
Omega-News Collection 13. September 2004

Antipersonnel weapons from EMRF

Health problems from Cell phones

The invisible disease


Sound Cannon

Arctic Warming 5-10 Times Faster Than Once Thought

We must get used to wars that we don't intend to win

Mysterious Booming Noises Shake Indiana Houses


Yet Another Prozac Scandal

Ankle bracelet helps stop DWI offenders

Scientists Stumped by Dead Croakers

Extinct Species Take Others Along

Rice in Asia: Too Little Iron, Too Much Arsenic

Bush Administration Cedes Comment Period Extension

'Alone' indicts neocons

CIA hid many Iraq prisoners

Bush team 'knew of abuse' at Guantánamo

Barbarians Past The Gates

Another Perverse Consequence of the “War on Terrorism”

How Many Deaths Will It Take?

War stories

'Why I turned against America'

CBS Stands By Bush-Guard Memos

The 2004 Election and Censored News

Chicago plans advanced surveillance

UK Patriot Act On Its Way


A Phone Call to John Zogby

Cheney: Vote for Bush or Die

The brave posturing of armchair warriors

Voters have no choice on Iraq

9/11 - Three Years On

The Age of Confusion

Professor warns of American empire

Americans in danger are vulnerable to dictatorship

We Stand Passively Mute

Perhaps this time we're the silent majority

War on Terrorism Looks Like a Loser

How George Bush bankrupted the war on terror

Preventive War: A Failed Doctrine

Rumsfeld's dirty war on terror

"Our Army is Only Cannon Fodder for Rumsfeld"

"A peace bloodier than war"

Hijacking Catastrophe

911 In Plane Site

The 9/11 Truth Movement

GOP's Phone Line to God

What George W Bush Doesn't Want the World To Know

Bush family history shows a dark past unseen by most

Bush is Dividing our Country

How To Beat Bush


The Yes Men

Protect The Vote

Oprah Winfrey the most powerful woman in America


Hope, Not Hate

Reach a Critical Mass

Americans in danger are vulnerable to dictatorship


From Information Clearing House

'Why I turned against America'

One man's resistance: 'Why I turned against America'

'There is no greater shame than to see your country occupied'

From Information Clearing House

Bush team 'knew of abuse' at Guantánamo

Evidence of prisoner abuse and possible war crimes at Guantánamo Bay reached the highest levels of the Bush administration as early as autumn 2002, but Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, chose to do nothing about it...


From Information Clearing House

How George Bush bankrupted the war on terror

Are we safer after invading Iraq? No. Would we be safer if we'd spent the hundreds of billions the war has cost on improving our own security at home? Yes.


Voters have no choice on Iraq

Bush's suggestion that the ''insurgents'' are mostly Arab troublemakers who have sneaked into Iraq is laughable. He has created in Iraq a nation of terrorists who will come back to haunt us.


From Information Clearing House

Bush family history shows a dark past unseen by most


From Information Clearing House

Hijacking Catastrophe


Omega-News 13. September 2004

Der CIA setzt noch mehr auf Gewalt

George W. Putin

Keine Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak

Soja-Bauern zerstören Regenwälder

Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt Jagd ab

Oberster Datenschützer will Einschränkung der Telefonüberwachung

Freiwillige Überwachung

Handel verkauft weiterhin Tropenholz aus Raubbau - Unternehmen verarbeiten Holz aus unklarer Herkunft

Oberster Datenschützer kritisiert Ausländerzentralregister

Neuer Vorstoß für ein Weltparlament

Mehr Kinder medizinisch unterversorgt

Big Brother lässt grüßen

Vernichtungen von genmanipulierten Pflanzen

Saure See schädigt Korallen

Neue Enthüllungen über George W. Bush

Schmiergelder bedrohen globale Artenvielfalt

Soja-Anbau in Südamerika wäre auch ohne massive Naturzerstörung möglich

Kritik an neuer Holzcharta der Bundesregierung

Gentechnik-Industrie macht falsche Versprechungen

Pressemitteilung vom 13. September 2004

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren demonstriert in Köln gegen ABIC 2004

"Gentechnik-Industrie macht falsche Versprechungen"

In Köln beginnt heute die Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC 2004), die nach eigenen Angaben zu den "weltweit wichtigsten Gentechnik-Konferenzen" zählt. Neben Wissenschaftlern und Politikern nehmen die 20 größten Agrar- und Nahrungsmittelmultis der Welt teil, darunter Monsanto, Nestlé, Bayer CropScience, Syngenta und BASF.

Umweltgruppen aus ganz Deutschland, darunter Greenpeace, attac und der BUND, demonstrieren heute gegen die Konferenz. Die Aktivisten errichten vor den Kölner Messehallen einen 8 m hohen Maiskolben und pflanzen ein symbolisches Versuchsfeld. Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG) kritisiert unter dem Slogan "Leben made by BAYER" das Gentechnik-Engagement des BAYER-Konzerns.

Axel Köhler-Schnura, Vorstand der CBG: "BAYER ist in Europa Marktführer für Gen-Saatgut und drängt mit gentechnisch verändertem Mais, Soja, Reis, Baumwolle und Raps auf den Markt. Ausschließlich aus Profitgründen - mit unabsehbaren Folgen für die Umwelt und die Landwirte in den Ländern des Südens."

"Die Konzerne versprechen auf der ABIC das Blaue vom Himmel: die Gentechnik soll das Welthunger-Problem lösen und den Verbrauch von Agrogiften verringern. Dabei ist Hunger ein Verteilungsproblem - durch Monokulturen und teures Gentech-Saatgut werden die Probleme noch verschärft. Und gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen brauchen auf lange Sicht nicht weniger, sondern mehr Pestizide", so Köhler-Schnura weiter. Die CBG begleitet das Unternehmen BAYER seit 25 Jahren kritisch.

