
Norfolk doctors want cell tower moved


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Norfolk doctors want cell tower moved

By Cheryl Bauslaugh, expositor staff
Local News - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Updated @ 11:41:46 PM

Area doctors are asking Norfolk Council to have another try at removing Rogers Wireless equipment from the Simcoe water tower.

Council abandoned its efforts to have the equipment relocated last October, after finding out that it would cost at least $316,000 to get out of a long-term lease with Rogers. But a letter from 11 local physicians urges councillors to reopen negotiations with Rogers and have the equipment moved to a “more responsible” location.

“There is an increasing body of evidence linking the radio frequency radiation emitted from cellphone towers to serious health effects, including cancers and childhood leukemia,” says the letter, dated April 2.

“It is impossible at this time to feel comfortable knowing a cellphone tower is located near an elementary school. The levels of exposure on a daily basis for these young people are not consistent with prudent health policy at this time. Action is required to minimize or eliminate the potential risks. Simply put, the tower must be moved away from school children where health and immune systems may be less resistant than an adult’s.”

The letter is signed by Dr. Jeff Tschirhart, former acting medical officer of health for Norfolk, and 10 other doctors in Simcoe, Port Dover and Jarvis.

About 20 people living near the tower, which is close to Elgin Avenue School and Norfolk General Hospital, have complained about symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and headaches since the Rogers antenna was installed last February.

Hardest hit is Dan Currie, who is unable to live in his home, located just below the tower. Currie will be one of several people appearing at tonight’s council session to ask politicians to revisit the issue.

Also throwing his support behind Currie and his neighbours is Brant MP Lloyd St. Amand. He has contacted Industry Canada, which regulates telecommunication towers, asking them to intervene in the situation.

St. Amand acknowledged that the Simcoe tower is meeting Health Canada safety standards. But, like the physicians, he believes more study is needed to rule out a possible health risk.

“I have asked Industry Canada to check and recheck that our standards are not falling behind other jurisdictions,” St. Amand said on Monday. He said many European countries have banned cellphone towers in locations that are close to schools and houses.

“Maybe our standards are substandard, compared to other jurisdictions,” he said. “Let’s have a real careful look at this.”

© 2007, Osprey Media



Relocation of Rogers Cell Phone Tower


Informant: Martin Weatherall



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