
Coalition of corruption

Corruption in Iraq. This message has been received today.

Paul Krugman

One thing may change the November's election.

Coalition of corruption

Polish politics make private business on the war. The corruption range to the highest authorities.

Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka was earlier the Chief of International Coordination Council in Iraq. As the chief of the council, he supported a choice of Bank Millennium (in which he was a member of the supervisory board) to the consortium that would menage the Trade Bank of Iraq. Accidentally, the Prime Minister admitted (in Polish parliament) that he had known how the members of the commission had voted - nevertheless, he was not a member of the commission.

Another matter regards to the public tender that decided about a contract on equipment for Iraq's army. In consortium that won the first tender was "Ostrowski Arms" - the firm that had not a license on the trade of weapons and whole firm was consists of a few persons. What is interesting in this firm? The owner and the chief of the firm was Andrzej Ostrowski - a good acquaintance of President Aleksander Kwasniewski. Mr. Ostrowski had issued a book about the calendar of the choice of F-16 to Polish army. It was only one book wroted by him ...and President Kwasniewski wrote an introduction to this book. At present, Mr. Andrzej Ostrowski is the accused of a trade of weapons without a license.

After the journalist's investigation regards Ostrowski Arms the public tender in Iraq was cancel. What the tender was it? The firm without license on a trade of weapons is the one of winners. The firm with a few people staff, not famous in branch... However, good famous for Aleksander Kwasniewski.

I think you should confirm both events: the run of the choice of the consortium managing the Trade Bank of Iraq and the choice of the unknown firm without a license on weapons trade to the consortium that was expected to equip the Iraq's army.

The international corruption affair will range to the high Bush's administration and to the highest Polish authorities.

Enclosed please find more details, nevertheless, it is only in Polish:

Best Regards,

Jaroslaw Suplacz


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