
New Budapest building shields residents from electrosmog

By: CaboodleNews
2007-02-26 09:46:00

Hungary's first building to protect its residents from electrosmog and radon gas was completed in November 2006. Residents report feeling more relaxed and better rested than they did in their previous homes.

Electrosmog is caused by everyday electronic devices such as radios, television sets, computer monitors and microwave ovens. The invisible electromagnetic field emanating from these and similar devices is known to increase the chance of developing health problems. Radon is a radioactive gas released from soil and rock under buildings, and is known to increase the risk of lung cancer.

The building on Berzenczei utca 39-41 in Budapest's District IX, was designed and constructed by Quadrat Kft. The company used a system developed in-house known as the "Quadrat System" to protect residents in the 34 apartments from harmful radiation. The company has submitted the technology to the Hungarian Patent Office.

Residents of the Quadrat building are protected from the negative effects of electrosmog by cables, walls, wallpapers and paint that shield them from radiation. The walls of the building also block external radiation caused by transmission sites, for example and various automatic devices were built into the apartment floors to provide further protection. One of these devices cuts off unnecessary power in bedrooms after everyone has gone to bed, said Ferenc Zettisch, head engineer of Quadrat Kft.

Flats protected by Quadrat's system cost two to four per cent more per square meter than regular flats. Éva Székely Varjasné, managing director of the company, said that prospective buyers were informed about the special qualities of the building before they purchased their homes. "We have performed initial tests, and they have shown that radiation is considerably lower in these apartments. The Quadrat System is working well, and some residents have said they sleep better than earlier," she added. Residents have also volunteered to undergo medical tests to monitor their health.


Informant: Martin Weatherall



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