

GCAP Global Call to Action against Poverty

On 10 September, ahead of the UN Summit, people across the world will unite in the second GCAP mobilization - to demand that world leaders Wake-Up to Poverty. Thousands of people will be holding breakfast meetings with politicians, all night vigils, rallies outside state buildings, jamborees, petitions and early morning press calls. World leaders will literally be waking-up to the voices of people demanding action to end poverty before they depart for the UN Summit. These actions will be mirrored in New York on 14 September, the opening day of the Summit, with a stunt including alarm clocks to 'Wake-up' the delegates. Millions of people will also be wearing white bands - the symbol of the campaign - to show their solidarity for an end to poverty.

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Monaz Haque

Support Tanga coastal Zone Conservation and Development Program

Show your support. The Tanga Coastal Zone Conservation and Development Programme is an integrated coastal management programme with a current emphasis on the marine environment The Programme is working with key government sectors of the three coastal administrative Districts within Tanga Region and 20 village communities in addressing priority management issues. The strategy of the Programme is to deal with a small number of priority issues in localised areas. This is based on a project cycle of listening, piloting, demonstrating and mainstreaming and led to the program mainly addressing the priority issue of declining fish catches and its principal causes.


This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Naira P.


Tell Congress: Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

If you haven't participated in this urgent action, please sign them now.

(1) We have one last chance to block destructive oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Signatures: 5,312 Goal: 50,000 Deadline: Ongoing... This is it: the most important vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will take place in September - and we need your signature today.

The showdown vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- America's greatest wildlife sanctuary -- will occur in both the House and Senate in mid-September. A provision to open the Refuge to drilling is expected to be buried in the massive Budget Reconciliation Bill.

Please sign this petition to your Senators and Representative today to urge a vote against the Budget Reconciliation bill! The stakes for the Arctic Refuge have never been higher.

For years, we have been fighting to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, America's greatest wildlife sanctuary, from destructive oil drilling - and we are now gearing up for the final vote, slated for right after Labor Day.

In September Congress will vote on the Budget Reconciliation Bill, which will likely include a provision to allow drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge.

This vote will be extremely close - the House passed their version of the budget bill last spring by only three votes, and the Senate by only five. Big Oil, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Interior Secretary Gale Norton are pulling out all stops to again prevail.

(2) Judgement Day at Hand for Arctic Refuge

(3) Tight vote expected as Club targets Republican moderates

Get Started: Sign Our Petition! http://www.sierraclub.org/petition/arctic/

(4) Campaign to Save Arctic Refuge Continues http://www.savearcticrefuge.org/ (another action to sign)

This message was sent by Care2 Connect member: Suzanne K.


Save Petty's Island

Please sign, forward and crosspost as you see fit.

Please sign the petition to save Petty's Island.This island Btwn Nj
and PA) is home to many endangered animals/birds and plants. It is in danger of being developed.

"We, the undersigned citizens, hereby petition the NJ Governor, U.S. Senators, and Congresspersons to take action to preserve Petty's Island and its endangered American Bald Eagles and other threatened and endangered species. We urge them to call on the New Jersey Natural Lands Trust and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to accept Citgo Corporation's offer to clean up Petty's Island and to grant a conservation easement as a free gift to the public so that the island will become permanent open space and stay home to the many animals/birds and plants that live there. We say NO to building on the island, as it would upset the natural environment found on Petty's Island by encroaching on the habitat of the wild."


Earth First! Philadelphia

Informant: defendersofatwa



Help Health Freedom

"Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal." - Arthur Schopenhauer

As you may know, defending health freedom is an intensive task. It requires strong marketing, strong legal tactics, strong presentation skills, and a strong stomach. We at the Natural Solutions Foundation (sponsors of HealthFreedomUSA.org) will keep going strong to defend health freedom, no matter the ups and downs we face in our chosen task. Our task is campaigning to protect health freedom. This campaign is a process, and as such, we must constantly evolve it.

