
"Bürgerbeteiligung" geplatzt

UMTS in Salzburg: "Bürgerbeteiligung" geplatzt

Liebe MitstreiterInnen und Interessierte!

Bitte leiten Sie diese brisante Information über Ihre Verteiler möglichst weiter, um diese völlig unakzeptable Vorgangsweise einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Ich war als Anwesender offengesagt erschüttert. Bitte auch an eventuelle Medienkontakte senden!

mit freundliche Grüssen

Michael Meyer

Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A-5165 Berndorf, Stadl 4
Mobilfunkinitiative Salzburg
Salzburger Bürgerinitiativen zum Schutz vor Mobilfunkantennen


21. September 2004

UMTS – Stadt lässt sich von Betreibern über den Tisch ziehen

Gesundheitsschutz kein Thema

Bürgerinitiativen lehnen Rolle als Feigenblatt ab

Heute fand auf Einladung der Stadt Salzburg ein Workshop zum geplanten UMTS-Netzausbau statt. Eingeladen dazu waren VertreterInnen der Mobilfunkbetreiber, der Stadtpolitik, der Stadt- und Landesverwaltung sowie der Salzburger Bürgerinitiativen zum Schutz vor Mobilfunksendeanlagen.

Ziel dieser ersten Veranstaltung war ein von der Stadt gemeinsam mit den Mobilfunkbetreibern vorbereitetes Papier zu verabschieden, dessen Inhalt im Wesentlichen folgendermaßen aussieht:

Die Beteiligten verpflichten sich unter Ausschluss von Gesundheits- und Grenzwertdiskussionen den geplanten UMTS-Netzausbau zu unterstützen und mit zu gestalten. Dabei bietet die Stadt Salzburg auch ihre Immobilien für Standortoptimierung an.

Über den Inhalt der ausdrücklich nicht öffentlichen Sitzungen sollte Stillschweigen bewahrt werden.

Zur Überraschung der Bürgerinitiativenvertreter, die der Meinung waren, sie wären eingeladen worden, um berechtigte Bedenken und Forderung bezüglich des vorsorgenden Gesundheitsschutzes einbringen zu können, sollte dieses Thema vollständig ausgeklammert werden.

Die Vertreter der BürgerInnen erklärten für Gespräche dann zur Verfügung zu stehen, wenn alle Daten der bereits bestehenden GSM-Anlagen in Stadt und Land Salzburg an die Gemeinden und die Landesregierung bekannt gegeben werden. Weiters muss die Strahlungsbelastung des bestehenden Mobilfunknetzes auf den empfohlenen Salzburger Vorsorgewert reduziert werden.

Diese berechtigten Forderungen wurden erhoben, weil das geplante UMTS-Netz ein zusätzliches Gesundheitsrisiko bedeutet.

Nachdem diese Forderungen von Mobilfunkbetreibern und Politik rigoros abgelehnt wurden, sehen die Bürgerinitiativen keine sinnvolle Basis in diesem Gremium.

Die Bürgerinitiativen verwehren sich massiv gegen diese Art von „Bürgerbeteiligung“ und lassen sich nicht als Feigenblatt missbrauchen.


Bernhard Carl Tel. 0662/4483-4322
Michael Meyer Tel 06217/8576
Johann Pinezits Tel. 0662/8044-2250





Ashcroft Continues to Seek New Powers


Die Lebenserwartung der Armen in den USA ist unter das Niveau von Bangladesh gesunken

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Pentagon sperrt den Zugriff auf offizielle Wahlseite für die
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EU-Biopatent-Richtlinie 98/44 EG nicht "eins zu eins" umsetzen


Arrests at GOP Convention are Criticized


Demonstration gegen neuen Mobilfunksender in Eichenau

Liebe Freunde und Mitstreiter,

unterstützt bitte die unten aufgerufene Demo durch zahlreiches Erscheinen.

