
Mobilfunkantennen belasten das Blutbild


Let's play Curveball

Was eine deutsche Geheimdienstinformation über die Bereitung des Angriffskrieges gegen den Irak offenbart...


Widerstand gegen die Errichtung neuer Antennen

Schweiz: Widerstand gegen die Errichtung neuer Antennen

Die drei schweizerischen Mobiltelefon-Anbieter - Swisscom, Sunrise und Orange - werden im nächsten Herbst einen UMTS-Service anbieten. Sie sind verpflichtet, eine UMTS-Flächenabdeckung für 50% der Bevölkerung bis Ende 2004 zu gewährleisten. Einerseits wartet man gespannt auf die neuen Dienstleistungen der 3. Generation von Mobiltelefonen. Andererseits werden die UMTS-Antennen überall in der Schweiz bekämpft.

Ein Lagebericht aus der Schweiz ist im Internet unter http://www.swissinfo.org/zu finden.

Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 26.08.2004

’Naila-Studie’ sollte an anderen Orten wiederholt werden

Einen Monat nach der Präsentation der Nailaer Ärztestudie äußerte deren Initiator Dr. Wolf Eger in einem Interview mit der „Frankenpost“ seinen Wunsch nach einer Wiederholung der Studie an anderen Orten in Deutschland. „Wir möchten Ärzte dazu motivieren, ebenfalls in diese Richtung zu forschen“, so Eger. Die Resonanz auf die von ihm initiierte Studie sei geradezu überwältigend. Laut Eger waren es nicht nur Privatleute, die mit ihm sprechen wollten, sondern auch Vertreter etlicher Behörden. Die Liste reiche vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz über das Umweltministerium bis hin zum Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittel. „Sie alle haben Interesse gezeigt“, sagte Eger. Mit den Behördenvertretern stehe er nun in engem Kontakt.


Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 26.08.2004

Zahlreiche Krebserkrankungen in Polizeiwachstube

Salzburg: Zahlreiche Krebserkrankungen in Polizeiwachstube

Im Polizei-Wachzimmer des Salzburger Hauptbahnhofes gibt es eine ungewöhnliche Häufung von Krebserkrankungen. Innerhalb der vergangenen zehn Jahre sind sieben Beamte an Krebs erkrankt. "Das jüngste Krebsopfer war erst 27 Jahre alt", zeigte sich Polizeigewerkschafter Günther Nemetz besorgt. Die Beamten sind allerdings an unterschiedlichen Krebsarten gestorben. Die Landessanitätsdirektion führt derzeit Messungen zur Ursachenermittlung durch. Die Messungen der Umweltmedizin konzentrierten sich bisher vor allem auf elektromagnetische Felder, aber auch nach Schadstoffen wie Asbest oder Lösungsmitteln in der alten Bausubstanz wird gesucht. Erste Untersuchungsergebnisse sollen Anfang September vorliegen.


Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 26.08.2004

When the price is right

Our political parties are no longer governed by the people but by the extremely wealthy

Nick Cohen

Sunday August 29, 2004

The Observer


Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.

ACLU Applauds Court Decision in Manual Recount Lawsuit in FLORIDA

TALLAHASSEE – In a decision that may pave the way for the use of voter-verified paper trails on touch-screen voting systems, a state administrative judge today issued a final order striking down as invalid an administrative rule that prohibits manual recounts on computerized voting machines.

“The Secretary of State now has the responsibility to work with elections supervisors to identify mechanisms, including voter-verified paper trails, to perform a manual recount as the law requires," said co-counsel Alma Gonzalez of the Voter Protection Coalition Round Table. “Rather than spending tax payer dollars to appeal today’s decision, the Secretary of State should work with us to assure compliance with Florida’s manual recount requirement.”

Florida Administrative Law Judge Susan Kirkland issued the 22-page ruling late this afternoon in a lawsuit filed July 7 by a coalition of groups, including the ACLU of Florida, Common Cause Florida, Florida Voters League and the Florida State Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Kirkland said the rule was an "invalid exercise of legislative authority delegated to the Secretary of State."

"A recount has to be more than just a reprint of the votes," said Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLU) of Florida. “Performing manual recounts in close or disputed elections is necessary not only to ascertain the intent of the voter, but to verify the integrity of the data on each machine.

“Mere assertions by state officials that everything is OK do not restore voter confidence," added Simon. "Today’s decision upholding the law requiring manual recounts will increase voter confidence in our electoral process."

“Today's decision now frees county supervisors of elections in those counties using touch-screen voting systems to make arrangements for a manual recount as required by Florida," said Tallahassee attorney Jerry G. Traynham, lead counsel in the lawsuit.

