
Petition delivered to the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi immediately from his position as General Coordinator “International Electromagnetic Fields Project”

Omega the deadline is ongoing that means you can still sign the Petition!


The petition was via email with date of 09/14/2005 delivered to many addressee (see in the following URL) in the WHO.

Die Petition wurde mit Datum vom 14. September 2005 an viele Adressaten in der WHO (siehe die folgende URL) per E-Mail übersandt.

Location: http://www.thePetitionSite.com/takeaction/409444403

As you know WHO has built the highest possible reputation in public health matters among the public and governments world wide and the EMF Project will not be deviating from the sound science course that sustains this high esteem, no matter what the pressures from self interest groups or individuals. Louis appeals to people who do not believe in the scientific method for resolving issues. He, like others who are unable to argue a scientific case always claim WHO decisions are industry biased - a completely untrue position.” [our emphasis]

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, our criticism of WHO’s EMF project has nothing to do with science per se, but how Mike Repacholi sets policies based on the science - both what the science tells us and, just as importantly, what it doesn’t tell us.

As we noted in the commentary, many national governments have looked at the same body of scientific data and have promoted precautionary policies. These include China, Italy, Switzerland and Russia. In addition, expert panels in England, Germany and Russia have issued advisories discouraging children from using mobile phones.

Perhaps, it is easier for Mike to single us out than to address those who seek to protect the public health of well over a billion people, including the national government of Switzerland, WHO’s host country.

As we have stated time and time again, the WHO should err on the side of public health, not the interests of the wireless industry.


We, the undersigner, request from the WHO therefore for the reasons mentioned to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi immediately from his position as General Coordinator “International Electromagnetic Fields Project” because his is causing a very big problem of public image to the WHO.



Many people report symptoms of electromagnetic radiation sickness, WHO http://omega.twoday.net/stories/972757/

FREIBURGER APPEAL delivered to the World Health Organization (WHO) http://omega.twoday.net/stories/566350/


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September 2005

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