Herzliche Grüße

Ulrich Weiner

Eilt! Demonstration gegen neuen Mobilfunksender in Eichenau, Mi. 22.9. um 18:00 Uhr

In einem Wohngebiet in Eichenau soll in der Joseph-Haydn-Str. 1-2, in unmittelbarer Nähe des größten Eichenauer Kindergartens, eine Mobilfunkanlage auf einem Wohnhaus errichtet werden. Die Eigentümergemeinschaft des Gebäudes trifft sich am kommenden Mittwoch in der Friesenhalle, um darüber zu beraten.

Die Anwohner werden dort vor dem Eingang mit Transparenten bereitstehen und bitten dringend um möglichst zahlreiche Unterstützung!

Demonstration gegen Mobilfunkanlage
Mittwoch, 22. Sept. 2004, 18:00 Uhr
82223 Eichenau, Hauptstr. 60, vor dem Eingang der Friesenhalle

Kontakt: Dagmar Riess, Tel. 08141-818530

Pollution fears threaten a way of life


Whispered in Russia: Democracy is Finished


Republican Senators Sound the Alarm over Iraq


Your Media is Killing You


The Million Worker March




Anti-War 4 the Million Worker March

A new website, "Anti-War for the Million Worker March" http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org , has just been launched as an organizing tool for the thousands who are planning to go to DC on October 17 to say "Bring the Troops Home Now! Jobs, Healthcare, and Workers' Rights, not War!"

Organizing centers


are springing up across the country as workers, anti-war activists, students, veterans, and communities of faith answer the call to march on Washington, DC and organize in our own name.

The Growing List of Endorsers includes: Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Jesse Jackson, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Global Women's Strike, United for Peace & Justice, District Council 37 AFSCME, the United States Green Party, American Postal Workers Union International, and many others.

This historic march and movement needs your help. It is only by organizing in our own name and building our own independent mobilization of working people that we can open the way to addressing our needs and our agenda.

Become an Organizer! We need hundreds of local activists to organize buses and vans. If you are interested in becoming a local organizer, sign up at

Help Get the Word Out! Download leaflets from
and take them to your workplace, union, community center, school, or place of worship.

If you are coming to washington on oct 17 in buses, vans etc - let us know ASAP so that we can list you

Anti-War 4 the Million Worker March


The Million Worker March is only 4 days away. Momentum is building for this historic event.

Activists and groups: Are you busy e-mailing & phone-banking to "get people on those buses?"

For detailed information, see http://www.antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org

***The Rally

Arrangements have been made with the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police for buses to drop passengers off on Virginia Ave. just North of Constitution Ave. This is in close walking distance to the Lincoln Memorial, 22nd and Constitution Ave. NW.

Bus greeters will be stationed at Virginia Ave. to give information to participants as they arrive. Bus pick up will be at the same location - Virginia Ave off of Constitution.

Buses can park on Virginia Ave on a first come basis and on Ohio Dr. off of Independence Ave., which is on the South side of the Lincoln Memorial.

Volunteers are needed to help greet the buses, set up, security and with a variety of other tasks. There will be a "Volunteers Meeting" on Friday, October 15, 7 P.M. at St. Stephen Church, 1525 Newton St. NW. There will be work sessions throughout Saturday. The Pre-Rally and entertainment will begin at 10:30 am.

The main Rally will begin at 12 noon at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. (The Lincoln Memorial is located between Constitution and Independence Aves. and between 22nd and 23rd St. The closest metro stop is Foggy Bottom on the blue/orange line. The Foggy Bottom exit is at 23rd and I Sts. NW. From the exit walk south on 23rd St.)

Maps, housing information, maps, and other helpful information are available at:


***Speakers Include:

Actor Danny Glover; entertainer and activist Dick Gregory; Rev. Jesse Jackson; Brenda Stokely, President, AFSCME District Council 1707; Clarence Thomas, co-Chair MWM; Chris Silvera, Teamsters National Black Caucus; Ralph Schoenman, Chair: Communications, MWM; Roger Toussaint, President, Transport Workers Union, Local 100; Donna Dewitt, President South Carolina State Federation of Labor; Mike Hoffman, Co-Founder, Iraqi Veterans Against the War; and more.

