
Support indigenous peoples in a hunger strike at the United Nations NOW

Mary and Carrie Dann and the Western Shoshone Defense Project support this action -- Please take note of its urgency - support must be expressed this week.


Today, November 29th, 2004, at 11 am, we, Indigenous Peoples' delegates, declare a hunger strike and spiritual fast inside the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva, during this 3rd week of the 10th session of the Intersessional Working Group on the United Nations Draft Declaration for the Rights on Indigenous Peoples.

We, Indigenous peoples' delegates from different countries, undertake this action, with the support and solidarity of Indigenous Peoples and organizations from around the world, to call the world's attention to the continued attempts by some states, as well as this UN process itself, to weaken and undermine the Draft Declaration developed in the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations and adopted by the UN Subcommission for the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in 1994.

The Sub Commission text has also been endorsed and supported by hundreds of Indigenous Peoples and organizations around the world as the minimum standard required for the recognition and protection of Indigenous Peoples' rights internationally.

We delegates who will undertake the hunger strike, along with the undersigned Indigenous Peoples, organizations, tribal governments, Nations, communities and Networks, call for the Sub Commission text of the Declaration to be sent back to the UN Commission on Human Rights with the message that in 10 years, proposals by States to weaken or amend the text have not gained the consensus of the Working Group participants, which include both states and Indigenous Peoples.

Mr. Luis Chavez, the Chairman Rapporteur of the Working Group should report this reality and not present a "consolidated text" as if it was "close to consensus." The Commission on Human Rights must establish a process that does not provide a handful of States an opportunity to weaken the human rights of Indigenous Peoples. The process also must take into account the voices of the great numbers of Indigenous Peoples from all parts of the world.

We will not allow our rights to be negotiated, compromised or diminished in this UN process, which was initiated more than 20 years ago by Indigenous Peoples. The United Nations itself says that human rights are inherent and inalienable, and must be applied to all Peoples without discrimination.

We request that the Secretariat of this session immediately inform the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights and the High Commissioner herself of this action. We also request that the Secretariat arrange for the hunger strikers to be able remain in the UN during the entire week of the session.

Indigenous delegates participating in the hunger strike inside the
United Nations include:

Adelard Blackman, Buffalo River Dene Nation, Canada ;

Andrea Carmen, Yaqui Nation, Arizona United States ;

Alexis Tiouka, Kaliña, French Guyana ;

Charmaine White Face, Ogala Tetuwan, Sioux Nation Territory, North America ;

Danny Billie, Traditional Independent Seminole Nation of Florida, United States;

Saul Vicente, Zapoteca, Mexico.

Send expressions of solidarity from Indigenous Peoples and supporters for the "hunger strike for Indigenous Rights" and for the adoption of the current text of the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to the UN Session during this week.

Send faxes to: ++ 41 22 917 00 79 (DoCip, for logistic support)

E-mails to: indigenousolidarity@yahoo.com

To have your support letter posted on the IITC web page, also send it to: iitc@e-w-t.net, with "to post" in the subject line.

For more information in Geneva contact:

Andrea Carmen (English, Spanish), IITC, 076 546 04 21
(for International calls dial ++ 41 76 546 04 21)

Cyril Schönbächler (French, English), IndiGeneva, 078 716 52 39 or 022 733 28 73
(for International calls dial ++ 41 78 716 52 39 or ++ 41 22 733 28 73)

Anne-Marie Cruz (French, English, Spanish), IndiGeneva, 076 450 83 18
(for International calls dial ++ 41 76 450 83 18)

The following organizations, Nations, Tribal Governments and communities have signed on in support of this action and of the position we present:

Indigenous Peoples African Coordinating Committee (IPACC)

Asociación Mapuche los Toldos
Organizacion de Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas en Argentina
Comisión de Juristas en la República de Argentina

Parlamento del Pueblo Kullana Aymara


Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition
Kasgit Council of Elders, Nutmlak (Inherent Traditional Government),Iupik Nation, Alaska
Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government, Alaska

Alifurus in Maluku (Moluccas)

Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores campesinos de Bolivia
Taypi Ceqe (Organización Indígena Aymara)

Buffalo River Dene Nation
Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations
Ermineskin Cree Nation
Indigenous Organization of Indigenous Resource Development (IOIRD)
Innu Council of Nitassinan
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

Consejo de Todas las Tierras

Akuaipa Waimakat (Asociación de Derechos Humanos Wayuu de la Guajira)
Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo (OZIP)

