the U.S. Geological Survey issued a notice of volcanic unrest.

"The key issue is a small explosion without warning. That would be the major event that we're worried about right now," said Willie Scott, a geologist with the USGS office in Vancouver.

Data from the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network Web site show the small quakes in red and blue. Initially, hundreds of tiny earthquakes that began Thursday morning had slowly declined through Saturday. By Sunday, however, the swarm had changed to include more than 10 larger earthquakes of magnitude 2.0 to 2.8, the most in a 24-hour period since the last dome-building eruption in October 1986, Scott said.

The quakes have occurred at depths less than one mile below the lava dome within the mountain's crater. Some of the earthquakes suggest the involvement of pressurized fluids, such as water or steam, and perhaps magma. In the event of an explosion, Scott said the concern would be focused on the area within the crater and the flanks of the volcano. It's possible that a five-mile area primarily north of the volcano could receive flows of mud and rock debris.

That portion of the mountain blew out during the May 18, 1980, eruption that left 57 people dead, devastating hundreds of square miles around the peak and spewing ash over much of the Northwest.

"We haven't had a swarm of earthquakes at Mount St. Helens since 2001," state seismologist Tony Qamar said. "Clearly something new is happening." Qamar said if an eruption did occur it would possibly involve ash and steam, called phreatic eruptions. The cause and outcome of the swarm were uncertain Sunday evening. A group of scientists planned to visit the mountain Monday to collect data.

"There's been no explosions, there's no outward sign that anything is occurring. This is all based on the pattern of earthquake activity that is occurring below the dome," said Scott.

Experts believe there is "an increased probability of explosions from the lava dome if the level of current unrest continues or escalates," USGS and the University of Washington Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network in Seattle said in a joint statement. A similar swarm of quakes in November 2001 and another in the summer of 1998 did not result in an eruption. However, the quakes could increase the likelihood of small rock slides from the 876-foot-tall lava dome within the mountain's crater. In the 1986 eruption, magma reached the surface and added to the pile of lava on the crater floor.


Mt. St. Hellens does it again


Magma Movement Reported at Mount St. Helens

by Mitch Battros - ECTV

Chief scientist Jeff Wynn of the USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory made the following statement early this morning. “There seems to be some movement in the lava dome”.

The lava dome in Mount St. Helens' crater apparently is growing, possibly a new sign of an impending eruption, but a major explosion doesn't seem likely, a top volcano scientist said today. Wynn said the movement "sort of suggests that we're getting closer" to an eruption that could hurl rocks and ash a few thousand feet into the air.

As reported by KIRO News 7, chief scientist Jeff Wynn emphasized that the estimates were highly preliminary and inexact because there is only one measuring device on the dome, estimating scientists will need about 48 hours to interpret the data more clearly.

Scientists are trying to determine if the quakes are caused by steam from water seeping into the dome or by magma moving beneath the crater.

Early tests of gas samples collected above the volcano by helicopter Monday did not show unusually high levels of carbon dioxide or sulfur, which could indicate the movement of magma.

Seismologist George Thomas at the University of Washington said that on a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being the explosion at the mountain in 1980, the current activity would rate a one. Thomas said any rocks, ash or steam coming out of the volcano would most likely be contained within the crater itself.

"The alerts we're sending out are just to protect hikers and scientists doing research within the crater," he said.


Mount St. Helens Volcanic Advisory (Alert Level Two) Mount St. Helens Daily Update 9/29/04 5:30 PM PDT
Increased seismicity overnight prompted raising the alert level to Volcano Advisory (Alert Level 2) at 10:40 A.M., PDT, this morning. Throughout the day the seismic energy level has remained at an elevated with a rate of 3-4 events per minute including an increase in the number of events between Magnitude 2 and 3. All earthquake locations are still shallow and in or below the lava dome. In addition, initial data from the GPS instrument on the lava dome that was repaired Monday morning suggest that the site moved a few inches northward Monday and Tuesday, but has since been stable. Such movement is not surprising in light of the high seismicity levels. A USGS field crew continued their deployment of GPS equipment today in order to monitor any ground movement on the lava dome, crater floor, or lower slopes of the volcano. Another gas flight this morning produced a result of no significant volcanic gas detected, as was the case on Monday. Two press conferences were held at CVO to update the media. Tomorrow's field work includes continued GPS deployments.


