
Voter Registration Deadline Quickly Approaching

The deadline to register to vote in Kentucky is just around the corner on Monday, October 4th.

Do YOU need to register to vote? If you've moved since the last time you've registered or if you've not voted in the last four years or so, you should register to vote again.

If you're a student who has moved away to college, note that you can register to vote at your campus address if you want to. This might make things easier for you as you're likely to be at your school on Election Day (Tuesday, November 2nd).

If you need to get a voter registration card online, visit

You will still need to print these out and mail them to your County Clerk or to the State Board of Elections in order to get registered.

If you need to contact the County Clerk in the county that you're registered, you can find their contact information through the link below -


Your County Clerk can let you know whether you're registered at your current address, can tell you your voting location for Election Day, and is generally the best person to talk to about voting logistics.

This is an important election, so make sure that you're registered to vote and make sure that friends, family members, roommates, and anyone else you come in contact with is registered by the deadline (Monday, October 4th) and ready to speak their mind on Election
Day (Tuesday, November 2nd).

If it helps, pass this email along to people you know!

Dave Newton
Central Kentucky Organizer,
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC)

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC) is a grassroots citizens organization that believes in the power of citizens, working together, to challenge injustices, right wrongs and improve the a quality of life for all Kentuckians.


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September 2004

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