***Discussion & Organizing Tents

The main event on Oct. 17 is of course the rally on the steps of the Lincoln monument.

- But there’s more… Oct. 17 will not only be a big rally, but also a genuine opportunity for activists from many different struggles, and many different parts of the country (and the world), to share information and ideas with each other, and talk about strategies to carry our movement forwards.

- In Order to facilitate this process… we will have Discussion & Organizing Tents near the Lincoln Monument on Oct. 17.

- The tents will be situated close enough to be accessible to all who come to the rally, but far enough away so as to not interfere or compete with it.

- Each tent will be issue-based. A partial list of issues includes:

-Workers’ Rights (i.e., organizing, contracts, health/safety issues)
-Global Women’s issues/the “invisible worker”
-Reparations (i.e., domestic/international)
-National Health Care For All
-The Corporate Agenda (i.e., free trade agreements, outsourcing, sweatshops)
-International Solidarity (i.e., Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Palestine, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Columbia, The Philippines, Korea etc.)
-Repression, racism, violations of civil liberties, the “Patriot Act”, civil & human rights
-Immigrant Rights
-Quality/Free Education for all
-Criminal Injustice system/political prisoners
-Environmental issues & environmental racism
-Labor Media

***MWM Solidarity With Hotel Workers March

Hotel workers are currently on strike or locked out in San Francisco, on strike in Atlantic City, and preparing to strike in both Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.

Participants in the Million Worker March are invited to participate in a march from the rally to the Hotel Washington, one of the hotels where workers may be on strike soon. The march will take place in the late afternoon, and it is optional for MWM participants as many will want to remain at the main rally, or in the discussion and organizing tents.


**Get the Word out!

1) download leaflets from http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/pdfdownload.htm and take them to your school, workplace, house of worship, union, and community organization.

2) Link to the Anti-war for the Million Worker March Website : http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/index.htm

3) Forward this email to your email lists


October 17 Washington DC

War Crimes and Cover-Up

by Marjorie Cohn



The central theme of the Republican Convention was Bush's bona fides as a tough president who will save us from another terrorist attack. Instead of examining why we went to war with a country that posed no threat to us, the agenda was replete with rhetoric about fighting the terrorists in Iraq so we wouldn't have to fight them here. Significantly absent from the patriotic speeches was the 't' word. Not even a brief acknowledgement that prisoners in American custody were mistreated. Torture is on the back burner. Every so often, another official report comes out, with more disturbing revelations, but never directly implicates Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kerry still has one advantage: He's not Bush


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

U.S. Blocking Arctic Report


Informant: Laurel

71% of the British people are calling a date for the withdrawal of UK Troops from Iraq

Press Release - Guardian Poll

Today’s latest opinion poll for the Guardian, which shows that 71% of the British people are calling a date for the withdrawal of UK Troops from Iraq, is a vindication of the two-year campaign waged by The Stop The War Coalition for the end of the illegal occupation of Iraq. It is now beyond question that the Tony Blair and George Bush do not have the support of the people for their actions.

On the 17th October, Stop The War, with The Muslim Association of Britain and CND will be holding a mass demonstration calling for an end to the war and a withdrawal of troops.

Supported by the 20,000 people who will be attending the European Social Forum taking place at Alexandra Palace at the same time, this will be the largest Anti war demonstration in London in 2004 and will show that the will of the people to end, what Kofi Annan has described as an illegal war, remains as strong as ever.

NB: The route of the march has been agreed by the police. It will begin at Russell Square and end at Trafalgar Square going via the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street.

At the rally at the end of the march there will be musical performances from Peter Docherty, previously from the Libertines, The Asian Dub Foundation and Massive Attack.

