
Bringing the Troops Home from Iraq

Bringing the Troops Home from Iraq is NOT debateable -- Nor was is part of the debates last night

That's way we must be in Washington DC on October 17

Whatever your view of the debates last night, this much was clear-- althought the big topic of debate was supposed to be the war and continued occupation of Iraq -- Nobody in the debate called for bringing the troops home now. This is the reason why those of us who are demanding that the troops come home now must do everything we can to keep the debate in the street. The street is the only place where the anti-war position is being forcefully made. Oct 17 is the next big chance for the anti-war movement to join the debate and WE MUST NOT FAIL TO SHOW UP FOR IT.

We need our own voice in the debates!

Working people will speak for themselves, in their own voice on October 17 at the Million Worker March.

Who will speak for working people on the issues that affect us most? Issues like health care, jobs, education, and the war?

It is becoming clear that we must speak for ourselves and raise the issues that are affecting us.

We need real jobs and a living wage.
We need our loved ones brought home from Iraq--end the occupation now!
We need universal healthcare.

On October 17, we will have the opportunity to enter the debate, on our terms, in our name, as we march on Washington, DC.

This is a march and a movement intiated by working people--starting with ILWU Local 10 in San Francisco. The leadership of the movement is drawn from working people. And the issues we will raise are issues that effect working people.

Anti-war 4 the Million Worker March is helping to organize buses from all over the country, so that working people can flood the city to call for Jobs. Helathcare, and a Living Wage, Not War.

We need your help in getting as many buses as possible to DC.

Momentum is building for the Million Worker March---new organizing centers are springing up all over the country, see
http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/organizingcenters.htm and new endorsers are being added to the list daily

It is more important than ever that we turn out by the thousands to say "Jobs, Healthcare, and a Living Wage, Not War!" on October 17. We need your help in these last two weeks to make this happen.


**Get the Word out!

1) download leaflets from
http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/pdfdownload.htm and take them to your school, workplace, house of worship, union, and community organization.

2) Link to the Anti-war for the Million Worker March Website: http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/index.htm

3) Forward this email to your email lists

**Organize transportation from your area!
We need hundreds of local organizers. Contact us about becoming a local organizer: http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/signupantiwarorganizer.htm


October 17 Washington DC


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Oktober 2004

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