Instituto Cientifico de Culturas Indigenas (Amawta Runakunapak Yachay)

French Guyana
Fédération des Organisations autochtones de Guyane (FOAG), membre de la COICA

Comite Campesina del Altiplano (CCDA)
CONAVIGUA Defensoria Maya
Fundacion Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala)
Oxlajuj Ajpop de los Ajq'ijab' (Conferencia Nacional de Ministros de la Espritualidad Maya de Guatemala)

Maimyoito Pastoralist Intgegrated Organization

Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos
Agencia Internacional de Prensa India (AIPIN)
Alianza de Organizaciones Sociales
Alianza de Pueblos Indígena de la Sierra Oriente del Estado de México
Alianza Indígena Mexicana-Anipa Hidalgo
Anipa Chihuahua
Anipa Guerrero
Anipa Quintana Roo
Anipa Tabasco
Asamblea Nacional Indígena Plural por la Autonomía
Asamblea Nacional por la Autonomia (ANIPA)
Asociacion Nacional de Abogados Democraticos (ANAD)
Axale, S.S.S.
Centro de Derechos Humanos Yaxkin
Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social, A.C.
Centro para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas del Alto Balsas
Centros de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa
Cesem A.C.
Coalicion de Atencion a la Juventud
Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos A.C.
Consejo de la Nación Amuzga
Consejo de la Nacion Nahua
Consejo de la Nacionalidad Otomí
Consejo de Organizaciones Triquis
Consejo de Pueblos Nahuas del Alto Balsas, Guerrero, A.C.
Consejo Indígena Municipal Chocholteco
Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magón" (CIPO-RFM - Oaxaca)
Consejo Mazahua Región Almoloya de Juárez
Consejo Tradicional de los Pueblos Indios de Sonora
Cooperativa Flores de la Tierra Amuzga
Coordinadora de Grupos Culturales Indígenas y Populares
Coordinadora Guerrerense de Mujeres Indígenas
Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas
Coordinadora Regional de Organizaciones Indígenas de la Sierra de Zongolica
Educa A.C.
Federación de Indígenas Migrantes de Acapulco
Foro Migraciones
Fraternidad Revolucionaria
Frente Independiente de Pueblos Indios
Frente Indigena Campesino y Popular (FICAPO, A.P.N.)
Fundación Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Mexico)
Incide Social
Jovenes En Alternativa Pacifica
La Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indigenas
Mephaa-Savi Mujeres Indígenas
Nacion Purepecha Zapatista
Ndu Nu Ñu Savi
Noche Sihuame Sanse Tajome
Organización de Artesanos Migrantes "Tonhalli"
Organización Nación Purhepecha
Parlamento Indígena Estatal Campesino y Popular
Red Codapi
Red Indígena de Turismo Alternativo de México
Red Indígena de Turismo de México
Regiones Autónomas Pluriétnicas
Romero" (SICSAL)
Se Ojtli Yankuik, A.C.
Secretariado Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con América Latina "Oscar A.
Taller Universitario de Derechos Humanos A. C.
Umbral Axochiatl
Yoloxochitl SPR

Tamaynut (Amazigh Peoples)

Aotearoa Indigenous Rights Trust (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Nation of Hawaii (Hawaii)
Sovereign Union of Aboriginal Nations and Peoples in Australia
Te Rau Aroha (Aotearoa/New Zealand)

Asociación Nabguana
Comunidad de Ustupu, Kuna Yala
Fundación Dobbo Yala
Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena
Jóvenes Ngobe - Bugle
Movimiento Juventud Kuna
Nis Bundor
Organización de Jóvenes Embera - Wounam de Panamáde
Red de Mujeres sobre la Biodiversidad

United States
Abya Yala Nexus
Cactus Valley/Red Willow Springs Sovereign Community, Big Mountain, Arizona
Centro Mundo Maya
El Colectivo de Contacto Ancestral
Indigenous Environmental Network
Pit River Tribe, California
Seminole Sovereignty Protection Initiative, Oklahoma
Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council
Traditional Independent Seminole Nation of Florida
Wanblee Wakpeh Oyate, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
White Clay Society, Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana
Yoemem Tekia Foundation (Pascua Yaqui Reservation, Arizona)

Coordinadora Indígena de la Cuenca Amazonica (COICA)
Indigenous World Association
International Indian Treaty Council
Land is Life


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November 2004

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