

Bay Point School is a juvenile correctional facility in the Miami area. Information has been given to the Washington Post that the Miami school is a suspected training ground in computer science and programming for juvenile delinquents who have trained in the art of manipulating electronic voting, without a true audit trail. It is believed that this activity is taking place not only there but in several schools like the aforementioned one nationwide. If true, then Bay Point School could be the Florida connection." It is possible as many as six states election results have been altered by recruits from this school. http://rense.com/general59/FLORID.HTM

Jeff Fisher through a confidential informant alleges that the school has direct connections with Joseph Klock, and that a professor at Key College in Dania Beach, Florida and formally of Bay Point School informed him that his loyalty to Klock is more important than the truth about how the 2000 election was manipulated, and how it is possible for a repeat to occur in the upcoming November general election. Mel Sembler, a powerful fundraiser for the Bush Campaign in Florida, is someone who has knowledge of the activities at Bay Point College. We are sure the talented people of the Washington Post and the Miami Herald will release additional details in the upcoming days. Mel Sembler is Ambassador to Italy and a principal in several drug treatment facilities that are under investigation for gross mismanagement.

Joseph Klock, an attorney who facilitated the release of the professor’s son from an abusive treatment center was, coincidentally, the attorney for Congresswoman Katherine Harris who was the Secretary of State during the contested 2000 Florida recount which helped put George W. Bush in the White House. State's evidence is being given to FBI on 11/08/04

"He who would give up essential liberty in order to have a little security deserves neither liberty, nor security." -- Benjamin Franklin

Terrorism is NO excuse for tyranny!!!!

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ---George Orwell 1984

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe that they are free." -- Johann W. von Goethe

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