
The unvarnished Truth about President Bush's Giveaway of our Public Lands to Oil, Coal and Timber Interests

It's high time that America got the unvarnished truth about President Bush's giveaway of our public lands to oil, coal and timber interests.

And beginning this week, millions of Americans will start hearing the truth -- if you'll help us run a hard-hitting television ad made by Robert Redford for the NRDC Action Fund.

This compelling TV spot reveals how big industry gave millions of dollars to elect President Bush -- and how he's paying them back with permission to drill, log and destroy some of our most beautiful western landscapes.

Once you view the ad, I know you'll want to see it broadcast as widely as possible over these next critical weeks.

Congress is preparing to vote on budget bills that will fund more of President Bush's plans -- plans that would unleash chainsaws, bulldozers and drilling rigs in Greater Yellowstone, the Alaskan Rainforest, Utah's Redrock canyons and fragile Arctic wildlife habitats.

The only way to stop this onslaught is to reach out to the vast majority of Americans who oppose carving up our natural heritage for corporate profit.

Won't you help us do that?

The NRDC Action Fund has begun airing the Redford ad in three key states where public lands are being ravaged by President Bush's policies: Colorado, New Mexico and Oregon.

Together, let's make our voices heard and demand that this president and this Congress stop the destruction of our last and best wild places.


John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund

Robert Redford has recorded a hard-hitting television message to help alert millions of Americans to the Bush Administration's giveaway of our public lands to logging, mining and oil companies. We need your support to run this ad in key states before Congress casts critical votes on the future of our natural heritage:

Play Redford's TV Ad

Read the script


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Oktober 2004

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