Press Inquires to Stop the War

0207 278 6694
07711 156 881
07939 242229 Andrew Burgin
07810 540584 Lindsey German

Kinder und Handys



Handys und der Strahlungswahnsinn

Mobilfunk in der Schule

Schule und Mobilfunk

Elektrosmog im Klassenzimmer

Verstrahlte Zukunft

Mehr Mobiltelefone in Zuckertüten

Mobilfunk in Schule

Auswirkung des Mobilfunks auf Schulkinder

Russland: Mobiltelefone und Krebs bei Kindern

Hyperaktivität: Institut sucht nach Ursachen

Ritalin & Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk + Ritalin = Kapitalverbrechen an Kindern?

Der Einfluss von Mobilftelefonen auf die Konzentrationsfähigkeit von SchülerInnen

Kritischer Umgang mit Mobilfunk bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen

Schlaganfall bei Kindern

Schlaganfälle bei Kindern

Lehrer wollen strikter gegen Sucht vorgehen

Mobile Phone Company advises Industry not to target Children for Cell Phone Sales

Schools & Cellular Antennas

Doppeltes Einkommen : Wie Politiker steuerfrei zulangen


Auswirkungen von Elektromagnetischen Feldern

Eine Recherche russischer Studienergebnisse 1960-1996

Karl Hecht

Prof. em. Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht
Stress-, Schlaf-, Chrono-, Umwelt-, Raumfahrtmedizin
Büxensteinallee 25
12527 Berlin

Diese Studie verschwand in den Schubladen der Behörden!

Die Studie kommt zu dem Schluss:

"Abschließend kann eingeschätzt werden, dass das EMF als ein stiller Disstressor bewertet werden kann, dessen bioaktiver Effekt von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig ist und dessen pathogene Wirkung erst nach Jahren sichtbar wird. Bezüglich des Symptomatik bestehen Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Chronischen Müdigkeitssyndrom (Chronic Fatigue Syndrom CFS)."

Grenzwerte BRD: 4,7 bzw. 9,5W/m2 - ehemalige Sowjetunion: 0,004 W/m2

In der früheren Sowjetunion lagen die Grenzwerte im Bereich der Salzburger Vorsorgewerte - und das nicht ohne Grund...!

Für russische Wissenschaftler gelten sogenannte athermische Effekte als selbstverständliche Wissensgrundlage...



Die Wirkung elektromagnetischer Strahlung im Radiofrequenzbereich


1500 russische Arbeiten-Zusammenfassung v. Prof. Hecht


Auch Mobilfunksender können krank machen


Die Wirkung elektromagnetischer Strahlung im Radiofrequenzbereich


Angriff auf die Zelle


The electromagnetic spectrum in low-intensity conflict


Militärische Nutzung elektromagnetischer Strahlung

Das elektromagnetische Spektrum als Waffe im Bürgerkrieg

Folter wie im Mittelalter

In Cellular Towers' Shadows, Anxiety

Read our story covered by the Washington Post:

Please visit our website to learn more about our efforts and our
research: http://www.protectschools.org

It's important to spread the word that we need to protect children from unnecessary exposure to cell tower radiation. Feel free to forward this to friends and family.

Diana Barbera


Notice that John Moulder, a very enthousiastic industry supporter, claims that there is a tower near his home.

Iris Atzmon

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence A Plumlee
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 2:41 AM

In Cellular Towers' Shadows, Anxiety

Worried About Radiation, Parents Urge Fairfax Schools to Drop Cash Cow


By Maria Glod, Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, September 20, 2004; Page B03

Diana Barbera, a filmmaker and mother of four, turned to the Internet when she heard that Fairfax County school officials wanted to put a towering pole of wireless phone antennas at the middle school two of her children attend.

Barbera, 38, of Clifton learned that the federal government says that people near such poles encounter low levels of radio-frequency radiation but that they would have to be next to the antennas -- usually about 100 feet in the air -- to be exposed to potentially dangerous levels. She also read that some scientists question whether long-term exposure also may be harmful to people on the ground.

