
Preserving The Amazon Rainforest

Preserving The Amazon Rainforest...
Step One: Defeat Fatalism


Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Die Beeinflussung vegetativer Zentren im Kurzwellenfeld


Fernmeldetechniker kritisiert Mobilfunk-Technologie


The beginning of history

Fahrenheit 9/11 has touched millions of viewers across the world. But could it actually change the course of civilisation?


Informant: Friends

Swift Tactical Lies

Supporters for both Kerry and Bush are getting personal and nasty. But Bush's camp is also getting false.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Swift Tactical Lies

LA Times Editorial Board

America needs to be talking about petroleum dependence, fiscal imbalance, global warming and suburban sprawl. Instead, we've been stuck on 35-year-old Swift boats. Here, the LA Times Editorial Board explains what the Swift boat episode reveals about these bottom-feeding campaigns: "The pro-Kerry campaign is nasty and personal. The pro-Bush campaign is nasty, personal and false." [Free, one-time registration required]

The Bad Samaritan

Bush is creating more homeless people. Maybe he didn't read his Bible that carefully.

Richard Pretorius
Tuesday 10:13 AM

In the Bible, the Good Samaritan picks up a wounded traveler from a different ethnic group and gives him a subsidy for housing and health care. Richard Pretorius says Bush is doing the opposite by ending $1.6 billion in subsidies-creating homelessness. He'd rather you see only his $70 million "Samaritan Initiative," a cynical faith-based initiative that barely merits the term Band-Aid.

Forscher wollen mit neuen Netzen und Signaltechnik Schweinswale retten

Meeresschutz: Forscher wollen mit neuen Netzen und Signaltechnik Schweinswale retten


Jahr für Jahr ertrinken weltweit 300.000 Meeressäugetiere in Stellnetzen, die zum Fischfang entlang der Küsten aufgestellt werden. Es verenden besonders viele Schweinswale, die es auch in Nord- und Ostsee gibt. Allein in der Nordsee rechnet man mit 7.000 toten Schweinswalen pro Jahr. Zwei Kieler Meeresbiologen arbeiten daran, dieses verheerende Massaker zu vermindern. Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), die Gesellschaft zum Schutz der Meeressäugetiere (GSM) und T-Mobile unterstützen das Projekt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Leben ist kein Abfall

Fischereipolitik: "Leben ist kein Abfall" - Tote Meerestiere werben für Schutzgebiete


Mit mehreren tausend toten Meerestieren protestierten Greenpeace-Aktivisten am Dienstag auf dem Marienplatz in München gegen die derzeitige Fischereipolitik und für die Einrichtung von Meeresschutzgebieten in Nord- und Ostsee. Die Umweltschützer präsentierten die toten Tiere auf Tischen vor dem Rathaus, unter einem Banner mit der Aufschrift: "Leben ist kein Abfall". Die Demonstration in München ist Teil der Meeresschutz-Kampagne, an der insgesamt sechs europäische Greenpeace-Büros beteiligt sind.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

New Lawsuits Aim at Bush EPA Action Enabling Millions of Fish Kills


Stealth Virus


Stealth Virus Application to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Stealth Viruses

Mind Control - Bewußtseinskontrolle


Big Brother is watching you


RFID Chips


RFID Chips


Idea of implanting ID tags raises Orwellian fears

Applied Digital formed a division named after the chip and says it has sold about 7,000 of the electronic tags. An estimated 1,000 have been inserted in humans, mostly outside the United States, with no harmful physical side effects reported from the subcutaneous implants, the company said.


Idea of implanting ID tags raises Orwellian fears

By Michael Kanellos
Staff Writer, CNET News.com

August 23, 2004 4:00 AM PT

There's not a lot of middle ground on the subject of implanting electronic identification chips in humans.

Advocates of technologies like radio frequency identification tags say their potentially life-saving benefits far outweigh any Orwellian concerns about privacy. RFID tags sewn into clothing or even embedded under people's skin could curb identity theft, help identify disaster victims and improve medical care, they say.

Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person's every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy. Abuse could take countless other forms, including corporations surreptitiously identifying shoppers for relentless sales pitches. Critics also speculate about a day when people's possessions will be tagged--allowing nosy subway riders with the right technology to examine the contents of nearby purses and backpacks.

Informant: Anna Webb

Protest Bush Administration Attacks on Human Rights of People Affected by the Mental Health System

In the midst of the huge NYC demonstrations of the Republican National Convention, you are invited by MindFreedom member Rita DiCarlo to peacefully protest President Bush to "Stop the War on Our Brains."

E-mail Rita at mindaidproj@aol.com and go to:

Human Rights in the Mental Health System

Psychiatric Survivors Inside United Nations.

In a mad mad world, perhaps psychiatric survivors have some good advice for a troubled planet?

Today begins two weeks of meetings in the UN on disability and human rights. MindFreedom, which is accredited by the UN as a Non Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status, has a team of psychiatric survivors participating.

