
Please Help Save Jackson Redwood Forest

Please Help Save Jackson Redwood Forest!


If you responded to my previous request, I thank you deeply. If not, please take a minute to help us end our five-year struggle to save Jackson Forest for our children.

Jackson State Forest is a public treasure -- 50,000 acres of beautiful redwood forest located within a few hours drive of San Francisco. We have a chance to remove permanently the threat of massive industrial logging of our public redwood forest!

Please write the governor asking him to sign SB 1648,
http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/leg04gov1 the only forest protection bill to make it through the California legislature this year!

We've made it incredibly easy for you to help. We've prepared a letter that you can edit and send off with just a click. Learn more and send your letter now.


Don't let this opportunity to slip away. Thousands of us have been worked for five years and contributed over $300,000 to save this beautiful redwood forest for future generations. Until stopped by citizen lawsuits, the state was massively logging this public redwood forest, owned by you and me. The profits were used to subsidize the private timber industry.

The state is rushing to get back to logging Jackson State Forest using variations of clearcutting on half of the forest! Clean water, salmon, wildlife habitat, and recreation values will be largely disregarded.

We can prevent this from happening, but only if Governor Schwarzenegger signs the state forest reform bill. This is the chance we've been working for. Don't let it slip away through inaction. It will take you only a minute to learn more and send your letter. Please do it now.


Let's make sure the governor knows that the public is watching and wants his signature.

The reform bill would allow continued timber production in Jackson Forest, but only within the context of scientific research, maintenance and restoration of forest resources, recreation, education, and public enjoyment. Clearcutting would be effectively prohibited and old growth protected. This would be a huge step towards protecting our forest for future generations.

The California Department of Forestry has been making $10 million per year profits from industrial logging of Jackson Forest and strongly opposes the reform bill. They will urge the governor to veto it.

A coalition of environmental groups has set a goal of 5,000 letters to the governor by September 10. We've set this ambitious goal because we think it will take that amount of public outcry to get Schwarzenegger to go against his own agency. We still have a long way to go. Please help

http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/leg04gov1 .

Please forward this message to friends and family. We need every letter we can get.

Thank you for your help.

Yours truly,

Vince Taylor

Informant: Bob Nienhuis


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September 2004

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