BAYER hat bei der EU eine Importgenehmigung für gentechnisch veränderten Reis beantragt. Millionen Bauern in den Ländern des Südens, die bislang durch Tausch und Eigenzüchtungen ihr Saatgut selbst produzieren, drohen dadurch in Abhängigkeit von multinationalen Konzernen zu geraten oder ihre Existenz zu verlieren. Lokal angepasste Reissorten würden bei einer Zulassung durch Gentech-Sorten verdrängt, was zu erhöhtem Schädlingsaufkommen, verstärktem Einsatz von Pestiziden und einer Verringerung der Artenvielfalt führt. Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren fordert die Bundesregierung auf, bei der EU auf eine Ablehnung der Importzulassung für Gen-Reis zu drängen.

Die Zulassung von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut läuft schleppender an als von der Industrie erwartet: Belgien wies die Zulassung von genmanipuliertem Raps von BAYER zurück. In England wurde die Zulassung von Gen-Mais von BAYER ebenfalls abgelehnt.

Gerne senden wir Fotos von der Aktion in Köln zu: 0211 – 333 911, CBGnetwork@aol.com

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Tel: 0211-333 911
Fax 040 – 3603 741835

Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, ehem. MdB, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (U 2003)
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld


by Doug Bandow

September 10, 2004

George W. Bush presents conservatives with a fundamental challenge: Do they believe in anything other than power? Are they serious about their rhetoric on limited, constitutionally restrained government?

Bush appears to have remained strong in the presidential race by rallying conservatives behind him. In his convention acceptance speech he derided Sen. John Kerry's claim to represent "conservative values" and seized the mantle of promoting liberty at home and abroad.

Indeed, many conservatives react like the proverbial vampire at the sight of a cross when they consider casting a ballot for Kerry. Tom Nugent, a National Review Online contributing editor, wrote: "The last thing the Republican party needs is the reckless suggestion that conservatives vote Democratic." That is mild, however, compared with the American Conservative Union's mass e-mail solicitation headlined "Why Do Terrorists Want Kerry to Win?"

Republican partisans have little choice but to focus on Kerry's perceived vulnerabilities. A few high-octane speeches cannot disguise the catastrophic failure of the Bush administration in both its domestic and its foreign policies. Mounting deficits are likely to force eventual tax increases, reversing perhaps President Bush's most important economic legacy. The administration's foreign policy is an even greater shambles, with Iraq aflame and America increasingly reviled by friend and foe alike.

Quite simply, the president, despite his well-choreographed posturing, does not represent traditional conservatism -- a commitment to individual liberty, limited government, constitutional restraint and fiscal responsibility. Rather, Bush routinely puts power before principle. As Chris Vance, chairman of Washington state's Republican Party, told the Economist: "George Bush's record is not that conservative ... There's something there for everyone."

Even Bush's conservative sycophants have trouble finding policies to praise. Certainly it cannot be federal spending. In 2000 candidate Bush complained that Al Gore would "throw the budget out of balance." But the big-spending Bush administration and GOP Congress have turned a 10-year budget surplus once estimated at $5.6 trillion into an estimated $5 trillion flood of red ink. This year's deficit will run about $445 billion, according to the Office of Management and Budget.

Brian Riedl of the Heritage Foundation reports that in 2003 "government spending exceeded $20,000 per household for the first time since World War II." There are few programs at which the president has not thrown money; he has supported massive farm subsidies, an expensive new Medicare drug benefit, thousands of pork barrel projects, dubious homeland security grants, an expansion of Bill Clinton's AmeriCorps, and new foreign aid programs. What's more, says former conservative Republican Rep. Bob Barr, "in the midst of the war on terror and $500 billion deficits, [Bush] proposes sending spaceships to Mars."

Unfortunately, even the official spending numbers understate the problem. The Bush administration is pushing military proposals that may understate defense costs by $500 billion over the coming decade. The administration lied about the likely cost of the Medicare drug benefit, which added $8 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Moreover, it declined to include in budget proposals any numbers for maintaining the occupation of Iraq or underwriting the war on terrorism. Those funds will come through supplemental appropriation bills. Never mind that Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz had promised that reconstruction of Iraq could be paid for with Iraqi resources. (Yet, despite the Bush administration's generosity, it could not find the money to expeditiously equip U.S. soldiers in Iraq with body armor.)

Nor would a second Bush term likely be different. Nothing in his convention speech suggested a new willingness by Bush to make tough choices. Indeed, when discussing their domestic agenda, administration officials complained that the media had ignored their proposals, such as $250 million in aid to community colleges for job training. Not mentioned was that Washington runs a plethora of job training programs, few of which have demonstrated lasting benefits. This is the hallmark of a limited-government conservative?

Jonah Goldberg, a regular contributor to NRO, one of Bush's strongest bastions, complains that the president has "asked for a major new commitment by the federal government to insert itself into everything from religious charities to marriage counseling." Indeed, Bush seems to aspire to be America's moralizer in chief. He would use the federal government to micromanage education, combat the scourge of steroid use, push drug testing of high school kids, encourage character education, promote marriage, hire mentors for children of prisoners and provide coaches for ex-cons.

Conservative pundit Andrew Sullivan worries that Bush "is fusing Big Government liberalism with religious right moralism. It's the nanny state with more cash."

Yet some conservatives celebrate this approach. Kevin Fobbs and Lisa Sarrach of the National Urban Policy Action Council opine that Bush is "a strong leader, a comforter in chief." A comforter in chief?

Why, then, would any conservative believer in limited, constitutional government vote for Bush? It is fear of the thought of a President John Kerry.

Bobby Eberle of the conservative Web site GOPUSA warns, "One can only imagine the budgets that would be submitted by Kerry." President Bush has made the same point, repeatedly charging that Kerry "has promised about $2 trillion of new spending thus far." Maybe that is true, though the cost of Bush's actual performance would be hard to beat. After all, the president initiated a huge increase in the welfare state with his Medicare drug benefit bill. Veronique de Rugy of the American Enterprise Institute points out that, in sharp contrast to Presidents Reagan and Clinton, "Bush has cut none of the [federal] agencies' budgets during his first term."

