
People's Will: Vote against 3G and TETRA in Sweden's national election 2006

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Mona Nilsson

According to an inquiry made by the Swedish Emergency Management Agency in 2004 regarding the third generation mobile wireless telephony, 3G (UMTS), a great majority of the Swedish population lack an understanding about it's technical merits and why it was introduced in the marketplace. As much as 27 percent is greatly concerned about it's impact on the public health. Almost 1 of every 2 citizens, 47 percent, think the 3G (UMTS) infrastructure should not have been deployed unless it could be proved with 100 percent certainty that it had no negative impact on the public health. According to the same inquiry, 48 percent of the Swedish population are convinced that there is an indisputable health risk when using mobile telephony. Only 13 percent believe there are no negative health impact at all. All this according to an inquiry made by a Swedish government agency. Despite the fact that a majority of the Swedish newspapers is more or less silent about the fact that an extensive amount of research is showing that wireless microwave telecommunication can inflict a major health risk to the general population, and that Swedish government agencies is claiming the opposite, large groups of the Swedish population is convinced that the health risk really exist. Neither the government, the parliament, nor the public authorities in Sweden seem to care about this strong public opinion. Unfortunately, neither do the established political parties. The expansion of the wireless mobile telephony and other wireless technologies like TETRA etc, is allowed to continue in a furious pace. TETRA, which is a wireless communication network planned to be deployed by the Swedish police force, among others, is already strongly criticized in Great Britain because of health problems among officers that use the mobile communication devices and citizens living near the telecommunication masts. In short, a strong economical interest have been given priority over human health.

This is the background to the People's Will initiative in Sweden to form a single issue political party to let all of those who are unable to get attention in the established political parties about this fundamental issue. People's Will want to be the political alternative for people who value their fundamental human rights, life and health higher than all other things. In the beginning of January 2006 an election manifest will be published on the homepage of People's Will, and in the end of February 2006 People's Will) will be registered as a political party to be participating in the national election later the same year.

Politicians and authorities as well as the judicial system has clearly shown that it can not be relied upon to adhere demands from a substantial amount of citizens to stop the expansion of new wireless communication networks until an fully independent risk assessment has been done regarding its health effects on the general population. While all other initiatives in the past have been fruitless to get attention to, and an understanding about, the people's will in this matter, the only thing that can still be done by each and every individual citizen is to execute the power of vote in the national election in 2006. People's Will CAN make a change!

People's Will demand a full stop of further expansion of all wireless microwave-based communication networks.

People's Will will do whatever it can to put an end to further expansion of 3G (UMTS) and TETRA until a fully independent investigation has been made. It will thoroughly evaluate and establish new levels of radiation from microwave transmitting technologies that is acceptable in the long term with no negative effects on humans and it's environment. Skeptical as well as highly qualified researchers and experts will be allowed to participate.

People's Will is protesting against elected politicians contempt of fundamental democratic rights and is determined to give as much attention as possible on the most pressing and important issues concerning public health, the right to a healthy life, and the right to not be exposed by something that is a health risk.

People's Will also want to work for a more direct democratic society where authorities and electorates on a regular basis are reviewed and reminded of their commission; to serve in the name of the people – not heavy financial interests and corporations.

People's Will demand that a new and more restrictive limit for wireless microwave communication radiation is established as soon as possible. The currently established limits apparently fail to protect humans and it's environment against harmful effects of long term continuous exposure of microwave radiation. The overall target should be a society that work for the good of the people and a democratic society in it's truer sense.

People's Will wants to give attention to people's concern about the health issues with 3G (UMTS) and TETRA etc. We don't want a continued expansion of wireless communication networks unless in can be established that the radiation is not causing any health issues among the population.

Let this appeal from People's Will travel from mouth to mouth. Give the address of this Internet page to at least 10 people you know and urge them to pass on the message to people they know.



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