
The return of Chalabi

by Justin Raimondo


As blowback from the lies that duped us into war plunges Washington into a maelstrom of investigations and counter-investigations, Ahmed Chalabi adds insult to injury by making a return trip to the Imperial City. He's staying at the ritzy-glitzy Ritz-Carlton, where he's staked out a whole bloc of rooms at (U.S.) taxpayers' expense, and is slated to meet with Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Treasury Secretary John Snow, and the Chalabi fan club over at the American Enterprise Institute. Gee, that's funny: I could've sworn Chalabi was under investigation for turning over highly sensitive U.S. intelligence to the Iranians, and had his Iraqi home and headquarters raided by American and Iraqi troops last year. Not to mention the fabrications he retailed to New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who reported them as fact and plastered them all over the front page of the 'newspaper of record'...


Return of the tinker

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


In a more just world, Ahmed Chalabi would spend the rest of his life afraid to set foot in the United States. After all, what could possibly await him in Uncle Sam's jurisdiction but a bundle of awkward subpoenas and summonses? ... But returning he is. Not to be interviewed by FBI counterintelligence officers. Not to testify before a grand jury. Not to be hauled in front of a congressional committee or two. ... He'll be back in our nation's capital Wednesday afternoon to deliver a speech to the American Enterprise Institute. The topic: 'An Insider's View: Democratic Politics at Work in Iraq.' Vital questions about how and why the United States wound up invading and occupying Iraq in order to dismantle a nuclear weapons program that didn't exist won't be addressed. Instead: 'Will the constitution provide the foundation for a democratic system that can be a model for the Middle East?'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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