
Diebold set to STEAL Certification - Stop Diebold electronic voting

From: Jim Stewart
Subject: URGENT: Diebold set to STEAL Certification Monday am Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 17:04:10 -0800

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/diebold2.htm

The Secretary of State has scheduled a hearing for November 21, 2005 on the question of whether certain Diebold voting systems will should be certified before the end of the year. But "The Secretary of State has disbanded the Voting Systems Panel that's supposed to conduct these hearings and has replaced it with one person, a stenographer, and a tape recorder," said Sherry Healy, a steering committee member of the California Election Protection Network (CEPN), a non-partisan organization of over 25 groups across California who have come together to try and ensure the integrity of California's election systems.

The rally/protest is this Monday in Sacramento, we have ONLY Monday to voice our concerns so they go on the record.

Monday Nov. 21, 10 a.m. - May be your last chance to block Diebold Secretary of State's Office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(Downtown Sacramento - 11th and "O" Streets) CONTACT: Dagmar Zakim (415) 389-0250 (there will be carpools)


Believe me, I really don't want to ruin your day. But you need to hear this. This is an URGENT ACTION ALERT.

If you don't read this and take action, you are allowing your vote to be stolen. California will turn red.

If you read this and do nothing, you are giving up your rights as a citizen. Do it for your country. Your children. Our future.

All Californians who care about the sanctity of their vote must let Secretary of State McPherson know that they WILL NOT ALLOW him to certify Diebold machines, that they are OUTRAGED that he is undermining our democracy.

CALL OR FAX: Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State
916-653-6814 (main menu, press 6, then 3 - starting at 8:00 am Monday) 916-653-3214 (the FAX is on tis weekend)

McPherson was appointed by Schwarzenegger to replace Democrat Kevin Shelley. Folks, if they can't win legally, they WILL steal the votes they need. THAT'S YOUR VOTE.

This is a Republican coup, and they are counting on YOU, and ME to do NOTHING. Is it worth FIVE MINUTES OF YOUR TIME to send a FAX, an email or make a call? PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know. From Mimi Kennedy, PDA Chair ...

Trouble in election land!!!!!!!!!! The Sec of State is pulling a fast one. A hearing scheduled for Monday the 21st in Sacramento has been turned into a sham. See below. It looks like Diebold is going to be certified. The Sec of State is relying on no-one caring about this hearing so he can just certify Diebold more or less in secret. He didn't comply with state regs in publicizing this hearing with sufficient advance notice. And it's not going to be a full panel - it's going to be one man with a tape recorder. The tape may never be listened to! We are calling a demonstration. We need everyone who can make it to get to the street in front of the Secretary of State's office on Monday morning. See below. It is a long e-mail. If you can make it into something terser, please do! Send to everyone. It's urgent we have live bodies on the street. Contact Joan Quinn: 916-396-9714. She is the point person in Sacramento. P.S. PDA had a fanastic two days in Washington, D.C. More on that later - but if we lose CA to election machines, nothing grassroots do will be of much use!


CALIFORNIA ELECTION PROTECTION NETWORK a non-partisan organization of over 25 groups across California coming together to achieve our mutual election integrity goals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2005

Contacts: Northern California: Dagmar Zakim (415) 389.0250 Southern California: Sarah Rath (310) 204.5674

California Election Protection Network Protests Secretary of State Bruce McPherson's Decision To Hold A "No Hearing Hearing"

On November 21, 2005, citizens may voice their concerns about what voting system will record their votes, but thanks to a decision by Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, there's absolutely no guarantee that anyone with the authority to certify voting systems in California will hear those voices.

California law requires the Secretary of State to conduct a public hearing as a condition of certifying any voting systems in the state. The Secretary of State has scheduled a hearing for November 21, 2005 on the question of whether certain Diebold voting systems will should be certified before the end of the year.

"The Secretary of State has disbanded the Voting Systems Panel that's supposed to conduct these hearings and has replaced it with one person, a stenographer, and a tape recorder," said Sherry Healy, a steering committee member of the California Election Protection Network (CEPN), a non-partisan organization of over 25 groups across California who have come together to try and ensure the integrity of California's election systems. "How the Secretary of State can classify this as true 'public input' is beyond me. If he had any interest in what the public had to say about these Diebold systems, he would have joined the VSP panel at this public hearing instead of disbanding it and sending a tape recorder and a stenographer in its place."

"Doesn't this sound like a Dick Cheney-style closed-door public hearing?" asked Carole Mills, Co-Chair of the Marin Democracy For America (DFA) group.

Dagmar Zakim, another steering committee member of the CEPN, asked "Is this legally sufficient for a public hearing? I mean is this the new government trend for public hearings - just give the people a room and a tape recorder?"

Jody Holder, a long time election reform activist, summed his concerns up by saying "What Bruce McPherson, the chief elections officer of our state, is trying to do is to prevent people from using their right to influence the process for approving the voting systems. It's these people's votes these machines are counting! Time and time again, this administration has arbitrarily disregarded all established precedents on how public's voice can be heard.