Moreover, whatever the personal preferences of a President Kerry, he could spend only whatever legislators allowed, so assuming that the GOP maintains its control over Congress, outlays almost certainly would rise less than if Bush won reelection. History convincingly demonstrates that divided government delivers less spending than unitary control. Give either party complete control of government and the treasury vaults quickly empty. Share power between the parties and, out of principle or malice, they check each other. The American Conservative Union's Don Devine says bluntly: "A rational conservative would calculate a vote for Kerry as likely to do less damage" fiscally.

Maybe so, respond some conservatives, but how about the Bush tax cuts? The president tells campaign audiences: "They're going to raise your taxes; we're not." But even here the Bush record is not secure. Bruce Bartlett of the National Center for Policy Analysis points to the flood of red ink unleashed by the administration and predicts that tax hikes are inevitable irrespective of who is elected in November. That is, Bush's fiscal irresponsibility could cancel out his most important economic success for the GOP.

For some conservatives, the clincher in favor of Bush is the war on terrorism. Kerry, with more war experience than the current president and vice president combined, "resembles Neville Chamberlain," says Nugent. Answering his own hysterical question, "Why do terrorists want Kerry to win?" David Keene of the American Conservative Union says Kerry would submit to terrorists and "lead the free world to a second Munich," only this time with al-Qaida instead of Adolph Hitler.

Yet Bush's foreign policy record is as bad as his domestic scorecard. The administration correctly targeted the Taliban in Afghanistan, but quickly neglected that nation, which is in danger of falling into chaos. The Taliban is resurgent, violence has flared, drug production has burgeoned and elections have been postponed.

Iraq, already in chaos, is no conservative triumph. The endeavor is social engineering on a grand scale, a war of choice launched on erroneous grounds that has turned into a disastrously expensive neocolonial burden.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, contrary to administration claims, and no operational relationship with al-Qaida, contrary to administration insinuations. U.S. officials bungled the occupation, misjudging everything from the financial cost to the troop requirements.

Particularly shocking is the administration's ineptitude with regard to Iraq. Fareed Zakaria writes in Newsweek, "On almost every issue involving postwar Iraq -- troop strength, international support, the credibility of exiles, de-Baathification, handling Ayatollah Ali Sistani -- Washington's assumptions and policies have been wrong. By now most have been reversed, often too late to have much effect. This strange combination of arrogance and incompetence has not only destroyed the hopes for a new Iraq. It has had the much broader effect of turning the United States into an international outlaw in the eyes of much of the world."

Sadly, the Iraq debacle has undercut the fight against terrorism. The International Institute for Strategic Studies in its most recent study warns that the Iraq occupation has spurred recruiting by smaller terrorist groups around the world. And acting CIA Director John McLaughlin worries that terrorists are plotting "something big" against the United States. For a time the Pentagon considered closing its child care center, lest it become the target of an attack. NRO columnist Goldberg observes that the president's contention that the war in Iraq has made America safer "is absurd." Goldberg backs the war for other reasons, but says it was probably "the risky thing in the short run."

Bush -- not even sure himself whether the war on terrorism is winnable -- has been unable to demonstrate how Iraq has reduced the threat of terrorism against America. Instead, he says: "I need four more years to complete the work. There's more work to do to make America a safer place. There's more work to do to make the world a more peaceful place." Alas, there's more work, far more work, to do because of Bush's misguided policies.

A few conservatives are distressed at what Bush has wrought in Iraq. "Crossfire" host Tucker Carlson said recently: "I think it's a total nightmare and disaster, and I'm ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it." William F. Buckley Jr., longtime National Review editor and columnist, wrote: "With the benefit of minute hindsight, Saddam Hussein wasn't the kind of extra-territorial menace that was assumed by the administration one year ago. If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation we would be in, I would have opposed the war."

And opposed it he should have. The conflict is undermining America's values. As social critic Randolph Bourne long ago observed, "War is the health of the state." Although the Constitution is not a suicide pact, the so-called PATRIOT Act threatens some of the basic civil liberties that make America worth defending. Abu Ghraib has sullied America's image among both friends and enemies.

Still, there obviously are issues important to conservatives on which the candidates differ. On abortion and judicial appointments, for instance, Bush is clearly superior for conservatives. On business regulation Bush is probably better. For this reason Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation worries that "in punishing Bush, they [conservatives opposing him] may end up punishing the country." The administration has also sacrificed economic liberty on issues such as antitrust, telecommunications and trade.

But these differences in practice may matter little. Not much can be done on abortion given current court rulings and the fact that Bush has won approval of few of his most conservative nominees. Republican senators could limit Kerry's choices just as Democratic senators have limited Bush's choices.

Bush's record has been so bad that some of his supporters simply ask, So what? Bush is "a big government conservative," explains commentator Fred Barnes. That means using "what would normally be seen as liberal means -- activist government -- for conservative ends. And they're willing to spend more and increase the size of government in the process."

But this political prostitution is unworthy of venerable conservative principles. Undoubtedly, reducing the reach of government is not easy, and there is no shame in adjusting tactics and even goals to reflect political reality. But to surrender one's principles, to refuse to fight for them, is to put personal ambition before all else.

The final conservative redoubt is Bush's admirable personal life. Alas, other characteristics of his seem less well suited to the presidency. By his own admission he doesn't do nuance and doesn't read. He doesn't appear to reflect on his actions and seems unable to concede even the slightest mistake. Nor is he willing to hold anyone else responsible for anything. It is a damning combination. John Kerry may flip-flop, but at least he realizes that circumstances change and sometimes require changed policies. He doesn't cowardly flee at the first mention of accountability.

