
RFID Passports : American Passports to Get Chipped

Just had to comment that I was strongly reminded of similar incidents in our country, in fact, probably more! We agree on this subject! Hope this doesn't bore you!

Dave said:

"Note: In reading this, it seemed that the US is sooooo close to the same. How easy to freely invade our homes, confiscate our documents, photos, computers, and find "something" to arrest and control us. Our Police State is unbelievably close. Our privacy is non-existent, police powers are out of control, and so much more. Scary."

Oh so true!



RFID Passports

New US Passports Will Include RFID in 2005

A Boon for Identity Thieves.

Privacy concerns and RFID technology are colliding in an unusual arena: the next US passport. Wired News reported yesterday that next generation passports will contain RFID chips to make their contents machine readable. A State Department spokesperson quoted in the article claims that it will make passports more secure, and ensure "the bearer is the person who was issued the passport originally." Machine readable passports have long been a goal of the Department of Homeland Security. When queried, the embedded chip in new passports will deliver the name, address, date and place of birth of the bearer, along with a digital photograph. The information will not be encrypted, but will contain a digital signature certifying the authenticity of the chip. Privacy advocates are already decrying the insecurity of the system, citing it as a boon for identity thieves. It's not a difficult leap to envision terrorists tracking US citizens as they emerge from customs. Or a conventional thief looking for high rent addresses amongst the passengers leaving on international flights.

Perhaps the most paranoid reaction comes from security expert Bruce Schneier, who claims the Bush administration "wants to be able to identify people in crowds."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 25th, 2004


Statement of Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU Technology and Liberty Program, on RFID Tags Before the Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce




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Oktober 2004

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