
Help to protect Canada's Heart of the Boreal

The government of Manitoba has just issued a report that gives the green light to yet another dam that could have far-reaching consequences for the wildlife and indigenous people of Canada's boreal forest.

They need you to speak out right now on their behalf!

Please go to http://www.savebiogems.org/boreal/takeaction.asp
and send a message urging Canada's minister of the environment to oppose the dam until there is a full review of the cumulative impacts from all existing and proposed dams.

Many of Canada's indigenous "First Nations" communities depend on the boreal forest for their very survival. They have already experienced the devastating impacts of hydropower development. Decades ago, Manitoba Hydro built dams that flooded the forest and destroyed ancestral waterways, choking lakes and rivers with sediment and killing fish.

Even today, fluctuations in lake and river levels, due to dam releases, continue to erode the banks and expose sacred burial sites. Manitoba Hydro and the governments of Manitoba and Canada signed a treaty that promised to alleviate this terrible damage. But they have not made good on that promise.

Instead, Manitoba Hydro now wants to build the Wuskwatim dam -- the first in a series of hydroelectric projects that would also threaten the Heart of the Boreal by cutting roads and transmission lines through some of North America's last unspoiled wilderness.

These evergreen forests provide summer nesting grounds for billions of songbirds, many of which you enjoy in your own backyard every year. But, ironically, the destruction of the boreal forest is being carried out in our name. Forty percent of the electricity generated by Manitoba Hydro is transmitted to U.S. consumers.

Please raise your voice in protest against further destruction of the boreal.

Go to http://www.savebiogems.org/boreal/takeaction.asp
and tell the Canadian government to oppose the Wuskwatim dam until Manitoba keeps its promise to mitigate past damage and discloses all the consequences of dam building for wilderness, wildlife and people.

Thank you for taking action.


John H. Adams
Natural Resources Defense Council

BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places
A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council


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Oktober 2004

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