Some onetime administration supporters have grown disillusioned. Sullivan observes: "To have humiliated the United States by presenting false and misleading intelligence and then to have allowed something like Abu Ghraib to happen ... is unforgivable. By refusing to hold anyone accountable, the president has also shown he is not really in control. We are at war; and our war leaders have given the enemy their biggest propaganda coup imaginable, while refusing to acknowledge their own palpable errors and misjudgments."

Those who still believe in Bush have tried to play up comparisons with Ronald Reagan, but I knew Reagan and he was no George W. Bush. It's not just that Reagan read widely, thought deeply about issues and wrote prolifically. He really believed in the primacy of individual liberty and of limited, constitutional government.

In his farewell address to the nation on Jan. 11, 1989, Reagan observed: "I wasn't a great communicator, but I communicated great things." Even when politics forced him to give way, everyone knew what he stood for. Bush's biggest problem, in contrast, is not that he is a poor communicator. It is that he has nothing to communicate. Victory over terrorists, yes -- but then what American really disagrees with that goal? Beyond that there is nothing.

"Government should never try to control or dominate the lives of our citizens," Bush says. But you wouldn't know that from his policies. He has expanded government power, increased federal spending, initiated an unnecessary war, engaged in global social engineering and undercut executive accountability. This is a bill of particulars that could be laid on Lyndon Johnson's grave. No wonder "Republicans aren't very enthusiastic about" Bush, says right-wing syndicated columnist Robert Novak.

Although anecdotal evidence of conservative disaffection with Bush is common --for instance, my Pentagon employee neighbor, a business lobbyist friend, even my retired career Air Force father -- for many the thought of voting for John Kerry remains simply too horrific to contemplate. And this dissatisfaction has yet to show up in polls. Fear of Kerry, more than love of Bush, holds many conservatives behind the GOP.

Yet serious conservatives must fear for the country if Bush is reelected. Is Kerry really likely to initiate more unnecessary wars, threaten more civil liberties and waste more tax dollars? In any case, there are other choices (e.g., the Libertarian Party's Michael Badnarik, the Constitution Party's Michael Peroutka and even Independent Ralph Nader).

Serious conservatives should deny their votes to Bush. "When it comes to choosing a president, results matter," the president says. So true. A Kerry victory would likely be bad for the cause of individual liberty and limited government. But based on the results of his presidency, a Bush victory would be catastrophic. Conservatives should choose principle over power.

About the writer: Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. He served as a special assistant to President Reagan and was a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

Informant: jackie

911 In Plane Site


Informant: William Lewis

The Girlie Vote


Bush is Dividing our Country


"Our Army is Only Cannon Fodder for Rumsfeld"


Yet Another Prozac Scandal


Informant: Friends

How To Beat Bush


Informant: Friends

A Review of The Final Frontier


Informant: Friends

Oprah Winfrey the most powerful woman in America


September 10, 2004

Unfiltered 9-10-04


Millions of Americans will vote this fall on electronic voting machines with no paper trail, the safety of our democratic process is at risk! But fortunately, there is one person who can save us from tyranny and her name is Oprah.

Right now, log onto http://www.Unfilteredradio.com, follow our link to Oprah's website, and ask the most powerful woman in America to invite Bev Harris of Black-Box Voting.org, on to prime-time television.

Bev, who visited our show during the Republican National Convention will demonstrate how anybody with a hard drive and a mouse can tamper with electronic voting machines and change the vote totals.

Oprah is our only Hope-rah.

For a link to Oprah click here. (Copy and paste in browser; http://www.oprah.com )

My point is to pass bill H.R. 2239 and S.1980

Sharon and Rob

Informant: Hopedance

What George W Bush Doesn't Want the World To Know


Informant: jazzycatwanda

Hope, Not Hate

by Americans For Informed Democracy

Monday 9:05 AM

Racism and xenophobia have been the most tragic by product of the "war on terror." Show your refusal to accept this by attending one of the town hall meetings on U.S.-Islamic relations being held in 30 communities nationwide.


The third 9/11 anniversary is over, but the need for dialogue about relations between the United States and the Islamic world remains more important than ever. That's why the Hope Not Hate series, developed by Americans For Informed Democracy, is entering its second year. The program, a series of free, local town hall discussions featuring speeches by policymakers, journalists and scholars, was created for the second 9/11 anniversary to combat growing tension between the United States and the Islamic world. No town hall meeting in your area? Check out The People Speak, a larger discussion initiative that's sponsoring Hope Not Hate, to help organize a discussion close to home.

ACT NOW: http://www.hopenothate.org/home

Rumsfeld's dirty war on terror

by Seymour Hersh

The Guardian

An excerpt from Sy Hersh's new book shows that Rumsfeld and Rice both knew of the abuses in Guantanamo...


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/opinion/#001834

Protect The Vote

by Bob Herbert

The New York Times

Monday 10:02 AM

Exposing the Republican strategy to suppress the minority vote or lose.

Shining a spotlight on the intimidation of black voters, Bob Herbert lists more unconscionable election abuses and a way to deal with them. A group called the Election Protection Coalition has formed to collect and respond to reports of voter suppression. Read the article and join the movement to protect the vote...

Did a 757 really hit the Pentagon?


The Yes Men

This is just a quick note about a couple of things--and to ask you for a big, big favor.

First, we're on the road, at the moment in Oregon, doing our strange variety of campaigning. We plan to keep going, mostly through swing states, up till November 2; watch here for updates:

Also, in just two weeks, on September 24, the movie about our *last* strange round of campaigning--a three-year stint posing as WTO representatives--will be released by United Artists in New York and Los Angeles.

In "The Yes Men," a lot of powerful folks, including our current "president," find their ideas and actions exposed and skewered in crazy, funny, and horrible ways. Many of those who have seen the movie in festivals have said they left the theater enraged, engaged, and full of the urge to act; even press screenings, usually dour events, have people rolling in the aisles, then writing us heartfelt messages.

