
Consistent pattern of increased risks of acoustic neuromas and brain tumors



My comments on these studies:

Firstly, increased tumor risks are observed in all the collated studies only after 10 years with a minimum of 1000 - 2000 hours exposure.

A 10 year period is 3650 days more or less. 1 - 2000 hours exposure = between 17 and 34 minutes daily. Loads if not most people I see use their cell damage phones more than this.

Also, I imagine the effects of exposure from masts, DECT and other microwave devices were not taken into account as it would have been too complex. And no mention was made of the other effects - leukaemia, epilepsy etc.

The studies isolate just one effect and one source.

The comparison with smoking demonstrates this. Smokers may only get mesolothamia (1?) or lung cancer after 10 years but what about all the other effects - thrombosis, increased cholesterol, heart disease, asthma, alxheimers, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, reduced fitness, reduced well being etc?


FW: Consistent pattern of increased risks of acoustic neuromas and brain tumors

This relative lack of actual daily use dose-response with increasing accumulated long-time exposure has been seen in the data for about 5 years now. It seems that a few calls a week is all you need.

The effects in increasing tumours is seen with numbers of years since they first regularly (but not heavily) used a mobile phone - i.e. ANY use probably increases your risk of brain cancer. A very similar trend is seen with cordless phone use. It is slightly lower (i.e. a slight exposure-dose-response), but the main factor by far is the ten-years+ of duration of regular (but not high) use..

The message is clear - mobile and cordless telephone use is not good for your health.

It still amazes me just how many anti-phone mast campaigners 'phone us on their mobile phone.

People really don't seem to want to hear the message - wireless communications is bad for our health. Period.

You only have to have unsafe sex once to get (you or partner) pregnant or to get a STD. Obviously, the more you do it, the higher your chances of such things happening.

Hence the title of ex Totorola engineer Robert Kane's book "Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette" [ http://omega.twoday.net/stories/3388646/ ].

Everytime you or your child or parent uses a mobile - they are gambling with their health.


Brain tumour Awareness month

Brains behind new research alliance

A new strategic alliance involving the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), the University of Wolverhampton and the Lancashire Teaching Hospital's NHS Foundation Trust has been formed under the title of Brain Tumour North West. The alliance, announced during Brain Tumour Awareness month, aims to develop and deliver significant research programmes in the region.

More than 7,000 people a year in the UK are diagnosed with brain cancer making it the 10th most common cancer for men and the 13th most common for women. Brain cancer deaths amongst children exceed those of leukaemia making it the highest cause of death amongst this age group after accidents.

To tackle the disease, Brain Tumour North West brings together more than 15 university academic staff and seven consultants together with specialist nurses, biomedical scientists and healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with brain tumours. The group also includes a network of 25 clinicians involved in brain tumour research.

Pictured signing the Memorandum of Agreement are L-R: [picture omitted]

Alan Roff, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Central Lancashire; Tony Curtis, Chief Executive, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Professor Caroline Gipps, Vice-Chancellor, University of Wolverhampton. The new alliance hopes that it will stimulate research in the area by opening access to rare tumour material, sharing laboratory facilities and techniques as well as pooling scientific, medical and statistical expertise. This is the first such alliance as, unlike other types of cancer, there were no large research groups involving scientists and clinicians looking at brain tumour research.

Bob Lea, reader in neuroscience in the Department of Biological Sciences, UCLan, comments; "This is a major step forward for the research and development of effective treatments for brain tumours in the UK. Brain tumours affect thousands of lives in the region and by forming an alliance across the North West we can pool our resources and tackle the disease head on."

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network




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