
GBRMPA External Stakeholder Web-Survey Introduction

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has just completed the largest consultation process ever undertaken relating to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Futureye was appointed through a tender process, to review and evaluate GBRMPA's community engagement efforts and provide advice on a way forward.

Futureye is conducting this review at a number of levels - interviews, forums and web-surveys. We are engaging with internal and external stakeholders across a wide range of interest groups to gain a thorough perspective of the process to date. We would be extremely interested in your views on GBRMPA's efforts and ask that you complete the following survey.

The survey has been divided into three sections, Demographics, Culture and Capacity and Community Expectations. It should take approximately 25 minutes to complete. We ask that you answer each question.
Your feedback will be treated confidentially and any comments that you make won't be used without your permission. Futureye will not pass onto a third party any of the information that you have given.

Please take some time to complete this survey as soon as possible. It can be accessed from the Futureye website from the link below.


The survey will be available until 4:00pm, Friday 26 November.

If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Baxter from Futureye on (03) 9642 2088 or e-mail caroline@futureye.biz.

Thank-you for participating in the survey.

Informant: Cathy McKeller


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November 2004

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