
STOP the U.S. government's proposed 'Mental Health Screening' of every American - OPPOSE "The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health"

Herbal Remedies - VITAL EMERGENCY ! ! ! - This concerns YOU ! ! !

Dear All this is Doc's son Bryan Shillington,

Your help is needed to STOP the U.S. government's proposed 'Mental Health Screening' of every American. You are needed to call the White House today!

These screenings will INVARIABLY lead to prescribing dangerous psychiatric drugs - many of which are under investigation by Congress for their links to suicide. The first target is the nation's 52 million school children and 6 million school employees.

1) What to do:
Please CALL the White House TODAY, and tell the President that you OPPOSE "The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health" recommendations. Call 202-456-1111 (or, 202-456-1414). This is very fast and easy to do. They just take down what you say and will forward it on. Sometimes there is a wait - please have a little patience.

2) What to say:
"I am calling to let the President know that I OPPOSE "The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health" recommendation to screen every American for mental illness." (In your own words) I don't want my kid or any family member being screened for mental illness.

These proposed mental health screenings will invariably lead to putting more Americans on dangerous psychiatirc drugs - many of which are under investigation by Congress for their links to suicide. I am outraged by this agenda of the mental health industry and don't want the President supporting it."

3) What else to do:
Call again in a few days. Pass this email on to your friends and ask them to do the same.

Thanks for your help and please let me know once you've done this.

All the best,

Bryan Shillington

Informant: V


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Oktober 2004

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