Informant: V

Can the Constitution Be Saved?

Video of a congressional speech by Ron Paul:

The Problem With the Presidency

James Leroy Wilson on power:

The Military and the Market

Scott M. Rosen on the economics of interventionism:

The Orwellian US


Global Eye

The Deceivers

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Unraveling the UN Oil for Food Scandal

Fox News


What started as a plan to get humanitarian aid to Iraqis living under Saddam Hussein's regime became what critics call a multi-billion dollar boondoggle: It's the Oil-for-Food program that was run by the United Nations from late 1996 to last year. The roots of the Oil-for-Food scandal date back to 1991, when a U.N.-backed and U.S.-led coalition expelled Saddam from Kuwait following his hostile takeover of the neighboring country. Although Saddam lost the war, he walked away with important victories -- he got to stay in power in Iraq and he ultimately got to pocket millions if not billions of dollars.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Restrictions on Taser Gun Use

ACLU calls for restrictions on taser gun use

CBS 5 News


"Tasers, which temporarily incapacitate people with an electric shock. Law enforcement officials and stun gun maker Taser International of Scottsdale, Ariz., argue that Tasers are a safer and more humane way to subdue suspects or mentally deranged individuals than guns, batons, pepper spray or brute force. 'The Taser is just a cleaner, safer way to do business,' Detective Bill Veteran, Fremont police spokesman, told the San Francisco Chronicle. 'I've been in all kinds of wrestling matches, I've been pepper-sprayed, I've been hit by a baton, I've seen people get bit by a police dog.' But civil rights groups are alarmed that some agencies allow officers liberal use of Tasers rather than limiting their use to situations where a life is in danger. Over the past five years, more than 70 suspects nationwide have died after being shocked by Tasers, including 10 in August, according the American Civil Liberties Union.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Operation Gatekeeper


From: AbajoConLAMigra@aol.com
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004


Down with Operation Gatekeeper!

Join the LA contingent at the March on October 2nd, 2004!!!

When? Saturday October 2nd, 2004 Leaving at 9:00AM SHARP
Where? Salazar Park 3864 Whittier Blvd in East Los Angeles, CA 90023

We are less than one week away from this truly historic march. At this march we will denounce Operation Gatekeeper and its 10 year anniversary. It has claimed the lives of over 3,000 people and that is why we must struggle to bring down those walls of death. Please contact me ASAP if you want to go as part of our caravan because we need to know how many vans we need to rent. If you would like to drive your own car and still drive down with us please let me know also. Hope to see all of you at Salazar Park this Saturday morning!

A $10 suggested donation will cover the cost to rent vans and the gas. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Larger groups are encouraged to organize their own caravans but are more than welcomed to join ours. For tickets or for more information please contact us by phone at 323-299-3157 or by email at AbajoConLAmigra@yahoo.com

Ron Gochez
Organizer, LA Caravana to San Diego

323-299-3157 AbajoConLAmigra@yahoo.com

PS...If you want to go to the marcha on your own you can. We will be meeting up in San Diego with other people from the LA/So Cal area to form the LA/So Cal contingent at the march. The march will start at noon at Howard Lane Park in San Ysidro, CA. The park is located on the corner of Dairy Mart Road and Beyer Blvd. See you there!!

Informant: Terry Burke

Dioxin Carcinogens Causes Cancer


Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in their newsletters, worth noting. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Dioxin Carcinogens causes cancer.

Especially breast cancer. Don't freeze your plastic water bottles with water as this also releases dioxin in the plastic.

Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle hospital was on a TV program explaining this health hazard. (He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital.)

