
Winning Protection for Glaciers and Grizzlies

#113 WILD NORTHWEST, October 12, 2004
A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
=====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Winning Protection for Glaciers and Grizzlies
Call now to oppose the proposed Jumbo Glacier resort in British Columbia

The 13-year-long battle to protect Jumbo Glacier in B.C.’s Columbia Mountains has come to a head. Purcell Mountain grizzly bears, dazzling glaciers, wildflower meadows in summer, and untracked powder in winter, all are threatened by a $450 million ski resort. Add your voice to the nearly 24,000 letters in opposition already sent to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office through the Jumbo Wild action center. The cornerstone of British Columbia’s growing economy is tourism, and it is wilderness that draws tourists, including American tourists. Urge the government to keep Jumbo Glacier wild. Tell them to support instead investment in existing Canadian resort towns such as Fernie, Kimberly, and Invermere -- not destruction of pristine areas.

Call BC Premier Gordon Campbell by October 18. Ask that he side with the glaciers and grizzly bears and against this Jumbo resort.

Toll-free in B.C.: 1-800-663-7867
Outside B.C.: 1-604-660-2421

Media attention on Jumbo has ramped up considerably. At the recent international Living Lakes Conference, members from 20 countries voted unanimously to urge the government to deny approval of the Jumbo Glacier resort. The world is watching closely as the B.C. government prepares a decision.

For more information visit http://www.jumbowild.com/
To learn more about NWEA's work to protect grizzly bears, go to http://www.ecosystem.org/grizcanada.html

Please reply to this message to let us know that you called. And thank you for keeping the greater Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24


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Oktober 2004

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