The administrative rule – issued in April – prohibits manual recounts on the computerized voting machines called Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting equipment in cases of a close election. The groups argued it violates a state law mandating manual recounts of "over votes" and "under votes" when the margin in an election is less than one-quarter of one percent of the votes cast.

State elections officials have argued that manual recounts are not required for touch-screen voting systems because the DRE systems do not permit “over votes,” and they also argue that an analysis of “under votes” will not determine voter intent. Judge Kirkland answered the state's by noting that "This assertion may be true if the software or hardware on the voting machine does not malfunction. It does not deal with a malfunction situation in which what actually appeared on the screen when the vote was cast was not what was actually recorded by the machine. It is not known whether such a malfunction has accurred in Florida because a copy of the screen image is not maintained."

The DRE voting machines have had their share of technical problems in the past. In one election held in Homestead, Florida in October of 2003, the audit logs failed to register the votes cast on five machines. The audit trail problems in Miami-Dade County were alarming enough to cause one county official to state in a memo that the inaccuracy "would be cause for investigation and research - a lot of questions would be raised."

During a special election for District 91 of the Florida House of Representatives, a recount was not conducted even though the margin of victory was 12 votes and there were more than 130 ballots that were invalidated as "under votes."

The lawsuit is ACLU of Florida et al. v. Florida Department of State.

Alessandra Soler Meetze asoler@aclufl.org
Communications Director
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida
4500 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 340
Miami, FL 33137-3227
Phone: (305) 576-2337, ext. 16
Fax: (305) 576-1106

Visit the ACLU of Florida on-line at www.aclufl.org

Miami: Howard Simon, 786-208-7103 (cell) or Alessandra Soler Meetze,
Communications Director, (786) 208-7203 (cell)

Informant: Jack Topel

1500 Aktivisten auf dem Schlachtfeld

Genfood:1500 Aktivisten auf dem Schlachtfeld

Bad Seeds


Informant: SIUHIN

Join the Reclaim-the-Commons Mobilization

Join the Reclaim-the-Commons Mobilization!!!

Informant: Planttrees


Two extremely critical and quietly revolutionary forest protection bills have passed most of the hurdles in the state legislature--and now is the critical time to really push for the HERITAGE TREE bill (SB 754) to pass the state assembly (vote is on WEDNESDAY), and to pressure the Governor to sign the JACKSON STATE FOREST bill (SB 1648)--which just passed the assembly--into law (he could easily back those hacks at CDF and veto it, but we have until Sep 10 on this one).

Heritage Tree bill. Email Your Assembly member (go to
http://www.assembly.ca.gov to find out who she or he is), and call Fabian Nunez, Assembly Speaker at 916-319-2046 and Dario Frommer, Majority Leader at 916-319-2043 and ask them to support this bill! I just called the them and they are counting the calls!!! For more information visit http://www.ancienttrees.org or call (510) 444-4710 x312.

Jackson State Forest. Go to http://www.jacksonaction.org to automatically send a fax to Arnold and find out more about this important bill! Or email him at governor@governor.ca.gov!!!

With the fever of Iraq, the RNC, and the upcoming elections, it's difficult, but please take a short moment for our forests. These bills are critical steps toward a very different mentality around the environment--we are very close to passing them. The Heritage Tree bill says that there are some things more important than private property rights; the Jackson State Forest bill puts the will of the people over that of the agency and Big Timber. With your help, they will pass!!!

More Soon!

Mary Bull, Co-Director
Greenwood Earth Alliance
Save the Redwoods/Boycott the Gap Campaign
252 Frederick Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
415-731-7924 chalicenew@earthlink.net http://www.gapsucks.org

Informant: Planttrees

Playing Politics With Torture

Command Responsibility: Playing Politics With Torture

`Green' home


Source: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 16, Issue 15

Hunderte Bush-Gegner festgenommen


Is Lady Liberty a Terrorist?


Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


Informant: billder

Die Amerikaner kontrollieren gar nichts! Nicht mal sich selbst!


Informant: Henner Ritter

Voter Intimidation and Suppression in America Today


Informant: Laurel

Principle for Macro Energy Generation Utilizing Barium Plasmas


Planning for World's End


Informant: kevcross5

Die Fieberkurve der Erde steigt

Nirgendwo lässt sich in der Nähe menschlicher Zivilisation die Auswirkungen des Klimawandel so eindrucksvoll beobachten wie durch das Abschmelzen der Alpengletscher. Die Gletscher haben Schweiß auf der Stirn...



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