
Stop the Genocide of indigenous People and their Land

Media Advisory - Week of Action to Stop the Genocide of First Peoples - please reprint and circulate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Aboriginals will occupy churches and government offices across Canada to recover remains of their people

October 6, 2004: Unceded Coast Salish Territory ("Vancouver, Canada")

A campaign of civil disobedience to expose and stop the Genocide of indigenous people and their land will commence in major cities across Canada on "Columbus Day", Monday, October 11, 2004.

The nine affiliated groups comprising The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada announced this campaign today in response to the refusal of the government and churches of Canada to identify the secret burial sites of more than 50,000 aboriginal children who died or were killed in church-run "Indian residential schools".

The campaign will commence with selected protests outside the churches responsible for the residential schools and will escalate into civil disobedience and disruption of government facilities and church activities. These churches include the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and United Church of Canada.

"We have tried being polite and going through their court system, but that's gotten us nowhere" commented Haida elder Wilfred Price of The Truth Commission.

"Mass murder was done to my people and we demand to know where the churches buried the children who never came home from the residential schools. Innocent children were tortured, sterilized, and murdered. Their spirits will never rest until their remains are brought home to their own territory."

The Truth Commission has also instructed its member organizations to support the efforts of indigenous people in Hawaii and elsewhere to force the revoking of the Catholic church's infamous Inter Catera Bull of 1493, which sanctioned and justified the conquest and Genocide of aboriginal people by Christianity.

"European religion was the cause of the murder of over 90% of the Haida Nation. My people are still dying in droves from the fallout of this invasion, and our land is still being robbed and desecrated" said elder Wilfred Price today. "Until those responsible for this Genocide are brought to trial, there can be no rest, and no justice, for any of us.

"I'm going to personally burn a copy of the Inter Catera Bull outside a Catholic church to show that the days of religious control of my people are over."

The Week of Action has received the endorsement of indigenous and human rights groups in Guatemala, the United States, England and Germany. Its aim is to force an international inquiry by the United Nations into the past and present Genocide of aboriginal people in Canada.

To learn more about the Week of Action, and to support and endorse its efforts, contact The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada:

In Canada: 1-888-265-1007 (messages)

Outside Canada: kevinannett@yahoo.ca

Websites: http://www.hiddenfrommhistory.org

Released by The Executive, The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada

6 October, 2004
Vancouver, Canada

cc: Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, United Nations
world media

Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.


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Oktober 2004

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