
New Radio System Causes Burns

I received a scan from today's Daily telegraph newspaper (England) which reports about radiation burns from a new system the army uses.

Iris Atzmon


THE Army's new Bowman radios are giving the soldiers carrying them radiation burns, according to troops involved in trials of the £1-9 billion system. The radios are also much larger and heavier than the "old technology" Clansman sets they are designed to replace, the journal Defence Analysis reports today.

The platoon-level radio, which is carried on the back of a signaller, has given Royal Anglian Regiment soldiers radiation burns on certain power settings, says the report. The Anglians were the first to be equipped with the system, which was introduced in July, and have been testing it alongside its manufacturers, General Dynamics. They also complain that the 15lb radio is more than three times heavier than the equivalent Clansman, a problem common to all Bowman.

Further details about this system I found in:


ITT Industries Delivers First Bowman Radios for Testing

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., Jan. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ITT Industries, Inc.

(NYSE: ITT) announced the start of testing on its Advanced Digital Radio Plus (ADR+), part of Britain's Bowman radio program. ITT delivered the first developmental models to General Dynamics UK, Ltd. earlier this month. General Dynamics UK is the Ministry of Defence's (MoD) prime contractor for the 1.8 billion pounds sterling (US$2.6 billion) Bowman Program to provide secure voice and data communications within a Tactical Internet system to the British
armed forces.

ITT Industries is a principal partner to General Dynamics UK Ltd. for provisioning wireless networking systems to Bowman. This includes design and manufacture of VHF vehicular, airborne, and portable radios along with their associated software. The first ADRs, along with support devices, will undergo rigorous integration testing at General Dynamics UK Ltd.'s Calgary, Canada, test facility to determine how well they will work during complex voice and data network operations.

"We are very proud to partner with General Dynamics on the Bowman Program," said Lou Dolive, President of ITT Industries Aerospace/Communications Division. "ITT is committed to delivering the British armed forces a top-notch communications system."

General Dynamics UK Ltd.'s Managing Director Larry Johnson said, "Delivery of these radios to our Integration and Test Facility is a significant step toward delivery of the Bowman system starting in 2003, because it is a demonstration of the Bowman team's commitment to meet the MoD's schedule."

The Bowman ADRs are based on the Advanced SINCGARS radio, which has undergone field testing and simulated combat operations as part of the U.S. Army's Tactical Internet. The British ADR+ family of radios builds on this technology and adds embedded networking, integrated GPS geolocation capability, improved performance in noisy environments and increased transmission power. The Bowman system will serve as the principal enabling technology for future digitization of the British armed forces. Elements will be used by individual soldiers and in vehicles, ships, and aircraft. These elements will then be linked in a tactical network. The radio chosen for this job is from the family of Mercury Wideband Networking Radios from ITT Industries. ITT Industries, Inc. http://www.itt.com supplies advanced technology products and services in key markets including: electronic interconnects and switches; defense communications, opto-electronics, information technology and services; fluid and water management and other specialty products. Headquartered in White Plains, New York, the company generated $4.7 billion in 2001 sales. In addition to the New York Stock Exchange, ITT Industries stock is traded on the Midwest, Pacific, London, Paris and Frankfurt exchanges.


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