"For two years, concerned voters of this state have been traveling to Sacramento to voice their concerns about 'faith-based' voting on electronic voting machines at public hearings," continued Holder. "Their concerns have been increasingly recognized by the Legislature, resulting in new laws requiring paper verification of their votes, and requiring that the paper record be used in the required manual audit and in any recount (SB 370 [Bowen]). Unfortunately, Secretary of State Bruce McPherson opposed using voter verified paper records for any audit and recount.

"Now, Secretary McPherson has made it virtually impossible for people to provide meaningful testimony, expert witnesses, and public comment on the proposal to certify the Diebold machines for use in California," continued Holder. "In June, over 200 people traveled to Sacramento to voice their concerns at a public hearing before a panel of advisors to the Secretary of State on voting systems. Since then, every scheduled meeting of the VSP has been cancelled, and now the Secretary has simply disbanded the VSP without notice, without hearings about what will replace it, without any type of due process."

The California Election Protection Network is calling on Secretary McPherson to reverse his arbitrary abandonment of established procedures and to allow people to provide meaningful input on the voting systems approved for use in this state. CEPN believes the voters of California are entitled to be able to choose their representatives with the confidence that their votes are recorded and counted accurately. It is the duty of the Secretary, as the chief elections officer of the state, to make sure voting systems are approved in the interests of Californians, not the voting system vendors or the local election officials. The most important duty of a Secretary of State is assuring the citizens that we can vote with confidence on the voting systems he approves.

Sarah Rath of CEPN and CitizensAct said, "Even if this turns out to be legal by some technicality, it illuminates for us all what Bruce McPherson stands for, and against."

For more information: http://www.califelectprotect.net.

What: "Early Turkey Monday" November 21, 2005

When: Meet in front of the Secretary of State's Building at 9:30 a.m.
(Hearing begins at 10 a.m.)

Where: Secretary of State's Office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 (Downtown Sacramento - 11th and "O" Streets)

Please sign up to speak your mind about Diebold-for up to two minutes. While many are a bit intimidated by the prospect of speaking at a podium for even a minute, this is really no big deal. It's remarkably easy and it feels great to muster the courage to speak your mind and make a difference. How it usually works is that you may sign up for each of the agenda items (wares to be discussed), as itemized on the "agenda" listed below. Just sign up a few minutes before the hearing by walking to the front of the auditorium and filling out a card. Usually the card requests that you specify which agenda item you plan to speak on. So, again, see the list below for the alphabetical letter correlating to a specific Diebold product. Choose one even if you want to speak generally about Diebold. If this doesn't make sense to you, no worries. Just show up a few minutes early and ask someone there for assistance.

Tentative Agenda (subject to change without notice):

1. Diebold Election Systems

a. GEMS Software version 1.18.24
b. AccuVote-TSX with Accuview Printer Module (AVPM) hardware
c. AccuVote-TSX Ballot Station firmware version 4.6.4
d. AccuVote-OS (model D) with firmware version 1.96.6
e. AccuVote-OS Central County firmware version 2.0.12
f. Voter Card Encoder Version 4.6.1
g. Key Card Tool software version 4.6.1
h. VC Programmer software version 4.6.1
i. AccuFeed

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper


DIEBOLD Voting Machines

In a message dated 11/20/05 4:10:20 PM, marianshapiro:

For those of you who don't get PEN, the People's Email Network, thought you might be willing to take action with a call or FAX.

Cheers, Marian

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/diebold2.htm

The Secretary of State has scheduled a hearing for November 21, 2005 on the question of whether certain Diebold voting systems will should be certified before the end of the year. But "The Secretary of State has disbanded the Voting Systems Panel that's supposed to conduct these hearings and has replaced it with one person, a stenographer, and a tape recorder," said Sherry Healy, a steering committee member of the California Election Protection Network (CEPN), a non-partisan organization of over 25 groups across California who have come together to try and ensure the integrity of California's election systems.

The rally/protest is this Monday in Sacramento, we have ONLY next week to voice our concerns so they go on the record.

Monday Nov. 21, 10 a.m. - May be your last chance to block Diebold Secretary of State's Office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(Downtown Sacramento - 11th and "O" Streets) CONTACT: Dagmar Zakim (415) 389-0250 (there will be carpools)


Believe me, I really don't want to ruin your day. But you need to hear this. This is an URGENT ACTION ALERT.

If you don't read this and take action, you are allowing your vote to be stolen. California will turn red.

If you read this and do nothing, you are giving up your rights as a citizen. Do it for your country. Your children. Our future.

All Californians who care about the sanctity of their vote must let Secretary of State McPherson know that they WILL NOT ALLOW him to certify Diebold machines, that they are OUTRAGED that he is undermining our democracy.

CALL OR FAX: Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State
916-653-6814 (main menu, press 6, then 3 - starting at 8:00 am Monday) 916-653-3214 (the FAX is on tis weekend)

McPherson was appointed by Schwarzenegger to replace Democrat Kevin Shelley. Folks, if they can't win legally, they WILL steal the votes they need. THAT'S YOUR VOTE.

This is a Republican coup, and they are counting on YOU, and ME to do NOTHING. Is it worth FIVE MINUTES OF YOUR TIME to send a FAX, an email or make a call? PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Informant: Hopedance


Stop Diebold electronic voting! CA's Republican plans to STEAL YOUR VOTE


Informant: Sasha Karlik


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November 2005

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