

Lincolnshire Echo 10.09.05

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10:30 - 10 September 2005
Prices of homes near the site of a proposed mobile phone mast could plummet by up to £10,000, according to residents.

People living in Caistor Road in Birchwood, Lincoln, also fear their children's health would be affected by radiation from the mast.

Now they are starting a petition in a bid to stop the mast going up.

Mobile phone company Hutchison 3G has applied to Lincoln City Council to put up the 12 and a half metre structure.

The firm wants to put it on a grass verge in Birchwood Avenue, directly behind 13 Caistor Road.

Mum-of-one Cheryl Roberts (41) lives at the address and says she has contacted estate agents who told her the value of her property would drop.

"Agents have told us that we could lose as much as £10,000 on the sale of our house," she said.

"I and my husband Clive have plans to move abroad when our 14-year-old daughter has finished her education.

"This could really affect the price we get when we sell.

"No-one wants something like this near them. It's going to look horrendous and there are also the suspected health risks.

"If there is the slightest chance this is going to make my family ill then we obviously don't want it."

Her neighbour, 39-year-old Sam Wakefield, said estate agents had also told her the value of her property would fall.

"We just feel so powerless. We've been told by the council that we cannot object on the grounds of house prices, or health risks - these are the things that are really worrying us," she said.

The mum-of-three plans to launch a petition today.

"We're going to show this company how much objection there is. There's already two masts in Birchwood Avenue. People are sick of it," she said.

A spokesman for Walters in Silver Street, Lincoln, said that mobile phone masts can affect house prices.

"It's fair to say that a mobile phone mast yards from a property is going to have a negative effect on saleability," he said. "And it of course follows that if a house isn't selling then the asking price has to be dropped. Valuing is a subjective process, but these masts are unpopular with many people."

Lincoln City Council spokesman Zoe Staton said: "It is true that the effect on house prices and health concerns are not material planning considerations.

"We can only look at appearance and site when making a decision."

Across the country, concerns have been raised about the effects of radiation from phone masts. It is feared they might lead to cancer.

3G spokesman Brian Spooner said: "The proposed base station location has been chosen to fill in a requirement for coverage in the area and will blend with existing street lighting columns.

"I understand some people's concerns about the health issue based upon what they might have seen in the media, but it is important to look at the scientific evidence surrounding it."

Omega here you can look at the scientific evidence:

Mr Spooner refused to comment on house prices.


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September 2005

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