He was talking about dioxin and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.

Dioxin are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends using glass, corning ware, or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results without the Dioxin.

So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen & soups, etc., should be removed from container & heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. Just safer to use tempered glass, corning ware, etc.

He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons. To add to this: Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food, use paper towels.

PLEASE! Pass this on to your family & friends & those that are important in your life.

Omega: we should avoid microwave cooking at all! Microwave cooking will cause cancer, too. See under: "Microwave cooking" at

Hartz IV muss weg

Ausbreitung der Armut in unserer Gesellschaft - Reiche werden immer reicher


Sascha Kimpel 0179-72 39 667 SaschaKimpel@gmx.de
Werner Halbauer 0163-61 60 189 whalbauer@web.de
Hans-Andreas.Schoenfeldt 0163-658 29 16 PIMB_Hasch@web.de
Petra Leischen pimb_Pele@web.de

Presse- und Informationszentrum Montagsdemonstrationen Berlin - Berliner Aktionsbündnis "Weg mit Hartz IV."


Kommunalwahlergebnis straft die Pro-Hartz Parteien CDU und SPD weiter ab, obwohl Ministerpräsident Steinbrück Recht hat. Die Reichen nehmen mit, was sie von der Regierung seit Jahren geschenkt bekommen. Auch deshalb muss Hartz IV zurückgenommen werden.

Um in NRW Wähler für die SPD zu mobilisieren, kritisiert ausgerechnet ein neoliberaler Technokrat wie Steinbrück die Mitnahmementalität der Reichen. Genutzt hat es zum Glück nichts. Die Pro-Hartz Parteien CDU und SPD haben weiter an Zustimmung verloren, fast die Hälfte der Wähler blieben zu Hause.

Wenn Steinbrück die Wahrheit sagen würde, dann hätten wahrscheinlich noch mehr Wähler der SPD den Rücken gekehrt. Und die Wahrheit ist, dass einzig und allein die Bundesregierung Schuld daran trägt, dass die Reichen in dieser Gesellschaft immer reicher werden. So sparen die Einkommensmillionäre durch die Absenkung des Spitzensteuersatzes von 45 auf 42 Prozent im Falle einer Umsetzung von Hartz IV durchschnittlich 30. 000 Euro. Seit 1998 hätte die rot-grüne Regierung den über 800 000 Einkommensmillionären damit durchschnittlich über 100. 000 Euro geschenkt. Die direkte Folge dieser Umverteilung von unten nach oben ist die Ausbreitung der Armut in der Gesellschaft, wie der erstmalige Anstieg der Armutsquote seit über 10 Jahren auf 13,1 Prozent deutlich macht.

„Die Milliarden-Geschenke an die Reichen und Unternehmer haben die Ausbreitung von Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit zur Folge. Hartz IV ist die Krönung dieser sozial ungerechten Politik. Um diese Politik zu stoppen, muss Hartz IV fallen“, so Sascha Kimpel für das Berliner Aktionsbündnis „Weg mit Hartz IV.“.

„Die bundesweite Demonstration am 2. Oktober wird daher ein starkes Signal in die gesamte Republik aussenden, dass die Protestbewegung noch lange nicht am Ende ist. Wir werden jetzt in eine Phase der Mobilisierungen treten, die bis in das nächste Jahr hinein reichen wird“, so Werner Halbauer für den bundesweiten Vorbereitungskreis der 2. Oktober Demonstration http://www.zweiter-oktober.de .

„Spätestens wenn Hunderttausende in den östlichen und westlichen Bundesländern nach Weihnachten ihre Alg-II Bescheide bekommen werden, wird die Wut auf die etablierten Parteien wieder enorm zunehmen. Die Folge wird eine Protestwelle bisher unbekannten Ausmaßes sein. Noch schlimmer wird es für die Betroffenen sein, wenn sie aufgrund der technischen und personellen Unzulänglichkeiten überhaupt kein Geld bekommen würden. Die Regierung selbst wäre aufgrund der schlampigen und unter Zeitdruck geratenen Vorbereitung gut damit beraten, die Hartz IV-Gesetzgebung auszusetzen, so der Jurist Dr. Hans-Andreas Schönfeldt vom Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte.