MindFreedom is calling on the UN to join the World Health Organization in declaring a "Global Emergency" of human rights violations in the mental health system.

Read more here:

Vorsicht Hartz IV

Der MieterInnenverein Witten und die für den EN-Kreis zuständige Arbeitslosenberatung des HAZ haben ein vierseitiges Info zu Hartz IV erstellt, das gegen Ende der Woche im Druck vorliegen wird: http://tinyurl.com/52fcm

Das Info konzentriert sich auf knappe Hinweise und Tipps, die man vor und bei der Antragstellung beachten sollte.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Knut Unger

MieterInnenverein Witten u. Umg. e.V.
im Mieterforum Ruhr, DMB
Habitat Netz e.V., Witten
Witten Tenants Association, Habitat Net, Germany
Bahnhofstr. 46 D-58452 Witten
Postfach 1928 D-58409 Witten
Tel. ++49-(0)2302-276171
Fax. ++49-(0)2302-27320

Tel. Stephan Schulze-Bentrop, HAZ: 02324-591150

Über 130 000 Montagsdemonstranten - Zuspruch steigt


Über 130 000 Montagsdemonstranten - Zuspruch steigt

Zu Rechenexempeln der Medien, nach denen der Zuspruch zu den Montagsdemonstrationen mit 70 000 hinter dem der Vorwoche zurückgeblieben sei, erklärt Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Auch wenn es am Ausgangspunkt der Montagsdemonstrationen in Magdeburg gestern mit 8000 Demonstranten etwas weniger als in den Vorwochen waren, ist dies beileibe kein bundesweit zu verzeichnender Trend.

Vorschnelle Rechenexempel am gestrigen Abend berücksichtigten nicht die Vielzahl von insgesamt 150 Demonstrationen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Nach Informationen der PDS in den Ländern haben gestern über 130 000 Menschen an den Demonstrationen teilgenommen. Die Angaben stützen sich auf Mitteilungen der Veranstalter und der Polizei.

Demnach ist der Zuspruch gegenüber der Vorwoche deutlich gestiegen. Der Schwerpunkt der Demonstrationen liegt im Osten. Allein in Sachsen waren 42 000 Menschen auf den Straßen, in Sachsen-Anhalt 20 000, in Brandenburg 17 000, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Berlin jeweils 15 000 und in Thüringen, wo die Demonstrationen wie in der Landeshauptstadt zum Teil traditionell am Donnerstag stattfinden, 12 000.

Auch im Westen sind steigende Teilnehmerzahlen zu registrieren. So haben in NRW an 29 Veranstaltungen insgesamt 8300 Menschen teilgenommen. In weiteren westdeutschen Städten gab es Demonstrationen mit insgesamt mehreren Tausend Teilnehmern.

Wenn die Ostdeutschen nun wieder auf die Straße gehen und dies im Westen zunehmend Resonanz findet, ist das Ausdruck eines wachsenden demokratischen Selbstbewusstseins. Ich warne davor, dass mit "Augen zu und durch" zu beantworten. Die Demonstranten erwarten Lösungen von der Politik und schlagen selbst solche vor. Es muss das nahe liegende Ziel sein, das Inkrafttreten von Hartz IV zu verhindern. Hartz IV ist Gift für den Osten und strukturschwache Regionen im Westen. Das wissen die Demonstranten, sie werden deshalb wiederkommen. Die Politik muss sich wieder daran orientieren, Menschen existenzsichernde Arbeit zu ermöglichen, statt sie auf möglichst niedrigem Niveau zu alimentieren.

Der Parteivorstand der PDS teilt das Anliegen der Demonstranten und unterstützt dieses. Er empfiehlt deshalb den Mitgliedern der PDS, sich weiterhin an den gewaltfreien Demonstrationen zu beteiligen. Zugleich ist er der Auffassung, dass keine politische Partei oder Organisation diese Aktionen für ihre Interessen und Zwecke vereinnahmen kann und sollte.

Die Demonstrationen erinnern nicht zufällig an die Vorgänge des Herbstes 1989. Damals war die herrschende Politik unfähig, die Anliegen der Demonstranten aufzunehmen, zu verstehen und Veränderungen einzuleiten. Die heutige und ausdrückliche Berufung auf die damaligen Montagsdemonstrationen ist nach unserer Auffassung deshalb legitim und richtig. Ihre Verunglimpfung durch verschiedene Politiker zeigt, dass diese nicht in der Lage sind, die tatsächlichen sozialen Probleme vieler Menschen zu verstehen. Die Demonstrationen sind entgegen der Behauptung des Bundeskanzlers Schröder keine Volksfront von CDU und PDS, sondern sind eine eigenständige soziale Bewegung von Teilen der Bevölkerung selbst. Sie ist eine Bewegung, die sich vor rechtsextremer Vereinnahmung zu schützen weiß.

