
Dec. 3-10 Stop the War Week - A Call to Action

The following Call to Action was raised from the stage at the Million Worker March on Sunday, and supported by a meeting of the Million Worker March Committee on Monday, October 18.

We forward this to you in lieu of a full report of this historic and important event, which has formed a new level of unity between the antiwar movement and the workers' struggle.

We encourage activists across the country to begin discussing December 3-10. Send us your ideas and feedback as soon as possible.

There has been a suggestion that Friday, December 3 might be a perfect day for student walkouts--this is something that student activists will know best.

In the coming days, this web page will report on the specific proposals for action on the various days, Dec. 3-10, including actions planned by labor activists and unions, by students and youth, and by community organizers.

Please contact us to endorse, to offer feedback, and to share your ideas: stopthewar@antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org


A Call to Action

Dec 3 - Dec 10

“The War Must Stop Now!” Week

Not one more life - or U.S. bullet or bomb - or new war to pacify Iraq.

It is with a shared sense of seriousness and urgency that we appeal to all antiwar forces, including: those of us who are based in the union/workers movement; organizations that are fighting for jobs, health care and housing; youth and student organizations; veterans; military families; military resisters; solidarity movements; and all the other progressive movements - to make the week of Friday Dec. 3 - Friday Dec. 10 (International Human Rights Day) a time for truly mass action across the country to Stop The War Now! including job actions, student walkouts, boycotts, and business closings.

The U.S. has started a new war to conquer Iraq - It Will Not Work - But it will be deadly - UNLESS we say, “No More!”

The bombing raids on Falluja and other Iraqi cities have been intensifying, and after the U.S. presidential elections, the occupation forces are preparing a full-scale new war to "pacify" Iraq in preparation for phony U.S.-controlled elections in January. This assault will not subdue the Iraqi people; they have made it clear that they want the U.S., and U.S.-led occupation forces to leave immediately.

However, this new desperate and deadly plan to conquer a people who refused to be conquered will cause enromous death and destruction unless we make it clear that the war will no longer be tolerated.

The War & Occupation must end now! And the People can end it!

Our challenge, especially for those of us who have marched against the war, and those of us who have worked hard to organize those marches, to remind ourselves that the election is not going to stop the war, and that waiting for something beyond our control to stop the war only weakens our movement. The majority of the people want the war and occupation to end immediately. It is up to us to act with a sense of urgency, immediacy, passion, and determination. It is time to say “No More!”

Jobs - Unions - Healthcare - Education - Housing - Bring the Troops Home Now!


Million Workers March Audio and Video by Ryme Katkhouda, Fred Nguyen and the dc-radio-coop

Read the Washington Post article about the Million Worker March: http://www.antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/washingtonpost.htm



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