The way Barbera sees it, the mere possibility is reason enough to ban placement of the antennas near schools. With another Fairfax parent, Karl Polzer of Falls Church, she began speaking out against proposed cellular antenna poles before the School Board. This month, they launched http://www.protectschools.org

"People are so cautious about their kids. We buckle them up and strap bike helmets on, but there's no way I can protect them from this," Barbera said. "In 20 or 30 years, if we find out this stuff is harmful, it's too late. I'd rather err on the side of caution."

As cell phones increasingly become routine, the towers and poles that hold the antennas needed to send cellular signals are popping up next to fire stations, on the roofs of government buildings and in church steeples.

Fairfax County schools have installed poles with cell phone antennas at six schools and one administrative building, officials said. There are plans to add them at several additional schools. In most cases, the poles double as light posts at football fields.

With each telephone carrier paying to rent the space, the towers are an easy moneymaker for nonprofits. Fairfax schools receive an initial $25,000 payment for each new pole and $5,000 each time another cellular phone company adds an antenna to a pole. The companies also pay about $2,000 in rent each month, which is split between the school system and Milestone Communications, the Reston-based company that manages the contracts for the schools.

Montgomery County schools have poles at one high school and one middle school. In Prince William County, there are cellular poles at two high schools.

Officials at the Federal Communications Commission said research has shown that it is safe to live or work in the shadow of a wireless phone antenna, provided the structure meets federal standards. Bruce Romano, associate chief at the FCC's office of engineering and technology, said government experts keep up with the latest research, adding, "We haven't seen anything that raises any concerns."

John E. Moulder, director of radiation biology at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, agrees. Moulder said that on a daily basis, people come into contact with energy from television and radio broadcasting, emergency communications systems and tiny amounts from sources such as microwave ovens and garage door openers.

In his opinion, the low levels of energy around cellular towers pose no risk. "There is no reason . . . to expect that fields that low would have any impact at all," said Moulder, who added that there is a tower near his home.

Omega this is not true. The fields have strong impact.
Read under: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html

But there is debate in the scientific community about whether enough is known to proclaim cell towers safe. Last month, the International Association of Fire Fighters, a union representing firefighters in the United States and Canada, agreed to seek funding to study the issue and voted to stop adding towers until that work is completed.

In a letter supporting Polzer and Barbera, Henry Lai, a University of Washington bioengineering professor, acknowledged that the level of radiation around a cellular tower is "typically very low" and "generally considered to be harmless."

But Lai, who studies the effects of radiation, said not enough research had been done on prolonged exposure, particularly on children, who can be more sensitive to environmental factors. He said some research indicates that people who live near towers suffer from headaches and learning problems.

Lai said it's common sense to keep the poles away from schools or day-care centers until more is known. "I'm not saying there's definitely harm," Lai said. "I'm saying there's a possibility."

Gunnar Heuser, a California physician, said that his examination recently of six firefighters who worked at stations with cell towers found that they had some brain impairments. The firefighters had trouble sleeping, headaches and trouble with their balance, he said.

Heuser acknowledges that no conclusions can be made from his work because he looked at only six people, and all of them could have been exposed to other hazards at work. But he said he is seeking funding for further testing.

Fairfax County school officials said environmental experts with the school system make a point of keeping up with the latest research and are confident that the towers are safe.

Polzer and Barbera said they expect to come before the School Board again and will visit with PTAs and community associations.

James B. Burch, a Colorado State University professor who teaches environmental and occupational epidemiology, said that he is not certain that the antennas can harm people who are near them for a long time but that he would not want his children to attend a school that had a cellular pole.

"I don't think it's clear at all," Burch said. "People call and say, 'They are building a cell tower in my neighborhood. Is there any effect?' I tell them I can't say for sure if there is a hazard. Nobody really knows."

© 2004 The Washington Post Company

Microwave gun to be used by US troops on Iraq rioters


Informant: Michael Kerjman


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September 2004

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