
Oceans Alive Pledge

Take the Oceans Alive Pledge

Where once our oceans were thought to be an inexhaustible resource, habitat destruction, pollution, overfishing and more have put our oceans at risk. But our Oceans Alive campaign seeks a Teddy Roosevelt of the Oceans to reverse this crisis. Teddy Roosevelt left an enduring legacy in protecting our nation's last great places on land. We need a champion to commit that same level of action to our oceans.

Sign the Oceans Alive pledge and send a message to President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry urging them to become the Teddy Roosevelt of the oceans and to restore the health of our seas.

Take action: http://actionnetwork.org/ct/vdaYwHs1jBom/

Update: U.S. Ocean Commission Delivers Final Report to President

On September 20th, the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy finalized its report on threats facing our oceans, sending it along to the President and Congress. Created in 2000, the commission includes scientists and oceans experts charged with studying the decline of the world's oceans and issuing recommendations on new policies to revive our oceans. President Bush has 90 days to respond to the report or submit to Congress his proposals to implement its recommendations.

"President Bush has a historic opportunity to show leadership and commit federal resources to restructure our ocean management system and invest in ocean science, exploration and education," said Environmental Defense oceans program director David Festa.

Read the release.

Learn more about our oceans in trouble:

Read the Ocean Commission's report:

Be Your Own Teddy Roosevelt of the Oceans.

Concerned about the health of our oceans? You can help locally. We're calling for hundreds of Teddy Roosevelts of the Oceans -- local volunteers like you willing to help protect oceans where you live. Collect signatures for the Oceans Alive Pledge, post flyers, write letters to editor, or simply spread the word about the Seafood Selector. Sign up, and then visit the Oceans Alive Activist Center for downloadable petitions, flyers and more:


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Oktober 2004

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