
Increasing incidence of childhood leukaemia


Informant: Iris Atzmon


Repacholi Admits Interference from the Industry at the World Health Organisation EMF Project



Repacholi CV

What of his Chairmanships of self selecting bodies which have assiduously excluded expert bioscientists who challenge their industry aligned views?


IRPA/INIRC: Member of the International Radiation Protection Association's (IRPA) International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee since 1978. Chairman of Committee 1988—1992.

ICNIRP: Inaugural Chairman of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection May 1992 to April 1996. ICNIRP - an "independent" scientific body chartered to review the scientific literature and provide advice on protection from exposure to all non-ionizing radiations and fields. (ICNIRP was formed from the membership of IRPA/INIRC )


of ICNIRP, based in Germany and constituted as a 'private club'.

The late Dr Neil Cherry said - 'Is ICNIRP really an independent body of scientists? In 2000 in Europe I talked with scientists who described ICNIRP as a self-appointed NGO. This description seemed to make sense as they only appoint people who agree with them.

They claim that they are independent of the WHO and are recognised by it. "Who in the WHO recognises them?" is my question. The answer is "Dr Michael Repacholi". He claims to be independent of ICNIRP, but actually helped to form it, chaired it for many years and is currently Chairman Emeritus.

I believe that this is a construct to give each other status and credibility. When independent scientists look at the ICNIRP and WHO scientific assessments these assessments are obviously and demonstrably selective, biased and methodologically wrong by inappropriately dismissing epidemiological evidence. This has been demonstrated in my ICNIRP review report and in my presentations in Europe'.

(See also 'No secrets between ICNIRP and WHO Emf Group - half the membership is common!')

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network



How can people who are elected to represent people allow this kind of subterfuge to continue?

I was interested to see the USA's Dept. of Defence mentioned, as it is very prominent in Paul Brodeur's book 'The Zapping of America'. The D. of D. had a lot of influence in the scandal of the Pandora Project, regarding the Russian bombardment of the Ambassador's office in the American Embassy in Moscow with radar at 4.0 Milliwatt (1950s to '70s). The American 'safe' levels of EMR were then 10.0 Milliwatt!

Two ambassadors died of a leukaemia-like disease - one of them, Walter J. Stoessel also "had suffered nausea and bleeding in his eyes"; many staff had 40% raised white bloodcell count; two children were sent back to America with blood anomalies and many other symptoms were found.

Dr. Thomas Gresinger, then of the George Washington Uni. Medical School, heard lab technicians at the State Dept. joking about being told to take 'buccal smears' from homecoming Embassy staff after being instructed to tell the people they were being tested for abnormal bacteria - and not for detecting chromosomal abnormalities, which was actually the case! Gresinger was told by the head of the cryogenics lab at the University, that there was a lot of radiation at the Embassy and he was looking for chromosome breaks in the returning employees - and finding them in significant numbers!

How can people who are elected to represent people allow this kind of subterfuge to continue? How can they live with themselves when they have not listened or sent independent investigators to ensure the safety of other human beings? The same thing is happening in my country - the HPA is ignoring the victims and refusing to carry out independent epidemiological studies in the homes of those affected by EMR. Dr. Simon Mann, a new ICNIRP recruit is now working in the HPA. Michael Repacholi must be laughing his head off and wallowing in the money he gats from the phone companies!

When I see the suffering in my village (and everywhere else) caused by the Orange mast I want to cry for the cruel way they are being treated. I know how it feels to live there, because I cannot spend very long in their homes because I feel so ill. I would have had to move, or destroy the mast. He latter would be simply self defence!

Gill Lyden



The Cellular companies and the Health Organizations do everything to hide the truth from us



Green Party: new policy initiative cell phones and wireless




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