Im Anschluß an die bundesweite Großdemonstration werden am dritten Oktober in Berlin Hunderte aus der Protestbewegung der Montagsdemonstrationen über ihre Alternativen zu Hartz IV diskutieren. „Der Unsinn von der Alternativlosigkeit der herrschenden Politik werden wir fundiert und offensiv diskutieren. Unsere Alternativen werden in den kommenden Monaten relevanter, da sich immer mehr Menschen von den neoliberalen Irrlehren abwenden“, so Sascha Kimpel für die Vorbereitungsgruppe der bundesweiten Konferenz „Wir haben Alternativen zu Hartz IV und Agenda 2010!“

„Die morgige Montagsdemonstration wird stattfinden, auch wenn die Regierung sich bereits auf der Siegerstraße wähnt. Die im Bundestag beschlossenen Nachbesserungen sind einfach lächerlich. Aus einem schlechten Gesetz kann man kein gutes machen. Daher werden wir werden alles dafür tun, dass der Regierung in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten das Lachen vergehen wird“, so Petra Leischen für das Berliner Aktionsbündnis.

Hidden RFID Tags

I have disturbing news from the RFID front lines. CASPIAN has uncovered evidence of industry plans to deploy RFID tracking devices in consumer clothing items.

A $600 million company called Checkpoint has developed prototype labels containing RFID spychips for Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein, and Champion sportswear. These tags contain tiny computer chips with unique ID numbers that can be read remotely by anyone with the right equipment.

CNET picked up the story on Friday, September 24th. You can read it at:

Photos of the spychipped clothing labels can be seen on our website at:

Potentially, people wearing the tagged clothing items could be identified and tracked as they pass through Checkpoint-equipped doorways and store portals, as they stand near Checkpoint's retail "smart shelves" containing hidden RFID reader devices, or when they enter Checkpoint's planned RFID "smart zones" in stores.

Checkpoint has an infrastructure of anti-theft reader devices already in place at stores and libraries around the world. (Look at the bottom of the next security portal you pass through and you may see the Checkpoint name.) These portals could be retrofitted to silently read and record the unique ID numbers contained in Checkpoint's new clothing tags, or in any other item Checkpoint may be tagging.

Since there is no legal requirement for companies to tell consumers when products they buy contain RFID tags, this may already be happening.

Earlier this year, Checkpoint announced the purchase of 100 million RFID tags from vendor Matrics. Nearly a year ago, a senior Checkpoint executive boasted that "the technology is ready to pilot," and revealed that "we're working with forward-thinking consumer product goods manufacturers and retail clients on pilots."

CASPIAN, on the other hand, will be working with consumers on an aggressive response to this privacy threat. Roll up your sleeves and get ready for a good fight.

In freedom,

Katherine Albrecht
CASPIAN Founder and Director

Links to more information:

Checkpoint's RFID-laced clothing labels

CASPIAN's press release:

CNET article: "Retailer to put RFID chips in all clothing"

Checkpoint is "the world's largest integrator of RFID technology into
consumer product packaging"

Checkpoint and GOLIATH to use RFID for point-of-purchase advertising

Checkpoint buys 100 million RFID tags from Matrics

Checkpoint ready for pilots, demos "smart shelf" and "smart zone"

Learn more about "smart shelves" from our Gillette boycott site

Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN) is a grass-roots consumer group fighting retail surveillance schemes since 1999. With thousands of members in all 50 U.S. states and over 30 countries worldwide, CASPIAN seeks to educate consumers about marketing strategies that invade their privacy and to encourage privacy-conscious shopping habits across the retail spectrum.

For more information, see:
http://www.spychips.com and http://www.nocards.org

You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who may find it of interest.

Groups Fight US Plan to Kill Prairie Dogs



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