
VOW Opposes George Bush Visit from Coast to Coast

November 29, 2004

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace [VOW]

VOW Opposes George Bush Visit from Coast to Coast. VOW co-founder and Canadian Peace icon, 96 yr old, Muriel Duckworth, to lead march in Halifax.

The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace [VOW] is mobilizing, along with the entire Canadian peace movement, to oppose the visit of George W Bush to Ottawa on November 30th and Halifax on December 1st.

VOW Co-Chair Janis Alton says: "We are most concerned about his crimes against humanity and war crimes especially the Nuremberg Tribunal's 'supreme international crime' of waging an aggressive war against Iraq in defiance of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, systematic and massive violations of the Geneva Conventions Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. We fear his visit may be misconstrued as Canada's support for his illegal actions in Iraq and around the world ."

The Voices across the country will be marching, mourning with black arm bands, and performing in mock trials to show George W Bush he is not welcome. Members of the Nova Scotia Voice of Women will be convening in the Parade Square in front of city hall to take part in a rally to oppose Mr. Bush's presence in Halifax when he speaks at Pier 21 on the waterfront on December 1st. National VOW Co-Chair, Dr Janet M Eaton, also a media team member for the Halifax Peace Coalition says: "This will be a peaceful rally with all ages represented including one ofCanada's oldest and most revered and respected peace activists, VOW member, 96 year old, Muriel Duckworth, who will be at the head of the march in her wheelchair along side Halifax Peace Coalition organizer, Tamara Lorincz who will be accompanied by her 4 month old infant son."

The Voice of Women calls upon Mr Martin to resist any pressure from Mr Bush to sign on to the misguided and ill-fated US Ballistic Missile Defence and instead insists that he ensure and enact an independent foreign and defence policy for Canada, consistent with Canadian values, long held principles of peace, order and good government, and respect for the rule of international law.

Janet M Eaton, PHD
Co-Chair, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace,
902) 670- 9195

CAMPAIGN: http://www.peaceinspace.org
SIGN OUR U.N. PETITION: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/832338563

Informant: ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space


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November 2004

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