

The short report I've transcribed below features in today's (Sunday, April 15) Irish edition of the SUNDAY TIMES. Good of them (The S.Times) to publish it instead of burying or ignoring this type of report, like so many newspapers do.

Best, Imelda, Cork



[by] Daniel Foggo

T-Mobile, the mobile phone giant, has been accused of 'burying' a scientific report it commissioned which concluded that handsets and masts contribute to cancer and genetic damage. The report argued that officially recommended limits on radiation exposure should be cut to 1/1,000th of those in force. The suggestion has not been taken up by the company or by regulators. Campaigners said T-Mobile's handling of the report was part of a wider pattern of behaviour by the industry in its efforts to keep health risks off the agenda. The Ecolog Institute, which has been researching mobile phone technology since 1992, was paid by T-Mobile to evaluate evidence on its potential dangers. But Dr Peter Neitzke, one of the authors of the report, has accused T-Mobile of diluting the findings by commissioning other studies from which it knew "no critical results or recommendations were to be expected." Ecolog's report states: "Electromagnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer. This is particularly notable for tumours of the central nervous system."


The Sunday Times


T Mobile buried report

Phone cancer report ‘buried’

Daniel Foggo

T-MOBILE, the mobile phone giant, has been accused of “burying” a scientific report it commissioned that concluded handsets and masts contribute to cancer and genetic damage.

The report argued that officially recommended limits on radiation exposure should be cut to 1/1000th of those in force. The suggestion has not been taken up by the company or by regulators.

Campaigners claimed T-Mobile’s handling of the report was part of a wider pattern of behaviour by the industry in its efforts to keep discussion of the health risks off the agenda.

The Ecolog Institute, which has been researching mobile phone technology since 1992, was paid by T-Mobile to evaluate evidence on its potential dangers.

But Dr Peter Neitzke, one of the authors of the report, has accused T-Mobile, which has about 17m British customers, of diluting the findings by commissioning other studies from which it knew “no critical results or recommendations were to be expected”.

Guidance from the Health Protection Agency states that, while there is no conclusive evidence phones or masts jeopardise health, the technology has been in existence for only a relatively short time. It recommends that caution should be exercised in siting masts and using phones a lot, particularly where children are affected.

The Ecolog study, drawn up in 2000 and updated three years later, has only been published in Germany and was unknown to British campaigners until it was recently leaked to the Human Ecological Social Economic project (HESE), which examines the effect of electromagnetic fields on health.

Andrea Klein, a member of HESE, said: “T-Mobile tried to dilute and bury it.”

Ecolog’s report, which analysed dozens of peer-reviewed studies, stated: “Given the results of the present epidemiological studies, it can be concluded that electromagnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer.

“This is particularly notable for tumours of the central nervous system.”

Neitzke said that once T-Mobile realised the likely outcome of his study it commissioned further research.

The phone company said: “It was the aim of T-Mobile to engage four different institutes with the same questions to guarantee an independent and objective discussion. All the institutes and people involved are well known and respected experts.”


For the T-Mobile Report by the Ecolog Institute:

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


How to bury the evidence: a lesson from T-mobile

Dilution is the solution for pollution. Dilution of studies is the best protection strategy of the industry against lawsuits. This is the lesson from T-Mobile. That's why the industry needs the Interphone scientists, they dilute the regular users with rare users by building a new definition of regular user.

Iris Atzmon


nothing new about it! Prof. Semm who researched the hazards of mobile phones on behalf of German Telekom (including todays T-Mobile), found in 1995 serious problems and pointed out a number of times high ranked managers had seen his tests live. So they were perfectly well aware about the dangers, just before they started making a microwave oven out of most countries, with help of those day and night sending DECT wireless phones!

There seems quite a broad range of animals he used to study the influence of mobile phones and found tremendous problems, Prof. Semm gave up on using a mobile phone.




Mobile phone study covered up

A study which directly linked the radiation from mobile phone transmitter masts with an increased risk of developing cancer was covered up by operator T-Mobile, a scientist has claimed.


The Ecolog Institute, a German research organisation which has been examining the effects of mobile phones since 1992, was commissioned by TMobile in 2000 to investigate the possible health risks of mobile phone masts.

Dr Peter Neitzke, one of the authors of the eventual report, said that when TMobile realised that the research was going to produce potentially damaging results, the company immediately commissioned three other studies which were more likely to show no danger from electromagnetic radiation.

Neitzke's study was available only in Germany until it was leaked to the Human Ecological Social Economic Project (HESE) earlier this month.

The Ecolog study concluded:
'Given the results of the present epidemiological studies, it can be concluded that electromagnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer. This is particularly notable for tumours of the central nervous system.'

T-Mobile told the Daily Mail:
'It was the aim of T-Mobile to engage four different institutes with the same questions to guarantee an independent and objective discussion. All the institutes and people involved are well known and respected experts.'


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Mobile Telecommunications and Health

Report links phone masts to cancer

What really knows the Telekom?

Appraisal Professor Semm



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April 2007

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