
Appeal won in Oxted

Yesterday I recieved a letter from the planning inspectorate to say an appeal by O2 against Tandridge District Council is dismissed. This is the second mast I have been involved in fighting in Oxted, Surrey. The first which happened last year, involved putting pressure on the land owner who subsequently withdrew his permission to allow a 12.5 metre mast to be erected on his land.Good result we were very happy.

This second one was for an O2 3g 15 metre mast to be sited by a park on a grass verge at the front of a neighbours house.Luckily Tandridge Council agreed with us on this one and refused it.Of course O2 appealed and we all stepped up a gear to make our feelings known. Luckily through mastsanity we even managed to get Caroline Lucas down when she visited a Tetra mast at our local fire station.She visited our site and promised to write to the inspectorate herself.

Again a phone mast took over my life for a few months,neglecting my children and husband (but then he is big enough to look after himself) but I have to say it is all worth it to get the result we wanted.

My worry now is that all we have done is to move the problem 100 yards up the road which still does not solve anything but at least for the time being we are 2:0 to us.

Thank you for your website and to Yasmin (don,t expect you will remember me) for advising me a few months ago. It has been great to get so much imformation and posters etc to print off and also invaluable to realise that we were not alone and that people up and down the country are all fighting the same as us.

Keep up the good work.

Love Debbie Pitt (mad mast women from Oxted)

PS Celebrated last night so hope this all makes sense.

From: Mastsanity


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November 2004

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