
From Icon to Dinner Plate - Don't Let Horses Become a Meal

Not to mention those b... who advertise on Television to "own your own alpaca farm", with cutsie pictures of alpacas. They are not selling petting zoos. Those alpacas are tortured and killed for food.

From Farm Sanctuary

From Icon to Dinner Plate - Don't Let Horses Become a Meal: Your Help Needed Now!

Please help stop the needless slaughter of tens of thousands of American horses destined for gourmet meals in European and Asian restaurants. Americans value horses as an icon of freedom and independence and would be appalled that horses are transported to U.S., Canadian or Mexican slaughterhouses, killed for human consumption and then shipped to other countries for fancy entrées. Horses deserve better than this cruel fate.

Republican Senator John Ensign (pronounced 'En-sin') from Nevada and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia are introducing an Amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill which, if passed by the U.S. Senate, will prohibit the use of any federal taxpayer funds to slaughter horses for food exports. This will be coming up for a critical vote soon.

Please help halt this hideous practice of slaughtering American horses for gourmet gluttony. The U.S. House of Representatives has previously passed the Sweeney-Spratt Amendment

http://wwwfarmsanctuary.org/campaign/horse_bill3.htm this year to prevent the use of tax dollars for horse slaughter. This is one step closer to victory, but it now all rides on the Senate passing the Ensign-Bryd Amendment.

What You Can Do! Please ask your two U.S. Senators to support the Ensign-Byrd horse slaughter amendment. Since voting will take place very soon, please call, fax or email now, urging your Senators to vote YES on the upcoming Agriculture Appropriations amendment to stop horse slaughter.

* Find your Senators' contact information at http://www.vote-smart.org and call or send them both an email and/or fax.

* Or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Senators.

* Ask your family and friends to also contact their Senators about this issue.

For more information, please contact Farm Sanctuary at campaign@farmsanctuary.org or call 607-583-2225 ext 251.

Farm Sanctuary is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to ending farm animal abuse through direct rescue and protection campaigns. For more information about Farm Sanctuary programs, please visit farmsanctuary.org or call 607-583-2225.

Please forward and distribute widely!

Thank you.

Farm Sanctuary,
P.O. Box 150
Watkins Glen, NY 14891.

Informant: MsKitty


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