
Red Sox Fan Victoria Snelgrove Killed by Policeman's 'Non-Lethal' Weapon

Rick Snelgrove said his daughter did nothing wrong.

A student celebrating the Boston Red Sox’s dramatic baseball victory over the New York Yankees was killed after a policeman on crowd control shot her in the eye with what was designed to be a non-lethal weapon. Fifteen other people, including a policeman, suffered minor injuries in Boston’s Kenmore Square after thousands of fans spilled onto the streets to celebrate after the win in New York. Boston’s mayor said he was considering banning alcohol sales in the city during the World Series baseball finals to avoid a repeat of the rowdiness. Victoria Snelgrove, a 21-year-old journalism student, was hit by a projectile fired by an officer on crowd-control duty. Police Commissioner Kathleen O’Toole said officers were using projectiles “designed to break upon impact, dousing the target with (pepper-like) spray.” She said: “While I firmly and emphatically accept responsibilities for any errors, I also condemn in the harshest words possible the actions of the punks who turned our city’s victory into an opportunity for violence and mindless destruction.” Rick Snelgrove said his daughter did nothing wrong.


Victoria Snelgrove, an Emerson College student, appears in this undated family photo. Snelgrove, 21, died Thursday, Oct. 20, 2004, of a head injury suffered in a clash between police officers and a crowd of Red Sox fans who poured into the streets outside Fenway Park to celebrate their team's victory over the New York Yankees. (AP Photo/Family Photo) http://tinyurl.com/3sbx8

Boston police accept 'full responsibility' in death of Red Sox fan Woman killed by projectile fired to disperse crowds

The Boston Police Department "accepts full responsibility" for the death of a 21-year-old college student killed by a police projectile fired to disperse crowds celebrating the Boston Red Sox victory over the New York Yankees.

Preliminary findings indicate that Victoria Snelgrove, a journalism student at Emerson College, was hit in the eye by a projectile that disperses pepper spray on impact, Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said Thursday. Snelgrove died at 12:50 p.m. at Brigham and Women's Hospital, hours after the overnight melee. "The Boston Police Department is devastated by this tragedy. This terrible event should never have happened," O'Toole told reporters. "The Boston Police Department accepts full responsibility for the death of Victoria Snelgrove."


Boston Debates Police Force, Riot Weaponry

The death of a college student who was hit in the eye with a pepper spray-filled projectile has sparked anger and questions about whether police used too much force to break up revelers after the come-from-behind victory by the Red Sox. Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said police are considering discontinuing the use of the weaponry that killed Victoria Snelgrove as officers tried to contain an estimated 80,000 fans who poured into the area Wednesday after Boston beat the Yankees in New York. O'Toole said the officers showed "great restraint" but had to fire the projectiles after a few revelers set small fires and threw bottles at police and vandalized property, endangering others. Snelgrove, a 21-year-old Emerson College student, was hit in the eye and died hours later. The plastic balls of pepper spray, which are propelled from devices similar to paintball guns, are meant to help police control large groups without injuring people.


Death sparks a look at 'nonlethal' weapons

Crowd-control device is also used in Utah

Following the death in Boston of an innocent bystander, hit in the eye by a pepper-spray projectile fired by police, the use of "less-lethal" and "non-lethal" weapons by law enforcement is receiving scrutiny nationwide — including Utah. A Boston police officer takes aim with pepper-spray weapon early Thursday to control crowd of Red Sox fans. College student Victoria Snelgrove died after she was shot in the eye with one of the weapons. Many of the crowd-control devices used by police in Boston trying to control unruly fans after a Red Sox baseball victory are also used by the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office. And the Utah deputies hope the tragic incident early Thursday involving a Boston officer and a 21-year-old college student does not prompt the public to become critical of the use of those weapons. In Boston, Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said the department may discontinue the use of the weaponry that killed Victoria Snelgrove as officers tried to contain an estimated 80,000 fans. The crowd had poured into the Fenway Park area following the Red Sox victory at Yankee Stadium in New York, a win that sent the Boston team to the World Series.

Salt Lake County Sheriff's Range Master Nick Roberts said the situation in Boston is very sad, and his heart goes out to the victim's family. But he hopes the incident doesn't become a springboard to criticize those types of weapons.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004

'Nonlethal' guns causing alarm

Police defend use of non-lethal weapons for crowd control


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