URL: http://sozialisten.de/presse/presseerklaerungen/view_html?zid=22991
Datum: 24.08.2004
© www.sozialisten.de

Pressemitteilungen der PDS

Depleted Uranium for Australia ?

As I write this, US AC-130 gunships are raking insurgent strongholds within the city of Najif with cannon and howitzer fire. More than likely the ammunition is Depleted Uranium (DU) which is now a conventional weapon according to the Pentagon. If so, who will decontaminate the city before the kids start to play with the stuff?

A long away from Australia and the media reports nothing on the DU poisoning of Iraq. Perhaps however it will get closer to home, especially for the residents of Shoalwater Bay in Queensland. The Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area was created in bushland north-east of Rockhampton in 1965. It covers 270,000 hectares on land and 180,000 hectares at sea, it is where the Australian navy, army and air force has long engaged in joint military exercises, including with international forces. It is regarded as one of only a few air weapons ranges in the world able to accommodate training with all conventional weapons. Now it is to become a joint training base with the US military, an organisation that considers DU as a 'conventional' weapon.

Some weeks ago I was listening to the parliamentary broadcast when Shoalwater was mentioned. Many questions were asked, including whether or not the Americans would be using DU ammunition while training at the base. This was one question that was NOT answered by the government and I can assume that is because that possibility is still open. In other words 450,000 hectares of Australia territory faces becoming radioactive waste land if DU is used.

Will DU be used at Shoalwater Bay? That is the question that needs to be answered before the shells start falling.

Funny thing - If the Fed. government even hinted at making a nuclear waste dump at Shoalwater there would be an almighty cry of protest from Queenslanders. However nuclear waste dumps are strictly controlled to ensure no radioactivity gets into the environment (at least fore a few thousand years or so). Not so with a DU testing range - it will be blowing in the wind tomorrow...

The following article has a bit of conspiracy theory about it but with the US Bush administration and its shadowy neo-conservative backers who knows?

Don Maisch

Depleted Uranium : Dirty Bombs, Dirty Missiles, Dirty Bullets

Oil's slippery slope

by Pepe Escobar

Asia Times


As the neo-conservative dream of a 'liberated Iraq came true in April 2003, who would have predicted that 16 months later oil would become the ultimate time bomb for the Bush administration? And the Saudi royal/oil family cavalry is not exactly coming to the rescue .... Cheap oil is the Holy Grail of the Bush administration's global strategy. According to the sanitized version of US Vice President Dick Cheney's secret energy report published in May 2001 -- the work sessions and the people involved remain classified information -- the US in 2020 will be importing 66% of its oil, against 55% in 2001. So, the report says, oil is 'the priority of America's foreign and trade policy,' and 'Russia, Central Asia, the Caspian, the Gulf countries and Western Africa' need 'special attention.' This, in the long term, represents one of the explanations for the invasion of Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Neocon treason

by Paul Craig Roberts



The neocons have declared America at war with 1 billion Muslims who have done us no harm. Simultaneously, the neocons destroyed our traditional alliances. Instead of isolating a terrorist enemy, neocons have isolated America. ... It is impossible to fight al-Qaeda by invading and occupying Muslim countries. Bush's invasion of Iraq has achieved nothing for the U.S. but death and expense. For al-Qaeda it has radicalized the Muslim world and created recruits...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The 9/11 Commission charade


by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


These hearings amount to nothing more than current government officials meeting with former government officials, many of whom now lobby government officials, and agreeing that we need more government! The current and past architects of the very bureaucracy that failed Americans so badly on September 11th three years ago are now meeting to recommend more bureaucracy. ... Does this surprise anyone?...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Being pro-war is not necessarily patriotic

by Ivan Eland

Independent Institute


As the 21st century dawns, Americans have come to define patriotism as uncritical support of war and the military. In this year's presidential campaign, John Kerry touts his war exploits in Vietnam, and those with connections to George W. Bush try to rewrite this history decades later. The president dresses up in military garb and lands on an aircraft carrier, pretending to be a war hero to make people forget that he avoided the danger of conflict years earlier. ... The profligate use of the war metaphor in unrelated matters demonstrates that the glorification of war runs deep in contemporary America...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Voting machine test results "off-limits" to the public



The three companies that certify the nation's voting technologies operate in secrecy and refuse to discuss flaws in the ATM-like machines to be used by nearly one in three voters in November. Despite concerns over whether the so-called touch-screen machines can be trusted, the testing companies won't say publicly whether they have encountered shoddy workmanship. They say they are committed to secrecy in their contracts with the voting machines' makers -- even though tax money ultimately buys or leases the machines. 'I find it grotesque that an organization charged with such a heavy responsibility feels no obligation to explain to anyone what it is doing,' Michael Shamos, a Carnegie Mellon computer scientist and electronic voting expert, told lawmakers in Washington. The system for 'testing and certifying voting equipment in this country is not only broken, but is virtually nonexistent,' Shamos added...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Your Children are Burning



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