What have we accomplished so far?

Here are some major achievements:

* 2,519 letters sent by Americans around the country, in just one month, telling Congress to protect the U.S. from CODEX - all states are now covered... there is now not one Congressional Delegation that has not at least heard about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (and that's a fine first step). Thank goodness for the Internet! Of course, we are not the only organization campaigning for health freedom. Kudos to all other organizations who are doing similar work. As far as I know though, we are the only ones with a Citizen's Petition for health freedom.

* 2,531 letters sent to urge Congress to take action on the illegal pro-CODEX policy of the US CODEX Office (in just one month)

* Over 400 letters in only 4 days to urge Congress to reject Susan Davis' health freedom destroying HR3156 bill

* Over 3,000 new subscribers to our mailing list in just one month

* On average, around 1,700 unique visitors to web site per day (and growing all the time)

* 3 Congressmen signing our Citizen's Petition, with another commending our work (more about this in a future newsletter)

Furious action is on its way, as soon as Dr. Laibow has taken care of pressing administrative tasks after returning from Rome. We have not even begun to seriously market the web site, so imagine what we will achieve when we implement our full marketing strategy!

Your Unique Perspective Can Help Us Better Defend Health Freedom.

HealthFreedomUSA.org is working well. However, we want to make it so much better. We want to make it so good in fact, that we hardly miss anyone who visits. Currently, about 20% of people who visit take action on the letters to Congress. While that is quite an achievement (a 5% conversion ratio is considered great success in the Internet marketing industry), we are not satisifed. We think we can do even better.

And we want to hear from you.

You've visited the site, you've experienced it, and you've used it. You have a perspective on it that is incredibly valuable.

Help our web designer improve the site by answering a few simple questions on a very simple online survey that we have setup. The survey is anonymous, and I'd like to ask you to please take a few minutes right now and complete it (it only takes a minute or so):


Your survey response will contribute to making HealthFreedomUSA.org even better, and therefore, you will be directly contributing to the defense of health freedom.

I thank you beforehand for your help.

Yours in Health and Freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation rima.laibow@healthfreedomusa.org http://www.healthfreedomusa.org

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." - Anais Nin



Activists in Northern California Need Help in their fight to shut down Evergreen pulp mill


My name is Elizabeth Eytchison and I live in Eureka in far northern California. I am a long time Green. We need any information, ideas, or suggestions that might help us in our fight to shut down Evergreen pulp mill.

On June 28, the North Coast Air Quality Management Hearing Board, after hearing approximately 10 hours of evidence, legal arguments and citizen testimony, spent about 20 minutes in “deliberation” and voting to allow Evergreen Pulp, Inc. a variance to violate existing air regulations until December 31, 2005. This 40 year old, poorly maintained pulp mill has been out of compliance with existing air regulations for the last 30 months. In December 2004 a raid by representatives of the California Fish and Game, Humboldt Sheriff’s office, District Attorney and FBI, after a whistleblower’s report of massive illegal waste disposal, resulted in a temporary closure and the Water Quality Control Board proposed a $1.7 million fine against the mill owners.

In 2005 the mill was bought by Lee and Man of Hong Kong. Lee and Man are one of Asia’s largest paper manufacturers and the mill was reopened as Evergreen Pulp Inc. Various “source tests” through April conducted for particulate matter (PM) air missions from two parts of the plant indicated the air emissions exceeded permit standards by approximately 200 %. Despite resident protests the new owners were granted a temporary variance to release 18 tons of unauthorized waste into the air between March and May while they “tweaked” problems with equipment. For years the mill has been considered a source of harmful chemicals such as Methanol, Acetaldehyde, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Phenol and Lead compounds in Eureka’s air. (Scorecard.org) The air in Eureka is only tested every 6 days, and then only for particulates. There is no testing for toxic chemicals or metals.