A number of viewers have even told us they think "The Yes Men" could make a difference in the thinking of "middle America." Just in case they're right, we have to do everything in our power to make sure it gets to that audience.

This is where the favor comes in. If our movie doesn't have a big opening week in New York and Los Angeles, it won't go anywhere else--that's the way it works with small films these days. For folks in smaller cities to see it, "The Yes Men" has to be seen by many thousands of people in New York and Los Angeles the week of September 24. Can you help make that happen?

This movie (like our new book, http://www.theyesmen.org/book/) has already been ringingly endorsed by George W. Bush ("There ought to be limits to freedom") and the ex-director of the World Trade Organization ("Deplorable"). But believe it or not, even such glowing reviews won't get it into theaters in Toledo and St. Paul.

So please: on September 24 or in the week thereafter, if you live in or near New York or Los Angeles, PLEASE go see "The Yes Men." Take your friends. Take your enemies. Take people you've never met. And forward this message widely.

That way, other people you've never met, who live in swing states, will get yet another dose of political education in movie form--this one coated in a thick, sugary layer of laughs.

Your friends,
The Yes Men

Too Much Arsenic

Rice in Asia: Too Little Iron, Too Much Arsenic



More bills are being passed every day, invading our privacy and monitoring our lives. WHO are these "people" who are writing these bills? They are mindless that all Rights are EQUAL and the deprivations of rights they are creating in their "rulemaking" affect their lives just like everyone else. Robots, unhuman, no human responses. Take infants off the breast at birth for no crime, sure, why not, and profit from those destroyed lives for the state machine.. .the next generation of victims to keep the system sustainable....

We watch them argue the langauge terms in the statutes they use to enforce these restrictions, codes, zones, districts, statutes, administrative rules. Right now in the legislature the representatives CANNOT DEFINE THE TERMS they are using on free people to seize our children, monitor us in our homes, cars, at school. THEY HAVE ADMITTED THERE IS NO STANDARD IN LAW. THAT THE PROCESS VARIES "FROM COUNTY TO COUNTY AND ACCORDING TO THE JUGE AND THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE TO THAT COUNTY" they admit. ALL of the information gathered on the people is used IMMEDIATELY in shared databases against the people in any way they can find - ALWAYS.

They call it "selling services" and "helping people" and "protecting children" and "saves money for the state" and is "prudent" and "good business" to pass the rules. There is NO consideration at all about the constitution or the law or the rights of the people being stripped. All the ticket writing statutues for the police state enforcers they just pass without conscience or accountability to the poeple at all. And if you ask them what they are doing they dont answer, and when you subpoena them into court they get a fellow corrupt judge to quash the subpoena, the Supreme Court refuses to make them answer..... NO COURT OF REMEDY, NO RIGHTS FOR ANY OREGONIANS. And these policies are now national, and international stututory compliance to the "PANGLOBAL" AGENDA that they have created now. They started these FRAUD courts in Oregon too, in l988 or so calling them "small world courts". No Bill of Rights considered in the process. The law prohibits EVERYTHING they are doing !!! SO CRIMINALS LIKE KEVIN MANNIX CHANGED THE WORDING IN THE CONSTITUTION TO "ALLOW" THEIR SCHEMES INSTEAD OF ADHERING TO THE CONSTITUTION. The people have to see through these deceptions.

There is BREACH between the things the legislators are writing as "law" and the process going on in the COURT where these "laws" are enforced.... where the rubber meets the road... where the REAL EVENTS occur in how these rules and statutes are exploited. Most of the legislators are not attorneys and there is a core of bar members who influence the rest of them, along with the 'bag men", their corporate interest lobbyists. As Senator Kate Brown said "it is the stack of checks that is largest and says thank you for remembering us" how the voting goes....THAT IS WHO THEY THINK THEY WORK FOR .... AND THAT THEIR JOB IS TO WRITE LAWS...... they are mosly so ignorant that if you watch them you realize you would not hire one of them for your own company... they are NOT respectable, they are the most compromised who will act for their "interest" no matter whose rights they violate to make their profit ! That is ALL that is going on ....

We all have to learn process and all legislators have to come to terms NOW with how the corrupted process in the courts is using their "lawmaking" in exploitive ways against the people, their own families and relatives are not immune.

The scary thing is that 99% of these people have no idea what we are talking about. They do not know or want to know, and refuse to listen. It is beyond amazing for courtwatchers to watch these hearings and hear them pass these bills that totally invade our lives. You watch and can't believe they would disregard the law and act in such brazen contempt for your rights as they do. When you watch it first hand you want to do anything within your power to stop them NOW on the spot, and they MUST be stopped.

These are elected and appointed officials, bar members in every "branch" and a one hands group. This is by definition collusion and racketeering, literally operating a for profit scheme of one or more acting together violating the rights of another.... way worse than an event, they are engaging in SYSTEMIC racketeering, and they pass their own "laws" to "allow" this to go on, between attorneys.

For the people there is NO REMEDY outside of us BEING the remedy ourselves. Restoring our lawful process and insisting that this happens. Start getting into the courtrooms around each others cases and in groups tell these corrupt judges that we are going to arrest them if they act in ways that violate lawful process in that courtroom. WE ARE THE AUTHORITY. WE HAVE TO ACT LIKE IT.

We are writing this in such EXTREME URGENCY that people have to STOP these bills in their tracks and there is no more time to spend arguing about their intentions. WE SEE CLEARLY THE INTENTION OF THIS CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT AND WE HAVE TO TAKE BACK AMERICA NOW. OR WE WILL NOT HAVE ANYWHERE TO STAND TO EXCERCISE OUR FREEDOM. IT IS PAST THE FINAL HOUR IF WE DO NOT ACT.

