
Mast plan is halted

Retford Today

A PLAN to build a 65ft phone mast on industrial land in Beckingham has been halted, despite Bassetlaw Council giving it the green light.

Councillors on the planning committee voted 10 in favour and seven against the 3G mast planned at Difuria Ltd on Wood Lane at a meeting last Wednesday night. The proposal received 96 letters of objection and a 113 signature petition against it. But on Monday the head of Difuria, Tony Difuria, sent a letter to Beckingham cum Saundby Parish Council. It said: "We can confirm we will cancel the construction of the mast on our land." "We as a family did not know it was such a controversial issue in the village." "We had no involvement in the planning or siting of this and we are all Beckingham residents."

The move comes after a group of residents went to see Mr Difuria on Friday morning after the planning permission was granted by the council. "Mr Difuria was very approachable when we went to see him," said Penny Weightman. "Our original protest was not about there being a mast, but where it was going to be."

Bassetlaw Council's decision to grant permission had sparked outrage among villagers and councillors. Beckingham resident Coun Ken Bullivant, who sits on Bassetlaw Council, but not the planning committee, as well as Notts County Council hit out at the initial decision. "It was a real shame that they gave the go ahead for this." "There are so many other sites in the village that could have been used instead." But he also welcomed the news that the mast was no longer going to be on that site. "That is all that we wanted – there was never any issues about there being a mast in the village, but we didn't want it at that location." "I thought we put up a good fight during the meeting and thought that we had won our case, so was surprised that permission was granted for it."

On Monday Mr Difuria confirmed he was no longer allowing the mast to be built on his land. "We didn't realise people were so unhappy with this – we hadn't heard anything about it."


17 November 2005


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