
Global Weather Control - The entire Earth's Weather has been digitized



From: "Sallie"
Subject: Re: [economysos] Weather hurricaines, teslar scarla weapons, haarp
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:03:59 -0400

There have also been large 5.6+ earthquakes all over the world i.e. Iran, Japan, China, Greek Islands. Mt. St. Helena may errupt.

Last year, Putin promised the Russian people beautiful weather for an historic event. If Russia did it -- could they be responsible for all the disasters, but I for what reason -- to bankrupt Florida? It cost billions.

If they have that technology, then so do we. Perhaps Bush wanted to make the Floridians forget all about the elections; focusing on the devastation, and those who do will be so appreciative for the federal funding pouring into their state, they'll vote for GW?

Thousands died in Haiti, while teetering on civil war again, and Chinese troops are being sent in -- just wondering when they will be arriving here? Was that part of the plan too? It's all just mind boggling to me.

There's nothing on Dr. Nick Begich's site: (expert on HAARP)

Mitch Battros has excerpts of some interesting articles:

----- Original Message -----

-------- This Weeks Hot News ----------

An NBC News affiliate weatherman from Idaho confirms long-term Cutting Edge teaching on two very important issues:

1) That scalar weaponry is real;
2) That weather is being globally controlled by scalar weaponry!

NEWS BRIEF: "Serious question: Are Hurricanes: Scalar?", Guest Column written by Scott Stevens, NBC Affiliate Weatherman, Urban Survival, October 3, 2004, http://urbansurvival.com/stevens.htm

"I am a meteorologist at an affiliate in the Northwest who now uses scalar weapons signatures within the clouds to better my forecasting record. After closely watching high-resolution visible satellite imagery there is no question in my mind that these storms weren't (sic) altered and guided to their final destinations. No doubt what so ever. I have come to a further conclusion; that the entire Earth's weather had been digitized. There is not a flood, thunderstorm, cyclone, or drought that isn't allowed to happen. Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Did you catch this weatherman's statement?

"Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Before I decided to report this news story, I asked a retired FBI investigator to check this Scott Stevens out to ensure that he was really who he claimed to be. The results were positive, i.e., Scott Stevens is a real weatherman, working for an NBC affiliate in Idaho. http://www.kpvi.com/ You can check yourself by clicking to the NBC Newschannel 6 website, http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=team/content.cfm where you will see Scott's picture as the "Weather Anchor". This picture matches the picture shown in the Urban Survival article.

Further, if you click on Scott Stevens' name,
http://www.kpvi.com/index.cfm?page=team/scot/content.cfm you will see his biography. Notice that the awards Scott has won over the past few years have been awarded on the basis that his weather forecasting was the best -- exactly the point Scott made in the first sentence of this article, as we quoted above.

I emailed Scott to ask him if he really wrote this article in Urban Survival, and he emailed back to say "Yes" he had written that article. In this email, he stated that the scalar energy field is used to control global weather 24/7. He further stated that this control 100% of the time is necessary or "they" would lose control. I have an email into Scott clarifying who the "they" is, but since Lt. Col. Beardon has stated that Russia uses Scalar Weaponry while the United States uses HAARP, we would assume that the "they" using scalar weaponry to control the weather are the Russians.

Now, look above at this statement again, quoting from the Urban Survival article:

"... the entire Earth's weather had been digitized. There is not a flood, thunderstorm, cyclone, or drought that isn't allowed to happen. Control over global weather is complete. This way it is much easier to control portions, hurricanes/storms, within this system."

Global control over weather has been accomplished by the use of scalar weaponry! This means that Cutting Edge has been correct when we state that hurricanes have been created and steered exactly where the Illuminati wants them to go, undoubtedly to achieve their long-term goal of massive social engineering through the U.N. "Reserve and Corridor System To Protect Biodiversity". (Read NEWS1368, NEWS1862, NEWS1953, NEWS1960)


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