
One week left to protect our trees

There is just one week left to protect our precious national forests from logging, mining, and road building at the hands of the Bush administration. The deadline for speaking out on this issue is next Monday, November 15th.

Please click here now to send your comments before it's too late or just hit "reply" and then "send" to this message if you are already a registered user.

The Bush administration has proposed a repeal of the excellent Roadless Area Conservation Rule that currently protects 58.5 million acres of our national forests. Repealing the Roadless Rule would put our forests at risk of permanent destruction.

The Bush administration has made it clear that they favor corporate special interests over preserving our national forests for future generations. Now we must make it clear that we will NOT allow our last wild forests to be destroyed by chain saws, bull dozers and oil drills!

Your comments really do make a difference. Over 61,000 SaveOurEnvironment.org members have already weighed in on this issue. But we still need your help before it's too late! Will you join their efforts to stop the roads and protect our forests?

Please click here now to submit your comments!

We've set an ambitious goal of sending more than 1 million comments in order to send a clear, powerful message that we will not tolerate the destruction of our national forests.

To help us reach this goal, please forward this message to your friends as soon as you've submitted your comments.

Thanks for your help!

Katelyn Sabochik
Online Campaign Manager

Registered Users: Simply reply to this email, hit send, and we'll automatically send the message below to the Forest Service.


Dear Forest Service Chief Bosworth:

In response to the public comment period (Docket # 04-161913), I strongly oppose the proposal to repeal the Roadless Area Conservation Rule.

The Roadless Rule is a balanced policy that was finalized after years of scientific study, 600 public hearings and a record number of public comments, which overwhelmingly support protecting roadless areas through the rule.

The Roadless Rule is a vital tool for protecting our national forests from harmful and costly road-building and commercial logging.

I urge you to abandon this proposal and keep the Roadless Area Conservation Rule intact in the Lower 48 states and Alaska's Chugach National Forest, and reinstate the rule in the Tongass National Forest.

Thank you for consideration of my comments on this crucial issue.


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November 2004

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