There are those who say it is too late, but it is NOT too late... it is EXACTLY the right time that we all RISE UP IN THE TRUTH about what we know and stop allowing these creatures to run other people's lives with their fear mongering and death schemes, beliefs in disease and authorities having no connection to themselves as the SOVEREIGN. We have to restore this concept if there is any hope of saving our precious freedom.

Kingdoms fall historically, brutally, we are naive to think it wont happen to our beloved America and the freedom we all think we enjoy with the Bill of Rights that we have. But is has been usurped and we have to come into the courts NOW and SPEAK THE TRUTH ON THE RECORD and make PUBLIC the things we know in all facets of this deception.

We are in a position of POWER now, most people dont realize it.... if you saw what we have seen for the past eight years changing in the court system you would know that they are exposed to the core, cannot defend anything they are doing, and are ONLY GETTING AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE THE PEOPLE OUT OF FEAR OR BELIEF GO ALONG WITH IT..... STOP BELIEVING IN OTHER AUTHORITIES IN YOUR LIFE.... LEARN about your Rights and then Excercise them, stop compromising with fear....

Our prosecutor friend and teacher Roger Weidner says to people every day "your children will put a spitoon on your grave and rightly so, for not doing anything when you had the ability to stop this".... and he is so absolutely RIGHT .

The whole ANSWER depends now on a critical mass of real honest free people with instincts intact to respond to danger. We see so little of this it is terrifying because the machine is moving more agressively than ever before.... shredding people in their corporate interest process that has taken over our judicial due process. In commerce there is no "human rights", only exhange and revenue moving.... only about money. This corporate system has now supplanted our Bill of Rights process, and there is no court of remedy for the people at this time when the state or corporate special interest is on the other side. It is ALL subverted....


This has to happen. IT is terrifying to see how quickly they are passing these abominations and enforcing them now, POLICE STATE IS HERE IF WE BEND OVER AND ALLOW THIS STATUTORY RAPE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.


This is SEEN now, that is a major step that had never happened until now. Now that we see it we have to stop it. They are moving their agenda with us watching, changing the terms of the statutes every day to allow their programs to be called "lawful" when they violate the public trust and the rights of the people blatantly. EXTREME CONTEMPT they are acting in for the people.

On our website http://www.avoiceforchildren.com we have consolidated huge amounts of relevant information to bring people up to speed on the core issues and deception we are facing. Everything about the process, our rights, the bigger picture, court process and answering questions about legal matters for free for anyone who needs help. (If you write and dont get a response please write until you do - we are swamped with new people every day, the need is unbelievable, more people every day losing everything and no redress, exploited and rendered by their "own" attorneys and judges in corrupt courts ! Ask whatever you need to !) The average people on the street seem to understand that there is corruption, that is a major break in the false trust that was going on previously.

But they do not yet see the seriousness or urgency of their own responsibility to act, to stop complying whenever they are confronted by state rules that violate their rights. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS OURSELVES AND WE HAVE TO TO IT NOW IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS HAVE TAKEN OVER OUR SOVERIEGNTY. Most legislators have no clue about what real law is, what their own rights are, that what they are engaging in is absolute criminal acts, or how the things they are passing are used by the corrupt judges as rules of court and NOT as they think they are passing them. The exploitation is within their members totally, all attorneys do is LIE.

Most people we meet do not have a clue about what sovereignty or inherent rights are, their own birthright, much less how to excercise those rights going through life. They have no idea that they are slaves due to the "implied consent" scheme compelled contract the courts move under, you are a slave and have no rights and when you say "yes" when asked "do you understand the charges" you have waivered your rights to that administrative process.... this is not understood, or that the deceptions are all in the process.

We hope that people will make use of our website to learn how to protect themselves, their children, start acting to take back America with others who also now see the core deceptions and that they each have a critical voice in the bigger picture.

The scope of the beast we face is enormous. Beyond the average people's lives completely. Corrupted judges like PAUL LIPSCOMB in Marion County moving BILLIONS $$ handling both the PERS cases and the SAIF cases, two of the biggest fraud cases in the courts, involving theft and conversion and systemic fraud in the state money..... A MAN FOUND GUILTY IN 1998 BY A JURY IN MARION COUNTY IN HIS OWN COURTHOUSE OF RACKETEERING AND CONSPIRACY. THE PEOPLE HAVE TO BRING PROSECUTION AND CONSEQUENCES NOW.

It is seen now that the whole answer is in everyone saying NO. It does not cost money to say no to them but you risk the retaliation they enact almost without exception. But that is because MORE of us have to do it.... As more people learn about their rights, and we stand together and say no more, and stop giving our personal information over at all and refuse all forms of questioning our children, assessing our lives, families..... This is a REPUBLIC on which we stand for real.

They enforce all this through courtrooms and that is where we take it back. The public record is OURS and they have taken it over. We take it back by BEING the answer. Making them come in and either defend what they are doing or we see they are lying... IT IS THAT SIMPLE PEOPLE.... IT IS NOT DEAD... IT IS WHETHER WE ACTIVATE OUR BIRTHRIGHT OR NOT THAT IS WHAT MATTERS NOW.

Please learn all you can to make the best choices when you are confronted with the one state agent and his database assessment tool... they call it "no wrong door" and they mean it. ALL the information they gather on you IS used against you. No such thing as a miranda right with this anymore, no rights at all for you when you go in and try to deal with this corporate system now. If you are not personally in there you think court to be something it is not at all in reality...

We have to start acting in the active present with what is REAL NOW.....

pamela gaston

Informant: Kathy

Wenn die Taschen plötzlich leer sind

Hilfe bei Schulden: Diakonisches Werk in Leer unter Telefon 04 91/9 27 79 14.