This mill has a long history of violations and money problems. In 1990 it was listed by Congressman Waxman as one of the nations 167 most dangerous polluters. In 1991 the Surfriders Foundation won a major environmental lawsuit against the mill for massive ocean waste dumping and the mill was temporarily closed. It reopened in 1994 as “Totally Chlorine Free” but instead of installing secondary cleaning devices it piped wastes a mile offshore into the Pacific Ocean. In 1998 the mill owner plead guilty to fraud and environmental charges in federal court and agreed to pay $37 million in fines, including $5.5 million for violation of the Clean Air Act, the largest fine in U.S. history. There have been over 155 “incidents” or breakdowns.

I have multiple chemical sensitivity and my family had to leave our home on Thursday because of the emissions. I have a friend who has developed lymphoma since moving to our area. The children, elderly and those with weakened immune systems are not being protected. We are appealing the Hearing Board’s decision to grant an additional variance but would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions. This also ties into the destruction of the old growth redwoods.

Contact over redwoodgreens@aol.com


Make climate change history

Pressure Point: Make climate change history
July 1st 2005

Climate change, the biggest threat facing our planet, is at the top of the agenda at the G8. Now is the time to demand radical action to deliver climate justice.

Climate change will devastate some of the world's poorest countries. G8 countries represent just 13% of the world's people, but account for 45% of climate emissions.

The G8 leaders must show international leadership and agree to take action to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Email Bush and Blair now

Spread the word

Once you have taken action, please use the link below to forward this email on to as many of your friends and colleagues as possible and encourage them to take action too.

Thank you for your support


Michelle Lowe
Friends of the Earth Scotland
email: pressure@foe-scotland.org.uk
web: http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk

Forward email

Tour "Courage to the Parliament" gegen Softwarepatente

Online-Demo goes Straßburg

Unmittelbar vor der Entscheidung am 6. Juli im Europäischen Parlament über die Richtlinie zu Softwarepatenten starten Campact und Attac die Tour "Courage to the Parliament". An der Online-Demonstration haben sich mittlerweile schon über 4.250 Menschen aus ganz Europa mit einem Photo beteiligt (Mitmachen unter: http://www.demo.stoppt-softwarepatente.de). Das Photo-Mosaik bringen wir mit der Tour als großes Transparent nach Straßburg.

Starten wird die Tour am 3. Juli vor dem Bundesjustizministerium in Berlin. Die Justizministerin setzt sich über einen gegenteiligen Bundestagsbeschluss hinweg und tritt für die Richtlinie der EU-Kommission ein. Unsere Aktion wird die Konsequenzen von Softwarepatenten darstellen: Programmierer in Handschellen und Sträflingsanzügen, die mit Klagen von Patentanwälten überzogen werden.

Am 4. Juli macht die Tour Halt in Düsseldorf, Europas Hochburg für Patentverletzungsprozesse. In der Königsallee werden Aktionen vor Patentsanwaltskanzleien stattfinden. Am 5. Juli wird die Tour Straßburg erreichen. Vor dem Europäischen Parlament verbleibt die Online-Demonstration als Mahnmal bis zum Ende des Abstimmungsprozesses.

An allen drei Orten freuen wir uns über MitdemonstrantInnen.
Treffpunkte unter: http://www.campact.de/stopptswp/pe280605

Heise.de kündigte die Tour bereits an:

In den letzten Tagen scheint ein Umdenken in der Unions-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament stattzufinden. Etliche Abgeordnete weichen von ihrer bisherigen Position ab und wollen für die weitreichenden Änderungsanträge der EVP-Schattenberichterstatterin Pia-Noora Kauppi stimmen. Diese sehen eine klare Unterscheidung zwischen reiner Programmlogik und technischen Erfindungen vor. Softwarepatente würden hiermit verhindert. Genauere Infos in unserem Kampagnenlogbuch: http://www.campact.de/campact/logbook


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