Hilfe beim Arbeitslosengeld II: Arbeitslosenselbsthilfe unter Telefon
04 91/22 21.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Antipersonnel weapons from EMRF

I hope I have the email address correct. Thank you for all the information you send, it is useful as I have been helping villagers here in trying to have an Orange mast moved from 14metres outside homes. They have been suffering the usual symptoms for three years now - chronic insomnia and headaches; eye problems; earache, tinnitus, vertigo and nausea etc. There have been four cases of stroke/heartattack; several cases of raised bloodpressure; two cases of inexplicable raisd white bloodcell count and 8 cases of severe, uncharacteristic nose bleeds 14 to 100 metres from the mast. Also two pets have now died of tumours after weeks of vomiting and restlessness and two other dogs have small growths on their paws which they keep chewing and having them removed by the vet (the growths return return soon afterwards).

I recently noticed at the end of the Pandora document an announcement that America is trying to develop antipersonnel weapons from Electromagnetic radiofrequency, see my highlighted copy of the document below.
Hope it is of use to you,
Yours very sincerely,

Gillian Lyden


So EMRF emissions don't have an adverse effect upon health? HOW then are the Americans developing ANTIPERSONNEL WEAPONS with them?

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I thought you should see this evidence, which all authorities responsible for placing or allowing masts to be placed near homes are ignoring. As far as I can tell, the only emissions being tested are the thermal emissions, whilst the ones causing all the health problems (and interfering with electrical /electronic hospital and 'plane equipment) are non-thermal low radio -frequency emissions. Human bodies are full of electrical energy (our brains activate muscles etc with electrical impulses) therefore it is commonsense that non-thermal emissions can also interfere with the workings of any bodies which 'get in the way' so to speak.

1. Evidence of Effects upon Health of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radio-waves.

Please compare symptoms herein with those noted near Orange mast in Kensworth.

Project Pandora

(Before I knew anything about EMRF emissions, I read an article in a magazine regarding a new weapon America was developing. I think it was called 'Heaven's Gate'. The weapon consisted of certain 'rays' which they were trying to 'bounce off the ionosphere'. It stayed in the back of my mind, because I thought how irresponsible it was for a country to use Earth's ionosphere for such a purpose without first discussing it with the rest of the world. Suppose the ionospere itself were to be damaged? What would be the effects? Can this be the weapon DARPA are developing?)

British policemen are now suffering from insomnia, headaches, nausea, vertigo and hearing loss whilst using handsets with the new Tetra masts. As have villagers in Kensworth (as well as painful, bloodshot eyes; nose-bleeds; strokes etc.) ever since the Orange mast was activated in September 2001.


INSOMNIA-NIGHT AFTER NIGHT - only relieved by going away on holiday.

EXHAUSTION (of course).




EARACHE AND TINNITUS. (These 6 symptoms are the most common symptoms, and are suffered by all the people closest to the mast)

EXTREME THIRST WITH ULCERATED MOUTHS AND THROATS; RAISED BLOOD PRESSURE, STROKES and heart attack (1 man had two strokes -1 when the mast was first activated in autumn 2002 and a worse one when it was re-activated after being off for the whole of April 2002, he is now disabled).

NOSEBLEEDS - most recently a man visiting his parents woke with his pillow soaked in blood on Christmas day. When the same thing happened on Boxing day he took his family away vowing never to return until the mast was taken away. A 16 year old boy 100m from the mast is suffering frequent, heavy nosebleeds which continued even after his nose was cauterised.

RASHES. A 15 year old girl (+ insomnia, headaches and depression) whose symptoms continue whatever treatment she has from the doctor/hospital (her dog keeps developing small tumours on its paws which have to be removed by the vet - otherwise the dog constantly chews its paws.

On Sunday June 27th, I learnt that 2 ladies having been ill and doctors unable to find the cause have finally both been diagnosed with a raised white bloodcell count - see 'PANDORA'. One of these ladies became a widow last week, when her 51 yr old husband had a massive heart attack and died suddenly. The other also has insomnia, headaches and feels tired and ill all the time.

Project Pandora

Historically the Soviet Union has invested huge sums of money and time investigating microwaves and their effects. In 1952, while the Cold War was showing no signs of thawing, there was a secret meeting at the Sandia Corporation in New Mexico between U.S. and Soviet scientists involving the exchange of information regarding the biological hazards and safety levels of EMR. The Soviets possessed the greater preponderance of information, and the American scientists were too pigheaded to take it seriously. In subsequent meetings, the Soviet scientists continued to stress the seriousness of the risks, while American scientists downplayed their importance and so humiliated them.

Shortly after the last Sandia meeting, the Soviets began covertly directing RADAR like microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, not only gathering intelligence but using embassy workers as guinea pigs for low-level EMR experiments and a means to prove their claims. Washington, D.C. was initially oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment.

The U.S. government woke up to the reality of psychotronics when from 1960 to 1965, the directed electromagnetic and microwave emissions at the U.S embassy caused a wide range of physical and mental illness among many U.S. personnel serving there. Casualties include the eventual death of the U.S. Ambassador himself. Dr Stephen Possony a one time Science Advisor to the Department of Defense, now retired, said:

"After the death of our ambassador in Moscow, due to contracting leukemia, and a couple of other employees, it suddenly dawned on us to have a real careful look at what was happening there."

Discovered in 1962, these complex set of electromagnetic signals were investigated by the CIA, which hired a consultant, Milton Zaret, and code named the research "Project Pandora". According to Zaret, the Moscow signal was composed of several frequencies, and was focused each day precisely upon the Ambassador's office, U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The intensity of the bombardment was not made public, but when the State Department finally admitted the existence of the signal, it announced that it was fairly low. These signals were measured in the short "S" and long "L" spectrum had extremely complex modulations with a pattern of variations, some of which were quite random. A Top Secret Eyes Only memorandum, dated 20 December 1966 from ARPA shows the significance of this project. This memorandum summarizes the initial results obtained from this program.

The White House has directed, through USIB [U.S. Intelligence Board] that intensive investigative research be conducted within the State Department, CIA and DoD to attempt to determine what the threat is. This national program has been coordinated by the State Department and was code named TUMS. ARPA is represented and is conducting research on a selective portion of the overall program concerned with one of the potential threats, that of the effects of low level electromagnetic radiation on man.

Project PANDORA was to include a number of parallel projects, such as Projects TUMS, MUTS, and BAZAR, involving the CIA, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), the State Department, the Navy and the Army. They were tasked to study the effects of the emitted Soviet microwaves on animals and humans. In April 1976 the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which summarized the conclusions of the study of the Moscow signal.

Subject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers

Beginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed the high frequency beams of radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which were calculated not to pick up intelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the Soviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as 1960) included (A) Malaise (B) Irritability, (C) Extreme fatigue. At this time the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary. Subsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary. Definitely tied to such radiation and the UHF/VHF electromagnetic waves are: (A) Cataracts, (B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks, (C) Malignancies, (D) Circulatory problems, and (E) Permanent deterioration of the nervous system. In most cases the after-effects do not become evident until long after exposure - a decade or more.

There was consensus among Soviet EMR researchers that a beam such as the Moscow signal was destined to produce blurred vision and loss of mental concentration. The Boston Globe reported that the American ambassador had not only developed a leukemia like blood disease, but also suffered from bleeding eyes and chronic headaches. Under the CIA's Project Pandora, monkeys were brought into the embassy and exposed to the Moscow signal; they were found to have developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts. Embassy personnel were found to have a 40 percent higher than average white blood cell count. While Operation Pandora's data gathering proceeded, embassy personnel continued working in the facility and were not informed of the bombardment until 10 years later. Embassy employees were eventually granted a 20 percent hardship allowance for their service in an unhealthful post. Throughout the period of bombardment, the CIA used the opportunity to gather data on psychological and biological effects of the beams on our American personnel.

The U.S. government has carefully studied the electromagnetic signatures and examined health affects of the Moscow signal radiation. The job was turned over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA is now developing and testing new electromagnetic antipersonnel weaponry.


Informant: GILLARROW

"A peace bloodier than war"

by Pat Buchanan



This war will not continue indefinitely. America will not tolerate it. We were persuaded by George Bush to support an invasion to remove what was said to be a grave threat. The Congress may have given the president a blank check, but this nation never signed up for an endless war to make Iraq safe for democracy. Nor will Americans pay an endless price in blood to achieve it. If George Bush believes we will, he misreads America...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Perhaps this time we're the silent majority

by Dave Lindorff



Here's an intriguing thought: Maybe opposition to President Bush is much more widespread than anyone suspects, because people are afraid to say what they are really thinking. I got an inkling of this when I was speaking to a group of people who came to a Borders Bookstore in Villanova, PA last night where I was talking about my new book, This Can't Be Happening! Several people there, some who identified themselves as Democrats, and some who somewhat sheepishly admitted to being Republicans, said that they felt intimidated in their own neighborhoods about expressing their opposition to the Iraq War and their dislike of President Bush. The Republicans in particular seemed nervous about expressing their thoughts and one told me she was afraid to tell neighbors her opinions about the war and about the president...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The brave posturing of armchair warriors

by Norman Solomon



The prevailing rhetoric insists that any alternative to current U.S. wars is unthinkable. No less than Saadoun Hammadi two years ago, the president and vice president like to use the royal 'we' when discussing military action they favor. But the underlying message, decoded, can be understood as: 'Let's you and them fight.' During the next weeks, to a large degree, hopes for the Bush-Cheney ticket may hinge on the willingness of the news media to ignore such realities. Historically, the USA's media establishment has been overly fond of 'leadership' in Washington that sends other people off to kill and be killed -- routinely, as in the case of the Iraq war, on the basis of lies. Government officials who glorify other people's patriotic deaths are rarely eager to partake of such glory themselves. Cases in point: Saadoun Hammadi. Dick Cheney. George W. Bush...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

'A Peace Bloodier Than War'




Ankle bracelet helps stop DWI offenders

Police may soon have a new high-tech tool to help prevent DWI offenders from repeating their mistakes. It's an ankle bracelet that allows police to monitor someone's alcohol level 24 hours a day. Don White is with the Alcohol Monitoring Systems. “So this is the first offender or patient bracelet that tests them consistently.?The idea's similar to a house arrest ankle bracelet. Once a court orders the offender to wear it, probation officers will know when the offender's drinking 24 hours a day. “We're able to test the molecules of ethanol that are coming off the ankle because five percent of everything you drink comes out you're body and we capture that,?White explained.

The bracelet, knowns as SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor), automatically tests the sweat every hour. Even if the offender is at a bar or anywhere away from home, the ankle bracelet tests the alcohol level and when that offender gets home the information is automatically downloaded through a modem. So far the system's been protested in court 60 times but each time police have prevailed.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - September 13th, 2004

UK Patriot Act On Its Way

Red Alert: UK Patriot Act On Its Way

All well-meaning people need to take action against the Civil Contingencies Bill now before the House of Lords. This extremely dangerous Bill would give the Government the legal power to put an end to democratic institutions and civil liberties in the UK. Believe it or not, it's true. No exaggeration. Lord Lucas, speaking in the House of Lords during the July 5th second reading, came to the point: "Are we opening up our system to the equivalent of what happened in Germany in 1933, where it became possible for an extreme party legitimately to hijack a democracy and turn it into something totalitarian? . . . They [the New Labour Government] appear to want a role of issuing diktats." He concluded by calling for amendments to the Bill which would safeguard our rights, "or we are signing our death warrant as a democracy".
That is exactly the issue and the menace. Lord Lucas was not exaggerating.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - September 13th, 2004

Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen hochfrequenter Strahlenexposition


Nachricht von Dr.Wolfgang Burk
übermittelt von Gerd Zesar

Das halbseitige Waldsterben!?
von Dr.Wolfgang Burk

Extinct Species Take Others Along

USA: Extinct Species Take Others Along, Study Finds


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September 2004

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